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Tough Mudder (SPN RPF, Jared)


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Hey guys!  So I have NO idea why I keep writing RPF.  :doh: (Watching waaaay too many con vids the other week when I had the flu, maybe?)  I know not everybody's into this, but for those of you who are, I hope you enjoy!

A/N: This may be the weirdest format for a story that I've ever written. EVER. lol  I was watching the con vid where Jensen and Jared talked about how they both sneeze (Jared saying he's so loud he startles Gen all the time) and then I watched the vid of 6 of the cast members doing the Tough Mudder Race in 2015... And my brain sooooo badly wanted some hurt/comfort in the race video that I thought I'd try to insert it!  (Particularly so that I could make use of my new knowledge from the con where they spoke about how they sneeze.)  SO, I ended up doing this weird thing, cause I wanted the video to just have these moments in it, you know? Moments that we could watch and get excited about (like many of us do whenever there's a clip where it looks like one of the boys sneezed while filming or something), so I wrote it as objectively as I could. Where it's more about giving the info about what the camera is seeing than anything else. That said, I watched the real video footage closely and a lot of what's in this is pretty dang close to, if not exactly, how things went.  Then I snuck in some hurt/comfort stuff because in my dreams, that's totally how this event should have gone down. :D So what follows are little clips that I pulled out of the video that felt like they provided me with real moments to build off of (I didn't end up writing the whole thing--sorry!). 

People who ran the tough mudder and their characters (just in case it helps):  Robert (Chuck/God), Richard (Gabriel/Trickster), Osric Chau (Kevin), Jason Manns (singer/songwriter involved with the show, I think), then obviously Jensen (Dean) and Jared (Sam)

Tough Mudder

Video Clip (through a camera lens): On The Way

Muffled scraping and two loud thumps are heard before Richard’s slightly out of focus face appears in the frame.

Allllriiiight!  Tough Mudder 2015!”  He declares, accompanied by various degrees of whooping and shouts in the background. “Let’s see who’s here.  Only the manliest of men!” The camera scans quickly around the van catching glimpses of various heads of hair, appendages, and matching white short-sleeved white shirts proclaiming them "Kings of Con".  “Ok, yeah, that’s no good.” He mumbles. “Can’t get a good angle from here…  Roll call, men!”  He angels the camera towards the middle of the back seat.

A head leans out into the left side of the frame so that half of his face is visible on the screen. “Rob Benedict!”  The car fills with grunts and hoots in response.  A pink, lycra-sleeve covered arm sticks out from the right as Oscric leans into the frame and says with a smile “Osric Chau!”. More hoots of approval. The camera spins slightly to the seat opposite it, “Jason Manns” bellows a tall, very large, heavily bearded man to scattered shouts and applause. The camera spins again and focuses back on the original face.  “Myself, Richard Speight”. “Yeah, Speight!” come’s Jensen’s holler from the passenger seat upfront and out of the frame.  Richard swivels the camera again while narrating, “and that of course is—“Jensen Ackles!” the simultaneous shout of “Stackles!” arises from the driver’s position. More whoops and claps. The camera swivels slightly to a back shot of the driver’s seat, “and our esteemed pilot for the trip—“ There’s a beat of silence with no name following.

 Jensen back comes into the frame as he leans over to swat at Jared’s leg. “Padalecki! You’re missing your cue!” 

Jared’s right arm shoots out and quickly bats Jensen’s hand away.  A breathy, half laughed “Cut it out!” can just barely be heard.

Jensen withdraws his hands and makes as if he is going to turn and comment back toward the camera, but his gaze lingers on Jared’s location for a split second more. Then his eyebrows raise and he chuckles to himself before completing the turn with a smile.  “Yeah, sorry Richard, you're gonna need to give him another 5 seconds.  He’s gotta sneeze first.”  Jensen’s grin widens and he holds up five fingers. He mouths to the camera, “Five…” and drops a finger.  Then he directs his gaze intently at Jared from the side and drops another finger, still grinning “…fooour…” The car is completely silent except for the noises of the road. “….three…two…” He pauses there for a second and then, when sure of himself, looks right back at the camera and drops his last finger mouthing “one” dramatically as a loud sneeze erupts from the front left seat.


The car bursts into scattered laughter and applause as Jensen takes a proud bow and situates himself back in his seat.  Jared’s left arm shoots out and punches the laughing Jensen roughly in the shoulder before quickly snapping back to his face to cover another sneeze.

HE-CHUSHHAH!” The camera catches his head disappearing behind the seat, the force throwing him forward roughly.

“Gesundheit!” Jensen calls back loudly in response. There's an an overlapping “Bless you, man” from Jason Manns, out of frame, and from the back of the van Osric shouts, “Rob, bless you!” playing off Jared’s own joke from a recent event.  Rob immediately jumps in himself, “Yes, I bless thee!”

Jared’s laughter rings through the car along with a few other chuckles.  He sniffs loudly and laughs again. “Thanks, guys. Sorry about that.” He gives a loud throat clear. “We still rolling Richard?”

“Yep, go for it.”

“Jared Padalecki!”  The car fills with whoops and cheers and the camera pans around once again before going black.


Clip: Getting Started

The camera sits nearish the ground, possibly on top of a backpack and is rolling.  Various people can be seen milling around in the background near the area of the starting line. Jason, Jared, and Jensen are in the midground engaged in conversation. Jensen’s hands are waving as he talks and Jared is laughing at something as he is attempting to put on a headband.  Suddenly, Jared breaks away gesturing to his hair. He turns toward the camera and jogs over to a backpack roughly 10 feet away from the camera's location.  During his last few steps he his presses his fist tightly to his mouth/underneath his nose.  As he kneels down and begins unzipping the backpack, his movements quickly become vague as his brow furrows and his eyes start to squint shut.  Two soft, back-to-back gasps can barely be heard and he pinches his nose tightly.  His left hand continues to aimlessly dig amongst his pack. A few more seconds pass this way before he shakes his head slightly, drops the hand pinching his nose and lifts his squinted gaze so his face catches the full light of the Texas sun.   The hand inside the backpack goes completely still. His nostrils twitch slightly accompanied by three quick gasps stacked one on top of the other. He remains suspended like this for a second, then his eyes open slightly and blink rapidly into the light. All at once his nostrils flare wide, his chest swells to its full capacity, and his eyes slam shut as his body snaps forward.

