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The Downside to Dying (Torchwood, Jack)


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So this is still a work in progress but I'm operating under the premise that if I start posting it I will be more pressured to work on it. Also, I'm super beyond excited because I just got to Cleveland where this weekend is Wizard World ComicCon and I'm MEETING John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd!!!!! I'm getting my picture with them!!!! So I'm crossing my fingers for some real life "inspiration". Lol! Anyway, Here is part 1.


Gwen had fallen behind as she and Jack chased an unidentified alien along Roath Brook. Tosh spoke over their headsets, “Jack, the target should be just in front of you.”


“I see him,” Jack answered breathlessly.


Gwen rounded a bend just in time to see a dark figure raise some kind of weapon and a bolt of energy shot out hitting Jack square in the chest and he toppled back off the path and into the water. “Jack!” Gwen screamed as she raised her own weapon and shot the alien. It was a direct hit and the figure went down on the path.


Gwen ran to the side of the stream as Tosh called frantically in her ear, “Gwen! What’s wrong? What happened?”


“It’s Jack. He’s been hit. I think he’s dead,” she answered as she saw his form floating face down in the water. “Ianto, I need a pick up.”


“I’ll be right there,” he spoke in her ear, trying to remain calm as he revved up the SUV, cutting across the park.


It was a chilly October evening and the water was cold as Gwen managed to drag Jack up onto the bank. There were scorch marks on his shirt and as she ripped it open she saw a nasty burn right over his heart. She looked up as she heard the SUV pull up along the path.


Ianto jumped out. “How is he?” He asked looking frantic.


“He’s dead,” she answered. She watched with sympathy as he knelt next to Jack and took his head in his lap. His eyes were closed and his lips were blue.


Just then Jack’s eyes popped open and he gasped in a breath and began coughing harshly. “Jack! You’re ok,” Ianto soothed as he helped him sit up and rubbed his back until the coughing subsided.


Jack looked around vaguely. “What happened?”


“The alien shot you with some sort of energy weapon and you landed in the Brook,” Gwen answered.


Jack nodded. “That explains why I’m soaking wet,” he said, looking down at the fading burn mark on his chest. “How long was I out? What happened to the alien?”


“About five minutes. I managed to shoot it. It’s laying a ways down the path,” Gwen pointed.


Jack shivered. “Alright. Let’s get it loaded up and head back to the hub.” He struggled to his feet.


Ianto gave him a steadying hand. “Sir, you’re wet and freezing. Why don’t you wait in the SUV while Gwen and I retrieve the alien.”


Jack started to protest but Ianto gave him a scathing look and he gave in. It was quite chilly, he thought, shivering again. “I’ll take you up on that offer,” Jack grinned at him and headed to the SUV.


It didn’t take long to get the alien in the back of the SUV and they were cruising back to the hub with the heaters blasting on high. Ianto looked over as Jack inhaled sharply and sneezed twice. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!”


“Bless you, Sir. Are you alright?” Ianto asked concerned.


Jack sniffed hard. “Fine. Just the change in temperature,” he answered, giving Ianto a reassuring grin, which was somewhat hampered as he sniffed again. Ianto handed him a handkerchief from his suit pocket. Jack took it gratefully and blew his nose. “Thanks.”

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I don't care that it's only just started: I love it so far! :D

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14 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

 I'm MEETING John Barrowman and Gareth David-Lloyd!!!!! I'm getting my picture with them!!!!

I might literally have screamed.  Lucky you!  (Updates are expected.  Hourly is fine).

YAY!  I am so excited for the beginning of this story!   Nicely set up!!!  No pressure, (Unless it helps!) in which case....I can't wait for the next bit!  

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Absolutely love the set up for this story!  Really enjoy the idea of Ianto caring for Jack.  It's just "so"  Ianto.   And nice to see Jack vulnerable. 


Can't wait for the next part!


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@MyOwnPrivateSFC Thank you!

