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As promised here is the next update. It’s a little short, but I’ve been pretty busy lately. Another update will be soon after this, I promise. Hope you like it!


    Hotch watched the movie with Jack for a while before his nose started to rebel once more. He groaned as he lifted a hand to his face and rubbed at his nose wit a finger. While he was messing with his nose, Jack reached up and grabbed his hand. "Daddy, watch! Hyenas," Jack cheered.


    Hotch grumbled to himself as Jack pulled the hand that he had been using to rub at his nose away. Jack kept the hand firmly in his own, tracing his father's fingers with his own. Hotch's other hand was under Jack and curled around him to stop him from falling off of the chair. 


    He settled for sniffing heavily through his nose to contain the itch. He sucked in a breath before pivoted away from his son quickly. "HrcsSH! HhcsHsh! HRchsHSs! HrhcsSHs! HrhcsSHsh!"


    "Bless you, Daddy," exclaimed Jack before he jumped off of Hotch and headed into the other room.


    Hotch croaked a bit as he started to rub at his nose with the back of his hand. When he heard the sound of feet pounding against the ground he turned and saw Jack coming toward him. He jumped back onto his father with a box of tissues in his hand. 


    "Here, Daddy," he announced as he set the tissues on his father's chest.


    Hotch straightened and looked at his son with an eyebrow slightly raised. Jack nodded slowly as Hotch pulled out a few. "Thanks, buddy."


    "Your welcome," Jack told him as he plopped back down and snuggled his head against his father's neck.


    Hotch turned his head away and blew his nose heavily into the tissue. He crumpled it up into a ball and tucked it into his sweatshirt pocket. His head fell back to almost rest on Jack's head. Jack snuggled even closer to his father and made it slightly harder to breathe with Jack laying on his chest.


    Rossi walked over to the recliner and rested a hand on Jack's shoulder. "Do you think that you can show me where you keep your board games? After the movie is over we can play a quick game, all of us," he suggested.


    Jack looked over to Hotch. "What about Daddy?"


    "I think that Daddy needs to rest for a little bit. Do you think that you can let him do that," JJ asked sweetly as she kneeled in front of the recliner. She lifted a hand and ran it trough Jack's slightly wild hair. "How about I teach you a new grown up game?"


    Jack suddenly nodded. JJ easily picked him up and set him down. She took his hand as he dragged her through the living room and into the kitchen. Rossi smiled just as Hotch slightly groaned as he rolled on his side toward Rossi. He stretched out his and and slightly panicked when he couldn't feel his son there anymore. His eyes widened to reflect sheer panic.


    "It's alright, Aaron. Jack's with JJ. He's okay," Rossi reassured. Hotch still struggled against him in an effort to look around for Jack. Rossi looked around himself before he caught sight of Reid and Morgan, who came in from the front door with some groceries in their hands. "Reid! Morgan!"


    The two set down their groceries before they made their way over to Rossi and Hotch. "What's up," Morgan inquired.


    "Do you think that you two could help me get him upstairs? I think that his fever spiked and it's probably a good idea that he's not down here right now," Rossi answered as he came around the other side of the chair. He gripped Hotch's arm and shoulder and tightened his grip.


    Morgan stood on his other side and copied Rossi's movements. Reid picked up the tissue box and watched intently. Morgan and Rossi suddenly lifted Hotch.


    Hotch tried in vain to resist them. Once they had him on his feet, he pushed Rossi and Morgan aside. He lifted his hand to his head and grumbled a bit as he struggled forward. He took one step before his feet faltered and he nearly plummeted once more.


    Morgan swiftly caught him under his armpit and elbow. He helped him to his feet while Rossi came on the other side. "Okay, we got ya," Morgan whispered comforted.


    The three men shuffled toward the stairs without much resistance from Hotch. Rossi stole a glance at Morgan before Rossi set one foot on the stairs. Morgan copied him before they both brought both legs onto the stairs and pulled Hotch beside them. They repeated that the rest of the way up the stairs slowly.


    They finally made it up to the top of the stairs before Rossi steered them toward Hotch's bedroom. Rossi looked around and noticed a collection of books on the dresser as well as a few pictures of Jack. His badge was on the counter as well as his tie. Everything else was in place and as neat as can be. Nothing was out of place nor was it cluttered.


    "This is very Hotch," Morgan assessed as he stared around the room.


    Rossi sighed heavily. "Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Come on, Hotch," Rossi grunted as he helped Hotch the rest of the way to his bed.


    They set Hotch down as Hotch ripped his arms from Rossi and Morgan. "I'm fine," he rasped, the congestion clear in his voice.


