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At the Northern Border (LotR, Haldir)


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Hey there. I've been working on this fanfic for quite a while now and wasn't confident enough to post it yet. Thanks to my wonderful beta helyzelle, who was so friendly to fix all my grammar/vocab problems in here, I finally decided to upload the first part. There is some sneezing in it, but not only from Haldir. I'm not sure how the OC's got so strong in there, but I probably liked the idea of contagion too much. But I promise you that In the next parts, Feäläir ("spirit of summer") and Nimbreth (birch tree) will be gone. I already finished the story, but I'm still correcting the other parts. Writing stuffy voices is harder than I expected it to be...

Spoilers: None. At least not for LotR.

Disclaimer: Of course I do not own LotR, I am only playing with the three Lórien-brothers (Haldir, Rúmil, Orophin) and I do not get any money for that. 


Part 1/4

”Rúmil! Wake up!” Someone pushed the sleepy elf out of his bed, exposing him to the freezing morning air. ”Our shift starts at dawn!”
”But it's five hours until then, Haldir!”, Rúmil groaned and freed his legs of Orophin, who had fallen onto them.
”Seriously, there's still plenty of time”, his brother agreed.

But Haldir only coughed slightly and started to sharpen his knives. The two younger elves glanced at each other and climbed back onto their beds. That was when Haldir drew a sharp breath. They turned to him at once, but instead of snapping at them, he fixed on a point outside their flet. ”Hehh- HehhIshhh!
He straightened with a sniff. ”As I said, our shift starts at dawn. And we will leave now.”
“But there's no need for rushing there, we would have to wait–”
“Get dressed. Or do you want to scare the orcs with your underwear?” Haldir sighed and rubbed his nose absent-mindedly. The two brothers rolled their eyes at him but did as they were told.

The golden forest was still asleep when they approached the border. The Mallorn trees were rather small here, compared to the heart of Lórien. Still, their glittering leaves reflected the moonlight, just barely enough for the elves to see.
“You know”, Orophin started, “That it is not yet dawn.”
Haldir raised an eyebrow.
“Which means we actually could have slept longer”, added Rúmil.
“Did you two ever consider that there might have been a good reason why were came here so early?”, asked Haldir with a smile. Then he suddenly jumped behind a tree and felt for his arrows. His brothers joined him.
“Orcs!”, whispered Rúmil. Orophin peeked at the troop. “Three dozens of them!” They looked at Haldir, who pointed at the trees. “Wait until they are directly beneath us!”

But before they could come that far, a sneeze echoed through the forest: “Heptshh!
The three guards winced at the sound and drew their bows. The whole army had turned as if it was one big creature. It would not take them long to spot the elves on the trees, so the brothers had to shoot at them immediately. They changed their positions from time to time, but it was in vain. Not even a minute after their first arrow they were attacked with the same weapon. Luckily, not all orcs had bows with them and only a few seemed to be talented bowmen. After they had killed one third of them, two other wardens appeared, making the rest of them an easy prey.

Orophin chuckled as he put back his last, now redundant arrow. “No. It really didn't cross my mind that you would lead us here to attract orcs by sneezing.” Rúmil joined his laughter. Haldir groaned and pointed down at the clearing: “It wasn't me who sneezed.” As if to underline this statement, the sneeze sounded again: “Heptshh! Heh...Heptchoo!

The brothers jumped to the ground and approached their supporters- fellow guards they had known for centuries. One of them, Nimbreth, was pressing his hand to his nose, covering another sneeze. “HepTSHH! Hehh...hehh-
His brother Feäläir smiled at them, his expression somewhere between embarrassment and amusement.
“He is really sorry. He will tell you as soon as he's able to speak again”, he glanced at his companion, who was now struggling with a tickle both in his nose and his throat, “... Which might take a while. Do you happen to have a handkerchief? He gave his own to Luinil.”
Haldir passed the poor elf a grey cloth. Nimbreth kept one hand at his nose while he took the fabric and blew his nose. It stopped the upcoming sneeze, but did not ease the coughing, leaving the elf unable to speak nonetheless. He turned around, trying to escape the stares.