@Jelloicious It was Amazing! John was hysterical and super nice! Gareth was Adorable and so sweet! I can PM you with details if you want....

@quietsucker It's definitely Ianto to be caring! There will be much of that.


Back at the hub Jack addressed Gwen and Ianto. “If you two don’t mind taking care of our friend back there,” he gestured over his shoulder, “I’m going to change into something dry.” They nodded and he headed inside.


After getting the alien onto the autopsy table where Owen could look it over, Ianto headed upstairs to make some coffee. Putting two mugs on a tray he headed up to Jack’s office, where he could see him behind his desk. He had changed into dry trousers and a thick sweater, but his hair was still damp and mussed. Somehow, Ianto found it endearing, all out of its usual perfection.


Jack looked up as Ianto entered. A smile broke wide on his face, “Ianto! How do you always know exactly what I need?”


Ianto placed the tray on the desk and sat across from Jack. “It’s my job, Sir,” he smirked.


Jack picked up the steaming mug and cradled it in his hands and breathed in the hot steam. Then he hastily set it back on the desk and twisted to the side and sneezed into the crook of his elbow. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” Ianto blessed him as he turned back, and seeing his concerned look he assured, “It was the steam.” Ianto looked skeptical but didn’t say anything. Jack took a long swig of the perfectly brewed beverage then leaned back in his chair. “Alright, it’s been a long day. Why don’t you all head home. Come back in the morning.”


“Are you sure? I could stay…” Ianto answered, trying not to look too hopeful.

“Not tonight, Ianto. Go home. Get some rest. I’ll see you tomorrow. Tell the others,” Jack said, dismissing him.


Ianto tried not to feel hurt as he picked up the tray and headed out of the office. They’d only been together a couple of times. He wasn’t even sure if it was really a relationship. Oh well, better to not think too hard about it. Jack was Jack after all, and it would be what it would be. He headed downstairs to inform the others that they were off for the night.


Back in the office, Jack sighed. He couldn’t help seeing the fleeting hurt in Ianto’s eyes as he left. He would have to be careful with this one. He wasn’t like the others Jack had been with. He was sweet and sensitive. He really cared for Jack. And Jack admitted he really cared for Ianto. But tonight he just wanted to be alone. He was still chilled. He was developing a headache. He was tired. And he had to sneeze again. He sniffed sharply to try to avert it, but to no avail. His breath hitched and he pitched forward, “Hah...Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” He shook his head as if to clear it and headed down the ladder to his bunker and his bed.


The next morning, Ianto headed straight for the coffee maker when he arrived. He delivered the brew to Tosh, Gwen, and Owen before heading up to Jack’s office. He was still on the stairs when he heard the man sneeze. He frowned, but when he entered Jack sat looking perfect as ever behind his desk. “Good morning, Sir,” he greeted him, setting the tray on the desk.


Jack flashed him a brilliant smile. “Ianto! How are you this morning?” He asked cheerfully.


Ianto studied him. Was he being overly bright this morning? “Just fine, Sir.” He was about to ask Jack how he was feeling when the Rift Alarm blared.


Jack jumped to his feet. “Sorry, Ianto. Gotta run,” he said apologetically. Grabbing his coat he headed out the door. On the stairs he called out, “What have we got?”


“Rogue weevil in Penylan,” she called up.


“Gwen, Owen, with me,” Jack ordered as he headed for the SUV. “Tosh, you guide us in.”


At the scene Jack ordered them to split up to try and corner the weevil. “You should be almost on top of it, Jack,” Tosh said in his ear.


Just then Jack heard a rustle in the bushes next to him and the weevil launched itself out at him. He could hear Tosh guiding the others in as he ducked and dodged the weevil’s slashing claws and teeth. He got a couple good punches in when he was jerked forward by an unexpected sneeze. “Haaachsh! Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” The weevil slashed at his face and shoulder.


Then he heard Owen cry out, “Jack, duck!”