    "Whatever you say, boss man," Morgan replied with his hands raised in a friendly gesture.


    He headed out of the room, but Rossi lingered. He glanced at Hotch calmly for a few moments. He watched Hotch as he pulled his legs onto the bed, but not worry about the covers. Goosebumps had sprouted on his arms while shivers racked his body.


    Rossi opened his mouth to speak when Hotch lifted his hand to his face and pinched his nose shut with his forefinger and thumb. "Hrxxh! Hrchxxxh! Hrcxxhx! Hrcxxxh! Htchxxxh!"


    "Bless you," Rossi offered as Hotch rolled away from him, his body turning rigid and firm.


    "We'll talk when you wake up," Rossi told him as he headed out of the room and closed the door behind him.


To Be Continued....

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  • Wolfwings22


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Aw, man, Hotch has got to relax for bit--he's making it so hard on himself! Very Hotch, I guess.

Just curious, where are you currently on your Criminal Minds viewing?

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On 5/28/2018 at 6:24 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

    "This is very Hotch," Morgan assessed as he stared around the room.

    Rossi sighed heavily. "Yeah, that's what I was afraid of. Come on, Hotch," Rossi grunted as he helped Hotch the rest of the way to his bed.

I loved this part, no idea why!  This is amazing can't wait for more!!  I LOVE CM Morgan is my favourite they just added another season onto Netflix so I have GOT to watch it

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10 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

Aw, man, Hotch has got to relax for bit--he's making it so hard on himself! Very Hotch, I guess.

Just curious, where are you currently on your Criminal Minds viewing?

I am at the end of season 4 right now. I’ve been watching it on Netflix. I’ve watched episodes here and there on TV before, but they were never in order. I’m not sure if my timeline is that close to the show, but I’ve been taking some creative liberties. 

8 hours ago, RediChalyn said:

I loved this part, no idea why!  This is amazing can't wait for more!!  I LOVE CM Morgan is my favourite they just added another season onto Netflix so I have GOT to watch it

I’m so glad that you liked it! There will be plenty more to come. I’d like to eventually write a fic about Morgan being sick and someone taking care of him. I’ve been binge watching it on Netflix too. I just can’t get enough of it these days!

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On 5/30/2018 at 4:48 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

I’ve been watching it on Netflix.

I watched it via Netflix as well. Crushed through it in about 5 months and had DVRed the current season and caught up. Annoyed every time Reid wasn't on lol 

Pushing through Supernatural now (s7!) not nearly as fast but still quick! Netflix is the best!!

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9 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

I watched it via Netflix as well. Crushed through it in about 5 months and had DVRed the current season and caught up. Annoyed every time Reid wasn't on lol 

Pushing through Supernatural now (s7!) not nearly as fast but still quick! Netflix is the best!!

Netflix is like my lifeline lol! I’m on season 9 of Supernatural I think. Right now I’m going back and forth between the two every spare minute that I get. I’m hopping to finish both of them by the end of the summer but we will see. 

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So I was on a bit of a roll today and had some free time so while watching Criminal Minds I decided to write another part to the story. There’s not too much sneezing in this part. It’s pretty plot heavy and a little dark, but what can I say, no matter how hard I try I can’t stop the angst sometimes. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it!




    "Isn't Daddy going to play with us," requested Jack with round eyes as he spread out the cards in front of him.


    "Daddy isn't feeling very well right now," Prentiss sympathized from where she sat across from Jack between Morgan and Reid. 


    Jack hung his head. "Okay," he mumbled brokenheartedly. 


    JJ stretched out her hand and grasped Jack's. "Come on. Let's show these guys what a good card player you are," she told him.


    Jack brightened as JJ started to deal out the cards. Reid was about to reach out for his cards when he swore that he heard something. He stiffened and turned his head to gaze at the stairs.


    "Reid," pressed Rossi in surprise.


    Reid gulped as he slowly rose to his feet, pushing his cards away from him. "I'm just going to check on something," he responded vaguely. 


    Reid ignored any other words that were spoken behind him as he crept toward the stairs. He climbed them quickly and quietly. He started toward Hotch's room when he heard a small moan coming from the room, followed by gibberish chattering. 


    He stopped at the door and knocked on it softly. "Hotch," he questioned.


    "No. H-Haley, please. Haley! No! Leave her alone! Don't touch Jack. Don't hurt him," Hotch wailed as he twisted and thrashed around in his bed. The covers seemed to tighten around him and constrict his movements. He managed to thrust out a fist and it collided against the nightstand.


    "Hotch? Hotch!"