Hu’ESSSHH”, a quick gasp, “TSHUH!”, he lifts his head and squints once more towards the sun. Two more quick gasps follow before-- “ISHHHH!”. His head stays bowed forward that time and a sniffle can be heard as he rubs his nose on the side of his right hand.  He looks back up and out and clears his throat with a wince before sniffling once more and looking back down to resume his search of the pack.

In the background Jensen is no longer involved in a conversation with Jason, but is standing in the same place he had been and is openly looking at Jared’s back with a slight frown on his face.

“…Yeah, I’m just gonna get this—“ says Oscric’s voice before the camera image is suddenly being flipped around and more loud scrapping and banging is heard.  The image blurs until it finally settles with a view of the starting line that is slightly off kilter.

“Is it on straight?” he asks.

There is a close-up of Richard’s face before the image is obscured by his hand. More scraping noises are heard before the hand disappears and the picture is straight.

“Yeah, you’re good to go now. You wanna trade off when we—“ the clarity of the audio is lost as the camera images begins to bounce forward in time with Osric’s brisk jog.  Jensen, Rob, and Jason’s backs can be seen as they also begin to jog roughly 15 feet ahead.

Suddenly Jared, his hair now tied up in a ponytail, swoops in from the right behind the group of three men and proceeds to grab at and/or attempt to snap the backs of all of their headbands as he jogs down the line.  His laugh bursts out loudly over the noise of the crowd as Rob swats at him and he dances away, jogging backward for a moment.  Jensen and Jason readjust their headbands and Jensen’s smile is seen in profile as he watches Jared continue to dance away from Robs attempts at retribution. Osric and Richard catch up to Jared, but instead of going after their headwear as well, he instead gives them high fives.

“Here we go!” He whoops, clapping his hands and grinning before jogging slightly faster in order to catch up with the others at the starting line.

The bounce of the camera slows to a stop and the view is of several backs of shirts and sweaty necks before there is a bang and the camera begins bouncing  again as everyone starts moving forward en masse.


Clip: "Skid Marked" Obstacle

The camera bounces as Osric jogs up to a large wall.  Jared is visible already at the top and is leaning over to help Jason haul himself up.  Jensen is in front of Oscric and makes it up without assistance. Osric  jumps and his pink clad arm is firmly caught in Jared’s strong grasp.  Together he and Jared pull his body the rest of the way up and once he is stable on the top of the opposite side he and Jared turn around once again. Rob is attempting to use one of the braces on the side of wall to give himself a head start, but is failing.  Osric and Jared wave him over and each grab one of Rob’s hands to haul him up. The camera view spins to the opposite side of the wall now that everyone is over and Jensen is seen leaping down.  The camera changes levels as Osric himself leaps down and then spins around to see Rob, Richard, and Jared following.  Jared climbs down slowly, almost carefully before he catches up to the rest of the group.  Muddy backs are turned toward the camera once more as the image bounces on.


Clip: Running between obstacles 3 and 4

The camera bounces on the view of 5 dirty, sweaty men’s backs before Jared’s face comes into the frame as he takes a few seconds to high five every runner on their team.  They continue on and approach a mud-pit. Each man steps in quickly as if it’s barely an obstacle, the mud only up to their thighs.  They are a quarter of the way through when Jared, who is directly in front of the camera, suddenly stumbles and sinks lower in the muck.  Osric’s hand darts out to help, but Jared hauls himself back to his feet almost instantly and continues on as if nothing happened. After exiting the pit and continuing the jog, Jensen slowly drifts in toward the center of the frame from where he had been on the right side of the group to jog at Jared’s right flank.  Jared doesn’t appear to notice. He brings his left fist up to his mouth, a cough can be heard, and he continues on.

Clip: Water Break

Rob and Richard come into a foggy, mud crusted frame. Rob is bent over with his hand braced on his knees, breathing heavily, and Richard is approaching the camera. He wipes it off with his thumb and the view is much clearer. Rob is seen stretching himself back upright as Richard asks from the left side of the frame, “Alright, halfway interview, how’s everyone doing? Robbie, how ya feel?”

“I’m feeling alright. Still alive, anyway.  Can’t wait for it to be over.”

Richard turns to the camera.  “Osric?”

“Doing good.”

“What about these guys?” Richard calls as he turns to where Jensen, Jason, and Jared are bringing up the rear.  Jensen jogs over to the camera and gives a double thumbs up with his mouth roaring open in a silently screamed “YEEEAAH”. 

Jason and Jared are a few steps behind when Jason stutters to a halt in favor of bending over to gasp.  Jared pulls up beside him and pats him firmly on the back. “You got this, man.” He grins widely at him. “You’re doing gre—he pauses with a slight gasp, "great—one sec, sorry!“ Jared quickly turns his body away from Jason and whips his hands up to his face, back now mostly to the camera, before doubling over with a loud, wrenching sneeze.


“Whoa!  Bless you!” Jason huffs out in surprise.

A few other members of the group chorus out blessings.  Jensen is standing silently in profile, almost out of frame to the left, and is looking at Jared once more. Jared turns back around and sniffs, the sound more audible than when he’d done it before. He clears his throat and scruntches up his face, as if trying to itch his nose without touching it. After a few seconds of making ridiculous faces he comments, "Think I got mud in my nose”.  He receives a few scattered laughs in reply. He then turns his head to the side to cough lightly into a fist again before running across the frame from right to left, swatting Jensen’s arm on the way as he hollers and exits the frame, “Alright, guys! Let’s go! Let’s go! Halfway there!”