Jack did as he was told. He saw as the weevil went down, taser darts sticking out of its chest. He sneezed one more time before turning to Owen. “Haaachshoo! Thanks for that!” He looked sheepish as he searched his pockets for something to blow his nose with and came up with Ianto’s handkerchief from the day before.


Gwen handcuffed the weevil as Owen looked at Jack’s scratches. “What was that about?” He demanded.


Jack pretended to look confused. “What do you mean?”


Owen glared at him. “I mean you almost getting your throat slashed because you were sneezing!”


Jack tried to shrug it off. “Oh that was nothing. I’m fine.”


“Thanks to me. I’m giving you a full exam when we get back. Not just for the cuts,” Owen said sternly.

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Ooooh, I like this bit where they aren't too close yet.  Jack's all "Ima tough this out on my own".  Idiot.  Too early in the relationship to just admit that some warm snuggles would be just the thing?

No matter, Owen's about to pull doctor rank.  I can't wait!

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@Jelloicious I thought it would be fun to play around with the beginning of the relationship. There will be more of that to come. Also, Owen is quite excited about getting to pull rank!

@MyOwnPrivateSFC Thanks!

Kind of a short part here...


Back at the hub, Ianto hurried to Jack, touching his face tenderly where the weevil’s claws had raked him. “What happened?”


Jack smiled nonchalantly. “Oh, it was nothing. No big deal,” he reassured him.


“It wasn’t nothing. Get down here now.” Owen called from the medical bay.


“Be right back,” Jack said patting Ianto on the shoulder. Doing his best to make light of the situation.


Ianto wasn’t fooled. He looked worriedly after Jack then turned to Gwen. “What really happened?”


Gwen watched Jack head down to medical then turned to Ianto. “He got to the weevil first and they were fighting. Then he started sneezing and the weevil slashed him right as Owen got there and tasered it. Jack says it’s nothing but Owen is not pleased as you can tell.”


Ianto looked distraught. “I knew there was something wrong. I knew he wasn’t ok. I should have said something.”


Gwen put an arm around his shoulders comfortingly. “Do you really think it would have made a difference? He’s Jack.”


Down in medical Owen was examining Jack. After a minor argument, Jack sat with a thermometer in his mouth as Owen treated the cuts on his face which were already starting to heal. When it beeped he took it out and looked at it. “37.5°. Congratulations. You have a fever,” Owen informed him sarcastically.


“I’m immortal. I don’t get sick,” Jack declared stubbornly.


“Well, I’m a doctor, and I beg to differ,” Owen retorted.


They stared hard at each other for a long moment before Jack’s breath caught and he turned to sneeze. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” His shoulders slumped.


Owen smirked. “Great. Now that’s settled, comes the fun part. I get to be boss. And you are on house arrest.”


Jack’s jaw dropped, stunned. “Now wait just a minute!” He protested.


“Nope. I’m the team’s medical official and I have precedence,” Owen said, just a bit smugly.


“Look, I’m sure it’s nothing. Just a little cold. I can deal with it,” Jack was beginning to sound a bit desperate.


Owen looked exasperated. “Like you dealt with the weevil? You’re putting yourself in danger. Hell, you’re putting us in danger.”


This last part stopped Jack. He could handle being in danger himself. What was a little danger when you knew you’d always recover? But putting his team in danger? That was a whole different level. That he wouldn’t do any more than he had to. “Alright. You win. I’ll stay here. But I’m still working. You can’t confine me to my bed,” he said stubbornly.


Owen rolled his eyes. “Fine. But I’m keeping my eyes on you.”

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I'm late to the party, but wanted to say that I really like where this is going and how both Jack and Ianto still need to figure out how to deal with their new relationship, especially in a situation like this where the tables are turned and Jack has to accept his weakness :heart:


55 minutes ago, AngelEyes said:

Owen smirked. “Great. Now that’s settled, comes the fun part. I get to be boss. And you are on house arrest.”


Jack’s jaw dropped, stunned. “Now wait just a minute!” He protested.


