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A healer's instincts (LotR, Estel/Aragorn & Elrond)


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Hi. This was supposed to be my first drabble. Well, actually the ninth. But I didn't quite manage to use only 100 words, so this one-shot was born... I just hope that there won't be a strange gap in the middle of the text as happened to me yesterday with my obs... And I'm sorry for any mistakes, English is not my native language. 

Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Tolkien. Well, and maybe to New line cinema. I don't get any money, I'm just playing.


A healer's instincts: 

Estel swallowed. There was a big, hot stone in his throat. Not from Arwen's smile, but because of a cold. Which came around with a little problem. A sniffle and a sore throat had never kept him from hunting- Only a caring father could do that. Much had changed within the past decades, but he still had to go past the elvish healer and hide this illness. Estel had calmed the coughing with a good dose of tea. But... There was this tickle in his nose. He rubbed at it, trying to scare it away. It was persistent, he found himself sniffling twice before it finally settled somewhere high up. Estel blinked once and smiled.

“Estel? Are you leaving already?”

The man turned at once. Usually, he could could hear even the lightest elvish footsteps, but the illness seemed to have dulled his senses. He sniffed casually before answering: “I will go hunting with the twins. Didn't they tell you?”

The Lord of Rivendell shook his head and surveyed the young man’s body. Estel waited patiently and pretended to  pluck horse hair from his sleeve. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Elrond’s calm expression turning into a slight frown. He bit his lip. That look had never been a good sign. But the Lord of Rivendell had not said anything yet, so Estel decided to act as quickly as possible.

“I have to get the horses ready.” Avoiding his father’s gaze, he turned back to the door.

“Estel?” Elrond’s voice was soft, but commanding at the same time.

Estel blinked and looked back at his father. He was standing at the window, extending his arm. 

Why had he selected this moment to express his fatherly affection? There were so many occasions where he would have happily embraced him, but this was none of them. The nearer he came to the healer, the higher was the chance that he would be caught.

Sighing, Estel approached him and leaned into the warm arms. A tiny little voice in his head told him that it would be a wise idea to stay home and let these arms take care of him, but he chased it away.

Elrond smiled and turned his gaze to the window. “It is a perfect day to go hunting.”

Estel relaxed, followed his father’s gaze- and gasped. The bright sunlight darted into his eyes and woke an irritant he had neglected for a few seconds: “Hhh...HHh’ECHooh! EShoo! EShxxtt!

He had somehow managed to stifle the last one into his sleeve, but the damage had already been done. There was another sneeze on its way, Estel’s efforts to stop it only made him cough. He did not even dare to look at Elrond now, though he could imagine his expression.


“Estel?” The commanding tone in Elrond’s voice had been replaced with a slightly amused one. “One should never underestimate the instincts of a healer”, he chuckled and reached his sniffly son a handkerchief.

The man cursed under his breath and accepted the soft cloth just in time: “Eh’KCHssht!”  

There was no denial now...


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On 2/24/2018 at 5:47 PM, Sequoia said:

He bit his lip. That look had never been a good sign.



On 2/24/2018 at 5:47 PM, Sequoia said:

“Estel?” The commanding tone in Elrond’s voice had been replaced with a slightly amused one. “One should never underestimate the instincts of a healer”, he chuckled and reached his sniffly son a handkerchief.


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Thank you for your comments :) 

It was this kind of really persistent plotbunny that keeps jumping around your head until it's written. And posted. I didn't even show it to my wonderful beta, I just wanted to get it done. (if you read this: It really isn't because of you. I appreciate your affords with my other fic)

Mainly because I love Elrond taking care of his stubborn son. Or any other person. And a sneezy Estel in general :rollhmm:. There are actually some more plotbunnies, but I somehow managed to lock them away until I have finally finished my school project *sigh*

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Aww! I loved this! Because I love that relationship...but also because, as you said, I love a sneezy Estel in general! :twisted:

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