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Quarantine (Final Space, M)


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@Reader that's very sweet of you and I appreciate your response but I am no writer :) I've always read and any attempt at writing was quickly dropped. If I ever think of something, I'll tag you for constructive comments. Thank you again!

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@ReidSeeker It shouldn't matter what you post. I got validated without having posting my own work, just commenting on others. Make sure you have your birthday entered, and e-mail address verified. I think the moderators go through membership validation on a regular basis, so they may not have gotten to you yet, so I guess just be patient.

@striderlicious I will probably start watching this show when I get some time. You make it sound so interesting with the different characters!

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1 hour ago, AngelEyes said:

just be patient

I'm trying my best! :blush: I don't want to be a bug 🐜 but thank you again.

and yes, watch this show! I want it to get good ratings and stuff :) 

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Comment Replies

Oh wow I missed a lot! I don't know exactly when I'll get the next chapter done but whenever I actually do it I will probably post it. Things have been a mess lately. I've also realized that it might be easier if I write the webcomic as a story and then put it into comic form, but it means two stories I'll be working on. Also I haven't had the inspiration for this one for some reason.
@AngelEyes Yeah Gary is incredibly stubborn and often sorta obnoxious (wouldn't go so far as to say douchey or rude, just kinda...a lot) but he's so caring and loyal that it balances him out. He fell for her the moment he met her so honestly emotions probably played a big part in that. I think my favorite thing he said was when she was writing an equation down "I like that, I like a girl with a lot of phones." He's just so ridiculous sometimes. I'm glad you're enjoying this! I am very excited that you want to watch the show! I wish you luck and I hope you get some free time soon. It sounds like you lead a busy life. 

@Reader Honestly you're right it really feels like we do. Eh whatever sometimes consistency is nice. Thank you so much for understanding though! And oh wow I actually think I've seen those! Nval95 has such adorable art style honestly. I love it so much and I'm really happy they drew such nice things for you!! I'm trying to improve and I thought a webcomic would be the best way to do it. Also wound up teaching myself coding too! But wordpress uses php so I guess it doesn't matter for my webpage because I don't get that language. There's also way too many coding languages wowie.  Heck I got sidetracked whoops. Also I think I'll be okay because my age seems to be under my name. I hope so at least. Also honestly its kinda a lowkey expression of disappointment? I don't know when I started using rip but it's just an expression I use. Like hyperbole I guess where I'm like rest in peace I have died because of this event. But instead of actually meaning it in the actual sense it's a major over-exaggeration. (Major over-exaggeration *salutes*) Also yeah! Although unfortunately nobody really commissions me because I don't really get much recognition on tumblr. I'm also very glad I'm not alone when it comes to getting things done. That's actually really helpful advice though! Thank you so very much! I really do appreciate it. Honestly I want to do one page a week like facility, but I'm not sure what gato did for her starting post, if she posted the first page only, or made several for the first upload. That's what's my dilemma because I finished one page but I don't know if I want to post just that one or wait. However, that is very useful advice to consider so thank you!

Also I tend to use sites like 9cartoon . me or other such places if I'm too broke to afford subscriptions or cable. The show is aired on TBS though so if you have that it would probably be best so we can support the show. I used to use kisscartoon before it shut down. I totally understand though! There wasn't a sick episode so I have to write it myself. Honestly none of my interests tend to be in the fanfic section so I was like "I guess I have to do it." I didn't really get it but I'm usually just super bad at understanding things. My default state is usually just incredibly confused. 90% of the time I have no clue what's going on. Like... I don't understand but I'm happy you like it! So I'm guessing it's a good joke. I trust your judgement.

I'm so very happy you enjoyed the chapter! I was somewhat concerned because it's kinda different from the norm, but I wanted to mix it up for once. ISOLATE THE PRISONER ok ok but no really I just wanna see what happens if I do. As I said half the time I don't even know where the story is gonna go. I'm glad its a good kind of bad feeling. I can definitely relate to that. Schadenfruede at it's finest. And other such emotions. Yeah she did! It was definitely something. I am always worried about spoiling things for people but also I am very excited about things so I wind up doing it more than I want to. Although that is the first episode so  I guess that wasn't too bad. Hell yeah I love the subtle fever things. Just emotional and tired and stressed and not quite making sense. All because you're overheating and dehydrated. It's wild how the body works. Like yes I'm gonna cook the germs but you better drink water and try not to overheat. Honestly it was though like I'm not even sure why this argument is happening how did we even get to this point. I also relate. Thank you so much I definitely get that! So am I and I've learned to love them even more with this story. 