    Reid came forward and grabbed Hotch by the shoulders to try and stop him from moving. He lifted a hand and patted at his cheek. "Hotch, look at me," he commanded while Hotch continued to thrash under him with snapping movements. "Hotch!”


    Hotch suddenly lifted his knee and collided it with Reid's chest. Reid gasped as he was propelled backwards and fell against the wall. His head started to throb as he lifted his hand to feel at the back of his head. He pulled his fingers away with a wince and saw sticky blood on his forefinger and middle finger.


    "Rossi! Morgan!"


    There was a sudden pounding of feet on the stairs as they darted upstairs, three stairs at a time. They surged into the bedroom to see Hotch still thrashing around and Reid sitting upright against the wall.


    Morgan rushed to Reid's side while Rossi went over to Hotch. Morgan kneeled down and lifted his hand with his pointer finer stuck straight out. "Follow my finger, pretty boy."


    Reid lifted his hand and and shoved Morgan's hand away. "I'm fine. Check on Hotch," he requested as he lifted his hand to the back of his head.


    Morgan reluctantly rose to his feet and went over to Rossi. Rossi was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hands stretched out toward Hotch. "Hotch, calm down. You're alright."


    Hotch's eyes were now open as he looked around madly. There was just a blank look in his gaze. "Haley? Haley!”


    "No, no," chided Rossi as he stretched out his hand and clamped them around Hotch's hands. "Haley isn't here, Aaron, remember? Your team is here."


    "Jack," Hotch requested.


    Rossi looked up to Morgan before Morgan sat on the bed beside him. "Jack is fine. He's downstairs playing a game with Prentiss and JJ."


    Hotch narrowed his eyes. "No. No." He turned his head to the side and sucked in a massive breath before he bobbed forward weakly. "HrshsHS! HrhsSH! HrsHshs! HrSHsh!"


    "Bless ya," Morgan offered awkwardly. He watched Hotch sniff heavily with his eyes almost streaming. Morgan couldn't tell if it was because of his cold or because of his emotions over Haley.


    Hotch let out a low, guttural, moan turned growl. His eyes closed and his chest seemed to pause with each breath. Wheezes started to accompany his breathing as well as snorts of congestion.




    Reid turned sharply and that caused his head to throb. He swallowed a small squeak of pain as he noticed Jack standing at the doorway. His eyes were wide as he looked over to his father, sitting up on the bed appearing to be feverish and weak. He was sweating like he had just gone for a run and his hair was a greasy mess. 


    "Daddy," Jack repeated, louder this time.


    Rossi stood and stretched out a hand to Jack. "Stay there, buddy. Daddy is a little sick right now. You have to wait there for JJ."


    Jack shook his head. He looked up to Hotch before he darted forward. He jumped onto the bed and headed over to his father. He wrapped his arms around him and buried his head into his shirt. "Daddy!"


    Hotch stood there in shock for a moment before he hugged Jack back, breathing heavily. He sniffed heavily as he lifted his wrist to his nose and shoved hard. That had the complete opposite effect that Hotch had been hoping for. The itch struck deep into his nostrils and he couldn't ignore it.


    "HrchshsS! Hchxxh! Hcxxxh! HrchsHS!"


    Hotch managed to stifle two of them, but they were just too powerful for him to do so one after the other. He groaned in the aftermath as his head fell back against the pillow and the whispering started once more. "Haley? Haley!”


    "Mommy," Jack immediately exclaimed as he looked around for where his mother might be hiding. If his father said that she was somewhere, then Jack believed him.


    Rossi swore under his breath just as JJ ran into the room. "Jack! I'm sorry. We were just getting something to eat when he took off."


    "You have to get him out of here, now," ordered Rossi in a no nonsense tone.


    JJ understood and immediately came over to the bed. She scooped Jack up, despite him trying to claw at Hotch's shirt desperately. "Come on, Jack," JJ murmured.


    "No! I want to stay with Daddy," Jack wailed as he tried to push against JJ and loosen her grip on him.


    JJ swung him around and started to murmur soothing words to him before they headed out of the room. JJ closed the door behind her as Rossi let out a breath of relief.


    "What now," Morgan asked.


    Rossi sighed as he looked over to Reid. He hauled himself to his feet and staggered over to sit on the bed. "We wait and get some medicine into him. We can't let that happen again, alright. At least not until Hotch is feeling better. We don't need to make this any harder on both of them."


To Be Continued....

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A May Zing!!!! What a treat! This is when the group was best! I usually prefer Rossi or Hotch doing the caregiving but I'm a sucker for a group event!!! Keep it up!!!