The camera spins as Osric begins to run again, catching up to the other three guys in front of him, Jensen running just out of frame on his left side.


Clip: "Berlin Wall" Obstacle

Jared is, once again, already up and spread out on his stomach across the top of the wall, his right hand hanging down to grab Richard’s as Jensen gives him a foothold with his hands and helps to boost him up. Jensen and Jared get Richard over to the other side and Jason steps up. He hesitates and Jensen looks up into his eyes and says “Don’t worry man, I got you.” Jason nods and proceeds to step in Jensen’s hands and then places one foot at a time on top of each of Jensen’s shoulders before grabbing onto Jared’s outstretched arm, and then pulling and jumping up with all his might.  Grunts are heard out of frame from Jensen and Jared as Osric rushes in close to support Jason’s foot the rest of the way up once it finally leaves Jensen’s shoulders. As Jason’s legs are swinging up and over, heavy coughing is heard out of frame.  The camera is on Jensen at present who is looking towards the top of the wall with a slightly furrowed brow.

“Hey, you need a boost?” Osric asks. Jensen startles and looks straight towards the camera/Osric before shaking his head in the negative and backing up some to run and make a jump at the wall.  He gets up on the first try and perches there next to Jared who is now sitting upright and stradling the top of the wall.  They both remain there looking out at Osric who runs easily to the wall and makes a practice jump to see if he needs aid.  He nearly touches the top without too much effort so he calls up at the guys, “I’m good”, and sees Jensen immediately swing down to get out of his way.  Jared waits at the top until he is up and over, giving him a “Nice brother!” off to the left side of the frame, and waits until Osric is heading down before beginning to make his descent. Once on the ground Jared turns to the side and offers Osric a fist bump before once again continuing his jog forward.  The camera bounces along as Osric brings up the rear.


Clip: "Hold Your Wood" Obstacle

A giant log is balanced across the shoulders of Jared, Jensen, Richard, Robert, and Jason, in that order, from front to back. The camera trails slowly along behind.  They approach a smallish wall with a log-sized hole in it.  The camera view bounces easily over the wall to the other side with Rob following closely behind and landing in the frame.  Jared’s head quickly crests the wall next.  He slides over the top easily and leaps down, but staggers a little on the landing.  Robert reaches out to catch at his arm.

“You ok?”

Jared blinks and shakes his head a little before brushing it off, “Yeah, yeah.  All good. Just hit the ground weird, I guess.” He grins before patting Rob on the shoulder.  “Thanks, man.”

The three men then turn around and focus on the hole where Jensen, Richard and Jason are helping to push the log through from the other side.  They pull it through without trouble and the rest of the team deftly vaults themselves over the wall. They pick up their respective places on the log once more and resume the slow trek to where they can see people beginning to ditch their logs up ahead.


Clip: Water break 3…or 4

Richard’s voice now comes from behind the camera and it bounces as he jogs ahead. 

“What are you doing?”, Jensen calls out.

“Getting far enough away so I can see you guys.”

 “It’s a wide angle lens.” Jensen calls back laughing.

The camera stops bouncing as much and settles in on a view of Jensen, Osric, Rob and Jason.

“Alright how’s everybody feeling? Let’s go through our ailments.”

The camera focuses in on Rob who is limping slightly. “Got some cramps… Achielles tendon thing.”

Richard pans the camera to Osric, “Os, you got a knee thing.”

“Yep, knee thing.” Osric answers back in the affirmative.

“I feel like my lungs aren’t big enough!” Jason chimes in.

Richard spins the camera on himself, “Got some cramps myself.  Calves.”

“You?” he pans it to Jared who has been walking alongside him.

Jared startles and squints at him. “Uh, what, sorry?”

“How you doing?”

“Oh, uh, good. Yeah.  It takes more energy than you realize.  Have to slow yourself down.”  He rubs at his nose and sniffs. “Feel like I’m getting a little burn on my nose, though.” He laughs. “But that’s about all I got.”


Clip: "King of the Swingers" Obstacle

In the frame are three large piers jutting out over a man-made pond of greenish water. The camera view is from the opposite “shore”.

Jensen’s head suddenly pops up, on the lower edge of the frame, as he reaches the edge of the pond and a pink arm shoots out from behind the camera to help pull him onto dry land.  In the background on the middle pier Jared flings his arms wide in his “diving into the cage” pose and drops into the water backwards. Osric gives and whoop and Jensen looks up in time to see the wake of Jared’s splash. Jared’s head then pops up above the water as he swims towards them. On the leftmost pier, Richard plummets into the water in the background in a cannonball.  Jared disappears from the frame for a second as he nears the bank and then reemerges with a hand held out.  Jensen seizes it and helps Jared the rest of the way out of the water. Once Jared’s on the bank he wipes his face with his hands and grins at Osric and Jensen. He steps slightly to the side, so only half of his back remains in the frame, and turns to watch Jason do a backflip off the pier.

“Nice!”, Jared roars and claps his hands at the same time both Jensen and Osric let out whoops. Just then Richard’s head appears up close and Jared moves out of the frame to the right as Osric’s pink arm and Jensen’s upper half come into the frame to help haul him out. Suddenly, from out of the frame and some distance away, almost blending it with the background noise, there are the somewhat muted sounds of sneezing.


The camera quickly pans over towards the noise, catching Jensen’s head in the frame as he turns to do the same.  The camera movement stops on a view of Jared’s back, roughly 15 feet away from them. He's hunched over slightly, his hands not visible, and his body is shuddering forward in tiny jerks.

hih-HIH-KSSH! MPHHSH! Hih-gnxt!

Jensen’s head turns back to the camera/Osric and then looks back to where Rob is leaning over preparing to help Jason out.  He looks to Osric again, who replies “Don't worry, we got him”. Jensen shoots Osric a grateful half smile and pats him on the shoulder before jogging over toward Jared.  The camera swivels back to the water just as Jason’s head immerges.  A pink arm and Rob reach in to pull him out. Jason gets onto the bank with little issue and proceeds to shake his hair and beard out like a dog.

