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The Downside to Dying (Torchwood, Jack)


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@MyOwnPrivateSFC Melty is good!

@Jelloicious Tosh is sweet and gentle. Supplies coming up...

@ReidSeeker Cuddles are the best! And the hair. Always the hair. It's kind of an obsession of mine.

@Selene Jack is Totally the invincible knight! LOL! And don't worry, that part of his character doesn't lie low for long!


He returned a short time later and stashed a take-out container of soup in the kitchenette and carried the rest of the bags with him to check on Jack. He set a box of lotion-infused tissues on the dresser and a stack of soft handkerchiefs on the bedside table. He slipped back into the bed next to Jack who was tossing fitfully. He reached out to stroke his hair and he settled back down. They lay like this for a while, Ianto running his fingers through Jack’s hair soothingly as he snored. Suddenly he jerked awake with a pair of wet sneezes. “Haaachshhh! Haaachshhhooo!” This was followed by harsh cough which didn’t seem to want to stop until Ianto helped him to sit up and patted his back. Finally Ianto was able to hand him a glass of water from which he took a careful sip. “Ugh,” he said miserably as he handed it back.


Ianto passed him a new handkerchief. “Alright?”


Jack groaned. “I thidk I’b dying.”


Ianto chuckled. “Don’t worry. That doesn’t seem to take with you.”


Jack’s eyes lit up. “There’s an idea! Maybe if I die again, I’ll come back healthy!”


“I’ll put that down to the fever talking. Let’s not try that,” Ianto answered, grimacing. “Are you hungry? I picked up some soup. Then you can have another pill and get some more sleep.” Jack shrugged and slumped back on the bed. “I’ll be right back,” he said heading up to the kitchenette. After a few minutes he returned, expertly navigating the ladder while holding a tray containing 2 steaming bowls of soup and 2 mugs of fresh tea. Settling back on the bed next to Jack, he started to hand him one of the bowls, but Jack waved him off.


“Hadg ond. I have to sdeeze….Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” He looked up to see Ianto holding out a clean handkerchief. After clearing his nose, he took the proffered soup. He ate about half before setting it back on the tray. Ianto raised an eyebrow. “I’m sure it’s good, but I can’t actually taste it and I’m not very hungry.” He coughed lightly and picked up the mug of tea. “However, I’ll never turn down a Ianto special.” Ianto laughed, getting up and setting the tray aside. He handed Jack one of the pills Owen had left. Jack dutifully took it before looking appraisingly at him. “Why don’t you take off that suit and come to bed?”


Ianto gave him a long look. “Alright. But I’m putting on pajamas, so don’t be getting any ideas.” He carefully hung his suit and changed into a pair of Jack’s pajamas. All the while Jack stared at him appreciatively. He climbed under the covers and Jack snuck an arm around him, pulling him close, planting a kiss on his lips while his other hand made its way under his shirt. Ianto tried to pull free, protesting, “Jack, Owen said you need to be resting.”


Not giving up his hold, Jack laughed. “Nonsense. Doesn’t he know a little exercise is good for stimulating the immune system?” He grinned, “Among other things.”


Whatever other protests Ianto was about to make fled his mind as Jack’s hand moved lower. The man did know a thing or two about stimulating. A while later they lay spent, Jack’s head on Ianto’s chest. “Feeling better?”


“Not really. But that was fun!” Jack laughed. Ianto felt his breath hitch and handed him a handkerchief from the stack on the bedside table just in time. “Haaachsh! Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!”


“Perhaps you’d better get some sleep now?” Ianto suggested. The only answer was a soft murmur. He carded his fingers through soft hair and was soon rewarded with soft snores. He pressed a kiss to the top of Jack’s head and was soon asleep himself.


Ianto awoke the next morning as he heard the cog-wheel door to the Hub grind open. He quickly but carefully slid out of bed and dressed in his suit. He made sure to tame down his hair and quietly mounted the ladder. Owen greeted him as he made his way down the stairs. “How’s our patient?”


“Still asleep,”Ianto answered, smoothing down his lapels.


“Good. Any troubles?” Owen asked with a piercing look.