Rúmil cleared his throat to draw the attention away from Nimbreth. “Where is Luinil? I always thought you three were inseparable.”
Haldir coughed slightly. “He is the reason we came here. I met him yesterday, he seems to have come down with-”
Heptshhh- tshh!
“That. But he didn't tell me Nimbreth was ill as well. He only asked us to take over their watch earlier than usual.”
Nimbreth blew his nose again and mumbled: “I felt fine yesterday. We sent him home to prevent incidents like...like...
Heh-tshh! Heh...TSHhh!
“Like the one we just experienced”, finished Feäläir, putting his hand onto his brother's shoulder.
Rúmil nodded. “It's no good holding guard while being ill.”
“And nothing is worse than having to face orcs then”, Haldir said. He shook his head when Nimbreth attempted to give back the handkerchief. “You might need it on your way home.”
The elf smiled sheepishly. “Thank you. And I do think there is something worse.”
Haldir raised his eyebrow.
“If I had to talk to a dwarf right now or face an army of orcs, I would definitely choose the orcs.”
The others smiled at this, everyone secretly agreeing. “Then I recommend you to go home before any of this can happen. We should be able to manage it alone, now.”

Orophin let his gaze wander to the fallen orcs and sighed. Yes, they were able to manage that alone, but it would be easier with five guards instead of only three. But when he opened his mouth to protest, Nimbreth raised the handkerchief once more: “Hep-TShh! Heh... HepTSHH! TSHH!” The sneezing turned into a coughing fit, and Orophin closed his mouth. Rúmil had been right, there was no use in keeping this elf outside any longer. He sighed again. With some luck, they would be finished by dawn.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks (: 

The second part is rather short, but I'll post the third one right away. I just have to check my attempts at stuffy voices once more, it's really difficult...

Disclaimer: I still don't own LotR. Not even the three brothers from Lorien...



Part 2/4

“What are you waiting for?” Haldir reached for his bow and climbed a nearby tree. “I will hold guard while you clean up.”
Orophin groaned. Before he could argue, his brother had disappeared in the golden treetops. Rúmil rolled his eyes at him and pulled an arrow out of an orc. It was still functionable, he would only have to clean it.
“Why doesn’t he do the dirty work?”, complained Orophin.
“It’s Haldir. When did he ever get his hands dirty? At least we won’t be surprised by orcs. I trust him with that.”
His brother made a non committing noise while pulling two bodies towards the river.  

They worked silently, only stopping as Haldir returned. He sniffed and eyed the leftover orcs. “This stink is unbearable.”
“You’re telling me!” Orophin held his hand under his brother’s nose. “It will take days until-”
Heh’Ishhh! Hehh...
” Haldir turned around and rubbed his nose, “Hehh...Ishh! And you will stay away from me until then.”
He sniffed once more before adding: ”There are more orcs a few miles north. You better be quick, otherwise you will have to carry bodies all day.”
Orophin inhaled sharply. “Are you serious?”
Rúmil grinned, but Haldir maintained the stern expression a few moments longer. “Lórien should be free of orcs as soon as you have finished here. I sent a troop towards Moria anyway, just to be sure… Heh’HepIshh!
” He shook his head. “I’ll be at the flet. Change your clothes before you join me!” With that, he went back into the woods, stifling another “Hihh… Hipshh!

“If he’s free now, why doesn’t he help us?”, grumbled Orophin, “And this narcissist calls himself our brother.”
“Of course. He would never do this to any other guard.” Rúmil looked back at Haldir, who was bending in half again. “But since when do orcs make him sneeze?”

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Okay, here you go.