“Oh, man!” Osric shouts and Rob groans loudly as they both turn away to avoid an extra shower. When the camera focuses again it's on Jensen and Jared conversing aas they walk back towards the group. 

“You ok, man?” Oscric calls out to Jared as he approaches.

Jared snorts an embarrassed laugh that slides quickly into a tight cough which he covers with a fist, “Yeah, was just telling Jensen. Got a ton of water up my nose and down my throat. Burns like hell!”, he coughs again. Jensen begins to thump him on the back as Osric turns the camera away from them and back to the others.

The camera pans around the gathered group as Jensen pats those nearest him supportively on their shoulders and calls out, “C’mon guys, nearly through! Let’s wrap it up!” The camera begins to bounce again as they head to the ever closer finish line.


Clip: "Everest" Obstacle

The camera looks up at a giant curved wall that marks the end of the course.  It pans expectantly to Jared who’s been first up every other obstacle. He's standing still, squinting up towards it, and rubbing at his forehead. Jensen moves into the frame from behind Jared and claps him on the shoulder. “I’ll head up first. Os, toss me the camera and I’ll get everyone as they get to the top.”

The camera blurs and loud scraping noises are heard as Jensen wrestles with strapping it to his head. He doesn’t waste time and as soon as it’s secured he dashes straight up the wall.  He catches the ledge on the first try and manages to pull himself up with the help of a stranger who has already made it to the top.

Just as he rights himself he looks down and sees Jared making the charge.  Jared gets a grip on the edge his first run up, but flounders for a second to pull himself any higher.  Jensen leans forward and tries to help but doesn’t manage to get a good grip as both of Jared’s hands are already tightly latched onto the edge. A man nearby, who’d been leaning farther over to aid his own teammate, grasps one of Jared's biceps instead.  With that help, Jared manages to make it a few inches higher before straining to ask Jensen, “Where’s your hand?”

Jensen’s arm immediately shoots into view reaching for Jared’s nearest arm saying, “Right here”, and they both latch on tight. 

Jared grunts hard as Jensen and the guy to his side pull him the rest of the way up. Then finally over the top he sighs out “Thanks, folks” and flips over so he's half laying back and half sitting on his butt. He briefly looks up at Jensen and shoots him a joyous smile while working to slide his body farther away from the edge so he can spin himself around and help their next teammate with the attempt.

Jason comes sprinting at the wall and both Jared and Jensen are able to catch a hand each.  It's slow going, but they manage to haul Jason up together. Once he's safely atop Jensen flips the camera around at himself saying “Whoo!” in triumphant relief and Jared chips in exuberantly from his position on his stomach, still leaning over the side, “260, man!”. (Jason’s weight)

They aid the rest of their teammates similarly and when they’re all successfully on top of the wall Jared flips over and takes Jensen’s offered hand to get to his feet. Jared’s smiling as Jensen pulls him up, but as soon as he’s standing he tilts unsteadily and staggers back a step, almost putting his left foot over the edge. 

“Whoa!” Jensen yells, grasping his hand tighter and wrenching Jared back towards him, his other immediately shooting out to securely grab his upper arm and hold him in place. “Shit, you ok?” he asks somewhat breathlessly.  And he doesn’t let go until Jared blinks down at him and gives him a somewhat befuddled nod indicating he’s good to go.

“Yeah, just—uh, musta got up too fast, I think.  Thanks, man.”  He looks down at the drop of the wall. “Would have been an unfortunate way to go.”  He jokes, chuckling lightly as he claps Jensen on the shoulder and moves on forward out of the frame.  Jensen quickly turns around to follow, bringing everyone’s backs back into view as they jog to catch up with the rest of their team.


Clip: Car-ride Back

Jensen is holding the camera on his face from his place in the passenger seat. “Tough mudder 2015! First time ever.... Bunch of rookies.... I think we did a pretty good job.  I’m proud of us. What do you think Jared?” He asks as he pans the camera to Jared who’s driving once again.  Jareds body shakes in a full body shiver just as the camera settles on him, but he quickly reins it in, clears his throat, and makes his speech. “Yeah, I think there’s no other group I would have rather done a tough mudder with. I’m proud of us too.”

“Rich?” Jensen asks.

The camera view spins as Jensen pivots to hand it off to Rich, but as Rich is grabbing hold and fiddling with it, the front dash is briefly on the screen showing the tips of Jensen's fingers adjusting a dial near the edge of the frame and flipping a vent to point toward the driver's side.  Then the view spins once more and lands in a selfie on Rich.

“I think six men gathered today in Austin, Texas, soaked themselves in mud, pushed themselves to the limit, and I’m damn proud to be part of this group.”

He then hands it off to Jason, who proceeds with “I got a little mud in my beard, and I’m happy about that.  I’m still alive, so…It was a good day!”

He passes it into the backseat to Rob. As Rob is taking hold and settling the view on his face a loud—

HEEESHHHU!” rings through the car.

Jared’s “Excuse me” is nearly drowned out by the chorus of ardent “Bless yous!” that sounds though the car along with Robs own cheeky, “Bless you, my child”, before he situates the camera on himself and says his own piece. “You know, what? I didn’t think I was going to be able to do this. And uh, these guys motivated me, and they inspired me, and I’m so glad that I did it.  I’ve never felt more alive.”  He smiles and hands the camera off to Osric for the finish.

“You know, I’m in decent shape but I was still really nervous about coming here and doing this, but you know… doing it as a group, everyone really helped push each other and I really couldn’t have done it without the support of these five guys. So I, uh, I’m really proud of everyone.”

“We love you, Osric!” Jared yells from the front. The other men join in. 

Osric smiles at the camera and then at the rest of the car, “I love you guys too.”

...The camera is turned off and the image goes black. 


END (Part 1?) (Soooo, I do have a tiny ending to this that I wrote that's in regular story style. Because after imagining this version of their tough mudder actually happening, of course I had to dream up where it went from there. :D Let me know if you're interested in a little ending to this odd thing and I'll stick it up!)

