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Table For Two - Part 5/?

Kaze Wo Hiku

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3 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“You’re such a lamb, lovely little lamb, leaping lavender lilacs...” He palmed a few tissues in his hand while continuing in a sing song voice, “Lying lazily....” He giggled softly running a hand through his wet hair. “Little lamb.”


Poor River, he just wants to sleep. And I have a feeling tomorrow is Not going to be pleasant for Colin!

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OMG - drunk and sick is never a good combination. 

4 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“I'm going to feel awful tomorrow, aren't I?”

Oh, I'm sure, you are *lol*

I loved the word "careening" for the way they entered the flat. What a mental image! :D Also - the part where Colin started with his drunk alliterations was hilarious!

4 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“You’re such a lamb, lovely little lamb, leaping lavender lilacs...” He palmed a few tissues in his hand while continuing in a sing song voice, “Lying lazily....” He giggled softly running a hand through his wet hair. “Little lamb.”

This was so funny and touching at the same time. :wub:

And poor River for having so much stress. He needs some free days eventually...

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Awww no poor River :lol: exhausted and weary but having to deal with an armful of giggly, drunk critic :lol::lol: 

Wake up and smell the leather binding, Colin :lol: being a damsel in distress isn't gonna win over that little lamb of yours. 

I hope they won't get together too soon 'cause I'm really loving their current relationship :lol: 

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Oh my... I certainly can see, why this is your favourite part!  Drunk!andSick!Colin all at once? :woot0: What is this new level of adorableness you've introduced us to? :omg::heart:

Even though I also felt so sorry for poor River. He just can't seem to catch a break. First demanding shifts at work for several days in a row, then an assault of dust, working longer hours once again and then, just when he wanted to get some much needed sleep, he has to deal with a drunk roommate  (I swear there was a consoling emojii on here at some point, I can't find it, but please insert it here in honor of River's suffering :lol: ) It was very sweet and considerate of Colin to leave some food for River, though. I like how Colin was still looking out for River, even though he was sick and getting ready for the party.

23 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

” River heard her voice move away from the phone, he couldn't make out what she said but assumed it was to Colin.  “Sorry, he's being a prat.

In my mind, I saw Colin trying to get back his phone from Marseille and protesting that he didn't want to leave the party just yet, while she was holding him away at arm's length, hoping that River would agree to accept the "Colin-parcel" she was about to send on its way. :mail2:(<-- a delivery of sick and drunk Colin, signed, sealed and delivered)


23 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

River grimaced at the thought as well as the sensation of Colin’s hand in his hair. “No thank you.” 

That hand in hair thing? Perfect!:lmfao:


23 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“Look at that, the ceiling needs painting.” River audibly sighed watching Colin’s dreamy expression tilted upward. “Hopefully blue, I like blue.”

This was so random and funny and reminded me of a night when I tried to bring home a friend and we had to stop ALL THE TIME for her to admire some statue or plant or doorknob or whatever caught her fancy :D It also reminded me of Aiden and his hunt for the perfect shade of blue in Wedding Bell Blues.


23 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“I'm a smidge drunk you see.”

And the award for "Understatement of the Year" goes tooooooooo.... *drum roll*  Colin Fairbanks!  :D

I really liked your depiction of drunk!Colin and how their conversation progressed from giggly Colin and trying-to-stay-calm River to that peak where River just couldn't take it anymore, which then proceeded to fade into that moment of clarity drunk people sometimes get, with Colin suddenly becoming all quiet and trying to make it back to his room on his own without bothering River any longer.

Now I am wondering what this mystery woman was all about. Maybe I'm missing something, but I really did wonder - just like I keep asking myself what Colin wanted to say to River, right before he left.

Oh and a little unrelated to rest of the comment, I also need to quote this, simply because it was adorable and I do have a thing for people blessing themselves when they are drunk or otherwise weakened and just a tad needy

23 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

Ah’kktshjuh! Covering with his wad of tissues he broke into another fit of giggles. “My, bless me.” He said in to them



Edited by Selene
Had to fix a quote
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Oh good gravy Colin, have you no sense at all? Drinking and cold meds don't go together. You are going to pay for that. (Still he was rather adorable drunk...)

River, man, I hope you get some sleep and soon. This schedule you are keeping is abominable. 

Sharon? Sharon, who?

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I feel so bad for River! And I feel like Sharon heralds some exciting drama, which I am here for. 

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@AngelEyes Writing drunk!Colin was very fun :D

On 4/15/2018 at 10:53 PM, Hedgehog said:

I loved the word "careening" for the way they entered the flat. What a mental image!

That was one of my favorites parts!