@ReidSeeker I'm super glad you're still here and reading my story! I also hope you get validated soon! You seem super nice, and if one day you change your mind about writing, I will definitely read it! 


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@ReidSeeker I get what you’re saying. It’s like asking a writer to draw. In some talented *ahem* people’s case...that would be easy but my finger would cramp and fall off. Let me know if all your questions were answered about the suspension/April 28th thing. And yes! Make sure you do 😊 


person A: Pete and Repeat fell off a boat. Pete fell off so who was left?

person B: Repeat

person A: Pete and Repeat fell off a boat. Pete fell off so who was left?

person B: Repeat?

person A: Pete and Repeat fell off a boat. Pete fell off so who was left?

person B: Repeat!!!!!!

hahahahahahahah the joke continues until the other person realizes the joke will never end and then gets mad. I am terrible at jokes and they take me so long to get. I always laugh like half a day behind everybody else. Annoy your partner with it. Anyways, I like consistency too and I definitely like when someone understands me. Yea, I checked a lil bit ago. Only ppl that put ‘age not telling’ have to do extra work with these new changes. You’re good because your age range is on there. You cannot use cool phrases around me unless you want me to steal them. I love that. It’s like when someone says ‘I died laughing’ to mean that’s sooooo funny. I love your explanation....I have died from this event.....😂 I see your dilemma. On the one hand, it could be good to hook your fans in with a few pages. On the other hand, it would be good if you could hook your fans with just one page. You might not get a lot of feedback with just one page though. You don’t want to create weeks of work if there’s not interest so the one page with one week of work wouldn’t be too bad. Hmmm pros and cons I trust that your skills are excellent though. I would post one page that hooks the reader and makes them interested to check back in a week. I’ll have to check out facility. I started the webtoon unordinary and it had a great one-page hook. But maybe a bonus second page could be fun too to throw in. Same here about interest in Fanfiction. It’s why I almost never come in here. What are your fanfic interests? For me it’s just like Jake from scandal. Have a good workweek and cwys. 

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@Reader Oh, I get it now! That's actually really funny. Reminds me of the green golf ball joke. People get so mad at that one. Honestly so am I, I definitely relate. I will when I can talk to them again. They haven't talked to me in a while. That's good! Also I totally don't mind if you steal it I use it all the time. It is though. Thank you very much! You're so sweet honestly! I don't trust my skills as much but I honestly do appreciate it. Also I will definitely do that! Thank you. Also yeah, it's really good although also super dark so be prepared. That's awesome! And true you're very right. Also same here, I usually read through the original fics instead. I have so many interests. It's why it's so weird that I can't find anything. I love video games and cartoons and comedy mostly, although shows with spooky weird science are also a plus. Like there was a sitcom that came out I think last year called "Ghosted" which was hilarious. And "Fringe" is also really good. Thank you very much. I haven't really worked on much because life sucks I guess but I did write another chapter! 

Chapter 6

He was on the ship. But it looked...different, somehow. Darker. One may even say creepier. As he continued to roam the halls, he realized what exactly the difference was. Well...differences. Besides the lights flickering precariously, it was completely empty. Not even KVN was anywhere to be found. He suddenly felt ice cold dread run down his back.

“H.U.E.?” After not recieving a response, the dread within the pit of Gary’s stomach grew. “Mooncake? Avacato? Quinn? Anyone?!”

He was alone. Utterly and entirely alone. Even during his five years aboard the Galaxy One, he had never been alone. It was...scary. Not to mention lonely. He decided to head up to the bridge, hoping he could fly the ship somewhere where his friends might be. Or really any other person. However, as he arrived, he realized he would be going nowhere. It seemed someone, or something, had torn up the controls, leaving sparking wires and gaping holes in their place.