Thinking back to the previous night’s activities, Ianto hoped he wasn’t blushing. “No, uh, he mostly just slept. We did have some soup for dinner.”


“Well done. I can’t imagine it’s easy to get Jack Harkness to sleep.”


Ianto was sure he was blushing now. “Right,” he said, ducking his head, “Would you like some coffee?”


“Fantastic!” Owen smiled broadly and headed down to the medical bay.


Ianto turned, closed his eyes, and let out a deep breath. “Bugger.” He exclaimed under his breath before setting off to make coffee. He had just delivered it to Owen when they heard footsteps on the stairs. There was a pause, two harsh sneezes, a couple more footfalls, another pause, another sneeze, more footfalls, another pause, more sneezes. A moment later Jack came into view. Eyes bleary, nose reddened, carrying a handkerchief, tousled hair sticking up. “Bless you,” Ianto called, his heart going out to the obviously miserable man.


Jack sniffed. “Whed will this be over?” He asked dejectedly.


“Come down here and let me take a look at you,” Owen answered sympathetically. Jack trudged down to the medical bay and sank into a chair. He blew his nose as Owen handed him a thermometer. “37.5°. Your fever is going down. That’s a good sign, you’re on the mend.”


Jack groaned. “Well, I don’t feel it.”


“When was the last time you had a pill?” Owen looked at Ianto.


Ianto answered for Jack, “About 10pm.”


“Take one now. It should start to ease the symptoms in about half an hour.” Opening a drawer, Owen handed a pill to Jack, followed by a glass of water.


“I’m holding you to that,” Jack told him severely. “I’ll be in my office.” He got up and slowly climbed the stairs.

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1 hour ago, AngelEyes said:

Jack snuck an arm around him, pulling him close, planting a kiss on his lips

Well, well, perhaps our shy boy should be a bit more cautious...or not. Not please :lol:

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Poor miserable Jack.... Lucky he has Ianto who is such a good caretaker and company for erm.... other relaxing things while Jack's sick. I loved the misery and moaning of Jack. He really doesn't handle colds that well (and I like it :lol: )

9 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Thinking back to the previous night’s activities, Ianto hoped he wasn’t blushing. “No, uh, he mostly just slept. We did have some soup for dinner.”

:lmfao: I'm dying here! MOSTLY?! That was wonderful. love how Ianto stressed the fact that they had soup, probably thinking about an entirely different activity, just to offer some details to Owen about last night to prevent that Owen might ask any further questions.

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11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Jack groaned. “I thidk I’b dying.”

Ianto chuckled. “Don’t worry. That doesn’t seem to take with you.”

Jack’s eyes lit up. “There’s an idea! Maybe if I die again, I’ll come back healthy!”

“I’ll put that down to the fever talking. Let’s not try that,” Ianto answered, grimacing.

I adore this exchange.  The voices are perfect!  

Poor Jack.  (Poor Ianto, who has to know he is gonna catch this cold.  Is it worse if you spend a few days dreading it?)

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@ReidSeeker Definitely Not... LOL

@Selene Exactly. He's thinking, say something casual...

@Jelloicious Neither of them has really pondered contagion. Yet...


Ianto turned to Owen with concern. “Is he really getting better? He seems pretty miserable.”


“Oh you know Jack. Always the drama queen. It really is just a cold. He’ll be fine in a day or two,” Owen laughed and shook his head. “Go make him some tea or something.”


“Right,” Ianto answered, embarrassed. He left Owen to do as suggested. He entered Jack’s office to find him behind the desk which was piled with stacks of reports and forms. “I brought you some tea. Would you like anything else?”


Jack looked up, clearing his throat. He took the mug presented and sipped at it’s warm, sweetness. “Thanks, Ianto. This is perfect.”


Surveying the desk, Ianto asked, “Should you be working? Wouldn’t it be better to rest?”


Jack sniffed. “Sick or not, paperwork doesn’t wait. Why don’t you go finish up the crash inventory. No point sitting around listening to me sniffle and sneeze.”