“Nope. I’m the team’s medical official and I have precedence,” Owen said, just a bit smugly.

And this part with Owen was hilarious :lmfao: That was Owen on point and reminded me of how much I loved his smug grin on the show :cryhappy:

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2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:


“I’m immortal. I don’t get sick,” Jack declared stubbornly.

“Well, I’m a doctor, and I beg to differ,” Owen retorted.

THIS was perfect...I can totally hear them having this exact exchange.  Owen taking charge is awesomeness!


Can't wait to see just how much work Jack can get done.   Should listen to your doctor, Jack...you really should!

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@Selene Welcome to the party! I'm having fun exploring the beginning of their relationship. 

@Jelloicious I adore Owen's sass. I'm quite sure he is taking Great delight in being in charge!


Jack trudged dejectedly up the stairs but catching sight of Ianto he straightened up and flashed his best winning smile. “Ianto! I could really go for some of your award winning coffee right now.”


Ianto studied him for a moment before answering, “Right away, Sir.” A few minutes later he entered Jack’s office with the coffee and closed the door behind him. He sat down across from Jack. Cautiously he asked, “How are you feeling?”


Jack sipped the coffee with delight. “I’m fine.”


“Jack. Gwen told me what happened. I could tell this morning something was off. I should have said something,” Ianto stared at his mug.


Jack sighed. “Ianto, I’m fine. It’s just a little cold. And I wouldn’t have listened to you this morning. Hell, I wouldn’t be listening now if Owen hadn’t pulled rank on me. As it is, I’m now on house arrest.” He sipped some coffee sulkily.


Ianto looked relieved and then got a mischievous grin. “Well, we’ll just have to come up with things to keep you occupied.”


Jack laughed. “Now that you mention it, I might know a few things…” He paused, then twisted to the side and sneezed into the crook of his arm. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!”


“Bless you,” Ianto said.


Jack held up a finger indicating he wasn’t done. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!”


“Bless you again,” Ianto repeated.


Jack stayed in that position for a moment as if he wasn’t sure he was done. Then he turned back to Ianto sniffling. Ianto offered him a fresh handkerchief from his suit pocket. Jack took it gratefully. “Sorry,” he said, apologizing. Then grinning, he got up and circled the desk to lean back on it directly in front of Ianto. “Now what was it you were saying about keeping me occupied?” He reached out to stroke Ianto’s cheek.


Just then the door swung open and Gwen strode in. “Jack, I have some paperwork….” She trailed off as she saw Jack and Ianto. “Oh! Sorry. Am I interrupting?”


Blushing furiously, Ianto scrambled to his feet and made for the door. “No, I was just, uh, leaving. To go make more coffee.” He darted out of the room.


Gwen raised her eyebrows. Jack grinned. “He’s shy.”


She nodded, understanding. “I won’t say anything.” She laid a sheaf of paperwork on his desk. “I just need your signature.” After receiving it, she headed back out into the hub. On the way to her desk she glanced towards the kitchenette and caught a glimpse of Ianto trying desperately to look inconspicuous. She shook her head. As if they didn’t all know already.


In the kitchenette Ianto’s mind was racing. What had that been about? It wasn’t like they’d been doing anything wrong. And it wasn’t like Gwen, or any of the others for that matter, would care anyway. He’d just panicked. He just wasn’t accustomed to being in a relationship with a man. Although when he thought about it, he didn’t really think of this as being in a relationship with a man. It was just Jack. It was only Jack. Speaking of Jack he thought, coming back to reality, he could hear harsh coughing coming from the direction of his office. Perhaps some tea with lemon and honey would be a good idea. He set about putting it together.


He peeked tentatively around the door of Jack’s office before stepping in. “Uh, hi,” he said, sheepishly.


Jack grinned at him. “Welcome back.” He absently rubbed at his nose.


“Sorry about running out. I just…” Ianto trailed off.


Jack cut in. “It’s fine Ianto. It’s all fine. What have you brought me this time?”