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I'm both interested in reading more of this and seeing the referenced video clips. Any chance you can give the links? Why were they talking about the way they sneeze in the first place? I mean, excellent topic but a bit unusual for most people...? And that mud course seems like fun to watch too. 

Hubby scares both me and or son with his loud sneezes on a regular basis. I prefer the more quiet type of sneeze when hearing it, but for a fic I'll take any (realistic) type :)

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This was actually amazing! I’ve never really read too many RPFs but this was fantastic:happysmiley: could you link the video?

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Thanks so much, @castiel_angel and @helyzelle!!! :D

And can-do with the links! (At least, I think I can. Wasn't sure what I was allowed to put where, but hopefully since it's what I based the story on it'll be ok to have it linked here.) 

I actually found this on another discussion on here about Jared sneezing that was posted about a year ago by someone else. (Discussion starts at 26:31)


This is the full tough mudder vid. I really enjoyed watching it, although it's pretty long. You'll see some of the moments close to what I described and then notice others that I totally, and unashamedly, ran away with. ^_^  

Thanks so much for reading, guys! 

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So I absolutely love this. When you said you were going to focus on what was picked up by the camera I did wonder whether it might feel a little dry, but you had such a great balance between the action, the interaction between the guys and the detail that it absolutely brought it to life. It was just like watching a video, and the camerardie between them all.made it really compelling for me.(as well as the h/c moments of course).


Speaking of the camaraderie, you captured beautifully the atmosphere of fun and mischief and the way that they supported one another and carried it over to your added sections seamlessly, which made it so much more believable. They definitely felt like part of a whole rather than inserted scenes.  The whole style works amazingly. I love how the camera doesn't follow the sneezing and stuff (why would it?) so it feels incidental but that's so much more realistic that it's not a difficult leap to believe that this all happened. *Happily inserts this version into memory of the Tough Mudder video*


I also, of course, loved the sneezing. I love loud sneezes at the best of times and so have been even more desperate to hear Jared's since that panel. It's great to be able to watch it play out so vividly through your story.  It's also right at the beginning of his illness, which is my favourite. I like that he's sneezy and starting to suffer but still happy and able to function, just bang on my personal preference so I feel very lucky! I especially liked that he was still aware of the people around him - encouraging them and helping them out practically. That warmed my heart a little.


Haha, and if you couldn't tell from allllll of the above, I would definitely be up for reading more of this!

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Love this!

The description of everything the camera saw was an interesting way of writing the story and it came out really well. 

I also love the loud sneezes from Jared based off of what the two said at the con—which we’ve seen Jensen sneeze on camera but we’re still waiting on Jared— so thank you for sharing this! Your work is well done and much appreciated. 

Edited by jensdw
auto-correct hates me :(
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This was great. Very different style, but I quite liked it! Also, that video is hysterical!

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Hey guys!  :D  Thank you so much!  @jensdw - Thank you, thank you!!  You're totally my inspiration right now, btw.  Your Book is so wonderful!!  I want so badly to write Sam and Dean, even just ONE story, and you're churning out these beauties all the time!! :stun: I'm just stunned. :inlove: Thank you so much for reading mine!

@AngelEyes - Thank you so much for still reading my stuff! :heart: Not gonna lie, if you hadn't be so wonderful about keeping me going with my Star Trek Story I'd probably be too terrified to even try my hand at anything else.  So thank you for that. :)  Also - I found the sort of sequel I started for that the other day.  It's like 1 part of what I meant to be kind of a 5 and 1 story, but it does stand alone.  I know people sometimes take years to finish things on here... So would you still be interested in me throwing that up even if it's a while before I switch back over to writing it again?  It's not spun off the plot of the other one, but it builds off of everything that was established.  If that doesn't seem lame let me know and I'll throw it up!

@SexualOddity - Um..... :surprise:I just--   I can't--  GAH!! I'm sorry, but you're going to have to excuse me while I :boom:because you don't know this but you are like a sneezy fanfic superhero to me and I kind of worship the screen that you write on. The reaction that I'm having right now after reading your review... Yeah, no different than how I would probably geek out if I met Sam or Dean in person and they told me they liked my work. (And I'm kinda hella in love with them, sooo yeah. :blushsmiley:)  Thank you, and I mean thank you so much!!  Man...I so want to like ask for your autograph or something. lol I can't find a smiley thats ":starstruck:", but please imagine it and insert it here. Just....holy wow. :biggrinsmiley:

Ok, so without further ado (and in regular story format this time), here's how I imagine the rest of that afternoon would go.


Tough Mudder Aftermath...


Jared pulls the van into his driveway and the men begin to file out hauling their damp, mud-encrusted selves and towels with them. Jared gives them all handshakes that inevitably turn into enthusiastic hugs as they fan out down the edge of the street heading back to their respective vehicles. Jensen lingers and helps brush some of the mud from everyone's shoes off the floor of the van, appreciative that Jared and Gen were willing to lend their vehicle for such a potentially upholstery destroying outing. 

After finishing his goodbyes, Jared circles back around toward Jensen with a harsh cough that makes Jensen wince as he somehow actually manages to hear it catch on something in his chest.  The things you start to notice after you have kids, he thinks.  Color of snot… Which type of poop is the really bad poop? Is it a wet cough or a dry cough…? Etc.

Jared clears his throat. “You want me to drop you off at home, Ackles?”

Jensen shakes his head, “Nah, you don’t have to”, He smirks and stretches his arms out wide, displaying his (semi-white) t-shirt covered torso in all its wet and clingy glory.  “Give our old cat lady neighbors something to talk about this way.” 

Jared snorts a soft laugh.

“Go ahead on in and let the boys see the aftermath.  Tom’ll love it.” He smiles. “Danneel has the kids at her mom’s for the day anyway, so I’m not in a hurry.  I’ll walk.”