“If you’re sure…” Ianto replied tentatively. When Jack nodded, he added, “I’ll come back and check on you in a bit.” He heard Jack coughing as he left the office and wished there was more he could do. Setting his feelings aside, he tried to concentrate on cataloguing the wreckage. He finished with the last piece about noon and decided it was perfect timing to take fresh tea and the leftover soup up to Jack. He nudged the office door open to find Jack collapsed at his desk, head on arms, snoring. He debated whether he should wake him or let him sleep, but he didn’t look very comfortable. “Jack?” he called softly. Jerking upright, Jack looked at him blearily and rubbed his eyes. “I brought you lunch. How are you feeling?”


Jack seemed to stock. He started to answer but his voice broke and he had to clear his throat before starting again. “I thidk Owed lied. That pill did’t mbake mbe feel better. It just ndocked mbe out.” He grimaced and tried blowing his nose, rather unproductively.


Ianto looked at him sympathetically. “Why don’t you have some lunch and then lie down for a while?”


Jack flashed a tired but dazzling smile. “With you?”


Ianto rolled his eyes. “Let’s just start with the soup,” he chided.


Jack pretended to pout but picked up a spoon. After only a few mouthfuls of the steamy broth he could feel the congestion loosening, making his nose start to run. Obviously noticing him trying to sniff back the flow, Ianto moved one of the tissue boxes he had procured the night before within his reach. Gratefully taking a handful he blew his nose. Unfortunately, the shift in the contents of his sinuses caused the urge to sneeze. “Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” He tried to blow his nose again but it seemed once he started sneezing they didn’t want to stop, and six more followed before he was able to catch his breath.


“Bless you!” Ianto exclaimed. “That was impressive.”


“Thanks.” Jack sniffed experimentally. “Actually, I think I can breathe now,” he said clearly. He took a deep breath and sighed. “You know, I don’t think you truly appreciate breathing through your nose until you can’t.”


Ianto laughed. “I suppose you’re right. Now you better finish your soup before it gets cold.” They ate in companionable silence until both bowls were empty. “Do you want to take a nap now?”


Jack leered at him, “Only if you’re coming…” Ianto gave him a look. “Alright,” Jack laughed holding up his hands in surrender. “Nevermind. Actually now that I can breathe I think I’ll try and finish up this paperwork. I didn’t get very far earlier.”


Just then Owen walked in. “And how are we feeling this afternoon?” he asked in a chipper voice.


“To be honest, I think Ianto’s soup did a better job curing me than your pill did,” Jack accused.


Owen looked at him, then at Ianto. Ianto just shrugged. Owen shook his head, bewildered, before addressing Ianto. “I need your help finding some samples in the archives.”


Ianto looked over at Jack. “Go. I’m just going to be doing paperwork.” Ianto got up to follow Owen. As he got to the door Jack called after him, “Although, I’ll be ready anytime you want to take me up on my earlier offer.”


Owen raised his eyebrows questioningly as Ianto choked and began coughing. Trying to act nonchalant despite the blush, Ianto hurried past Owen. “What was it you needed help with in the archives?” he asked once he caught his breath.

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17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

 No point sitting around listening to me sniffle and sneeze.”

Ummm...I kind of enjoy that, actually, Jack. 

17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto rolled his eyes. “Let’s just start with the soup,” he chided.

I like this line, but overall, the dialog between Jack and Ianto is nicely done.

18 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“I need your help finding some samples in the archives.”

When Jack says that, he isn't actually "looking for samples in the archive".   What's Owen up to? 

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On 25.3.2018 at 9:23 PM, AngelEyes said:

Ianto looked at him sympathetically. “Why don’t you have some lunch and then lie down for a while?”


Jack flashed a tired but dazzling smile. “With you?”


Ianto rolled his eyes. “Let’s just start with the soup,” he chided.

This was such a fun exchange between the two! :inlove: Jack being his old flirty self while being sick is really cute ^_^ 

And I wanted to hug embarrassed!Ianto so much! *sigh* He was very sweet throughout this entire part and the fluff and caretaking loving part of me is blissfully happy now after reading that part :heart:


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@Jelloicious Honestly Owen isn't really up to anything, I just needed an excuse to leave Jack alone for the day...