Disclaimer: As I said, LotR belongs to Tolkien and Peter Jackson (+New line etc.).
And again many thanks to helyzelle :hug:

Part 3/4

Hih… Hihh… Hehh’ISHoo!

Rúmil winced at the sound. Even a dwarf would have been able to locate the flet now. Orophin, on the other side, was smiling as he jumped onto the platform. He had decided not to listen to Haldir, therefore he was still smelling of the orcs.
“I tried to stop him, but he wouldn’t listen”, Rúmil called out. This was not completely true, but enough to keep Haldir from blaming him as well.
Not that he could say much right now, his nose nose still buried in his sleeve. “Hehh...Hehh’ESHoo… EPSSHhhh
!” He sniffled a few times.
Rúmil turned at the wet sound, hanging his clothes onto some branches. He was not sure if the quick wash in the river had been enough to erase the stench, as Orophin was still around.

“Galu”, he said as Haldir lifted his head again. He covered his left arm, but Rúmil noticed a wet spot on the fabric anyway. Maybe it had not been the best idea to give his handkerchief away. But Haldir did not ask for one, so he would probably manage without.

Rúmil broke the silence after a few minutes, growing more and more annoyed by his younger brother.
“This smells like an orc nest. I will roam the area for a while.” He cast a look to Haldir, both making sure he was alright and encouraging him to talk sense into Orophin. The older elf nodded absentmindedly, rubbing his nose again. “Hehh… hehh… HehKShoo! Kshoo!

Biting his tongue, Rúmil left the flet. There was something wrong with Haldir.
The Mallorn leaves surrounded him like a golden sea, reflecting the first light of the day, but he could not find any pleasure in the forest today. Not whilst his brother suffered practically alone at the border. Rúmil ranged the woods anyway for nearly an hour, to be sure that Orophin had changed his clothes by his return.

He had actually done so, another branch was covered in grey fabric, blocking the view of the flet. It was quiet, which Rúmil considered a good sign. Just before the elf entered the platform, however, he heard a sharp intake of breath. He blinked. Maybe Orophin was trying to fool him. Maybe Haldir was surprised. It did not necessary mean that-

Rúmil sighed. Haldir was sitting to his left, leaning against the trunk of a tree. At least he had been doing that, now he was slowly waving back and forth, covering his nose with both hands. “Hihh… Hhh… Hehh… heh! Hh-KSCHhh! Heh’KSCHH! Heh’TSHHhh!

“Galu”, said Rúmil and shook his head.
Orophin smiled relieved as he saw his brother. “Do you know where my handkerchief is? I’ve been looking for it since you left.”
“It’s in your upper right pocket”, Rúmil informed Orophin, “But probably still wet, as long as you didn’t take it out while washing your cloak.”
Haldir kept his hands up and closed his eyes again, his ears twitching. “Hehh… hehhh...

Rúmil wondered if he had even noticed his arrival. His younger brother reached into his pocket and pulled out a drippy cloth. “That won’t help”, he mumbled, eying Haldir. The march warden was massaging his nose and held his breath, paying attention to neither of them.
“Mine should be dry by now. Just a second!” Rúmil went to fetch the handkerchief, silently cursing himself for putting it on the highest branch possible. Haldir had stopped holding his breath now. “Hehh...Hehhh… Hhh’CHISHhhh!
“Galu!” Rúmil threw the fresh cloth at his brother.  

Heh’TSCHH! Heh’TCHSHhh! Hehh...Heh’KSCHhh!
“Galu. Finished?” Orophin cocked his head. Haldir nodded, but kept his hands at his nose, not even trying to reach for the cloth.
“Um. Rúmil’s got you a handkerchief.”
Rúmil rolled his eyes at his brother. Ever so sympathetic. Haldir sniffled wetly and looked pleadingly at Rúmil, who rushed to Haldir’s side, putting the dry piece of fabric around his hand.
“Oh.” Orophin seemed to have finally realized the problem.
“Could you two tu’d arou’d?”, asked Haldir.
They did as they were told and winced at the gurgling blow that sounded not even a second after. It was followed by a few wet sniffles and a second blow. And silence.