Ianto smiled gratefully. “Peace offering. Tea. With lemon and honey. For your throat.”


Jack looked at him quizzically.


Ianto gave him one of his all-knowing looks. “I heard you coughing.”


“Ah. Well, I do appreciate it,” he said clearing his throat as he took the mug from Ianto. Taking a sip he closed his eyes and murmured, “You do always know what I need.”


Ianto smiled with pride. “It is my job, Sir.”


Jack opened his eyes and gave him a long look. “It’s more than that. You know me. And I love that about you.”


Ianto’s eyes widened as he blushed furiously, at a complete loss for something to say.


He was saved as Jack pitched forward with a sudden sneeze. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” Straightening up he felt around for the handkerchief to wipe at his nose.


“Bless you,” Ianto said sympathetically. Just then the Rift Alarm sounded. Jack jumped up and headed for his coat. Ianto touched his arm. “Sir, I believe Owen grounded you,” he reminded him gently.


“Damn it,” Jack cursed and stomped out of the office. “What’s happening?”


Tosh looked up at his stormy expression. “Looks like something crash landed in the park.”


“Ok, everybody get out there and see what it is and bring it all back here.” This was followed by a harsh cough. Seeing Owen looking at him he said moodily, “Don’t worry, I’m staying here. Keep me updated on Everything! Go!”

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1 hour ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto looked relieved and then got a mischievous grin. “Well, we’ll just have to come up with things to keep you occupied.”


Hmmmm.  Wonder what that might be?


1 hour ago, AngelEyes said:

Gwen raised her eyebrows. Jack grinned. “He’s shy.”

But oh, so willing to play along....

Jack, stuck in the hub, when he'd rather be out with the team.  Sounds like a recipe for trouble to me!  Good thing Ianto always seems to know what he needs.  Gonna have his hands full, I'm guessing?

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2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Just then the door swung open and Gwen strode in. “Jack, I have some paperwork….” She trailed off as she saw Jack and Ianto. “Oh! Sorry. Am I interrupting?”


Blushing furiously, Ianto scrambled to his feet and made for the door. “No, I was just, uh, leaving. To go make more coffee.” He darted out of the room.


Gwen raised her eyebrows. Jack grinned. “He’s shy.”

Shy Ianto, I love it! :cryhappy::heart: Also the fact that Jack is so understanding about it and give him all the time he needs :)


2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“You do always know what I need.”


Ianto smiled with pride. “It is my job, Sir.”


Jack opened his eyes and gave him a long look. “It’s more than that. You know me. And I love that about you.”

That was just so perfeclty adorable, and cute and just.... :inlove::heart:


But somehow I get the feeling that Jack won't accept being grounded that much longer...

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@Jelloicious Ianto always knows what Jack needs. Even when he is being challenging.

@Selene Jack is definitely not happy about being grounded.

@ReidSeeker Thanks! They are sweet!

Updates should be a bit more regular now, was working through some editing. Now have some stubborn Jack.


It turned out to be some sort of partially burned up alien space probe. It took them a couple of hours to collect all the pieces that had been strewn about in the crash. It was late by the time they made it back to the Hub, and even later once they got it all brought in. Jack ordered them all home for the night and told them to get some rest and not to come in until afternoon. They all filed out, until only Ianto was left.


“Would you like some tea?” He asked Jack, studying him.


“That would be great,” he answered and followed Ianto to the kitchenette. His voice sounded scratchy and he cleared his throat. Ianto prepared the tea, added some lemon and honey, and handed it to Jack. Jack took it, nodding his thanks. He took a sip and broke into a coughing fit, followed by a couple of wet sneezes. “Haaachshhh! Haaachshhhooo!” Grabbing a napkin he blew his nose.


Ianto reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “You should get some sleep. Do you want me to stay?”


Jack smiled at him wearily. “I’d love that, but you need to get some rest too, and I’m afraid you wouldn’t get much with me in this state. Go home and sleep and I’ll be here tomorrow.”