@Selene Jack can't help being flirty, it's second nature!

Sorry this took so long!


Their work in the archives took the rest of the afternoon. After shelving the last sample they headed back into the main Hub. They immediately heard harsh coughing coming from Jack’s office. This was quickly followed by a fit of wet sneezes. They looked at each other. “I’ll get tea,” Ianto stated, heading up to the kitchenette. Owen stopped at the medical bay and then ascended the stairs to the office. He met Ianto in the doorway. They stopped and surveyed the scene. Jack sat behind his desk, tissues pressed to his nose. Wads of used tissues were strewn on and around the desk. The desk itself contained about half the amount of files and papers as had been there earlier. He lowered his hands as Ianto stepped forward and handed him a mug. “Thagks.”


“You’re looking a bit worse for wear. Though you seem to have gotten some work done, anyway,” Ianto observed.


“I was fide til a little while ago. Thed all this started,” he sniffed, gesturing to the mess surrounding him. “I dod’t thigk I’ve ever sdeezed this much id mby life.”


“Sorry,” Owen winced. “The meds will have worn off. I brought you another,” he said handing one over. “I’d say your outstanding 51st century immune system is overreacting a bit.” Jack looked at him blankly. “In other words, since you normally don’t get sick, your body is treating a mundane common cold like it’s the plague.”


Jack groaned. “It feels like the plague. Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” He caught the sneezes in a crumpled tissue which he then launched half-heartedly at the trash can and missed.


“Well, I promise it isn’t. Eat something. Sleep. You’ll feel better in no time,” Owen reassured. “Then you can get back to being in charge. Mind you, I will miss being able to order you around,” he said with a cheeky grin. Jack scowled at him.


Ianto turned to Owen. “Why don’t I walk out with you? I’ll grab a change of clothes and some dinner and come back here.” Looking at Jack, he asked, “How does Thai sound?” Jack just shrugged, so the two men set out for the door.


At home, Ianto took a quick shower and changed into jeans and a sweater. He called in an order to the team’s favorite Thai restaurant and grabbed a fresh suit for the next day. After a quick stop at Tesco’s he made his way back to the Hub. He paused to make tea before heading up to Jack’s office. He shuffled papers to the side and picked up the trash can, depositing used tissues in it to make room for the tray of food on the desk between them. “I ordered it extra spicy, the way you like it. And I brought you a present,” with a flourish he replaced the nearly empty tissue box with a new, full one.


Jack laughed. “Just what I need.” As they ate he noticed the spices increasingly working their way into his sinuses until he seemed to be constantly sniffing to keep his nose from dripping. Finally, giving in he grabbed a tissue from the box Ianto had thoughtfully provided. He blew his nose and found he could breathe clearly again. He gave Ianto an impressed look. “Where did you learn about treating colds with food?”


Ianto’s eyes sparkled. “I know everything.” He continued in a more serious tone, “Although, to be fair, Owen’s medicine is probably kicking in by now too.”


“Well, I’ll choose to give you the credit. Perhaps you’ll allow me to show you how grateful I am?” Jack’s blue eyes raked him up and down.


“Is that all you ever think about?” Ianto rolled his eyes, getting up and starting to clear up the dishes.


“It is when you’re around. Leave those,” Jack commanded as he circled the desk, took Ianto by the shoulders, and spun him around so they were facing each other. Jack reached down to cup his ass. He leaned forward to whisper in his ear, “You know I love you in a suit, but those jeans make your ass look sexy!” Then he bit his earlobe gently.


Ianto’s breath caught and he bit his lip. “Damn it,” he thought to himself as his hands made their way to Jack’s ass seemingly of their own volition, he had no willpower when it came to this man. “I suppose this is the only way I can convince you to go to bed?” He asked hoarsely.


Jack chuckled. “Are you kidding? Who needs a bed when we’ve got a desk?”


“That’s not what I meant. That’s…” he trailed off and a soft moan escaped his lips as Jack made his way kissing and biting down the side of his neck.


