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Maybes and Annoyances (1/?) (Monsta X, kpop, Minhyuk, Kihyun, Wonho)


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Finally posting this! I’m not 100% happy with this first part, but I’m happier with some ideas later to come. Bear with me here. :) And I’m aware that (as far as I know) Kihyun’s pink hair didn’t overlap with Minhyuk’s blonde hair and Wonho’s black hair. But we’re gonna pretend it did~ And I’m still a little bit new to the Monsta X fandom, so I struggled a bit writing in-character (what even is Lee Minhyuk lol how does one Minhyuk). If you notice anything out of character I wrote, feel free to mention it lol it’s helpful.

Also, while reading this part, pay close attention~ ;) Some contagion here, see if you catch it (pun not originally intended lmao).


Anyway —


Part One:


Kihyun checked on Minhyuk and Wonho every night before going to bed. Yeah, yeah, call him a worrywart or the mother of the group, but Minhyuk was one of his closest friends and Wonho was — well — someone who needed checking up on. More importantly, they shared a room, so it was extremely simple — nay, natural — to make sure Minhyuk was okay, sleeping in a good position, and warm.


This night, however, Kihyun hardly even peeked at his roommates before letting himself fall into his own bed. Maybe it was that they were already asleep or that Kihyun himself was tireder than usual or, more likely, it was both. They had practiced very hard that day. Kihyun especially, since he had trouble getting a few aspects of the dance down. Minhyuk had seemed to have worked a little less hard than usual, yet he tired faster.


So, if Minhyuk had managed to fall asleep, shirtless, wearing only boxers (partway through changing into pajamas when he fell asleep) and had somehow kicked all the blankets off of himself (or removed them purposefully), Kihyun didn’t notice. He would have simply walked past without even a glance as he collapsed desperately into his bed.


And that’s exactly what had happened.






Kihyun woke up the earliest, as usual. Even though he had completely worn himself out the day before, he was always the first to rise in the morning. He sat up and yawned. Scratching sleepily at the back of his neck, he glanced over at Minhyuk and sighed.


“Seriously,” he complained, voice slow and muddled from sleep, as he stood up and shuffled over to the older man and covered him up with blankets.


“Minhyuk... wake up,” he instructed as he rubbed the shoulder of the man in question. Reflecting on how exhausted the member had been, Kihyun decided to let Minhyuk sleep for a bit longer.


Kihyun got dressed before leaving to wake up the other members. When he finished, he returned to finally get his roommate up. He was surprised to see that Minhyuk was already sitting up in bed, rubbing at his face blearily.


“Finally!” Kihyun exclaimed.


“Mm... shut up,” Minhyuk murmured groggily, sniffing absentmindedly before running a hand aimlessly through his golden locks. He had his blankets wrapped around himself up to his chin. Reluctantly, he unwrapped himself from his cozy cocoon to get dressed.


“It’s collllllld,” he whined, sniffing to validate his claim. He collected a black, short sleeve, v-neck t-shirt; blue jeans with a few rips in them; and a slightly-too-large, soft, warm, black hoodie. He had just finished pulling the hoodie over his head when a sudden tickle blossomed in the sensitive back of his nose.


He pressed his knuckles against the underside of his nostrils and sniffed again. His hand loosened, remaining hovering near his mouth to cover as his eyes lost focus. Enveloped in the sensation as if he were in a trance, his eyes slowly closed as he drew in a deep breath.




“Don’t cover with your hands,” Kihyun interjected in a leisurely tone without looking over as he fixed his cupcake-pink hair in the mirror. Obeying, Minhyuk quickly buried his face into his elbow.


“Huhhhhh-hetchyuuu! Ng...”


The first part of the sneeze was high-pitched and ticklish, transitioning quickly into a medium pitch. It was violent in every aspect as it bent him at the waist. It was somewhat loud as well.


Not as loud as Shownu’s sneezes of course. Nowhere near that level of ear damage. Merely a bit loud; to the point where one sneeze demands some attention and several sneezes become a little annoying to certain people (aka Kihyun).


