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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What do I do in this sort of situation?!


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My fingers are literally shaking as I wrote this. I’m in esperare need of comfort, even though I’m pretty much doomed. So just now, I was on the forum and went to go play a sneezing compilation. And I thought I put my earbuds in, but alas, I did not. So, when it played, it went off at full volume on my phone. Really, really loudly. And my parents were literally in the next room. I tried to turn the video off by locking my phone, but it just kept playing. So, I had to go mad unlock my phone and turn it off, but by then it was already way too late. I’m positive my parents heard it, even thought they didn’t say anything. I know, I’m a careless idiot and there’s really nothing I am I about it now, but does anyone have any ideas of how  I can cover this up if they ever do mention it to me? And I know I’m rambling Rn and my writing is nearly imcomprehensible but the truth is I’m in state of panic and my parents absolutely cannot find out about this. Any help is very much appreciated!

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It's probably not much consolation now, but years ago when I was about 13 my Dad caught me looking at pictures of women sneezing (He'd set up some parental viewing thing where he could see everything I searched). I got into a horrible panic probably similar to what you're going through now, but he was respectful about it and has never mentioned it; we still have a really strong relationship despite this weird thing he knows about me.

As EvaBloom says, you can easily pretend you just clicked on a random video - no one is going to suspect anything since this fetish is so rare.

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Well, I understand how scary that can be. You aren't a careless idiot, it was a mistake!! Everyone makes them. Honestly, EvaBloom has the best cover story, because one can always blame technology for doing random stuff! Something similar happened to me when I was about 15, and I used that excuse. There was no question into it from my mom. Definitely worth a try! 

Best of Luck,


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Yeah, it's really not going to be a big deal. You can just tell them it was an ad for allergy medication or something if it comes up, but chances are they're never going to say a word about it, and they're definitely, definitely not going to guess that you have a fetish for sneezing based on it.

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When I was a teenager, we just had the one computer that everyone shared. At the time, I'd print out sneeze fics so I could read them in the privacy of my own room. I think there were two occasions when she found them, and to top it off, they were 18+ fics too, and I know in at least one of them, one of the characters had the fetish. One time she found one because you can see a list of recent docs in Word, so that taught me a valuable lesson that you have to clear that as well as internet history. There there was another time where I was just completely careless and actually forgot to close the document after printing it out. My mother did bring it up each time and it seemed like she was more curious than anything. I don't remember exactly what I told her, but it was along the lines of that they were just "funny" stories that someone sent me. Then she wanted to know who would send me something like that and I was just like I don't know, some online friend.

As mortifying as it was, I didn't get in trouble over it, and as far as I know, my mother didn't take any extra measures to try to monitor my internet activity(not even sure she'd have known how to). And I bet that she has absolutely no memory of the incidents all these years later, because it was probably a much bigger deal to me than it was to her. So if they bring it up, just make something up, and I'm sure they'll forget all about it in time.

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Thanks for the advice. I feel much more at ease now lol. When I first posted the topic, it was right after the moment happened, so I was all shaken up and wasn’t thinking straight at all - I was pretty much convinced that they now knew my biggest secret and that my life was over. But now that it’s been a few hours, I realize that you guys are right, they probably wouldn’t assume that it was a fetish just from those 15 seconds that the sneezing video was open. They haven’t said anything, so hopefully they just thought it was an allergy commercial or something, like Junia said. But, if they do ask about it, I’ll probably either use that or the glitch excuse that Evabloom suggested. In fact, it’s really embarrassing to look at my original post because I really should’ve given myself a minute to calm down instead of freaking out on the open forum.:lol: I just know I need to be more careful about making sure my earbuds are always plugged in now lol. But, thanks again for the added consolation!

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There’s no shame in panicking! I know I’m a bit late in this topic, but when I was a preteen, my father caught me looking at sneezefics on the computer. I don’t think he realized that they were sneezefics, though, which brings up the fact that they won’t assume that you have a sneezing fetish. I also don’t think many parents know what a sneezing fetish was (I actually didn’t know myself until about a few years ago.) I don’t have any excuses but I just came for support. Your life is not over yet ^_^

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Hey, that's one of the reasons we have this forum: so we have somewhere to turn when stuff like that happens to us. I think we've all had a close encounter of, or actually getting caught at some point, so you're not alone. It doesn't make it less scary when it happens though. But there are many excuses to use; the sneezing challenge, allergy/cold meds commercials, a friend messing with you sending weird links... and, strange as it sounds to us, sneezing usually doesn't even register on the radar of non-fetishists. 

Breathe. You're good. :) 


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I wouldn't worry about it.  And it's true most non-fetishers wouldn't even know what was happening.  Bluff it off if your worried. As a Radom video over the interwebs .

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Hey, I'm sure it will be okay. Nobody will probably mention it, and otherwise you can try to say you saw it at recommanded video's and accidental clicked it.

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Haha, thanks guys. You guys really helped me calm down after this.^_^ I’m pretty sure my parents weren’t paying attention anyways since they never said anything about it afterwards. I honestly don’t really know why I thought it was such a big deal at first. Like, I don’t even get uncomfortable when a sex scene comes up in a movie that I’m watching with my parents, yet I internally die every time a sneeze scene comes up or when something like this happens, even though it’s probably the opposite situation for them.😂 Thanks for your help! 

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