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12 minutes ago, turtlesneeze said:

A May Zing!!!! What a treat! This is when the group was best! I usually prefer Rossi or Hotch doing the caregiving but I'm a sucker for a group event!!! Keep it up!!!

Awe I’m so glad that you like it! This has to be my favorite team too. I wish I could’ve froze time like that. I’m working on another story where Hotch takes care of Reid so I’ll post that after I finish this one. My brain is just running in too many different directions! Anyway, thanks for your comment and I hope you like the rest of it!

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2 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

I’m working on another story where Hotch takes care of Reid so I’ll post that after I finish this one.



yep, that's me, serenading you

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5 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Reid gasped as he was propelled backwards and fell against the wall. His head started to throb as he lifted his hand to feel at the back of his head. He pulled his fingers away with a wince and saw sticky blood on his forefinger and middle finger.

Didn't want you to think I forgot about this bit of whump 😈 Yes, yes, all the Reid whump!

*composes self*

I was just excited for the future story. I am  thoroughly enjoying this story. This part was a little sad with Hotch calling for Haley and Jack thinking she was somewhere to see. Break my heart, I don't need it


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Oh oh oh!  I love angst!!  Please continue this reminds me of my OC Shane oooh la la!!!

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On 6/2/2018 at 1:24 AM, ReidSeeker said:



yep, that's me, serenading you

Lol thanks! I’m glad that you’re excited for it! 


On 6/2/2018 at 1:57 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Didn't want you to think I forgot about this bit of whump 😈 Yes, yes, all the Reid whump!

*composes self*

I was just excited for the future story. I am  thoroughly enjoying this story. This part was a little sad with Hotch calling for Haley and Jack thinking she was somewhere to see. Break my heart, I don't need it


Sometimes I can’t help all that angst and heartbreak. I’d say that it gets better.....buts it’s more of a rollercoaster ride. I’ll try to put some more happy in there but I’m so glad that you’re liking it!


On 6/2/2018 at 10:13 AM, RediChalyn said:

Oh oh oh!  I love angst!!  Please continue this reminds me of my OC Shane oooh la la!!!

I’m glad that you’re liking it! I’d like to post another part either tomorrow or the day after. I’ve been a little busy and have just had a death in the family so my thoughts are a little scrambled, but I will do my best! 


Thanks to all of you who have commented and have followed this story. I was a little nervous to post it at first, but I’m glad that I’ve got so many people that are enjoying it! That means a lot to me! :D

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This is just a little part and there’s not much sneezing in it. It’s more to move the story along and give it a little bit more plot. I’m not sure when the next time I’ll be able to post will be. I’m going to be out of town off and on for the next few months, but I’ll try my best to stay active. This story will be finished, I promise. There’s also a lot more to come so don’t worry. Hope you enjoy! 


    “Ow, stop,” Reid complained as JJ continued to press a piece of gauze doused in rubbing alcohol against the back of his head.


    JJ hit him gently on the shoulder. “This is for your own good, Reid. I can’t believe that Hotch hit you that hard,” JJ remarked as she soaked another piece of gauze and held it against Reid’s head.


    Reid jumped ever so slightly against the burning feeling. “Yeah, neither can I,” he agreed. “I didn’t know that fevered delusions could unlock such a frenzied response. However, statistics shows that-“


    “Maybe you can give that mind of yours a bit of a break. You got hit pretty hard,” Prentiss added as she came back into the room with Jack holding her hand. She gazed down and smiled at him. “We are filled up on apple juice and animal crackers. We should be set for another round of cards.”


    JJ smiled at Jack as she finished up soaking Reid’s head wound. “Are you ready to play again, Jack? Maybe you’ll beat us this time?”


    “I want to be with Daddy,” Jack blurted out as he set down the cards in frustration. He glanced up at JJ and Prentiss. “Why can’t I see him?”


    JJ leaned forward and brought Jack onto her lap. Jack sighed as he looked up to JJ. “Daddy is just really sick right now and he needs some rest. As soon as Uncle Dave says that it’s okay, I’ll take you upstairs to him, okay? Right now you can help Daddy by staying here with us.”


    “Okay,” Jack replied after a moment. He leaned forward and grasped the cards once more and handed them to JJ. JJ winked to Prentiss before she started to deal out the cards to the three of them evenly. She just hoped that things were going as smoothly upstairs as it was downstairs.




    “Okay, what am I supposed to do what this,” fretted Morgan as he picked up a slightly damp washcloth. It dripped down his hand in cool water.


    Rossi swiveled his head around and motioned for him to come forward. He stretched out his hand and Morgan handed it over. “Okay, Hotch. Let’s see if you’ll work with me or not,” whispered Rossi as he lifted Hotch’s head just a bit and rested the cloth behind Hotch’s neck. Hotch shivered at the cool water before Rossi set his head back down. Hotch breathed loudly and congested.