“Ugh, damn,” Minhyuk muttered. Blinking to reorient himself, he scrubbed at his nose irritably.


“You’re not getting sick on us, are you?” Kihyun asked.


“Huh?” Minhyuk hummed in confusion. “Nah, I’m just cold,” he dismissed with his classic, bright smile.


Perhaps if he had realized then it might have been okay.






That day, Minhyuk seemed to be (even) lazier than usual. All throughout practice, in the dorms — he didn’t want to do any work. So, Kihyun decided to wake him up a bit later on. He was bored anyway.


He had heard Minhyuk say that he was going to go grab something from his room in a minute, so Kihyun got there first. He waited just inside the bathroom so that once Minhyuk entered the room, he could jump out and scare him. He’d done this before, and it was more fun with Wonho, but Minhyuk would probably be entertaining as well.


So, he waited a minute, and before long, Minhyuk was outside the room.


Minhyuk opened and closed the door, stepped inside and...


Paused exactly where he was.


Huh-hih! Hehsschyu!” Always half high and half medium pitch, he sneezed suddenly into his hands. He didn’t even have time to sniffle before Kihyun quickly stepped out of the bathroom, yelling briefly.


Minhyuk immediately screamed and stumbled backwards in response, throwing his arms out in defense and pinning Kihyun against the wall.


Oh my god! Seriously!” Minhyuk exclaimed. Kihyun — who was now doubled over laughing — took Minhyuk’s hands off of him and held them as he approached the older man.


“Sorry,” Kihyun barely got out through high-pitched giggles, clearly not being honest. Minhyuk sighed in relief.


Just then, Minhyuk ripped his hands from Kihyun and whipped away from him. Evidently, his throat didn’t feel up to its normal capacity of screams. He let out a series of intense, dry coughs into his wrist. He took a deep breath in only to return to coughing a moment later.


While Kihyun had simply laughed harder at the first cough, it became evident how painful they were, how they tore at his throat, merely a moment later. Any remnants of a smile vanished in an instant.


“I’m sorry — are you okay?” Kihyun asked gently, rubbing circles in his friend’s back. When Minhyuk was finally able to catch his breath he cleared his throat, briefly shutting his eyes in pain.


“Yeah, I’m fine,” Minhyuk said, hoping a smile would ward off any doubt. However, there was a certain weariness to his smile, something that Kihyun wasn’t used to seeing often in the energetic boy.


“You’re sick,” Kihyun stated. It wasn’t a question.


“No! I really don’t think so — I mean, since when do I ever get sick anyway?” Minhyuk argued, regaining some of his usual energy. Kihyun sighed as the boy continued to ramble. Already annoyed, he took the simplest way out that didn’t even require words — or, better yet, listening.


He ran a fingernail slowly and softly along the side of one of Minhyuk’s nostrils.


“Yah, what the hehhh... h—hell...” Minhyuk barked, only to be forced to leave his question halfway through. Blinking, he took a step back and pressed a knuckle firmly against his nose. He fought it for a few seconds, but the result was inevitable. “Hahhh-yeshchuu! Etchuhhh!” Rubbing a slim finger under his nose furiously, he sniffled and directed the fiercest death glare he had in his possession at Kihyun. “Yah, that doesn’t prove anything!” he insisted.


“And I suppose you sneezing and coughing all day doesn’t prove anything either?” Kihyun replied in a venomous tone. He was started to get frustrated.


“What do you mean all day?” Minhyuk snapped, raising his voice a little.


“You’ve never been subtle in your life, you think you can start now?” Kihyun pointed out, lowering his voice as contrast.


Honestly, why are you yelling at me for not hiding getting sick well?” Minhyuk whined, exasperation and anger dripping from his voice. “Wait...” he added softly, realizing his mistake.


“You admit it!” Kihyun exclaimed, laughing. Though a part of him worried at his obliviousness. He recalled the Monsta X-Ray episode where they played a game all day to go to the “modern boy” party. Minhyuk had always been one — no — three steps ahead of everyone else and Kihyun was honestly somewhat impressed (even if he himself was the target of numerous betrayals).