@Juto Same, I love their dynamic :)

On 4/16/2018 at 6:26 PM, Selene said:

In my mind, I saw Colin trying to get back his phone from Marseille and protesting that he didn't want to leave the party just yet, while she was holding him away at arm's length, hoping that River would agree to accept the "Colin-parcel" she was about to send on its way.

This is exactly what went through my head when she's away from the phone :rofl:


On 4/16/2018 at 6:26 PM, Selene said:

I really liked your depiction of drunk!Colin and how their conversation progressed from giggly Colin and trying-to-stay-calm River to that peak where River just couldn't take it anymore, which then proceeded to fade into that moment of clarity drunk people sometimes get, with Colin suddenly becoming all quiet and trying to make it back to his room on his own without bothering River any longer.

Thank you! I liked that part too, like I said writing drunk!Colin was fun whether he was being silly or serious.

@M214186 thank you!

On 4/19/2018 at 7:07 PM, Subtly Clashing Wishes said:

River, man, I hope you get some sleep and soon. This schedule you are keeping is abominable. 

He still puts Liam to shame :lol:

@queenie You'll see :whistle:

Ok part 5! This is the last part I had pre written sitting on my doc so updates (from now on) might not be as regular but I am going to finish it as people seem to like these two :D


Fifth Course

The next morning was quiet which didn’t surprise River at all, though he’d not woke up until nearly 11:00.  He’d been able to make breakfast, coffee and read without any disturbance for hours. Finally, around 1:00pm he heard his roommate's bedroom door open. 

“Shouldn't you be in bed?” River placed his thumb in between the book pages lowering it to lap. Colin trudged into the living room looking far worse than last night.  His hair a tousled mess paired well with the deep bags lining his still red droopy eyes. His nose chapped from all the tissues used on it stood out from his ashen colored face. The critic still wore the clothes from the party, a dark brown sweater over a blue, grey and brown checkered button up shirt, rumpled from sleep. The shirt cuffs stuck halfway out from under sweater sleeves.  

Colin raised one finger up pressing it to his lips. “Quiet please. Head is pounding.” He whispered, voice nearly gone. Slowly he worked his way to the Keurig.  

Shrugging River assumed Colin would simply retreat back to his room after brewing his coffee.   


River glanced up seeing his roommate bent over hand clasped firmly over his mouth.  Sniffing wetly Colin produced tissues blowing his nose grimacing, a quick rub reddened it further.   

Returning to his reading the bookworm ignored the clattering from the kitchen not wanting to bother Colin who obviously felt worse today. After a few quiet minutes he looked up expecting to see an empty room, what he saw was Colin sitting across from him staring adamantly yet lazily at him. 

Startled River nearly dropped his book catching it as it slipped his grasp.  

“Sorry.” The critic averted his eyes then forcefully cleared his throat.  “I'll leave you to your book just...” He paused sipping his coffee. “Thank you again for last night.”  River swore he saw a faint blush but chalked it up to a fever.  

“You were right, I was in bad shape.” He wiped his nose. “After my Nyquil induced nap I felt...better would be a lie, more I felt as I could function. After another few doses of medicine I left feeling...funny.” He coughed into his fist. “I thought I'd be fine, I was for a while, made it through dinner. Then the wine took over, I started feeling bad so I simply drank more. Marseille must have finally noticed and sent me home.  I wasn't the only drunk person there thankfully.” A brief smile crossed his face as he massaged his forehead. 

“And that justifies your actions?” River said flatly not bothering to look at his roommate. “Because other guests were drunk?” 

Colin sat up defensively then swayed a bit. “No of course not, I was only stating...” Breaking off he sighed resting his head in his hands. “Nevermind. I'm too hungover to argue.”  

Closing his book River leaned forward, “Listen, I'm not trying to argue, I think your judgement lacked a bit. You shouldn’t have even gone to the party.”  

“I know, I know but I had to, work is work..oh no...” Tsh’schjuh! Ah’kktshjuh! He bent forward burying his nose in tissues. Sniffing hard he blew it letting out a massive groan. Reaching for another box he turned his head to his shoulder. Hheh’xxshjuh! Hh’ktschjuh!  

“Damn it.” He swore quietly plucking more tissues. “Stupid rain last night froze me.”  He leaned back in the chair closing his eyes. 

A few minutes passed River started his book again, a low heavy breathing sound gave him the impression Colin had fallen asleep. 

His peace was shattered as he heard a sharp almost painful inhale from across the table.  Colin’s breath resonated in his chest as he snapped forward. Eh...Eh...Heh’ehtscheww! Heh...Ts’schujuh! 