    “Do you think that this will work to keep his fever down,” inquired Morgan as he sat at the foot of Hotch’s bed and leaned forward.


    Rossi sighed as he stood and rolled up his sleeves as he gazed at Hotch. “I hope so. The last thing that any of us need is to take Hotch to the hospital. I think that this combined with the medicine should work for the time being.”


    “You seemed kind of angry when Jack came in,” Morgan continued. He watched Hotch seem to perk up at his son’s name before his head fell right back down. He rolled onto his side, sniffling heavily and breathing through his open mouth since he couldn’t breathe trough his nose any longer. That was proven when he let out a few congested and open sneezes against the pillow.


    “HrshSH! HrcSHs! HrSH! HrsSH!


    Rossi ignored Hotch’s outburst and turned back to Morgan. “No, I wasn’t angry. I was just worried. I didn’t want Jack to see his father like this,” Rossi answered. He stood and came over to Morgan. He rested a hand on his shoulder and gave it a small squeeze. “Let’s leave him in peace and see how JJ is getting on with Jack and Reid. They can both be a handful. It’s a good thing that Prentiss is there.”


    Morgan stood slowly and cast one more glance at his leader before he headed outside with Rossi following. They closed the door and headed downstairs, leaving Hotch to rest.


To Be Continued.....

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Even sneezefics need a good plot and storyline!  This is great I look forward to the next part with bated breath!  I hope you have a good time out of town, whatever the reasoning is, and have a safe trip there and back again.  Also, side note, the other night I was rereading this and fell asleep, had a dream about it haha there's a sign of a good fic you've captured the characters so perfectly! 

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On 6/6/2018 at 10:26 AM, RediChalyn said:

Even sneezefics need a good plot and storyline!  This is great I look forward to the next part with bated breath!  I hope you have a good time out of town, whatever the reasoning is, and have a safe trip there and back again.  Also, side note, the other night I was rereading this and fell asleep, had a dream about it haha there's a sign of a good fic you've captured the characters so perfectly! 

This made my day! I’ve done that before where I’ve had dreams of a fic that I’ve read and I’m so glad that my story had that effect on you! Finally got back from my trip, but I have to leave for two others back to back in a few days. My summer is just insane! I hope to post another part either later tonight or tomorrow and hopefully that can tide you over for at least or week or so. I may be able to have another update sooner, but that will depend on if I have access to WIFI and a chance to write. Anyway, I’m glad that you’re liking it and appreciate my plot. I hope you continue to enjoy the rest of it!

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I managed to finish another part. It took me until nearly three in the morning to do it, but I managed and now I’m going to bed. :razz: I hope you all enjoy it!


    After an hour or so of playing a few different card and board games, Jack started to grow restless. He listened to the adults talk between turns about things that went right over his head. He liked them all well, but he would've rather been with his father.


    "HrshcsHS! HrcHS! HRchsSH! HrcSHshs!"


    Jack lifted his head when he heard a few harsh sneezes. He rose to his feet and was about to tiptoe forward when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned around and looked into JJ's gaze. "And where do you think that you're going," she asked sweetly.


    "Daddy," answered Jack with a hopeful smile.


    JJ turned her head and caught sight of Rossi. Rossi nodded slowly. "He can go, but just for a moment. His fever should've broken by now. Just check first before you let Jack in," Rossi told her before he set down his card as his turn.


    JJ nodded in understanding as she took Jack's hand. Jack raced to the stairs before he stared to climb it, dragging JJ right behind. "Make sure to be quiet," JJ whispered when they had made it to the top of the stairs. "And wait to me to tell you to come in before you do, okay?"


    "Okay," replied Jack gruffly with his arms swinging back and front in front of him.


    JJ smiled to him before he walked over to Hotch's bedroom door. She lifted her hand and slightly knocked on the door. "Hotch, it's JJ."


    "Come in," wheezed Hotch before he delved into another coughing fit. This one sounded painful and dry, hacking with no end in sight.


    JJ walked in and kept the door partially open. She made sure that Jack waited where he was told before she bustled in. She immediately came to Hotch's side and grasped his shoulders. "Sit up," she hissed as she tried to haul him upward.


    Hotch obeyed as JJ helped drag him into a sitting position. Hotch's breathing eased as he lifted a hand and rubbed at his eyes. "How long was I out?"


    "About an hour or so," replied JJ as she moved Hotch's legs aside so that she could sit on the bed beside him. "Closer to two since Morgan won't let Reid even think about sleeping for at least three more hours."