“No, I really don’t think — all right, maybe I’m getting sick... maybe,” Minhyuk conceded, too tired to continue.


Before Kihyun could reply, Minhyuk got a look in his eyes that was becoming familiar.


“You call that a maybe?” Kihyun asked, raising his eyebrows.


“Sh—shut uhhhp...” Minhyuk stuttered. Defiant, he jammed a fist up against the underside of his twitching, damp nostrils. However, it was already too late. Both of them knew if Minhyuk’s breath hitched, the sneeze would have to follow. He never had any false starts, unlike Kihyun.


Hehhhh-kitchyuuu! Ehtchuu!” he sneezed as predicted, turning away and loosely covering with his fist. In fact, so loosely that some spray landed on the light switch on the wall.


“Tsk. Don’t cover with your hands, it’s unsanitary,” Kihyun chided.


Speaking of hands, Minhyuk moved slightly to lower his, only to immediately return it to its previous position. Instantly turning red, he averted his gaze to the floor.


“Could you...” he mumbled inaudibly as he scratched the back of his neck with his other hand, embarrassed. Luckily, Kihyun understood and handed him a tissue. “Thanks,” he whispered, wiping off his hand and nose. As he threw away the now-soaked tissue, Kihyun remembered something.


“What’d you come in here for anyway?” Kihyun asked.


“Oh... well...” Minhyuk cleared his throat before speaking up. “My nose was a little runny earlier so I wanted to grab some tissues,” he admitted.


“I thought ‘you aren’t sick?’” Kihyun reminded.


“... And I thought I told you to shut up,” Minhyuk retorted as he shoved a pack of tissues into his hoodie pocket.


At that exact moment, the door was opened. The two ‘93 liners turned towards it in surprise.


“Oh! Kihyun’s here too?” Wonho muttered to himself. “It’s time to get back to practice, guys,” he said.


Minhyuk and Kihyun exchanged a glance at each other as if to confirm that Minhyuk didn’t want anyone else to know about his illness yet.


“All right. Come on,” Kihyun said, nodding his head from Minhyuk to the door.


All three boys left, Wonho turning off the lights and closing the door.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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10 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

what even is Lee Minhyuk lol how does one Minhyuk

One of the mysteries in life is how to Minhyuk lol.

But this was so. Damn. Cute. I literally screamed (which made my flat mates look weirdly at me lol) when I saw the topic at the beginning. I liked the part where Kihyun was inducing Minhyuk as revenge. Kind of reminded me of V and Jungkook in your other fic lol. And Kihyun saying “don’t cover with your hands” somehow makes me melt. I may consider him as a bias now lol.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to more fluff! 

I also figured out the contagion part lol.:rollslow:

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1 hour ago, LaDeeDaa said:

One of the mysteries in life is how to Minhyuk lol.

But this was so. Damn. Cute. I literally screamed (which made my flat mates look weirdly at me lol) when I saw the topic at the beginning. I liked the part where Kihyun was inducing Minhyuk as revenge. Kind of reminded me of V and Jungkook in your other fic lol. And Kihyun saying “don’t cover with your hands” somehow makes me melt. I may consider him as a bias now lol.

Anyways, I’m looking forward to more fluff! 

I also figured out the contagion part lol.:rollslow:


Yay lol glad you like it! Yeah lol I sort of like that kind of thing so I was like “let’s do it again.” Also, it was partially revenge, partially in a “bitch are you actually trying to tell me you’re not sick when your nose is this sensitive I’m not buying it” way. Originally I had Kihyun say that because he’s the mom of the group and I can see him doing that. But I agree, I actually ended up melting over that too lol. He’s my bias lol can recommend as a bias if you like vocals. (Although Minhyuk’s bias-wrecking me so much lately whrsoqbrlsluqe stay in your lane please.)