Groaning, his frame shook as he pulled a blanket over him tucking his arms inside. “River,” He ran a hand over his face pausing to pinch the bridge of his nose. “Could you be a lamb and bring me some painkillers?” 

For a split-second River almost refused. Obviously, Colin’s headache was more due to his hangover than his cold. The clerk never minded fetching medicine anytime his roommate was ill however willingly going to a party even for work and mixing medicine and alcohol, he nearly drew a line. 

“Please.” Colin whispered hoarsely as if he knew River was internally debating. As William Goldman wrote, it was the please that got this attention. 

Setting his book down River got up heading to the cabinet in the kitchen which Colin stored medicine in. Grabbing the bottle, he filled a glass with water returning to the living area. Colin produced a faint smile accepting them. “Thank you again.” His voice cracked substantially. A hard throat clear did little to help, after swallowing the pills and water Colin tried again. “Well.” He sounded like air slowly leaking from a tire. “I think I'll go back to bed now.”  

“Sleep well.” River replied dryly flipping to the next page as Colin jostled himself up. Adjusting his blanket closer around him, the critic started down the hall.  

Oh, I almost forgot.” Colin half turned coughing into the blanket. “When I'm finally over this wretched cold let me take you to dinner.”  

River looked up and wrinkled his brow confused upon hearing his roommates offer. “Why?”  

Colin's pale face produced a smiled, “To thank you, of course.”  

River still couldn't see the distinction, in six months he'd helped Colin a few times while ill, why was this incident different? “Well I appreciate it but there's no need to.” He sat back crossing his ankles.  

“Why?” Colin appeared rattled from River’s answer. He stepped forward resting against a nearby chair. 

“I didn’t do anything substantial besides even though we’re roommates you're basically my landlord, why wouldn't I have helped you.” River smiled briefly. 

“Landlord...oh.” Colin remarked quietly drawing his hand back under the blanket. “I see. Well if you change your mind...” His weak voice trailed leaving whatever words he’d been saving escape as an exhale.  Turning he headed back down the hall toward his room, muttering something under his breath which River couldn't hear.  

He wasn't completely sure but Colin’s eyes appeared watery, perhaps due to his cold, River didn't give it much thought only glad his roommate would be getting some rest and hopefully sleep off the hangover. 

As he heard the door close River realized he’d once again forgotten to mention about Sharon. Ah well, nothing that couldn’t wait until Colin was feeling better. 



Colin didn't leave the confines of his room again until late in the evening. Sitting cross ankled at the kitchen table, River, book in one hand, fork in the other, finished off the Lo Mein from the other night. One great perk of being a food critics roommate was restaurants almost always gave Colin free samples or “thank you” food. River enjoyed that part.  

“Was it satisfactory?” Colin asked sitting down with a bowl of soup. The effects of the hangover appeared to be gone though he did still appear a bit pale; his voice was stronger. 

“Quite good.” River answered not glancing up from his book. “How are you feeling?” He noticed Colin was back in his pajamas and dressing gown. Hair still a bit disheveled, it looked like he'd merely run his fingers through it before coming out.  

“Headache is gone finally.” Colin replied blowing the steam rising from the bowl before sipping it. “Slept a good long time, well more like hibernated.” He looked over at River. “Thank you for being quiet.” 

The clerk shrugged, “Didn’t need anything from my room so it was easy.  Been reading all day.” 

“Shocking.” The older man replied smiling. “What's today's book?”  

A Night in Barcelona by...” 

Tristano Farrugia, I know.” Colin smiled at River who raised an eyebrow at him. “I met him last night at the party.” 

River’s mouth dropped. “You met him?” Honestly, he shouldn't have been surprised, Colin always mingled with the who's who of Newhaven and beyond. “He's one of my favorite authors, I've read all his books!” Practically giddy the bookworm couldn't contain the smile on his face. “I didn’t even know he was in town.” 

“He’s doing a private interview and book signing tomorrow over at The Carlysle, favor for Michael Wainwright, a fundraiser or something.” Colin replied coughing out the last part. 

River’s excitement suddenly hit a wall. A private signing? Well that ruled him out. “Oh.” He said quietly looking down at his plate.  

“What’s wrong?” His roommate asked. River shrugged not bothering to speak.  Tristano Farrugia in town but there was no way River could get into a private signing, he doubted Chester could. 

“River, if you want to go tell me, I can get you in.” Colin replied.  

The bookworms head shot up, eyes wide he stared at his roommate. “Really?” His happiness halted as he looked at Colin, “Wait no, you shouldn't be out, you'll get worse.” 

The critic shook his head, “River your concern over my well-being is appreciated but I'm going to payback your kindness.” Colin pulled out his phone hitting dial. He rose walking out of the kitchen leaving River confused. 