    Confusion showed on Hotch's face. "Wait, what," he asked, letting out a small sniff through clogged nostrils.


    JJ reached around the nightstand and grasped a few tissues. She handed them to Hotch. Hotch started to clean his nose, breathing loudly through his mouth. "Oh, well, you had a pretty high fever and you were crying out for Haley and kind of kicked Reid. You got him pretty good, so did your wall." She motioned to a small dent in the wall with a little splatter of blood there.


    Horror showed on Hotch's face as he straightened up even more. "I have to talk to him. I didn't meant-"


    "Hey, calm down," chided JJ as she rested a hand on his shoulder and chest. "You're not going to help anyone by passing out on the stairs. Hotch!"


    "I hurt one of my team," Hotch argued, his gaze milky and glassy with fever. "I have to make amends for it. I can't just lay here. I need to get up!"


    JJ watched him for a moment before she stretched out a hand and rested it on his forehead. Hotch ducked aside, but not before JJ got what she needed. He was warm, much warmer than she would've liked, but his fever wasn't dangerous at the moment. That was good enough for her. "Hey, if you're good, then I have a surprise for you?"


    "What," wheezed Hotch.


    JJ rolled her eyes. "You heard me. A surprise and I know that you're going to like it. You just need to relax," she told him as she lifted her hands from his shoulder. "And not try anything too stupid."


    Hotch said nothing more as his nose started to itch once more. Hotch lifted his hand with the crumpled tissue in it to his nose. He rubbed at it a bit before he took the tissue in his hand and clamped his nostrils shut. "Hrxxh! Htcxxh! Htxhxxh! Hrchxxh!"


    "Bless you," JJ began before she looked to the door. "Okay, come in."


    The door swung open as Jack darted forward. He caught sight of his father and easily jumped on the bed. He climbed over to his father and hugged him tightly. "Daddy!"


    "Jack," snuffled Hotch as he wrapped a hand around his son's shoulders and hugged him close. He looked up to JJ and mouthed 'thank you'.


    JJ smiled as she slightly bowed her head. "No problem," she whispered as she looked to the door. "I'll leave you two for a little bit."


    "Thank you," murmured Hotch softly with his gaze starting to fall in exhaustion. 


    JJ left the door wide open in case they needed anything. She cast one more glance at the happy family before she walked outside with a small chuckle. 


    For now, everything was as it should be.


To Be Continued....

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AWWWWWWW I love it!!!  Ah the feels!!  Can't take much more of this lolz can't wait for you to get back!!

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On 6/10/2018 at 10:36 AM, RediChalyn said:

AWWWWWWW I love it!!!  Ah the feels!!  Can't take much more of this lolz can't wait for you to get back!!

I’m so glad that you’re enjoying it! I’m finally back and should be on a more regular writing schedule, at least for a week until I have to leave again. Ugh summer travel!


On 6/10/2018 at 11:46 AM, turtlesneeze said:

Waiting patiently... okay... not so patiently... LOL!  I am ready!

Thank you for your patience! I’ve been pretty busy but I’ll try to post things more regularly. I’m glad that you’re liking it!


Now for the next part!


    "What's for dinner," Reid asked after he just won his fifth game in a row of Egyptian Rat Screw.


    Prentiss thought for a moment before she thought back to what she had seen in the cabinets. "How about chicken nuggets and mac and cheese? I think that there's enough for all of us."


    "I'm sure that Jack will agree to that being a good idea," Morgan pointed out as he stretched out on the floor. "I used to have chicken nuggets almost five days a week."


    JJ wrinkled her nose in disgust. "I can't imaging eating the same food for days and days, even as a child," she confessed as she started to clean up the cards. She placed them in the small cardholder and set it beside the other board games that they had. 


    "Then you haven't lived," Morgan chuckled as he flicked his hand over at JJ.


    Prentiss straightened before she looked at the rest of the team. "So, is that a yes or no to the chicken and mac and cheese," she pressed softly.


    "Go ahead and make it. If they don't like it then there's always cereal," Rossi replied as he helped JJ clean up the rest of the board games until later for their Game Night. "Also, those who cook don't have to clean up."


    Reid was almost on his feet in an instant, at least he would've been if Morgan wouldn't have stopped him. He grasped Reid's arm and slightly yanked him down. "And what do you think you're doing," Morgan asked sharply.


    "I really don't want to clean up. Do you have any idea how many different forms of bacteria and germs live on food," he inquired.


    "No and I don't care to. You're still on concussion watch. Nothing involving too much thinking. Just rest for a little white longer," Morgan suggested as he stood up and stretched. "I'll take set up. I think that I can manage some already cooked food."