Me too haha

There were two lol:

-Minhyuk sneezed into his hands and then Kihyun grabbed them (because he didn’t see it)

-Light switch

The second one’s more obvious to me but personally, I would’ve missed the first one if I hadn’t been paying attention which is why I mentioned it lol.

Why do I feel like I added in more contagion in this part but forgot?... lol

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Just now, CeruleanBlue said:


Yay lol glad you like it! Yeah lol I sort of like that kind of thing so I was like “let’s do it again.” Also, it was partially revenge, partially in a “bitch are you actually trying to tell me you’re not sick when your nose is this sensitive I’m not buying it” way. Originally I had Kihyun say that because he’s the mom of the group and I can see him doing that. But I agree, I actually ended up melting over that too lol. He’s my bias lol can recommend as a bias if you like vocals. (Although Minhyuk’s bias-wrecking me so much lately whrsoqbrlsluqe stay in your lane please.)

Me too haha

There were two lol:

-Minhyuk sneezed into his hands and then Kihyun grabbed them (because he didn’t see it)

-Light switch

The second one’s more obvious to me but personally, I would’ve missed the first one if I hadn’t been paying attention which is why I mentioned it lol.

Why do I feel like I added in more contagion in this part but forgot?... lol

I also like the inducing parts lol. I’m also not deep inside the Monsta X fandom but somehow I’ve guessed that Kihyun is the mom type lol. I won’t spoil the contagion but it has something to do with tiredness, am I right?

Slightly unrelated but I ended up posting the Red Velvet fic. There’s sort of a lazy introduction lol. Advertising for my own fic intensifies

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57 minutes ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I also like the inducing parts lol. I’m also not deep inside the Monsta X fandom but somehow I’ve guessed that Kihyun is the mom type lol. I won’t spoil the contagion but it has something to do with tiredness, am I right?

Slightly unrelated but I ended up posting the Red Velvet fic. There’s sort of a lazy introduction lol. Advertising for my own fic intensifies

Lol he just radiates the mom vibe. Sort of? I can see why you thought that, but Kihyun’s tired for more of an “and his immune system is a bit off because he’s tired and working really hard” way. Although I honestly might have planned that he was already sick when I wrote that lol. I don’t tend to keep notes for fics (I really should) and that was a while back so I actually don’t remember lol.

Ooo, heading there now!

(I relate though)

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OMG OMG OMG. I got so excited when I saw this! 

7 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

He pressed his knuckles against the underside of his nostrils and sniffed again. His hand loosened, remaining hovering near his mouth to cover as his eyes lost focus. Envelopes in the sensation as if he were in a trance, his eyes slowly closed as he drew in a deep breath.

This description was AMAZING. 

And the teasing/inducing parts. THE TEASING. I melted so much when Kihyun started inducing on Minhyuk... that kind of thing is the cutest thing ever! And the fact that Minhyuk was being so stubborn about admitting his sickness made it so much better~

Like honestly, when a character is trying to be mad at someone else but can’t look intimidating because they have to sneeze so badly(that’s a really bad description but whatever, basically what I mean is the kind of thing with Kihyun inducing Minhyuk:razz:) is one of my favorite scenarios ins sneezefics ever!

I’m so excited for the next part! Thank you for posting this adorable fic~:notworthy:

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2 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

OMG OMG OMG. I got so excited when I saw this! 

This description was AMAZING. 

And the teasing/inducing parts. THE TEASING. I melted so much when Kihyun started inducing on Minhyuk... that kind of thing is the cutest thing ever! And the fact that Minhyuk was being so stubborn about admitting his sickness made it so much better~

Like honestly, when a character is trying to be mad at someone else but can’t look intimidating because they have to sneeze so badly(that’s a really bad description but whatever, basically what I mean is the kind of thing with Kihyun inducing Minhyuk:razz:) is one of my favorite scenarios ins sneezefics ever!

I’m so excited for the next part! Thank you for posting this adorable fic~:notworthy:

I got excited when you commented lol

I was pretty happy with that descriptions. Except for that typo apparently lol I meant “enveloped” why can’t I type. I edited it though.