It didn’t take long for there to be two piles of clothing discarded on the floor. What seemed like ages later, the two lovers sat panting on the floor, backs against the desk. Unfortunately, Jack could feel the congestion creeping back into his sinuses.  He reached a hand up over the desk, feeling around, until the tissue box tumbled into his lap just in time to grab a handful. “Haaachsh! Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” Well, it had been good while it lasted, he thought.


“Bless you,” Ianto said, reaching over to brush a stray lock of hair off Jack’s sweaty forehead. “Ready for bed now?”


Jack blew his nose before grinning. “I’ll race you down the ladder!”


He cheats. He always cheats,” Ianto thought. The only reason Jack had beaten him was because he had stopped to retrieve their clothing from the floor. Reaching the bottom of the ladder, he found Jack had slipped into bed without bothering about pajamas. Feeling slightly awkward, Ianto climbed naked, in next to him. Jack slid over and rested his head on Ianto’s chest. Ianto absently stroked his hair. “This is what comfort feels like,” he thought to himself. Suddenly he felt Jack tense and pull away. He reached over to the bedside table and pressed a handkerchief into his hands.


“Haaachsh! Haaachshhh!” He paused and sneezed again. “Haachhsshhhooo! When will this end?” He groaned.


Ianto pulled him back into his arms. “Get some sleep and I bet you’ll be feeling better tomorrow.” It wasn’t long before Jack was snoring and Ianto quickly followed him into slumber.

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OMG I almost missed it cause I forgot to hit follow. Fixed that! I love how this story is going. Beautifully played out

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17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“I’d say your outstanding 51st century immune system is overreacting a bit.”

This is an interesting concept...never thought about that.   I like the idea (a lot!)

17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

@Jelloicious He caught the sneezes in a crumpled tissue which he then launched half-heartedly at the trash can and missed.

I can see Jack doing this...and Ianto not quite sure if Jack just feels so bad he can't manage to do better, or if he's doing it on purpose just to have Ianto come round and pick them all up.

17 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

 “I ordered it extra spicy, the way you like it. And I brought you a present,” with a flourish he replaced the nearly empty tissue box with a new, full one.

Jack laughed. “Just what I need.”



I like this exchange.  It's funny and sweet all at once.

The way Ianto and Owen each do their part as Jack's teammates, friends, employees..to help him feel better is really nice.   It's like Ianto and Owen are on equal footing in this context, working together to take care of one of their own.  Then Ianto just as easily shifts gears and comes back to the hub to engage in more intimate banter (and intimate caregiving).    Very nice installment!


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18 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“Sorry,” Owen winced. “The meds will have worn off. I brought you another,” he said handing one over. “I’d say your outstanding 51st century immune system is overreacting a bit.” Jack looked at him blankly. “In other words, since you normally don’t get sick, your body is treating a mundane common cold like it’s the plague.”


Jack groaned. “It feels like the plague. Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” He caught the sneezes in a crumpled tissue which he then launched half-heartedly at the trash can and missed.


“Well, I promise it isn’t. Eat something. Sleep. You’ll feel better in no time,” Owen reassured. “Then you can get back to being in charge. Mind you, I will miss being able to order you around,” he said with a cheeky grin. Jack scowled at him.

I liked how Owen is a little less cocky for a moment there and shows some sympathy for Jack, only to revert back into cheeky mode :D:heart:


18 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto’s eyes sparkled. “I know everything.”

Such a precious Ianto moment :inlove:

18 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Damn it,” he thought to himself as his hands made their way to Jack’s ass seemingly of their own volition, he had no willpower when it came to this man.

I might have squeed a little reading this... how Ianto is just completely carried away by Jack and how you've described it here... perfectly put... ::wub2:

A great continuation and I am looking forward to seeing how both of them feel the next morning ^_^:)



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@ReidSeeker I'm so glad you are still following and enjoying it!

@Jelloicious I'm so happy you like my take on these things! The concept about Jack's immune system sort of came from the idea of allergies being the body overreacting to something normally mundane, and Jack isn't from this time so a virus from here might provoke that sort of reaction...or something...lol.

@Selene I feel like Owen really is compassionate, but his snarkiness generally overlays that. I think Ianto is generally carried away by Jack without even knowing why, as he says, it's not men, it's just him.