“Haldir?”, Rúmil asked after a few minutes.
“Are you alright?” There was no point in denying it now, but Haldir acted as though nothing had happened. “Of course. It’s the orcs.”
“Exactly. The orcs”, Rúmil repeated with an raised eyebrow.
“But there are no orcs around”, said Orophin confused. “I even washed twice!”
Haldir darted a glance at him.
“Ah. Yes, it must be the orcs”, the youngest brother corrected himself.
Haldir sighed. Unfortunately, it was not a sigh of relief. “Hehhh… Hehh… Hehhh-CHISHhh! TSHhhh! Hihh… Hhh...HHh!

“Only the orcs”, repeated Rúmil quickly, just before Haldir bent in half again: “
“Must be a lot of them around”, added Orophin, receiving another frosty look.
Haldir coughed lightly and wiped his nose before confirming: “There is.”
Rúmil looked casually around, watching his brother from the corner of his eye.
“I didn’t see any near the border. Not a single footstep. Besides on the trail they took from Moria. It seems like the dwarves chased them away.”

There was nothing but the faint sound of Haldir breathing slightly louder than usual.
Orophin cleared his throat. “Um, you said you met Luinil yesterday?”
“I did.”
“Did you talk to him for a long time?”
Hhh… HhgSHHhh!
Haldir blinked and fumbled for the handkerchief to blow his nose.He was not in the bood for smalltalk. Neidher was I.”, he replied afterwards, the congestion still audible. The elf blinked and sniffed again.
“But you did spend some time near him?”
Haldir groaned. “Im fibe, Orophin! Just stob talking. We’re holding guard.”
“If there were any enemies near, they’d have found us by now, given to the way you were sneezing”, remarked Rúmil before getting up, nodding to Orophin. “Can you hold guard on your own for a while? I just remembered this spot I wanted to ask Haldir about. Haldir?”
He paused at the edge, waiting for his older brother, who raised reluctantly. The sudden change of position seemed to irritate his nose again. He rubbed it harshly, but to no avail. As a few rays of the morning sun found their way through the leaves, the tingling need took control of his nose: “H’TSCHHUUhh! Heh’TSCHCHHsss! Hh…
I hobe–” Haldir frowned and sniffed strongly. “I hope it is important.”
Orophin observed him quizzically. “He should better stay here. It is at least protected from the wind. And he’s safe.”
“He’s also safe with me. And it is really important. There might be a security risk out there.”
Haldir attempted to raise an eyebrow while already giving in to another sneeze: “Hah’KSHHHsss!” He took a few seconds to blow his nose, during which Rúmil winked at Orophin. He was not sure if his younger brother had got his plan, but he left the flet nonetheless with Haldir in tow.

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Thank you for your replies ^_^ (and also to the readers who didn't comment). I think I also added something in here, as I didn't manage to make all of Haldir's sentences sound stuffy (would've sounded strange anyway, so...).And I noticed that there weren't too many sneezes in there, so I fixed that. But I'm glad you liked the additions (:  

This is the last part so far. But I'm not sure if I'm done with the three  brothers yet. 

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own LotR nor any of the three brothers. Or maybe, luckily...

Spoilers: None. As long as you do't count the fact that Haldir doesn't really like hugs (Oh, that face when Aragorn embraces him :razz: )



Part 4/4



Snnnf! Bhere are be goin’?”

“Resolving the safety issue.”

Haldir sniffed strongly and massaged his nose. “I was ubder the imbression you wanted be to judge whedher it is dangerous or bot.”

“I’m quite sure about it now.”

“B’hat is id, then?”

“You will see soon.”

“I...” Haldir paused for a moment, blowing his nose for the fourth time on their walk. Rúmil waited patiently, smiling to himself.

“I would rather like to know now”, the elder brother finished.

