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Sickie (Red Velvet, kpop)


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I have no idea why I wrote this fic but now that I think of it it’s not that bad so I decided to post it on here lol.

Quick intro about Red Velvet:
They’re a South Korean girl group formed by SM Entertainment. (one of the Big Three in kpop. Fun fact: SM water tastes like water. ;))
They debuted in 2014 with four members. They later added a new member, Yeri.
Their members are, in age order:
Their fandom name is ReVaLuv.
Their latest music video is Bad Boy (it’s sooo good.)

Now, here’s the fic! 


There was something unusual about practice. Something. Maybe there was less energy all around. Maybe it was because it was the end of practice and only Seulgi had gotten most of the moves right. Maybe they were just discouraged. Maybe.

Irene, though, suspected a different thing. From context clues, she had a theory of her own. Actually, it wasn’t much of a theory. More of an observation. She had observed right from the start.

Wendy was sick.

It was kind of easy to come to this conclusion if you were anyone else but Red Velvet. But the members were usually too busy with other things to notice a few sniffles or a congested voice. Irene doubted that even Wendy herself knew. But somehow Irene noticed. She decided not to tell Wendy about her observation, even if her motherly instincts were begging her to. It was a frustrating day and she didn’t want to put worry on top of frustration.

As if on cue, Wendy’s sweet laughter sounded from the other side of the practice room. Irene glanced toward the noise and found the rest of the members all chatting happily with Wendy. Irene’s motherly side melted at the sight of all of them looking so tired. She was about to join them when she heard the laughter stop abruptly.  

“Wait, I gotta sneehh…” Wendy trailed off, voice wavering as she brought a finger to her twitching nose. A few seconds and nothing happened. “Never mind.” And the chatter continued. Irene felt rather relieved as she joined the group. 

“Hi Irene- H’ihshuu!” The high-pitched sneeze was completely taken by surprise and sprayed an unsuspecting Irene full in the face. Irene hurried to wipe her face and attempt to rid of the germs- as much as she wanted Wendy to get better, she didn’t want to get sick herself- then faced Wendy. Poor Wendy, who was literally shaking in her shoes, awaiting a scolding from the oldest member. “Irene-unnie is scary sometimes,” remarked Yeri, who was next to Irene but managed to escape the spray of germs by covering her face with her sleeves. 

“It’s okay, I’m not mad,” Irene said with a bright grin, making a mental note not to look disgusted. “You feeling alright?” Wendy nodded, running a hand under her nose with her sleeve and sniffling. Irene made another mental note to wash the sweater the first chance she got. Suddenly, Wendy’s face took on another pre-sneeze look: watery eyes, flaring nostrils, and hand wavering to cover. This time, she had enough warning to be able to duck down before she stifled a wet double. “NGNxt! Hh… H’GXxt!”

“Bless,” offered Irene. “We shouldn’t stay here. It’s too cold. Let’s call it a day and go back to the dorm.” The others nodded, packing their stuff, but Irene stopped Wendy on her way out. 

“Are you sure you’re feeling alright? Do I need to get you anything?”

“I’mb positive I’mb okay,” Wendy said with her usual chipper smile, but it didn’t really reach her eyes, which were red and slightly watery. “Just tired. I’ll be fide tomborrow.”

“Alright.” Irene let go of Wendy’s sleeve and let her go before she closed the practice room door and navigated to their dorm. If Wendy insisted being stubborn, it was her fault.

She had forgotten about the mental note about not touching Wendy when she was sick.


Anyways, that’s the end of part one! More are sure to come! Feedback is welcome.

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This was really cute!! I love Irene’s mom tendencies. She seems really sweet. And everyone else - including Wendy herself - not noticing she was sick. I actually really like that scenario lol. I see some contagion soon~ I’m excited for it lol.

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15 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

This was really cute!! I love Irene’s mom tendencies. She seems really sweet. And everyone else - including Wendy herself - not noticing she was sick. I actually really like that scenario lol. I see some contagion soon~ I’m excited for it lol.