Well, this is it folks. We've reached the conclusion. Thanks to everybody whose been reading, and to those who've been commenting. I adore you!


It took Ianto some moments the next morning to get his bearings. He was in Jack’s bed. In the bunker. Naked. Alone. He sighed. Getting up, he dressed in his suit, smoothed down his hair, and made his way up the ladder. He found Jack sitting at his desk, paperwork in front of him. He looked up and flashed a brilliant smile. “How long have you been up?” Ianto asked.


“A while,” he answered brightly. “You looked comfortable, so I let you sleep. Thought I’d finish up this paperwork.”


Ianto studied him. “How are you feeling? You certainly sound better.”


“You were right. I woke up this morning feeling better. So now I’m waiting for Owen to get here so he can let me get back to work.” He coughed lightly. “I could go for some tea though,” he said hopefully. Ianto looked skeptical but agreed.


Owen came in while Ianto was preparing tea and inquired about Jack. “He says he’s fine. He does sound better,” Ianto informed him, a shade doubtfully.


“Wonderful. I don’t suppose I could get some coffee? I have a feeling I’m going to need it.” Ianto quickly made him a strong cup and they made their way up to see the man in question. “Jack. I hear you’re feeling better,” Owen addressed him.


“Totally fine. Now you can sign off so I can get back to my duties,” Jack said seriously.


“I’ll be the judge of that. First I want your temperature,” he handed him a thermometer. He glanced at when Jack handed it back. “Well, you’re back to normal. As normal as you get anyway,” Owen smirked.


“Great. I’m all set then. You can just go back to your desk and write up your paperwork.”

Sensing that Jack was trying to get rid of him, and noticing him trying to rub at his nose nonchalantly, Owen sat down in the seat across from him. “Not so fast. Did the medication help last night?”


Jack groaned internally. “Personally, I think it was Ianto’s dinner that did the trick.”


Ianto, catching on to Owen’s train of thought, took a seat as well. “I told him it was probably a combination of the two.”


“Where did you learn Thai food is good for a cold?” Owen addressed Ianto.


“It’s not actually Thai food. It’s just spicy food. But I know Jack likes Thai, so I figured that would work.”


“I should make that part of my treatment protocol.”


“As long as I get credit.”


Jack pinched the bridge of his nose but quickly dropped his hand when Owen turned back to him. “How did you sleep?”


“Fine,” Jack answered shortly.


“Actually,” Ianto chimed in, “You were snoring.”


“What dif…” Jack’s breath caught and he cleared his throat. “What difference does that make?” God his nose itched. He really had to sneeze.


“Well,” Ianto said, blushing, “You normally don’t.”


Jack’s breath began to hitch and he was forced to press a knuckle beneath his nostrils. He was quickly losing this battle. Owen decided to take pity on him. “You’re feeling better today though?”


Just then the Rift Alarm blared. Catching him by surprise, Jack lost focus, and his tight control slipped. “Haaachsh! Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh!” “Damn it,” Jack thought as he sneezed again. “Haachhsshhhooo!”


“Bless you!” Ianto and Owen chorused. Ianto handed him a handkerchief. “Better?” Owen asked. “I was beginning to think you’d never give in.” He smiled rather smugly.


Jack glared at the two of them and stalked past to the doorway. “What’s happening?” He called down to Tosh at her desk.


“Blowfish in a convertible.”


“Again?” Jack rolled his eyes. “Alright, let’s go.”


“I haven’t cleared you yet,” Owen reminded him from behind.


Jack threw up his hands in frustration. “Come on! It’s a car chase!”


“One more day. Just to make sure your symptoms clear up. I’ll sign off tomorrow,” Owen said placatingly.


“Meanwhile, I’m missing all the fun!” Jack accused him with a pout.


“What can I say? Life’s a bitch.” Owen grinned and turned to follow Tosh and Gwen out to the SUV.


Jack watched them go and then turned to find Ianto standing behind him. “You’re not joining in?”


Ianto gave him a long look. “You didn’t tell me to. Besides, I wouldn’t want to leave you here all alone…”


“Don’t think I didn’t notice you were in on that game with Owen in my office. That was mean.”