He didn’t know what to do, or where to go. He felt so alone. So utterly alone. He did the only thing he could think of. He sat down on the ground, and cried. That’s when he heard it. A voice. One he hadn’t heard in a long time.

“I see you kept your promise.”

Gary looked up, turning and staring wide-eyed at the older man in front of him. “Dad?”

“Of course, my boy.” He ruffled the others hair, a warm smile on his face.

Gary wiped his face dry, an amazed expression on his face. “But I thought you...you died! I saw it!”

“Don’t believe everything you see, kiddo. That’s not why I’m here though. I’m here to tell you, I’m proud of you.”

“You are? But...but why?”

“You’re having your own adventures. Bunches and bunches, remember?”

“I...I remember. But you should be disappointed in me. I’m a failure. I didn’t get into the Infinity Guard (although they wound up becoming corrupt, but still). I wound up becoming a petty thief. Then I blew up an entire fleet of spaceships and a small family-owned Mexican restaurant. And now I’m just some prisoner on a spaceship. Not to mention I’m also here completely alone now.”

“I could never be disappointed in you. Plus, I think you’ve made up for it a lot, wouldn’t you say?”

“I...I guess so. You’re...you’re really proud of me?”

“The proudest. C’mere, son.” The older Goodspeed held his arms open for a hug, which Gary dove into. He hadn’t realized just how much he missed his dad until he actually saw him. “Also, you’re never alone. I’ll always be with you, in here.” He poked Gary in the chest, a lighthearted grin on his face.

Gary returned the grin, trying not to start crying again. Although it was quickly replaced with a second voice.

“Yes. You are never alone. I’m always watching you, The Gary.”

He only knew of one person who called him “The Gary.” But what was the Lord Commander doing here, at this exact moment? He soon found out as his dad was quickly lifted into the air, and, before Gary could even reach out, murdered in front of his eyes. He couldn’t help the yell of anguish that left his mouth. Despite what one may think, losing your father a second time was not easier.

Quinn had just returned from grabbing a glass of water, going to sit back down, when she noticed something seemed off. Gary was shaking, more than before, and quiet, muffled sobs seemed to be coming from the other. She obviously couldn’t tell for sure, as he was curled up with his back to her, but she could’ve sworn he was crying. The blanket H.U.E. had placed on him (after he had decided it was safe to do so) did nothing to ease the shivers, and Quinn wasn’t entirely sure it was all due to the fever.

“Quinn, I am glad you have returned. It seems that Gary is having a “nightmare” as you humans call them, and I cannot seem to awaken him from this state. Perhaps you may have better luck. There should be protective masks on the wall to your right. After you have made sure it is fully in place, I will open the forcefield to allow you to enter.”

Quinn was slightly surprised to hear what seemed to be...concern, laced within the voice of the AI. If she didn’t know any better, she might begin to suspect that H.U.E. cared for Gary as more than just a prisoner. If H.U.E. was concerned, Mooncake appeared to be ten times that. Upon the request for Quinn to go inside, Mooncake looked pleadingly at her to allow him entrance as well. He had obviously been upset to be locked away from his closest friend.

She sighed, an exasperated smile crossing her features as she pulled on her mask, before placing one on the small green alien as well. After making sure they were both secure, she nodded, and H.U.E. dropped the forcefield long enough for them to enter, before closing it once more.

Meanwhile, Avacato had been stuck with KVN duty. He was to keep KVN as far away as possible from Gary. It was much easier said than done, especially because, out of all the individuals here, KVN was most definitely the most annoying. He and Quinn would thankfully switch shifts in an hour, but until then he was stuck wracking his brain for any distractions he could come up with to keep the flying robot occupied. He kept reminding himself that he was doing this for Gary. They were bros, and he would honor that code to the last. Not to mention Gary had promised to help him get his son back. Gary obviously couldn’t do that if he died of the flu. Not that Gary would die, but….it was better to keep the stress far away so he could rest.