Lol part of the reason I added that in was because I knew you liked it.

Okay you just made me die lol because I hadn’t exactly realized what that would be and I’m imagining that and I’m dead now.

Haha, I had fun writing it! Thank you for commenting~ 

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10 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

Like honestly, when a character is trying to be mad at someone else but can’t look intimidating because they have to sneeze so badly(that’s a really bad description but whatever, basically what I mean is the kind of thing with Kihyun inducing Minhyuk:razz:) is one of my favorite scenarios ins sneezefics ever!

Ahh I love that scenario. *steals idea for own fic and every other fic I write ever*

Also, I just reread it and I feel like I haven’t been giving enough attention to this part:

18 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Honestly, why are you yelling at me for not hiding getting sick well?” Minhyuk whined, exasperation and anger dripping from his voice. “Wait...” he added softly, realizing his mistake.

This makes me melt :wub:

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8 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Ahh I love that scenario. *steals idea for own fic and every other fic I write ever*

Also, I just reread it and I feel like I haven’t been giving enough attention to this part:

This makes me melt :wub:

Relatable lol

I liked that part lol.





I actually found a Minhyuk sneeze (I’m dead :blush:) and I’m laughing because he covered with his hands lol. His sneezes here aren’t very accurate otherwise lol. Actually, I could almost keep the spelling. I was going for more of a Minpuppy (nickname he has) sneeze. But it’s more manly lol.

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1 minute ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Relatable lol

I liked that part lol.





I actually found a Minhyuk sneeze (I’m dead :blush:) and I’m laughing because he covered with his hands lol. His sneezes here aren’t very accurate otherwise lol. Actually, I could almost keep the spelling. I was going for more of a Minpuppy (nickname he has) sneeze. But it’s more manly lol.

You did?? Lol then perhaps the “Don’t cover with your hands” could actually be true. I’m going to search it up and fangirl over it, oops.

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4 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

You did?? Lol then perhaps the “Don’t cover with your hands” could actually be true. I’m going to search it up and fangirl over it, oops.

I would laugh so hard (and melt) if that was actually true. Because that does seem like something Kihyun would do, and I just get the feeling that Minhyuk kind of sucks at covering and also usually does it with his hands. Maybe it’s real omg lol

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I love this! I'm so exited for the next part it's unreal.

On 25-2-2018 at 0:57 AM, CeruleanBlue said:

I actually found a Minhyuk sneeze

Did you already post the link to this? (High key want to hear his sneeze)

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15 hours ago, MeForever said:

I love this! I'm so exited for the next part it's unreal.

Did you already post the link to this? (High key want to hear his sneeze)

Aw, thanks! Sorry, I’ve been busy but I really want to write more of this. The weekend, I’ll write the next part lol.

Yeah, in Sneezing in the Media, I have a link to it. It’s cute and actually suits him a lot but is pretty different than what I wrote here lol.

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2 minutes ago, MeForever said:

@CeruleanBlue Ah, thanks! I was confused because I couldn't really hear the sneeze, but it's still cute!

Really? I hear it. Minhyuk’s a really big bias wrecker for me and that (and this fic) is not helping me stay loyal to Kihyun lol. 

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34 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Really? I hear it. Minhyuk’s a really big bias wrecker for me and that (and this fic) is not helping me stay loyal to Kihyun lol. 

Lol, even though I don't listen to Monsta X very much, I think Minhyuk is definitely my bias.

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On 2/28/2018 at 2:16 AM, MeForever said:

Lol, even though I don't listen to Monsta X very much, I think Minhyuk is definitely my bias.

I can relate lol. Minhyuk has gone from a bias wrecker to my second bias.



Also, sorry I haven’t updated yet. I was suuuuuuuuuuper busy and really tired.

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UGH YOU DID MINHYUK OMG. I really like his blonde hair so this was perfect timing for the fic. I really liked how you spelled his sneezes it was everything I could have wished for and more. Plus the cold denial is hot af. 

*cough* idk where you are in the world but they just announced their 2018 world tour dates... 