Thanks! Glad you thought it was cute lol. Fluff was what I had in mind.

Irene's a mom to Red Velvet but Wendy's the second mom. 

Subtle contagion is the best lol. I'm working on the second part (since the first was a little short.)

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I love this fic! Poor Wendy haha, it’s so cute that she was so scared about Irene giving her a scolding for sneezing on her! Like Cerulean said, Irene has such a mom figure in this fic and its really cute!

6 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Suddenly, Wendy’s face took on another pre-sneeze look: watery eyes, flaring nostrils, and hand wavering to cover. This time, she had enough warning to be able to duck down before she stifled a wet double. “NGNxt! Hh… H’GXxt!”


LOVE your description here! 

I’m so excited for the next part! And even more excited for Irene to get contaminated... :devil2:

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9 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

I love this fic! Poor Wendy haha, it’s so cute that she was so scared about Irene giving her a scolding for sneezing on her! Like Cerulean said, Irene has such a mom figure in this fic and its really cute!

LOVE your description here! 

I’m so excited for the next part! And even more excited for Irene to get contaminated... :devil2:

Wendy is a smol chipmunk baby who needs to be protected lol. She’s too underrated. 

Irene is basically a mother figure and I think it’s actually adorable. 

Lol thanks! I’m working on the second part now. Now that I think about it, I should rename the fic to “Oblivious” since that’s basically the plot so far lol.

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Here’s part two of the fic (I had it around for a while actually lol.) 

A clatter in the kitchen the next morning shook Wendy from her thoughts. She must have fallen asleep early yesterday, but it didn’t seem like it. She was oddly tired and aching all over. Maybe she pushed herself too hard yesterday in practice. But she didn’t remember pushing herself that hard. She debated for a while between staying in bed for a couple more hours or going to eat, settling for the latter option as she heard a rumble echo in her stomach. She also noted that she was still wearing yesterday’s sweater, which made it slightly more convenient as she didn’t have to change.

As she started to get up, she noticed that Irene was still sleeping. Snoring, even. Wendy didn’t remember if Irene was a snorer, but she still noted it as strange. Another thing was that Seulgi’s bed was empty. Seulgi was usually a late sleeper. It was probably just a strange day. She made her way to the kitchen area at that, even though she wasn’t particularly hungry anymore.

“Hh..!” Wendy stopped in her tracks, the burning sensation in her nose overcoming her. She rubbed at her nose frantically to no avail. “Hiyeshuu! Eh’shii!” Giving her head a quick shake to recover from the incident, she sniffled to prevent further sneezes and sped up her walking pace. When she arrived at the kitchen, she found it devoid of Irene (who was probably still sleeping). Instead, Seulgi was at the kitchen counter. It was an odd sight, as usually Irene was in that position. Also, Seulgi couldn’t cook if her life depended on it.

“Can’t Joy cook?” Wendy asked, not trying to be mean (merely trying to save all of their lives.) Seulgi rolled her eyes and placed a bowl of cereal in front of Wendy.

“I think Irene-unnie’s still sleeping, and Joy’s too lazy to cook,” the elder member told Wendy, glancing at Yeri and Joy (who were laughing about something random.) “And if we were going to eat before vocal training, it would have to be me who cooked. At least I didn’t burn the dorm down.” Crap, vocal training. Wendy had forgotten. Guess she’d have to change after all. 

After gulping down her cereal (no easy feat, as her throat felt like sandpaper), Wendy went back to her, Irene, and Seulgi’s room. When she entered, however, she saw Irene with a peculiar expression on her face.

Irene groggily woke up, and something felt a little… off. What time was it? Her head was pounding. Perhaps she was tired? When she checked her phone, however, she was in for a surprise.

8:55 AM.

They had vocal training in five minutes. Irene didn’t have the energy to groan, but before she could do anything, an itching feeling bloomed inside of her nose. She rubbed her nose, trying to control it, but it somehow made it itchier. Oh god, not now… 

Hi’shiew! Hh! Ih’shiew! Hu’ishiew-ushuu! Hii’chiuu! He’gxntuu!” After her fit, she glanced up blearily, only to find Wendy looking worriedly at her. She quickly composed herself, giving Wendy a grin. “Morning.”