“And I would rather like you not to.”

Haldir still did not move, looking at his brother with a wary expression. “We are moving away from the border.”

“I’m aware of that. Come on. It’s not that far.”

Haldir followed him slowly, unconvinced.

“That sniffle is in your nose, not in your legs! We cannot let Orophin wait there all day!”

“It might not be in my legs, but it’s affecting my breathing.”

“Did you just admit you have a cold?”, Rúmil asked, putting his arm around Haldir’s waist. He did not answer, but allowed the touch, if not even leaning in a little. That was always a bad sign. Rúmil could not remember many occasions when he had been able to embrace his brother without him escaping mere seconds after. The illness had to be even worse than he had imagined.

“Do you remember what I told Nimbreth earlier this day?”

Haldir sniffed and shook Rúmil’s arm off. “Sadly I don’t.”

“I thought you’d say so. But the point is that you agreed with me then and I have plenty of witnesses of that.”

“Pardon me?”

“It seems to be affecting your mind as well. Nevermind, it’s not far anymore.” Rúmil smiled widely, pulling Haldir with him. He must have been right with his assumption, as it took Haldir quite a long time to realize where they were actually heading. But as he did, it was already too late to turn around.


“Rúmil.” Haldir looked as if he was about to say more until his expression was overshadowed by a upcoming sneeze. “Heh’TSCHCHHhh! h’ESCHHhh! Ah’TSCHH!!

This time not his brothers turned to him, but other elves who watched the two returning guards with surprise. Rúmil straightened a bit to draw their gazes away from Haldir, who was now desperately looking for a dry piece of his, or rather Rúmil’s, handkerchief. But it was of no use anymore.

“We have plenty of them at home”, he assured and pushed his brother up the stairs. Haldir did not even defy him anymore, he only stumbled forward, pressing the wet cloth to his nose. It seemed like eternities before they finally reached their private flet. Haldir practically collapsed on his bed and gratefully accepted a stack of fresh hankies.

Heh’TSCHHHhh! Hehh… Heh’KETCHhhh! KSHHhh!

Rúmil went to search for warm blankets while his brother emptied his nose. He began to worry that they would actually run of of handkerchiefs before he had finished, but after going through three of them, Haldir was confident to talk again.

“You canbot keeb be here.”

Rúmil smiled at this. He was quite positive that he force Haldir to everything, given his current state.

“I won’t have to. I’m counting on your sense”, he replied.

Haldir sighed, massaging his temples. “At least I will ngot allow you do hold guard on your own. Ask for a troob. Get Feäläir, do anydhing bud- heh- Heh'KTsch! Hh'TSCHsss! hhh... hh...Hh-!
Haldir blinked, hitching wildly. Rúmil raised an eyebrow and waited for his brother to finish his sentence. His patience didn't last long, however. The sooner he could get him to sleep, the better. “What about switching shifts with someone? You will need someone to take care of you. Or leastwise someone to force you to rest.”

"Heh... Heh'IhKSCHh!" Haldir blew his nose and buried his head under the pillow afterwards. “I will only rest when Orophin has safely returned.”

“He can take care of himself.”

“Our younger brother wasn’t even able to find his own handkerchief in his cloak with maximum four pockets and you’re telling me he can guard the border two days straight without any help?!”



“His cloak’s got seven pockets.”

“What...hhh... What kind of cloak is that? Hh!” Haldir finished quickly while pulling up the blanket : "HhRshhh! Hh'Tschh! Hhh... Heh'KTSCHhh!" 
He sniffled wetly before freeing one hand and fumbling blindly for another handkerchief. Rúmil rolled his eyes at him and passed him one. Haldir was right, neither of Rúmil’s brothers were able to take care of themselves. Luckily, he was there to look after them.
Rúmil raised with a sigh. He still had to find someone who was willing to take their watch. And even more important, he had a younger brother to pick up from the Northern border.

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