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On 8/17/2018 at 8:35 AM, ReidSeeker said:

I like this part! Nice try, Hotch, but Rossi is in charge today! This and the keys thing haha!

Rossi always is in charge. Even if Hotch would like to believe otherwise!




    Hotch woke up and realized that he was laying in his bed. He didn't remember laying down or falling asleep. Everything just went fuzzy around where he had fallen asleep. He shifted ever so slightly to see that it was almost four in the afternoon. He groaned as he lifted a hand and rubbed at his face. He propped himself up on his elbows when the congestion in his head shifted. 


    "HchsHshs! HrchsHshs! HRchsSHsh! HrcshSH!"


    Believing that he was alone, Hotch sneezed open and didn't bother trying to old them back whatsoever. He sniffed in the aftermath with a wet squelch. 


    He suddenly heard a soft groan from beside him. "Bless you, Daddy. You're supposed to use a tissue!"


    Embarrassment washed over Hotch like a wave. He turned to the side and gulped when he saw his son laying beside him. Jack lifted a hand and rubbed at his eyes sleepily. "Ugh, yeah I know, Buddy. I'm sorry," he apologized as embarrassment took control.


    Jack brightened a bit as he sat up. "That's okay. You still sound funny."


    "That's because I'm still sick. You shouldn't be here. I don't want you to get sick either," he chided sternly.


    Jack looked crestfallen as he looked down. He played with his hands before Hotch leaned over and rested a hand on his son's shoulder. "It's okay. Come on. Let's see what everyone else is up to," Hotch suggested as he rose to his feet and walked toward the door. Jack followed him excitedly with a box of tissues in his hands. "Here, Daddy."


    Hotch took the box with a genuine smile before he pushed his son's shoulder forward. Jack laughed as he charged from the room, clearly energized from his own nap. Hotch took the opportunity to clear out his nose before he went downstairs and made an even bigger spectacle of himself if that was possible. He grabbed a couple tissues and blew his nose heavily. Once he felt a little more presentable, he took the box and headed downstairs.


    He heard his son talking in the living room with his team and he hoped that Jack wasn't telling his team how he hadn't covered his nose or mouth when he sneezed. If he had, then Hotch was sure he was going to die of embarrassment.


    Just as Hotch rounded the corner, eyes turned to him. He swallowed self consciously. He lifted a hand and rubbed it over the five o'clock shadow that he was sporting. He was certainly due for a shower and a shave. He shuffled forward slowly before he sat down on the couch beside Reid. He discretely raised is wrist to rub at his runny, streaming nose that still wasn't satisfied from the prior fit.


    "You're looking rough," Rossi announced with a critical eye.


    "Yeah, he sneezed a lot upstairs," Jack announced feverishly. "And then he-"


    "That's enough, Jack," growled Hotch curtly with a pleading glance at his son. He knew that it was partly embarrassment, but no one else wanted to hear about what Jack had witnessed.


    Jack huffed a bit in annoyance before he walked over to his father. He jumped up beside him and rested his head on his father's shoulder. Hotch immediately softened as he wrapped an arm around around him. He could never stay angry with Jack for that long.


    "What time is it," Hotch asked as his head crammed around in an effort to see the clock on the wall. However, with Jack on his shoulder, it was almost impossible to look.


    Prentiss lifted her wrist where her watch was placed. "It's five after five," she replied. "Got somewhere that you have to be?"


    "Just to start dinner and get this one ready for bed. There's school tomorrow," Hotch replied as he ruffled his son's hair on top of his head. "And work."


    Rossi and Morgan exchanged a quick glance before Morgan leaned forward. "Do you think that you're ready to come back and work a case," Morgan inquired.


    A look of shock flashed in Hotch's gaze. "I'll be fine for tomorrow," he announced gravely.  


    Morgan dropped it without another word. A strange silence seemed to echo around them before Garcia stood and nodded to the rest of the team. "Well, I have to get up early for another tech filled day. I had best be getting ready to go."


    There were a few murmurs of agreement from the rest of the team and Hotch felt relief wash over him. Not that he didn't enjoy his team, but he was quite excited for a bit of alone time with just him and Jack. They couldn't do much, but Hotch was sure that he could occupy him despite that.


    Rossi cleared his throat while rising to his feet. "Alright, come on. Let's give him some space," Rossi suggested as he nodded to the rest of the team.