Ianto winced. “Sorry.”


Jack put an arm around his shoulder. “Nevermind. Since we’re alone, I’ll let you make it up to me.”


Just then the comm link buzzed. “Jack? We’ve lost our link in the SUV. Can you track the target from there?” Tosh’s voice rang out.


Jack sighed. “I’m on it.” Glancing at Ianto he mouthed, “Later.”


The rest of the day passed uneventfully with only a stray cough or sneeze from Jack. By the end of it, Owen agreed he could go back to active duty the next day, to which Jack was only a little patronizing about claiming his authority back.


Later, as Jack had promised, after an athletic show of how much better he was feeling, he and Ianto lay entwined and tangled in the bedsheets. Suddenly he felt Ianto tense and he turned in time to see him wrench forward, hands to his face. “Heiiiish! Heiiiiiissssshh! Heh iiiiiiiisssssshhh!”


Jack reached over and grabbed a handful of tissues from the box still on the table next to his side of the bed and handed them over. “Oh no. Bless you.”  

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5 hours ago, AngelEyes said:


Jack threw up his hands in frustration. “Come on! It’s a car chase!”

I might have giggled right out loud on this line!!  PERFECT Jack voice!

I loved the way Owen and Ianto double-teamed on Jack--that was just brilliant interplay!   Love the way those two could read each other.  Really underscores how closely this team is connected to one another.

Oh, and well done with Jack's "athletic show of how much better he was feeling". 

And...awww...poor Ianto!   Bless 'im....

Edited by Jelloicious
because I forgot to mention the "athletic show" references and it's too good not to!
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Oh...oh...my. I really, really enjoyed this. Like SO much.  I'm glad Jack could prove his health before Ianto's took a downward turn. 

I want to tell you, when I got the notification that you had updated, I literally shivered in anticipation 

:rollhmm: so now that's stuck in my head lol

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First of all: love your new avatar, @AngelEyes  ^_^:)  And I agree on what you said about Owen. I think he is a person who has this snarky outside shell and only opens up occassionally and onyl to people whom he really trusts.

It was very much Jack to keep himself from sneezing, fearing that Owen would deny him clearance after all :D I am sad to see this story come to an end, but you made it a good one :hug: Thanky you for sharing your writing with us! :heart:



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@Jelloicious @ReidSeeker @Selene @MyOwnPrivateSFC Thank you so much for reading and commenting. You make my days! I love that you pick out some of my favorite parts as the ones you like! Thanks to everybody else for reading as well! I am working on a sequel with Ianto... But first I had a bit of a detour altogether, so there will be a little something over on the adult board. :winkiss:

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On 09/03/2018 at 7:39 PM, AngelEyes said:

“I’m immortal. I don’t get sick,” Jack declared stubbornly.

:D Immortality doesn't mean invulnerability, dear Jack...

On 20/03/2018 at 4:24 AM, AngelEyes said:

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, but knowing you Jack, it’s probably a bad idea.”

I don't know who that Owen is (I don't know ANY of the characters except Jack), but i really, really, really like him. (I know, I like most of the doctors characters in shows and movies. Especially if they handle sarcasm. :rolleyes:)

On 03/04/2018 at 4:28 AM, AngelEyes said:

“I’d say your outstanding 51st century immune system is overreacting a bit.” Jack looked at him blankly. “In other words, since you normally don’t get sick, your body is treating a mundane common cold like it’s the plague.”

Oh I love that explanation!!! This is brilliant!

I can't quote everything I've liked, but I really enjoyed your fic despite the fact I don't know the fandom. (Can I hope for another fic from you in fandoms I know better? :whistle: Because this one was awsome.)

Edited by Aliena H.
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@Aliena H. I'm super excited you like it even if you only know Jack, cause I adore your writing! He definitely thinks he is invulnerable! When you get through Dr Who, you should definitely check out Torchwood. Owen is awesome and totally snarky! King of sass, LOL. As far as other fandoms, I don't know. I just feel a real connection with these characters that I can do them justice. A long time ago I used to write some good Harry Potter stories about Snape, but that was ages ago when it was fresh. 

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