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11 hours ago, apricity said:

*cough* idk where you are in the world but they just announced their 2018 world tour dates... 

They’re coming to my place somewhere in July, I think. ^_^

On 3/3/2018 at 11:54 PM, CeruleanBlue said:

Also, sorry I haven’t updated yet. I was suuuuuuuuuuper busy and really tired.

It’s fine! I can relate with the tiredness lol.

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23 hours ago, apricity said:

UGH YOU DID MINHYUK OMG. I really like his blonde hair so this was perfect timing for the fic. I really liked how you spelled his sneezes it was everything I could have wished for and more. Plus the cold denial is hot af. 

*cough* idk where you are in the world but they just announced their 2018 world tour dates... 

Kihyun and Wonho to come~ I live for blonde Minhyuk lol. Wait, do you mean the sorta blonde-ish hair he has super recently or Trespass and Rush era? I meant Trespass and Rush. Aw, thanks! I was kind of debating if people liked it or not. Agreed, denial is amazing.

 I’m actually going to go see them and I'm really excited. :D


12 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

They’re coming to my place somewhere in July, I think. ^_^

It’s fine! I can relate with the tiredness lol.

Are you going to go see them?

I usually write really late at night, so lately when I’ve been too tired to stay up later than I have to I don’t end up getting much done unfortunately. Even if I’m really inspired. I have some scenes I’m excited to write here but I haven’t been able to.




I feel like I should just bring something up though lol. If you’ve read any of my other fics you probably already know this. I tend to ship a lot of things in groups, and then when I write them I accidentally make those two members a little closer than they are.

I actually ship Kihyuk, Kiho, and Wonhyuk (... separately) so I’m going to have to restrain myself writing this lol. I just wanted to give you guys a bit of an explanation if it becomes noticeable.

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Waaahhhh!!!!! I love this!!!! I'm so excited to hear more!!! Thank you thank you! And please take your time! And sleep is very important (at least thats what my friends tell me 😉) 

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On 3/5/2018 at 8:14 PM, CeruleanBlue said:

Kihyun and Wonho to come~ I live for blonde Minhyuk lol. Wait, do you mean the sorta blonde-ish hair he has super recently or Trespass and Rush era? I meant Trespass and Rush. Aw, thanks! I was kind of debating if people liked it or not. Agreed, denial is amazing.

 I’m actually going to go see them and I'm really excited. :D


Yes Trespass/Rush era we're on the same page ^_^

Ah omg which city?! I thought about seeing them in Newark but I feel like the tickets sold out in 10 seconds and I wasn't really sure about seeing them vs. maybe going to Kcon and seeing other groups so I haven't bought anything yet. 

Can't wait for The Connect...

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On 3/11/2018 at 5:39 PM, apricity said:

Yes Trespass/Rush era we're on the same page ^_^

Ah omg which city?! I thought about seeing them in Newark but I feel like the tickets sold out in 10 seconds and I wasn't really sure about seeing them vs. maybe going to Kcon and seeing other groups so I haven't bought anything yet. 

Can't wait for The Connect...

Minhyuk killed that era.

I’m going to go to the LA one! :) The tickets are probably sold out by now, but you can check. Is there even going to be a Kcon USA this year/summer? I haven’t seen anything about it.

Same here.


11 hours ago, Ellathenerd said:

This is so amazing! I really look forward to reading more!

Thanks! I look forward to writing more lol.




Sorry I’m taking forever to update, guys. I’ve been kinda busy lately.

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On 3/13/2018 at 3:18 AM, CeruleanBlue said:

Minhyuk killed that era.

I’m going to go to the LA one! :) The tickets are probably sold out by now, but you can check. Is there even going to be a Kcon USA this year/summer? I haven’t seen anything about it.

Same here.


Awesome! Oh man, that's really something to look forward to! 

Kcon just announced the dates on Thursday, and I'm on tenterhooks waiting to hear the artist announcements. 

No worries about updating - thanks for writing this!! Fighting! 

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