“Are you okay?” Wendy reached to feel Irene’s forehead, but Irene stopped her.

“I’mb fide,” she said with a sniffle. “Ugh. Fidne.” She sniffled again, blinking away tears caused by all that sneezing.

“Um, okay,” Wendy said. A moment later, her head snapped down. “Ni’shuu!”

“Wendy, you sure you’re feeling alright?” Irene asked the younger woman as she saw Wendy shiver despite having a fluffy sweater on. She eyed the sweater, remembering that she had to wash it. She felt too tired for it, though. “Have you had any breakfast yet? We need to go soon.”

“Yeah. Seulgi-unnie made it,” Wendy said, watching the elder’s face looking surprised.

“Never knew Seulgi could cook.”

“Me neither.”

“Anyways- you need to change, and we’ll go to training,” Irene commanded, watching the younger quickly obey. She then dragged herself out of bed, threw on whatever she found, and joined the others at the kitchen. Feeling soreness in her throat, she sighed. It would be a long day.


To all who guessed that Irene would be sick... you are correct! Lol I feel so bad for inducing misery. Also, the transitions are kind of bad, but I’m still working to improve them lol. This is actually a fic that I enjoy writing so part three would be up really soon lol. It’s also short but oh well.

I had the vocal training scenario in my head lol. I just have to write it out. I also have a headcanon that Irene sneezes in fits- this’ll be fun lol.

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Ooh, I like where this is going! A part three would awesome! Although I don’t stan Red Velvet enough to be sure, Irene sneezing in fits really fits her personality! Keep it up!

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Cute!! I love Wendy trying to get away with not having to change lol. I totally understand feeling bad for causing misery in fics lol. I’m worried about Wendy and Irene trying to sing with a sore throat. And it’s okay to post somewhat short parts lol. I personally prefer writing my fics in larger chunks (to make sure it all fits together and everything’s how I want it), but that’s just how I write. Looking forward to more!

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7 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

Ooh, I like where this is going! A part three would awesome! Although I don’t stan Red Velvet enough to be sure, Irene sneezing in fits really fits her personality! Keep it up!

Thanks! That’s where I was going lol. I think it suits her.

2 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Cute!! I love Wendy trying to get away with not having to change lol. I totally understand feeling bad for causing misery in fics lol. I’m worried about Wendy and Irene trying to sing with a sore throat. And it’s okay to post somewhat short parts lol. I personally prefer writing my fics in larger chunks (to make sure it all fits together and everything’s how I want it), but that’s just how I write. Looking forward to more!

I’m glad that you liked it! Wendy’s a bit lazy lol. I feel bad since they’re real people. I’m kind of worried about Wendy, since she gets all the high notes in songs (Irene gets only a few singing lines and then the rapping part, usually.) And I’m glad that it’s okay to post in short chunks, since I’m really bad a writing long lol.


I think part three will be up soon. Also, I have a plot twist in mind, which will probably make that part longer. 

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This took longer than I expected, but here’s part three:


Seulgi thought that there was a rather sleepy feeling in the van that her and the other members rode to vocal training. Sure, yesterday they had trained hard. But Irene and Wendy seemed like they would pass out. They probably overworked themselves yesterday. She had enough time to pull out of her reverie as the van pulled up to the building. 

Seulgi, Joy, Yeri, and Wendy got off the van, but Irene lagged behind, as if she was still sleeping. “Hey,” Seulgi said, gently shaking her, and that’s when she noticed that Irene’s temperature was too warm to be healthy. She put her hand on Irene’s forehead to check.

Ihh… Ih’shuu! Hh’shiew! Heh’kshhew! Nn’tshiuu! Ah’shii!

Irene pitched forward with each sneeze, throwing Seulgi’s hand off her forehead. The sneezes made her disoriented, and she shook her head a little. “Nn…” That’s when she noticed Seulgi’s stern look. Of course, the second-oldest member was very capable of being a mom at times. Irene snapped awake, trying to look okay, but before she could protest, Seulgi stopped her.