Jared chuckles.  “Great minds…  Gen’s got the kids at her parents’ too so the boys’ll have to settle for photographic evidence.” He pauses. “Actually, you wanna come in and chill for a bit?  You can shower off in the basement and you know I’ve got a shirt and sweats you can borrow. You can just cuff the pants.”

“Ha...Ha...” Jensen retorts dryly, deliberately ignoring Jared’s cheeky grin. But he doesn’t mull the decision over for long.  He knows Jared is going to crash hard, and probably pretty soon judging by the fact that his face is starting to do a great impression of the color his shirt used to be.  And Jensen wouldn’t put it past him to just sit on the couch in wet clothes and fall asleep.  So yeah, no real question. “You know what, just for that cheap comment I’m dragging your pant legs all across your floors. You swept recently?  Cause if not, I’m gonna know all about it. And your pants will too.” 

“You wish your floors were as clean as my floors, Ackles.”

Jensen snorts as he follows Jared inside. “I’ve just decided I’m getting you a Roomba for Christmas…”

The door clicks shut softly behind them.


30 minutes later…


Jensen’s sitting in the living room letting his hair air-dry and watching the tail end of a football game—and has been for the past 10 minutes or so—when Jared finally pads in to join him.

“Hey, I don’t know about you, but I’m down for a—“

There’s a pause.

“’Down for a’, what, Jay?” He asks back. When he again doesn’t receive an immediate response he twists over his shoulder and spots the root of the problem.

He smirks slightly and calls out “Gesundheit,” instead.

Jared remains stock still with his fist pressed firmly up under his nose, brow wrinkled, eyes closed, and nostrils flaring.  He nods once absently at Jensen’s blessing—not at all surprised by the advance knowledge, they’d just known each other that long—before finally proceeding to angle his body towards the wall and give up the battle.


Jensen smiles to himself and turns back toward the game as he calls out, “Aaaaand again.”


“...And again? Jeeze, man…”


“Whoa, you alright?” Jensen turns back to Jared, struggling not to wince at that last one which sounded borderline painful.

Jared sniffs hard, and without much benefit as far as Jensen can tell.  Again, kids The things he knew that he really wished he didn’t about the varying viscosities of bodily fluids…

“Ugh, yeah, must be allergies or something. Bugging me all day. Sorry about that”, he coughs to clear his throat as his voice comes out rather gravelly. “Was trying to ask if you wanted a cup of coffee.”

Jensen didn’t particularly, but he knew that Jared did. Despite the hot shower he could tell the guy was still chilled. And although Jared was a maniac most of the time who generally laughed in the face of decorum and conformity, he had still been reared with a set of iron-clad southern social skills, much like himself, so…

“Yeah, that sounds great, man. Thanks.”


5 minutes and much percolating later…


Jared joins him on the sofa and passes across a mug.

Jensen raises his cup. “To one tough mudder.”

Jared smiles and raises his in reply, “Mmm… To one tough mudder fudder.”

Jensen almost sorts out his first sip.  “I don’t even know why I’m laughing. That was lame as hell.”

Jared just smiles more broadly. “Its cause underneath it all you can’t deny that I'm the funny one in this relationship.” He takes a sip of the hot coffee and moans softly before sinking back a little and allowing the couch cushions to more fully support his weight. He closes his eyes.  “I mean, yeah, it takes some skill to make a good joke good.  But, it takes even more to land a bad one.”

“Whatever you say, Jared.” 

Jared just hums in response. A few seconds later his breathing starts to deepen and Jensen is just barely able to snag the basically full coffee cup before he spills it all over himself. Forget the Roomba, Jensen thinks, do they make giant man bibs? I’m getting you a giant man-bib.

Jensen leans forward and sets both cups on the coffee table.  He goes to stand and surprises himself that he actually has to struggle not to groan.  Oh, God… He was going to be feeling this tough “mudder fudder” for the next 4 days at least.  Yeowch.  He stretches his body gently and once he is suitably limber he reaches to the back of the couch where an afghan is laying and tugs the bulk of it down over Jared’s ridiculously large body. He scans the room and quickly spots a box of tissues that he then also decides to relocate.  Jared really shouldn’t have run this today with them.  But thinking back to the finish… To everyone’s sense of achievement, including his own…  He really can’t find it in himself to regret it.  It wouldn’t have been the same without him there.  Even if Jared was going to be paying for it later.

He hears a distant car door shut and shakes himself out of his reverie.  He quickly and quietly pads to the front door, slips on his shoes and gathers his muddy, sodden clothes.  He just manages to make it out in time to shut the front door and catch the kids before they thunder inside.

“Unca Jensen!” Tom squeals.  Jensen smiles and drops his muddy clothes so he can catch Tom in one arm and scoop up the closely following Shep with the other. “Hey guys!” he winces slightly as the muscles in his arms pull in all the worst ways when he hefts the children up.

“How was da mudda?” Tom asks.

Jensen grins and looks up as Genevieve finally closes in. 

“Yeah, how’d it go? C’mere, Shep, let’s not make Uncle Jensen’s arms fall off. He probably used them a lot today to help haul your daddy around.”

Shep reaches back out to his mom and Jensen hands him over.  He then shuffles Tom into a slightly more comfortable position.

“Nah, he did great, Gen.  They all did. It really felt like something special.” He smiles as Tom hugs him tighter. “Hey, I wanted to let you know that Jared’s gonna be sick as a dog tomorrow. He’s not too bad off bad right now…. actually he’s passed out on the couch at the moment, so hopefully that’ll help, but he was fighting it all day.”

Gen looks concerned, but before she can comment, Tom lifts his head from from where he'd been resting it onJensen’s shoulder and looks him in the eye, his expression varying between worried and somehow determined. “Daddy’s sick?”

Jensen just goes with it and nods solemnly before putting him quickly to task, “He is, so he’s gonna need you to be extra awesome for the next few days, ok?”  Tom nods with wide eager eyes and hangs on Jensen’s every word. 

“He’ll be ok dough?”

