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Sailor Moon Fanfic~..

Guest makemepretty

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Guest makemepretty

( Note: If you are not familiar with Sailor Moon, Michiru is Sailor Neptune and Haruka is Sailor Uranus. They are lesbians in the anime, though when it was dubbed for American children they were changed to "cousins". :P You can find a picture Michiru (left) and Haruka (right) if you click here. And yes, the one with the short hair IS a girl. )


Michiru Kaioh sneezed into cupped hands as she sat in the bed, watching her lover get dressed. She rubbed at her nose with the back of her hand and tilted her head, smiling at Haruka. "You know, koibito, it would make life a lot easier if you'd TELL me at least a day before you have to go to these things." Haruka had some sort of conference to go to that day- she was a professional motorbike racer, and since there was a race in a week, she had to attend this conference. People who weren't actually involved with the race couldn't go, so Michiru was planning on staying home.

"Well.. I just.. forgot. That's all." Haruka slipped on a men's blouse and left the three top buttons unbuttoned.

Michiru laughed and sat up, crawling over to the edge of the bed where Haruka leaned against it, and threw her arms around her lover's waist. Haruka yelped and fell backwards, landing on top of Michiru. Michiru spun them around so that she had Haruka pinned, on her back, to the bed.

One of Haruka's eyebrows went up. "Love, if you wanted this, you should have said something before I started to put clothes on.."

Michiru leaned down and kissed Haruka's lips tenderly. "Mmm. I guess I'll just wait until you get home, then." She crawled off of the blonde woman and flopped back against the pillows.

"Oh, Michi. Thanks. Now I am never going to be able to concentrate."

"On what? I know that all you do is flirt with all the cute fangirls who crowd around outsiiiiih-ih-TTSCHH!” Michiru sneezed and directed it into her wrist.

Haruka’s other eyebrow went up. “Are you alright?”

Michiru answered with a wet sniffle and a nod, keeping her wrist pressed up to her nose, and disappeared into the bathroom, where she grabbed a kleenex and blew her nose thoroughly, then returned. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just the sniffles from walking home in the rain the other night.” She dabbed at her nose with her sleeve.

“A sniffle, you mean, like a cold?”

“No. Like a sniffle.”

“A cold.” Haruka had stopped getting dressed, and picked up the phone from the dresser, dialing a number and holding it up to her ear.

“Who are you calling?” Michiru asked, tilting her head to the side and sniffling again.

“Calling Mr. Aoukusa. Telling him I can’t be there.”

”What? Why!?” The blue-haired woman sat up quickly.

“Because you’re sick!”

Michiru rolled her eyes and got up from the bed, grabbing the phone from Haruka and slamming it down on the reciever. “I am -not- sick. I told you I just have the sniffles.” She rubbed at her itching nose with the back of her hand. Another sneeze was building up, but she was determined not to let it out. She knew that if Haruka missed this meeting, that she couldn’t be in the race the next week, and the race was one that Haruka had been preparing for for a long time. “Hihh-ihhh-” she sniffled wetly, and pressed the knuckle of her index finger firmly against her nose until the tickle subsided for the moment.

Haruka stared into her lover’s eyes. “Michiru.. are you sure?”

”I’m positive, darling.” Michiru nodded, smiling, then quickly brought her hand back up to her nose, rubbing it hard with her palm until it was bright red, but still tickled. “O-ohh..” She moaned as the tickle wouldn’t go away, and sniffled hard. Her nose was running quickly, and was threatening to drip onto the hands that were now cupped over her face if she hadn’t been sniffling every few seconds. “Ohh-uhh..” Her eyes closed tightly. “IH--hih-aah-aahh!..” A few sniffles. “H-ih-ohh..” She uncupped her hands to wipe her nose hard on the back of her hand, then quickly cupped them again as the sneezes forced their way out. “Ih-TSCHHH! Hih-TTCHHH! TTCChhh.. HUH-ih-ttschhh..hih...ahhh..” She was sniffling madly, the mucus almost visibly dripping before she sniffed it away. “Ih--ahh- hih-TTSCHHHHH!”

Haruka, in the meantime, had called Mr. Aoukusa, explained that Michiru was very ill and needed to be taken care of. Mr. Aoukusa told Haruka that it was perfectly alright and understandable (Haruka was one of the best racers in Japan - Mr. Aoukusa wasn’t about to kick her out of the race for missing a meeting, even a mandatory one), and Haruka had leaned back against the dresser with her arms crossed, visibly amused.

“.. your boobs bounce when you sneeze.” Haruka drawled this and then climbed into the bed, with a smirk, and cuddled up to her Michiru. “And I am going to stay home and watch every one.”

( Will be continued sometime. :laugh: Hope you liked it. )

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  • 1 year later...

Wow nice Job. I know I hate it when others dont post about my stories and trust me this one is one of the best I have read I hope we start to get into their time together soon. I love these two. Thank you for the story.

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( Will be continued sometime. :D Hope you liked it. )

I really hope that you do continue- It was a good fic. My wife is a huge SM fan and has all the eps (including Sailor Stars) and movies on DVD so I am very familiar with that cartoon world. Once again, great fic!

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I'm a huge loser and love sailor moon along with every other cute anime I've ever seen... Honestly The japanese version is so much better with them as lesbians, it works better than cousins. Anyway, this rocked, you better post soon, and thankfully your younger than me meaning I can read it muwahahah! so no tagging any 18+ junk or I shall have to get sneaky.. :D:innocent:

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