    JJ lifted a hand to her side of her face to whisper to Prentiss. "We'll see," she whispered as she led Morgan into the kitchen to start cooking food for an early dinner before their marathon game session.


    "Um, do you think that it would be okay if I go upstairs and see how Hotch is doing," Reid requested as he glanced over at Rossi.


    Rossi thought for a moment before he nodded slowly. "Alright. If he's sleeping then let him go and bring Jack down to sleep."


    Reid nodded slowly as he rose to his feet. He took a slightly dizzying step. He lifted a hand and pressed it against his forehead. The dizzy feeling passed and he headed the rest of the way up the stairs. He headed over to Hotch's room and thought about knocking. He then thought better of it. He didn't want to wake up Hotch if he wasn't already awake. Then again, just opening the door didn't seem ideal either. 


    While he was contemplating, his head throbbed ever so slightly. He staggered forward and his shoulder touched the door and slightly opened it. Reid sucked in a breath before he finished pushing his way the rest of the way in. 


    He opened his mouth to speak when Hotch opened his eyes. He lifted a finger to his lips to stop Reid from speaking. He then pointed to the sleeping figure of Jack beside him. "He was out like a light. He usually naps at this time before dinner anyway."


    "I was just here to let you know that dinner should be soon. JJ and Morgan are making chicken nuggets and mac and cheese. I hope that's alright," Reid began as he lifted a hand to his forehead. The dizzy feeling had sprouted through him once more and blurred his vision.


    Hotch was on his feet in a moment. He was unsteady on his feet as well, but he was able to ignore it. He grasped Reid's shoulders as Reid mumbled a bit. Hotch moved his hand up to the back of Reid's head. His fingers felt warm and he removed them to see blood slightly seeping from Reid's head. 


    "Reid, I'm sorry," Hotch began as he closed his eyes. "Let's go downstairs." 


    The two headed out of the room, Hotch leading Reid slowly. He suddenly stopped him at the top of the stairs and pivoted away from Reid while keeping his hands on his shoulders to stop him from falling forward. "HrcsHSs! HrcsHs! HrchsSH! HrchsSH! HRchsSH!"


    Reid whimpered in surprise as he winced. The sound sent knives through his already throbbing skull. He sighed heavily before he noticed Hotch sniffling heavily. Hotch gained composure and blinked his eyes slowly. "Sorry. Excuse me."


    He helped Reid down the stairs once more and helped him into the living room. Prentiss saw the coming and automatically rose to her feet. She bustled forward and took Reid's other side and helped Hotch lead him to the couch. They set him down before Prentiss rushed into the kitchen to find some water and Tylenol. 


    Rossi came over to Hotch and had him sit down beside Reid. "Can't we deal with one problem at a time," he joked warmly.


    Hotch sniffed once more, his face slightly wrinkling. "Apparently not," he replied as he rubbed at his eyes vigorously to rub the sleep from them.


    "Okay, this should help a little," Prentiss cut in as she kneeled in front of Reid with two Tylenol in one hand and a cup of water in the other. "Here."


    Reid took them gingerly. He popped the pills into his mouth before swallowing them down with some water. He made a face before he leaned back. Prentiss took the cup of water from Reid's hand before it could spill and took it back to the kitchen to set it on the kitchen table.


    "Will he be alright," Hotch questioned.


    "Of course," replied Rossi quickly. "It's just a little bit of a concussion I think. Some rest will do him good. It’s nothing for you to have to worry about. Don't beat yourself up about it."


    Hotch continued to lean back against the couch and breathed heavily. "Too late."


To Be Continued.....

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Welcome home and yayz!!  I feel so bad for Hotch though aaaahhhh!!!  And poor Reid!

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Yay! More! And more Reid whumping! I adore this last part...not just the Reid stuff. Poor Hotch feeling guilty and seems slightly better. Group dinners are always so awesome. Aw I love this team. I feel so left out after binging it and now I have to wait like regular people (lol) 

Your fic is like a episode to keep me going



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On 6/18/2018 at 0:24 PM, RediChalyn said:

Welcome home and yayz!!  I feel so bad for Hotch though aaaahhhh!!!  And poor Reid!