“Oh yeah,” Jensen is quick to reassure. “He’s sleeping right now so he’s already helping himself get better.”

Shep takes that moment to whine loudly in his mother’s arms and Tom is on it. “SHH! Sheppy!” He whispers loudly.  “Daddy’s asleep! We haffa be quiet!”

Jensen chuckles and Gen chimes in. “Just once we get inside, Tom.  He's fine out here.”

Tom nods again in response, clearly taking the amendment to the circumstance on board.

Jensen looks back to Gen, “So all that said, if you guys wanted to drop the kids off anytime in the next day or so, we’d be happy to watch em for you if we can.”

Tom loses himself then and lets out a squeal of his own, “Play wi’ JJ!”

Gen smiles gratefully, “Not today, Tom.  Today we’re going to go in and take care of Daddy, right? But maybe tomorrow or the next day if it works out.  Thanks a million, Jensen.  I really appreciate it.  And  I know Jared wi--.” She suddenly seems to take notice of Jensen's broad smile and reroutes her train of thought. “He totally doesn’t know he’s sick yet, does he?”

“Yeah, not a clue...” Jensen just smirks.  11 years and some things never change.

Gen heaves a sigh and rolls her eyes, though a fond smile still breaks through.  “Alright Tom, what do you say we let Uncle Jensen get home to his family and we see how quiet we can be going upstairs so we don’t wake up daddy?”

Tom wriggles and Jensen sets him back down on the ground.  He squats down to pick up his pile of dirty clothing.  “Maybe I’ll see you guys in a few days, huh?” He reaches out and ruffles each tiny head of hair, “And you remember, you take good care of your daddy for me, and be extra good for your mommy as well, okay?”

Shep just nods and Tom answers with a high pitched and enthusiastic, “We will!”

Gen smiles and starts once more towards the front door. “Thanks again, Jensen. I know he can like a big a big kid sometimes and— I mean, you know how he is.  So I just…  I know you looked out for him today and I really appreciate that.”

Jensen waves his hand dismissively in response. “Nah, Gen it was nothing. We had a great time.” He smiles and waves silently to the boys as he heads back down their walk.

The 6 of them had come through something pretty epic today.  They’d done it with each other and for each other, and really, despite how they’d all talked of it, who knew when they’d get the chance to do another one.  So if he and Danneel had a crazy ‘Padalecki Party’ at their house for the next few days as a result...  He found himself once again thinking back to that big ass grin Jared that gave him after he pulled him up over the top of the final obstacle…

 Yeah. Totally worth it.


~The End~





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14 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

So would you still be interested in me throwing that up even if it's a while before I switch back over to writing it again? 

Is that even a question? Hells Yeah! I admit, I may have obsessively stalked the boards waiting for it. And when I saw you were back, even if it was with something else, I was super excited, cause your writing is Awesomeness!

Including this story, which is great! You have the banter between the guys down perfect! I can totally imagine this realistically.

17 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

You can shower off in the basement and you know I’ve got a shirt and sweats you can borrow. You can just cuff the pants.”



17 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

“You wish your floors were as clean as my floors, Ackles.”

Jensen snorts as he follows Jared inside. “I’ve just decided I’m getting you a Roomba for Christmas…”



18 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

He smirks slightly and calls out “Gesundheit,” instead.

Jared remains stock still with his fist pressed firmly up under his nose, brow wrinkled, eyes closed, and nostrils flaring.  He nods once absently at Jensen’s blessing—not at all surprised by the advance knowledge, they’d just known each other that long—

Love this.


18 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

Again, kids The things he knew that he really wished he didn’t about the varying viscosities of bodily fluids…

Ewww. And I can totally picture him thinking this.


19 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

Forget the Roomba, Jensen thinks, do they make giant man bibs? I’m getting you a giant man-bib.



20 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

She suddenly seems to take notice of Jensen's broad smile and reroutes her train of thought. “He totally doesn’t know he’s sick yet, does he?”

“Yeah, not a clue...” Jensen just smirks.  11 years and some things never change.

Gen heaves a sigh and rolls her eyes, though a fond smile still breaks through.

LOL, Awwww.


20 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

So if he and Danneel had a crazy ‘Padalecki Party’ at their house for the next few days as a result... 



21 minutes ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

Yeah. Totally worth it.


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On 10/4/2018 at 3:08 AM, LostGirl2.0 said:


30 minutes later…


Jensen’s sitting in the living room letting his hair air-dry and watching the tail end of a football game—and has been for the past 10 minutes or so—when Jared finally pads in to join him.

“Hey, I don’t know about you, but I’m down for a—“

There’s a pause.

“’Down for a’, what, Jay?” He asks back. When he again doesn’t receive an immediate response he twists over his shoulder and spots the root of the problem.

He smirks slightly and calls out “Gesundheit,” instead.

Jared remains stock still with his fist pressed firmly up under his nose, brow wrinkled, eyes closed, and nostrils flaring.  He nods once absently at Jensen’s blessing—not at all surprised by the advance knowledge, they’d just known each other that long—before finally proceeding to angle his body towards the wall and give up the battle.


Jensen smiles to himself and turns back toward the game as he calls out, “Aaaaand again.”


“...And again? Jeeze, man…”


“Whoa, you alright?” Jensen turns back to Jared, struggling not to wince at that last one which sounded borderline painful.

Jared sniffs hard, and without much benefit as far as Jensen can tell.  Again, kids The things he knew that he really wished he didn’t about the varying viscosities of bodily fluids…

“Ugh, yeah, must be allergies or something. Bugging me all day. Sorry about that”, he coughs to clear his throat as his voice comes out rather gravelly. “Was trying to ask if you wanted a cup of coffee.”

Jensen didn’t particularly, but he knew that Jared did. Despite the hot shower he could tell the guy was still chilled. And although Jared was a maniac most of the time who generally laughed in the face of decorum and conformity, he had still been reared with a set of iron-clad southern social skills, much like himself, so…

“Yeah, that sounds great, man. Thanks.”