Ianto nodded. “Alright, but promise you’ll try to rest.” After a short hug he headed for home.


The next morning Ianto entered the Hub and headed straight to make tea. Not seeing Jack, he dared to hope the man was still in bed getting some sleep. His hopes were dashed as he heard something crash downstairs. Sighing, he took the mugs and headed down the stairs. He found Jack in the midst of the wreckage from the night before. Apparently he hadn’t heard him come in, which was unusual for the generally hyper-aware man. “Jack?” He spoke softly.


Jack whirled around. “Ianto!” His voice broke and he tried clearing his throat but ended up coughing. Ianto crossed over and patted him on the back until he caught his breath and could take the mug of tea offered. He took a careful sip before looking sideways at Ianto. “Thanks. I thought I told you to take the morning off…”


Ianto gave him a concerned look. “I got enough sleep. I wanted to check on you. And if you don’t mind my saying, you look terrible. Did you sleep at all?”


Jack shrugged. “Wasn’t working for me. So I got started cataloguing this mess.”


Ianto looked at Jack hopefully. “I don’t suppose you’d agree to take a break?”


Jack’s eyes sparkled. “What did you have in mind?”


“That wasn’t what I meant. You should be resting,” Ianto said, shaking his head sternly.


“You did promise to keep me occupied…” Jack leered, stepping closer to him and reaching for the lapels of his suit. He pulled him in close and felt his resistance melt away as his breathing accelerated. He grinned, flashing his dazzling blue eyes, and suddenly their lips were pressed together in a hungry kiss. Jack’s hands wandered inside Ianto’s waistcoat, as Ianto’s fingers threaded through Jack’s hair. Things became more heated as the minutes passed. Suddenly Jack tried pulling away but Ianto continued to hold onto him. “Ianto, I need...heh...to...heh…” His breath hitched wildly, and Ianto, instantly understanding, released him. He spun to the side and sneezed. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!”


“Bless you,” Ianto said, trying to catch his own breath.


But Jack was sneezing again. “Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” Ianto opened his mouth to offer a further blessing but closed it again as Jack held up a hand to halt him before aiming three more explosive sneezes into the crook of his arm. “Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” He swayed as he straightened up and Ianto grabbed him.


“Bloody hell, Jack! Here, sit down.” He guided him to a chair and then stooped to retrieve a handkerchief from his discarded suit jacket.


Jack blew his nose and then looked up at Ianto. “Sorry about the interruption, now where were we?” He said leaning forwards.


Ianto leaned back. “Jack, maybe this isn’t a good idea…”


They both looked up, startled as Owen strode into the room. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but knowing you Jack, it’s probably a bad idea.”


Jack glared at him. “Well, someone’s in a good mood today.”


“What can I say? Power agrees with me,” Owen smirked. “You look like hell, by the way. Come on. Time for your daily check up.” Jack got up with a forlorn look at Ianto and grudgingly followed Owen out to the medical bay. “Now, how are you feeling?”


Jack straightened his shoulders. “I’m great. Much better. Ready to get back to work.”


Owen raised an eyebrow. “Yeah, and I’m king of the weevils. Open your mouth.” When Jack complied he stuck a thermometer in. Owen looked at it after it beeped. “38°. Better, huh?”


Jack scowled at him. “Can I go back to cataloguing the wreckage now?”


“For now. I’ll check on you later. But you should know, the more you rest, the faster you’ll get over this,” Owen warned.


“And be bored to death? I’d say that’s worse than a measly cold. No thanks.” Jack stood to leave.


Owen rolled his eyes. “We’ll see.”

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2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Updates should be a bit more regular now, was working through some editing. Now have some stubborn Jack.

I literally said "yay" out loud :lol:


2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Jack’s hands wandered inside Ianto’s waistcoat, as Ianto’s fingers threaded through Jack’s hair.

Mmmmmm yay again


2 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Owen looked at it after it beeped. “38°. Better, huh?”