    Hotch shot him a look of gratitude as Rossi rose to his feet and nodded to the rest of the team. Reid seemed a bit reluctant to leave his leader behind while he was clearly still under the weather. He glanced over to JJ, who nodded her head. Reid followed in suit before Hotch stretched out a hand and grasped JJ's arm. JJ stopped dead and looked at her boss.


    "Make sure that Reid-"


    "We'll take care of him," JJ interrupted as she took his hand in her own and pulled hit off gently. "You just need to take care of yourself. You hear?"


    Hotch said noting for a moment as the far away expression in his face seemed to set in. Not wanting a repeat of last time, he reached across the couch to the box of tissues on the table. He pressed them against his nose and turned as far away from both JJ and Jack as possible.


    "HrhcSHsh! HrchsSHh! HrchsSHsh! HRchsH! HrshsH!” Each release seemed to make him more and more exhausted by the moment. Dark rings clung around his eyes while his throat was rough and painful. He grabbed a few more tissues and pressed them against his nose to blow. It was a wet, productive honk that left him breathless and even more tired than before the fit.


    "Bless you, Daddy," Jack cheered for probably the hundredth time in the short weekend.


    JJ chuckled as as rested her hand on his shoulder gently. "Bless you, Hotch. See you tomorrow."


    Hotch heard soft murmuring about him before the door finally closed. He allowed himself to relax for the time being before he felt Jack shaking his shoulders. Hotch looked up and yawned while trying to cover it with his hand. "Yeah, yeah, buddy."


    "Can we watch a movie? 101 Dalmatians," Jack pleaded while still shaking his father's shoulder.


    Hotch sniffed as he pushed his sleeve against his nose. "Sure, Jack. Go put the movie in."


    Jack jumped from the couch and headed toward the DVD player. Hotch took the opportunity to grab more tissues. He pushed them against his nose and blew once more. This time it sent vibrations through his nose that just teased him. Hotch desperately wanted to force the sneezes out, but he had absolutely no idea how without looking like a fool in front of Jack.


    Eventually, he was able to take in a heavy breath before he pitched forward once more. "HrhsSH! HrchsHs! HrchsHS! HrhcSH! HrcSH!"


    "Bless you, Daddy," Jack chirped as he headed back toward his father, but not before grabbing the remote and a blanket. He threw the blanket on his father before he jumped onto he couch beside him with the remote.


    "Thanks, Buddy," wheezed Hotch as he dabbed the tissues under his watery eyes once he was able to control the sneezing and coughing for the time being.


    "Your welcome," Jack answered as he laid down on the couch with his eyes emerged in the movie that started to play on the TV.


    Hotch tried to focus on the movie that he had seen dozens of times before. However, his body wouldn't cooperate. He started to drift off for a light nap, wile everything else seemed good in the world.


To Be Continued....

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1 hour ago, Wolfwings22 said:

  A look of shock flashed in Hotch's gaze. "I'll be fine for tomorrow," he announced gravely.

Ah,yeah, no way, Agent!  Best sleep while Jack is in school or you'll never get better--and don't get your kid sick! 

Yay for updates!

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On 8/18/2018 at 3:11 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Ah,yeah, no way, Agent!  Best sleep while Jack is in school or you'll never get better--and don't get your kid sick! 

Yay for updates!

You have no idea how right you are!


So, I leave for college in two days! So excited! Had a bit of a medical scare yesterday and went to the hospital, but I think that I’m alright now and I just hope things settle down while I settle in. Chronic illnesses can really suck!


Anyway, thank you all for following this story. It is finally the end and I managed to finish it before I head to school. I hope you all enjoy and let me know what you think!


    Rossi strode into work early the next morning. He strode in and noticed that it was strangely quiet. He poked around a bit before Morgan and Reid bustled in, followed by JJ and Prentiss. He wasn't that surprised, but it was a little strange to see that Hotch wasn't there.


    Strange, he thought.


    Suddenly, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID to see that it was Hotch calling. He smiled as he opened it.




    "Hey, Dave. It's Aaron."


    "I take it you're taking a day to recuperate after all."


    "Not quite." He paused. "It seems like there is some truth about being contagious even when you think that you're not."


    Rossi could only grin. That could only mean one thing. "Good luck, Hotch. Call us if you need anything."


    "Patience," requested Hotch with a small smile.


    "Take care, Aaron."


    With that, Rossi hung up the phone. Not everything seemed alright in the world, but it was as right as it got in the BAU.


    The End


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  • 5 years later...

Oh this was such a good story! Amazing storyline! Great characterisation! Sexy sneezes! 

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