I can’t resist torturing them just a little bit! I’m glad that someone appreciates that as much as I do! :D

On 6/19/2018 at 0:41 AM, ReidSeeker said:

Yay! More! And more Reid whumping! I adore this last part...not just the Reid stuff. Poor Hotch feeling guilty and seems slightly better. Group dinners are always so awesome. Aw I love this team. I feel so left out after binging it and now I have to wait like regular people (lol) 

Your fic is like a episode to keep me going



I’m so glad that you’re liking it and it feels just like an episode. That has been my goal considering that this was my first CM fic, but I’m really enjoying writing this and there will be a lot more to come! There’s a not a whole lot sneezing again so I apologize. I promise that there will be more sneezing in other parts. I know that I keep saying that, but please, be patient with me. Thanks! ^_^


So, today is my birthday! I turned 18 today and I’m very excited. For an early present to myself I got up super early today when I was alone and managed to get in some more writing. Kind of a present for everyone. Anyway, I hope that you enjoy it and it brightens your day!



    Hotch awoke when he felt someone tap at his leg. He looked down and smiled when he realized that it was Jack. He shifted over so that Jack could climb up beside his father. “Hey, buddy. How was your nap,” he asked as he ran his fingers through Jack’s ruffled hair.


    “Good,” answered Jack before he looked over at Reid. “What’s wrong with Uncle Spencer?”


    “He’s just not feeling that well right now. His head hurts,” answered Hotch as he sniffed heavily and rubbed his nose with the back of his wrist.


    Jack looked to him quizzically before he looked back to his father. “Is he sick too?”


    “No, just hurt,” Hotch corrected. Because of me that is. I’m not going to add that part.


    Suddenly, Hotch felt the need to sneeze blossom in his nostrils. He grumbled to himself before he lifted his hand and wrapped his fingers around his nose like a vice. “Hrxxxh! Hrxhxxh! Hrchxxh! Hrchxxxh!


    “Daddy, why you sneeze like that,” Jack questioned with his intelligent gaze rested on his father in deep understanding.


    Once Hotch was certain that no more sneezes lurked somewhere deep in his sinus cavity, he pulled his hands down from his face. “Um, I was trying not to wake up Uncle Spencer. He needs his rest,” he replied quickly.


    Jack jumped on onto his father’s lap and rested his hands on his chest as he looked deep into his eyes. “You taught me to sneeze like this.” Jack immediately lifted his elbow and placed is over his face. “Right?”


    “That’s right, buddy. That’s how you’re supposed to sneeze. That way you don’t risk getting anyone else sick,” he told his son cheerfully. 


    Jack lowered his elbow from his face. “Then maybe that should be how you sneeze too,” he told him.


    Just then, Morgan appeared around the corner. “Who’s hungry!”


    Jack lifted his arms in a silent cheer so that he didn’t wake up Uncle Spencer either. He climbed down from his father before he took Hotch’s hand in his own. He started to pull Hotch forward. Hotch dragged himself forward while smothering a few coughs in his other fisted hand. 


    Jack led his father over to the table. He was about to climb up when Hotch cleared his throat. “What do we do before we eat dinner?”


    “Wash hands,” cheered Jack as he slid down from the chair and started toward the bathroom. He stopped halfway and looked back to his father. “You too. Whenever I’m sick you make me wash my hands a lot.”


    Hotch stifled a groan. He had taught his son well, but sometimes it backfired. “Okay, okay, I’m coming,” he announced as he stood from the table and walked around to where Jack was waiting anxiously for him. The young boy rocked back and forth from the heels of his feet to his toes until his father joined him. 


    Hotch rested his hands on Jack’s shoulder before Jack surged forward. They headed into the bathroom. Jack climbed onto the step and turned on the sink. He reached forward and squirted soap on his hands. He rubbed the together and looked up to his father, patiently waiting for him to do the same. Hotch leaned forward and wet his hands before he squeezed some soap into his hands. He rubbed them around just like Jack did. Jack placed his hands under the warm water for a count of thirty seconds. Hotch copied him just as Jack was turning around to use the towel in the corner for his hands. He darted out of the bathroom while Hotch dried his hands. He flicked off the light and pushed the step under the sink. He headed out and saw everyone else, minus Reid, getting ready to dig into the meal.


    Jack climbed onto his chair and looked up to Hotch. Hotch sat down beside him and smiled at his son. He grabbed the bowl of mac and cheese and served himself and his son some. He handed it over to Morgan before he took some of the chicken. He put two pieces on his plate and four on his son’s plate. Jack’s eyes seemed to bug out of his head as he saw the fabulous meal that was in front of him.


    “Alright, let’s eat,” Morgan announced excitedly.


    Jack dug in with Hotch smiling as he started to eat slowly. He could get used to this.


To Be Continued.....

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Happy, happy, happy birthday to you!!!

this part was so good! I love the Hotch and Jack interaction (and Jack correcting his dad! Lol and yeah you're sharing a meal, sicky, you gotta wash hands!)

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