Aww poor angel (also thank you Google for always doing Celsius to Fahrenheit for me: 100.4. Math was never my strong suit)

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King of the Weevils... *snort* You have all their voices down, and your spellings are killing me in the best possible way.:bounce:

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8 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair from his forehead. “You should get some sleep. Do you want me to stay?”


The hair!   *melts*

8 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Jack shrugged. “Wasn’t working for me. So I got started cataloguing this mess.”

Stubborn Jack, indeed!!  Jack, you should let it "work for you" or you're gonna be sorry!  (We probably won't be, but that's, ahem, another story!)

Jack sometimes convinces himself of his own invulnerability, doesn't he?   Lucky he has Ianto, and Owen around to clean up the mess.

Owen's voice is the perfect mix of annoyed sarcasm and professional diligence.  

5 hours ago, ReidSeeker said:

I literally said "yay" out loud :lol:



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Yay an update! :)

Loved the kissing scene between Jack and Ianto, and how even sick!Jack was as seductive and dashing as ever :heart:

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

"Bloody hell, Jack! Here, sit down.” He guided him to a chair and then stooped to retrieve a handkerchief from his discarded suit jacket.

This sounded like some kind of aggressively concerned caretaking - I like it :lol: And I guess that's one of the few things stubborn Jack will listen to ^^

Your Owen was brilliant again, a lot of what I would have quoted has already been mentioned ("King of he Weevils" omg :lmfao: ), but I wanted to add some praise for Owen's "power line" (especially in combination with that smirk!) *happysigh*

11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“What can I say? Power agrees with me,” Owen smirked.


Edited by Selene
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@ReidSeeker I have a conversion app that I use! Math is not my strongpoint either! LOL

@BookQ36 I'm so glad you like my spellings!

@Jelloicious I'm all about the hair! Jack is pretty sure of his invincibility, but that's about to crumble...

@Selene I'm so glad you like my Owen! I love Owen. 

I'm super psyched you guys liked Owen's king of the weevils line! It's probably my favorite line, I cracked up writing it! 


Jack walked into the room containing the pieces of the probe to find Ianto studying them with a clipboard in hand. As he turned, Jack held up his hands placatingly. “Don’t worry. I got clearance to be here.”


“Alright.” Ianto passed him a clipboard. As the day went on, Ianto noticed Jack’s symptoms becoming more frequent and pronounced.


“Haaachsh! Haaachshoo!” Ianto looked over as Jack caught another set of sneezes in a by now rather sodden handkerchief. “Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!”


“Bless you, I’ll be right back,” he offered, and headed out of the room. He returned shortly bearing a mug of sweetened tea and a box of tissues. “Here, I thought you could use these,” he said, holding them out to Jack.


Jack smiled gratefully. “Thanks,” he said stuffily. Taking a handful of tissues he blew his nose. He took a sip of tea before his face went slack and his eyes lost focus. Ianto quickly grabbed the mug from him as he pitched forward with more sneezes. “Haaachsh! Haaachshhh! Haaachssshhhh! Haachhsshhhooo!” Ianto pressed some more tissues into his hands and he blew his nose again.


Ianto put an arm around his shoulders. “Why don’t you take a break?” He led him over to a chair. Jack sank into it and put his head in his hands. Ianto rubbed his back.


Just then Owen entered the room. “Evening check up,” he announced, surveying the two of them.


Jack straightened up and Owen held out the thermometer. He held out his hand to take it but then twisted to the side to sneeze instead. “Haaachshhh! Haaachshhhooo!” Taking some tissues, he wiped at his nose.


“Bless you,” Ianto and Owen both chorused.


“Thagks,” Jack answered stuffily, reaching again for the thermometer.


Owen rolled his eyes. “Blow your nose so you can breathe while you take your temperature.”


Jack did as he was told sheepishly and stuck the thermometer in his mouth. He coughed harshly once Owen had taken it back and Ianto offered him the mug of tea.