“Nope. Nope nope nope. You’re going home,” Seulgi commanded. “To get rest. You have a fever. I don’t want you getting worse.” She nodded to the driver of the van, who closed the van door and drove away, Irene still inside. She watched it until it disappeared, and left with the other members.
Vocal practice was going horribly for Wendy. She had practically screamed her high notes (which resulted in a coughing fit) and was scolded by the instructor for not doing vocal warm-ups properly. There was an empty space where Irene was. Seulgi had said that it was because Irene wasn’t feeling well, and Wendy couldn’t help but not really care. It wasn’t her fault that her head was pounding.

The instructor called a few minutes’ break, and Wendy rushed into the bathroom first chance she got to blow her nose. She found only a few tissues that her first blow soaked through, and she had to manage with toilet paper. Curse the company for not providing tissue boxes at all times. 

She saw herself in the mirror. Since when did she have such dark circles under her eyes? Her eyes traveled to her red and raw nose and scrunched it up, curious if it looked better that way. It still looked red. A sudden tickle sprang in her nose as a result of it being irritated by the scrunch, and Wendy took deep breaths, holding the toilet paper up to her face.

Hihh… Gi’shuu! Ni’shiuu! Kshuu!” They were small sneezes, but drained the energy out of her. Blowing her nose once more, she heard the instructor say that the break was over. She sighed and threw out the toilet paper, opening the bathroom door and hurrying back to the training area.
Somewhere around one of their longer songs, Wendy’s nose became itchy again. She had tried not to think about it, but the ticklish feeling was still persistent and affecting her concentration. What were the lyrics again? She only remembered half of them. Shoot, it was her turn to sing. She opened her mouth and belted out the part of lyrics she knew, then tried to recall the other half. The persistent burning feeling in her nose made it even words.

She began singing again, trying to ignore her hitching breaths that were disrupting her lyrics. She finally thought she was safe after sniffling a bit, but no luck. 

Hhhh..! Ehh..!” She stopped singing. Everyone looked at her in surprise. It was another of her high notes that she had to hit. “Hehh… Ishii! IH’shuu! HEH’ih’shiuu! Gi’ngxt! Eh’nxgii!” She sniffled, cheeks burning, as a chorus of ‘Bless you’s sounded across the room. She wasn’t done, however.

EH’tchieeww!” The sneeze sprayed all over the microphone, making Wendy recoil in disgust. How much longer was practice? She groaned when she realized that there was still half an hour to go.

When Irene had gotten home, she found that there was only one dose of cold medicine left in the drawer. She had taken it and drowsily went to take a nap. When she woke up, she felt reasonably better but still weak. However, she had realized that there was no more medicine for Wendy, and felt bad about that.

Speaking of Wendy, the younger girl had arrived home with the others, but went straight to the shared bedroom, pawing at her nose miserably. Irene’s heart sank at the sight of her. “Wendy, you’re sick.”

“I amb?” A pause. “Ndo, probably just tired.” Wendy sniffled at that and rubbed her eyes, as if to prove her point. A moment later, she pitched forward with a wet “Ih’gnxtuu!”

“You’re sick,” Irene repeated. She attempted to reach across the bed to feel Wendy’s forehead, but the sick girl ducked. “Really, I’mb fide.”

“See how stuffy you are? Stop that,” Irene attempted to feel Wendy’s forehead again, but Wendy ducked the other way. 

“Ndo!” However, Irene’s reflexes were quicker, and she managed to feel Wendy’s forehead for a split second. Wendy was feverish, as she thought she would be. 

“You’re staying home until you feel better,” Irene said sternly, watching Wendy sigh in defeat.



My writing skills are decreasing lol. I’m not sure where the story will go but there’s definitely going to be a part four. Anything you guys want to see (or any plot ideas)?