THIS!!! I can’t even! The whole idea of writing this is simply awesome but this paragraph this scenario.... Jared stopping mid sentence... Jensen turning around and anticipating his sneezes  with a Gesundheit and knowing he’s going to sneeze again and being surprised about how many times Jared sneezes... oh ma God... I will be greedily replaying this scene in my head ... over and over. Perfectly described! Thank you so much for sharing 😍😊

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What a cute ending! I love Jared and Jensen’s interactions and how Jared doesn’t even realize that he’s sick! Plus the section with Jensen and the kids is too adorable! So basically the whole story was just perfect.

Great job and thanks for sharing!


On 4/9/2018 at 9:08 PM, LostGirl2.0 said:

@jensdw - Thank you, thank you!!  You're totally my inspiration right now, btw.  Your Book is so wonderful!!  I want so badly to write Sam and Dean, even just ONE story, and you're churning out these beauties all the time!! :stun: I'm just stunned. :inlove: Thank you so much for reading mine!

Thank you! You’re making me blush!! This is so sweet, and I think you should go for it and post some Sam and Dean! You’re a great writer!! Whatever may be holding you back, I can assure you that whatever you come up with will be great and everyone here will love it. 

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Oh gosh I'm so sorry It's taken me so long to reply. (My free time is prescribed by a toddler and she's been a cruel taskmaster lately!)


You are so kind. Just so you know, 'Sneezy fanfic superhero' is my favourite descriptor I've ever had applied to me. I wish I could put it on my CV (resume). I'm not really sure I deserve such high praise - but thank you. It's nice to know that someone remembers my stories - It's been a long time!


But I'm here to praise YOU so...


I wondered what I'd think about the switch up to normal storytelling after the camera-as-narrator thing, but it was fine. You have a lovely style - enough details to really create an image, but they are woven into the action so neatly that it doesn't interrupt the flow at all.


I love love LOVE the dialogue. I could never really make rpf work but just consistently nail their voices it's great.  And my very favourite thing is that somehow in amongst the casual banter (is that a word that translates across the Atlantic?) you manage to hint at this deep enduring relationship. It's MUCH easier to go on about what good friends they are, but you're much more subtle - it gives me the sense that the dialogue is the tip of the iceberg of their interaction but there is so much more underneath.


Speaking of the relationship, I love all the little casual (because you don't force anything, it's wonderful) mentions of their knowledge of one another - Jensen knowing when Jared is gonna sneeze and how he is always the last to know that he's sick.  (Also on a totally personal note, even though it's obviously not allergies, I kind of loved Jared thinking it was, because I'm allergy obsessed and I take what I can get 😂)

On 10/04/2018 at 2:08 AM, LostGirl2.0 said:

Again, kids The things he knew that he really wished he didn’t about the varying viscosities of bodily fluids…

😮Fic got a bit real for me there! 😅 Boy, do I know those feels.


But yeah, overall this was really sweet and cute and hot, and I very much enjoyed it. You're a great writer, I hope you decide to write more in this fandom x 



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On 4/9/2018 at 9:30 PM, AngelEyes said:

You have the banter between the guys down perfect! I can totally imagine this realistically.

@AngelEyes Thank you so much!! :D


On 4/12/2018 at 5:15 PM, Coffee Mug said:

THIS!!! I can’t even! The whole idea of writing this is simply awesome but this paragraph this scenario.... Jared stopping mid sentence... Jensen turning around and anticipating his sneezes  with a Gesundheit and knowing he’s going to sneeze again and being surprised about how many times Jared sneezes... oh ma God... I will be greedily replaying this scene in my head ... over and over. Perfectly described! Thank you so much for sharing 😍😊

@Coffee Mug Thank you, thank you!!! And yay!! So happy to have given you something to replay! (Lord, the amount of daydream worthy moments I've gotten off of stuff from here... :drool:) This bits actually my favorite part too. Thank you so much for reading!


On 4/13/2018 at 6:39 AM, jensdw said:

Thank you! You’re making me blush!! This is so sweet, and I think you should go for it and post some Sam and Dean! You’re a great writer!! Whatever may be holding you back, I can assure you that whatever you come up with will be great and everyone here will love it. 

@jensdw Ok, so after you write this I got all determined and I've finally got one in the works!! (Eek!!) Thank you so, so much for your kind words of encouragement. ❤️ Hopefully I'll turn out something worth while!  

On 4/15/2018 at 5:54 AM, SexualOddity said:

You are so kind. Just so you know, 'Sneezy fanfic superhero' is my favourite descriptor I've ever had applied to me. I wish I could put it on my CV (resume). I'm not really sure I deserve such high praise - but thank you. It's nice to know that someone remembers my stories - It's been a long time!

@SexualOddity Yes! Well, I'm super glad you like it because it's totally true. Your stuff is incredible. I have like three authors of supernatural that I read over and over for this kinda stuff and you're one of them. ❤️


On 4/15/2018 at 5:54 AM, SexualOddity said:

And my very favourite thing is that somehow in amongst the casual banter (is that a word that translates across the Atlantic?) you manage to hint at this deep enduring relationship.

That totally translates. :) Thank you, thank you a million times over for your kind words! 


On 4/15/2018 at 5:54 AM, SexualOddity said:

(Also on a totally personal note, even though it's obviously not allergies, I kind of loved Jared thinking it was, because I'm allergy obsessed and I take what I can get 😂)

Soooooooo... You and @jensdw have kinda inspired me to keep going, and I'm (finally!) writing a Sam and Dean story right now. It's a case fic and it's all Sam....with crazy allergies. :D (And this sucker is going to happen because I'm like 30,000 words deep into it already. Lol ...Apparently I can't do one-shots. :whoo: ) So thank you so much again for telling me your thoughts and offering your support!  I really truly appreciate it. ❤️

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4 hours ago, LostGirl2.0 said:

It's a case fic and it's all Sam....with crazy allergies. 

NO WAY! That's my absolute favourite! I am SO excited to read it. 😁😁😁

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