A few minutes later the older man returned smiling. “We’re in.” 

River’s mouth dropped along with the book. “Colin, I...” He was lost on words of thanks still shocked his roommate went to all this trouble for him.   “You didn’t...I mean...” 

“I told you I would make your kindness up.” Colin gave a brief smile before pulling out tissues, sneezing wetly into them. “I’ll douse myself in cold medicine and vapor rub tonight.  Besides weather tomorrow is supposed to...be...ni....Hai'TSHjuhew!! Colin bent forward covering his nose and mouth with his soggy tissues. “Ow.” River heard him whisper. 

A dull ache formed in the bookworm’s stomach, “Colin really it’s...” 

“No buts.” The critic replied then blew his nose. “Tomorrow 11:00am, don’t you dare pick up a shift.” A faint smile formed behind the tissues. 

River gave a half grin, he was actually going to meet his favorite author tomorrow. 

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5 hours ago, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“No buts.” The critic replied then blew his nose. “Tomorrow 11:00am, don’t you dare pick up a shift.” A faint smile formed behind the tissues. 


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I like River more and more with every new part. Alone the imagination of him sitting at the kitchen table reading his book all day, obviously without feeling the need to do anything else. :D But even more - being all hesitant and indecisive when Colin offers the dinner but HEAD OVER HEELS when he hears that he met his favorite author at the party. AND COLIN FINALLY KNEW HOW HE COULD GET RIVER!!! :D

And the poor man is soooooo sick. :( I just want to stuff him into his bed and take his temperature. Pull the blanket up, bring him tea, read a story for him... And all the time, Colin would dream it was River doing all these things. :rofl:

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I bet Colin loves that he can finally repay River his kindness!!! 

Darling bookworm being all happy and excited! 

((And I had to admit that stern!Colin is a Cute!Colin!!! :heart: )) 

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So the burning question isn't will Colin feel better in time for the book signing? It's rather how sick will Colin be after the book signing? I love that Colin finally found a way to get River's attention. 

(BTW, your gif of Alan Cummings from Instinct is cute. My husband told me the other night he wished he could dress like Alan's character every day.) 

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So I am super late with replying to the last part, but that doesn't mean I did not enjoy it. On the contrary!!! Even though I  died a little again... out of the 9 cat lives I had at the beginning, at least three have fallen victim to one of your OCs :D  Is there some kind of life insurance covering the event of a person dying because of fiction induced heartache? I feel like this should be a thing.

And the main reason for life number 3 being taken away from me was this part:

On 24.4.2018 at 0:51 AM, Kaze wo Hiku said:

“Why?” Colin appeared rattled from River’s answer. He stepped forward resting against a nearby chair. 

“I didn’t do anything substantial besides even though we’re roommates you're basically my landlord, why wouldn't I have helped you.” River smiled briefly. 

“Landlord...oh.” Colin remarked quietly drawing his hand back under the blanket. “I see. Well if you change your mind...” His weak voice trailed leaving whatever words he’d been saving escape as an exhale.  Turning he headed back down the hall toward his room, muttering something under his breath which River couldn't hear.  

THAT TINY LITTLE TOTALLY DISAPPOINTED "OH"?! :cry: :upset::cry::rip: (<--- my poor heart after Colin's "oh")

Poor Colin, who is totally in friendship-and-bonding-mode right there, just to receive such an unexpected blow from River....  :consoling:  He sounded so dismayed and disappointed... I hope that River's excitement at getting the chance to meet his favourite author will help Colin to overcome this blow.

I guess the reason why I reacted so strongly to that particular scene was that it hit me so unexpectedly. And that moment was beautifully built up to - first the casual exchange between them, yet with some underlying tension from the night before: River's somewhat reserved tone right at the beginning ("Shouldn't you be in bed") the fact that he's not really devoting his unshared attention to the conversation, because he is still half-immersed into his book, while Colin tries to strke up a more serious conversation. And then there was this beautiful pause and denuement... these three little dots and that "oh"...  :inlove: I know it was just one little word, two letters and a few little dots, but my heart was pierced (I'm not complaining, though. :D:shifty: To quote that infamous Enrique Iglesias song: "I like it" :lol: )

Ahem...yeah... :blush: I swear there were other things I was going to mention, but I got carried away here :sweatdrop:

And I will forever ask myself what Colin said there while he was heading back to his room.

I'm also looking forward to the book signing... there are so many possibilities there for the two of them :heart:

Edited by Selene
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  • 1 month later...

This is kinda crushing my heart omg. Not complaining tho, i love the angst, and have a feeling there will be more next chapter:nosad:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

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