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I liked this chapter the most so far! It’s cute how Irene is sick but only cares about Wendy’s health... it’s so like her to only think of others before herself~ And I’m noticing a pattern where a member acts as a mom for a while and gets sick, so if you were looking for plot ideas, maybe you could have Seulgi get sick and another member play mom for a while, only to get sick as well? Just an idea though.😂 

Can’t wait for the next part!

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10 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

I liked this chapter the most so far! It’s cute how Irene is sick but only cares about Wendy’s health... it’s so like her to only think of others before herself~ And I’m noticing a pattern where a member acts as a mom for a while and gets sick, so if you were looking for plot ideas, maybe you could have Seulgi get sick and another member play mom for a while, only to get sick as well? Just an idea though.😂 

Can’t wait for the next part!

Thanks you so much!! That’s a great plot idea! I’ll incorporate that into the fourth chapter!

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Okay, sad announcement right here.

I’ve lost my inspiration for this fic. Therefore, there will not be a part four. But there is a happy announcement. I am thinking of a contagion sort of thing where groups in SM Entertainment start getting sick. The groups will include SHINEE, Girls’ Generation, f(x), EXO, Red Velvet, and more that I think about lol. 

So, I’m just going to leave it at that lol.

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On 3/6/2018 at 1:41 PM, LaDeeDaa said:

Okay, sad announcement right here.

I’ve lost my inspiration for this fic. Therefore, there will not be a part four. But there is a happy announcement. I am thinking of a contagion sort of thing where groups in SM Entertainment start getting sick. The groups will include SHINEE, Girls’ Generation, f(x), EXO, Red Velvet, and more that I think about lol. 

So, I’m just going to leave it at that lol.

Aw. That’s okay though, I’ve had to do that before too.

Ooooooooo EXO :D

I’m honestly not familiar with any of the others, but I’d love EXO. Isn’t NCT under SM too? I’m getting into them right now.

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8 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Aw. That’s okay though, I’ve had to do that before too.

Ooooooooo EXO :D

I’m honestly not familiar with any of the others, but I’d love EXO. Isn’t NCT under SM too? I’m getting into them right now.

Thanks for understanding!

Lol, EXO. I’m kind of (?) familiar with them, so it should be okay lol.

NCT is too confusing for me lol. Too many sub-units and such.

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On 3/6/2018 at 1:41 PM, LaDeeDaa said:

I’ve lost my inspiration for this fic. Therefore, there will not be a part four. But there is a happy announcement. I am thinking of a contagion sort of thing where groups in SM Entertainment start getting sick. The groups will include SHINEE, Girls’ Generation, f(x), EXO, Red Velvet, and more that I think about lol. 

So, I’m just going to leave it at that lol.

Ah, I can totally relate to that feeling of starting something but losing inspiration after a while. But an SM fic! Yayyy! I was also about to ask about NCT too before I noticed that Cerulean already did lol. I’m so excited for the new fic though! :D

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16 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Thanks for understanding!

Lol, EXO. I’m kind of (?) familiar with them, so it should be okay lol.

NCT is too confusing for me lol. Too many sub-units and such.

I’m not too familiar with EXO either honestly, so I won’t notice any mistakes lol.

Yeah, but I’m trying to get into it right now and I’m picturing super-germaphobic Taeyong (my bias) getting sick and just being super miserable (I’m evil). I actually really want to write a fic with him but I’m too new to. Especially if I were to include any other members.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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8 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

Ah, I can totally relate to that feeling of starting something but losing inspiration after a while. But an SM fic! Yayyy! I was also about to ask about NCT too before I noticed that Cerulean already did lol. I’m so excited for the new fic though! :D

Thanks! I’m excited too lol.


6 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I’m not too familiar with EXO either honestly, so I won’t notice any mistakes lol.

Yeah, but I’m trying to get into it right now and I’m picturing super-germaphobic Taeyong (my bias) getting sick and just being super miserable (I’m evil). I actually really want to write a fic with him but I’m too new to. Especially if I were to include any other members.

*subtly hides mistakes*

NCT has so many subunits and such. It confuses me lol.

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