“38.3°. Ready to admit you’re ill yet?” Owen gave him a penetrating look.


Jack slumped, sighing. “Ugh. I feel mbiserable. Mby throat hurts, I’b coughing. I cad't breathe through mby ndose, I cad't stop sdeezing.”


Owen’s look turned sympathetic. “Alright. Let’s get some cold medicine into you, then you need to actually rest.”


Jack blew his nose and cleared his throat again to be understood. He gave Owen a defeated look. ”Your medicines don’t work on me. 51st century metabolism,” he explained.


“Well it’s a good thing I’m Torchwood. I promise, this will work. Come on,” Owen encouraged him. Ianto helped him to his feet and they followed Owen out to the medical bay. He handed Jack a pill and a glass of water. Jack took it and they headed up the stairs to the main floor. “This will make you drowsy. Ianto, I trust you’ll tuck the Captain in?”


Ianto reddened and looked flustered, as the others had gathered round. Toshiko reached out and touched his arm. “It’s ok Ianto, we’re happy for you,” she said soothingly.


He looked at their calm faces and cleared his throat, still blushing. “Right then. I’ll just, uh, tuck him in.” They all grinned at him.


“Right,” Owen said. “We’re off then.” He handed a packet of pills to Ianto. “He should have one of these every 6 hours. He should sleep for a while. If his fever goes up or he gets any worse, which I don’t think will happen, call me.”


Ianto took the pills. “I can do that,” he answered. He turned to Jack after the others had left. The man was already looking woozy. “Let’s get you to bed before you pass out and I have to carry you.” Jack grinned at him. They headed to his office and down the ladder to his bunker. Ianto helped him strip out of his clothes and get into some comfortable pajamas. He could tell the pills were taking effect because the man only half heartedly tried to make a move on him.


Jack complied as Ianto tucked him under the covers. Looking up at him with a mournful look, he asked, “Stay with me?”


Ianto stretched out next to him and brushed a lock of hair off his sweaty forehead. “Of course.” Jack laid his head on Ianto’s chest and soon was snoring congestedly. Once he was sure he was asleep, Ianto slid out from the bed, tucking Jack in comfortably. They were going to need some supplies. He headed up the ladder and out of the Hub.

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Awwwww! 😍😍😍

I'm all melty again!

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Oh my goodness!  When Owen tells Ianto to tuck the Captain in and he gets all flustered!   That, right there!!!  That was adorable!  (and the way Tosh so gently tells him, it's all okay and the rest of them are happy for him).

What supplies is Ianto off to get?

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16 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

“38.3°. Ready to admit you’re ill yet?” Owen gave him a penetrating look.


Jack slumped, sighing. “Ugh. I feel mbiserable. Mby throat hurts, I’b coughing. I cad't breathe through mby ndose, I cad't stop sdeezing.”

Oh, no, more fever :twisted2:

I love love love the congested spelling 

16 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Looking up at him with a mournful look, he asked, “Stay with me?”


16 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto stretched out next to him and brushed a lock of hair off his sweaty forehead. “Of course.”

Ooooh cuddles! And the hair 

oh I can't...I love this story 

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Oh yes, Owen is such a precious person (and good-looking, too :blush: ) :heart:

I'd like to second @Jelloicious comment, I loved those parts as well! :)

16 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

Ianto helped him strip out of his clothes and get into some comfortable pajamas. He could tell the pills were taking effect because the man only half heartedly tried to make a move on him.

And yet he did :D I feel reminded of the "It's just a flesh wound"-scene from Monthy Python and the Holy Grail, where the knight just goes on and on fighting no matter how badly he's injured. That's basically Jack. Ianto probably would have been super alarmed if Jack hadn't made any move at all :laugh:

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2 hours ago, Selene said:

I feel reminded of the "It's just a flesh wound"-scene from Monthy Python and the Holy Grail, where the knight just goes on and on fighting no matter how badly he's injured. That's basically Jack. 

Best. Description. Ever.

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