After the thirty-seventh round of cards, Avacato was about to lose his mind. He thought playing cards with Gary was bad. KVN was worse. The robot didn’t even know the rules, and even worse, would make most of them up to replace what he didn’t know. Not to mention the fact that KVN would throw the cards everywhere after each hand, and make the other pick them up, saying “Those are the rules, my furry friend,” each and every godforsaken time. Avacato was about ready to just shoot the damn guy. He was beginning to see just why Gary hated him so much.



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AN: Had to write some angst because how could I not? Sorry there's not much sneezes in this chapter. There will be many more in the next to make up for it. Also I had to include the humor at the end just to make it feel a bit better. Avacato on KVN duty. Poor guy. 

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I haven’t heard the golf ball joke but I get the gist of green grass and green golf ball not mixing! Hahaha 😄oh my goodness! Why the silent treatment!!!? I’ve never seen those shows but my brother liked fringe and I’m going to look up ghosted to see what it is about. 

You took me on a ride in this chapter! I was so confused for a second and thought I had missed an update hahahaha until I realized it was a nightmare. Then Gary and his father’s exchange was sooooo beautiful and sad. I almost teared up when he went in for a hug because I thought the dream would end before he got to hug his father and that would have devastated me. And the whole losing the father a second time and just the fact that he misses him...oh that was tough. Whew! Avocato’s frustrations and KVN’s antics were funny and much-needed so Thankyou! Great chapter, super descriptive and I loved hue’s worry, quinn’s Concern, and mooncake’s overreaction. The bit about Avocato’s son was interesting but that’s the show’s plot point so we won’t go over that. 

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Oh my gosh, I love this! I don't know the show at all, but now I'm gonna have to fix that.

I love caretaking, and teamwork is super cool. The congested talking...yes! Splendid. All the sneezing and sniffing and mucus.

I'm a bit of a germophobe in RL, but in stories, bring it. :)


I hope things in your life settle down. I'm so sorry it's been rough lately.


Write and post whenever you're able. I eagerly await more chapters, but also completely understand that life has to come first, always.



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AN: Gosh it might be a while before I update more. My life's kinda a mess, also I'm starting some training soon so that'll be taking up most of my time over the next 3 weeks. Not to mention heckin writers block. How rude. I apologize about that. 

@Reader It's really terrible if you wanna look it up the ending is so unsatisfying that it will piss off everyone you tell it to. Also I honestly have no idea. I think were done though because they blocked me on everything. Oh well though probably shouldn't be whining about that here. Also Fringe is really good I'm glad you know what it is at least! And Ghosted is super funny heck. Its got the guy who played Ben from Parks and Rec. It's great. Also sorry I scared you for a sec, but I'm glad you figured it out! I'm so very glad you think so aaa I'm very flattered! Thank you! And heck yeah Gary deserves at least a hug from his dad one more time. Also it kinda adds to the dramatic effect like you think its safe but then BOOM. I dunno anyways though...Yeah I didn't want to leave it on too sad of a note. Plus Avacato and KVN is not a good mix ever so its hilarious. Thank you so so much I really appreciate it! I'm very happy you liked it so much! I always look forward to and appreciate your comments! Yeah its just another bit of the canon no need to worry about that. Its not super relavent to this story. 

@OnlyInMyDreams I'm so so glad I've convinced you to watch the show that's very exciting and I'm super happy you like the fic!! Honestly caretaking and teamwork together is hecking great to me! Honestly though I definitely agree with you on both fronts. IRL I do not want at all and am super germaphobic but hell yeah for it in fics honestly. I can definitely relate. Thank you very much! I hope so too and I appreciate the kindness! I hope to write more when I can but thank you so much for enjoying it so far.

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@striderlicious hey!! Happy you’re back for a bit 🤗 *hugs* I am the best at giving relationship advice because those who can’t play.....coach! If only there was a way to privately message with someone......From that description, I know the show you’re talking about now!! I like the other guy because he is in Brooklyn 9-9 and The Office. I’ll watch it if it’s on Hulu. 

Don’t worry too much. Writers sometimes don’t update for six months to a year and then when inspiration hits, they pull up the story again!  Can I just say I’m slightly dying/curious if you’ve ever thought of writing an original fiction? Your training sounds interesting and I hope you do well! :byewave: (I seriously thought I remembered the emoji being sad as it said goodbye so picture that instead) 


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