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Contagion and Catastrophe (SPN)


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Hello Everyone!! For this fic, I’m featuring all of our SPN boys:wub: I hope you enjoy!


Contagion and Catastrophe”

Characters: Dean, Sam, Cas, Crowley, Bobby

Sickies: Dean, Cas, Sam (triple the fun)

DISCLAIMER: *I do not own Supernatural or any of its Characters*





Pestilence was at it again, after the boys recently ganked a few of his buddies. Let’s just say that it got ugly, and they received a nasty payback for it. 

Dean woke up with a groan as the pressure in his sinuses shifted. His body ached all over, regretting all of last night. If there was one thing Pestilence could do, it was to give some godawful head cold to all of his victims. Not bothering to change, Dean walked into the living room of Bobby’s place, finding Sam and Bobby in opposite chairs discussing the case and sipping coffee. Noticing the extra presence, they turned their attention to Dean, who was busy making himself comfortable in a chair. “Look who’s finally alive,” Sam smirked, “for a second I thought you might be dead.” Dean shot Sam a death-eating glare. “Your not looking to good there son,” Bobby chimed in. “No, no I’m fine.” Dean said, putting on a fake smile. “Yeah and I’m Santa Clause,” Bobby replied, getting up to feel his forehead. Dean tried to fight, doing his best to keep his manly identity. “Don’t bother fighting, you and your brother are sick as dogs, I’m going to make sure you stay alive because without you this world is in for a whole lotta shit they don’t need to get in,” Bobby said with crossed arms.

Dean coughed lightly in his fist, while Sam geared up for a fit. huh’ishuu!, h’shoo! ‘exshOO! h’nxSHOO! Sam blew his nose and added his tissue to the growing sea of tissues around him. “Bless ‘ya,” Dean and Bobby said in union. “What am I gonna do with you boys?” Bobby said, shaking his head. He headed into the kitchen to fix Dean a coffee. h’iSHOO! Dean exploded. “Bless.” Sam said. Dean gave a nod in return.

 Bobby returned with a coffee for Dean, which was greatly appreciated. Once the brothers were settled in, Bobby pulled on his jacket. “I’m heading out for a supplies run. Do you two idjits think you can handle yourselves while I’m gone?” Bobby said. huh’sheeiww! Was the only reply. Bobby sighed, and left. He was like their father for now, and needed their sorry asses alive. 

Dean and Sam remained awake for about 30 seconds after Bobby left before falling asleep. After a while though, they were jostled awake by a third presence entering the room. ‘eshoo! “Cas is that you?” Dean asked, rubbing his temples with his hands. “Deand, Samb, I believe there is a mbalfunction with by vessel,” Cas said, with a deep congested voice. “Looks like Pestilence got you too.” Sam said, laughing which turned into a cough. “Well these symptoms are rather disconcerting.” Dean chuckled, “that’s the common cold for ‘ya buddy.” huh’shiuu! “Bless ‘ya Cas,” Dean and Sam said. Cas grabbed a tissue out of the box, and blew his nose.

“Bobby went on a supply run, so we’ll give him a call to get some extra things for ya,” “tha-eh huh’ishoo! “Bless you,” said Sam. Dean got up and opened up another box of tissues, handing them to Cas. Dean kept one for himself. huh’eshoo! Dean sneezed into his tissue. “God bless you,” Cas said. Dean pulled out his phone to call Bobby. “Hello Bobby?” “Yeah, what is it?” Yes, um well Cas just came by and he has this hell of a cold too, so could you get some extra stuff? “I’ll get him some stuff.” Cas sneezed in the background. huh’shoo! “And maybe some tissues.” “Sounds like ya need ‘em,” “Thanks Bobby.” “Yeah , yeah, just stay outta trouble boy,” but the line was already disconnected. “Damn idjits”

Sam went off to find the NyQuil. He didn’t want to be up any longer, and he was sure his brother and Cas felt the same way.  huh’sheeww! Sam sneezed. “Bless you!” Dean and Cas called from the other room. “Better make that two,” Sam murmered, grabbing a second bottle. He returned to find Cas and Dean both in the midst of a sneezing fit. huh’shoo! ‘esheeww! h’eshuu! ‘ashoo ‘huhshew! huh’choo! Esheeww! ‘hnxshoo! Esh’oo! huh’ishuu! ‘shew! Sam watched around the corner, a look of amusement on his face. “Bless you, God bless you, and Gesundheit!” Sam said, setting the two bottles of NyQuil on the coffee table. huh’ekshoo! “Fine, you win Cas!” Dean said, while Sam handed him a tissue.

“Bless you,” Sam said. “Thags,”  Cas said, tissue pressed against his nose. h’isheeww! Sam sneezed while in the middle of handing Cas a generous portion of NyQuil. “Sorry!” Sam sniffed. “It’s alright, we’re all already sick anyway.” Cas said with a shrug, downing his medecine. Dean did the same.

Cas yawned, and Dean stretched out, sharing the right portion of the couch with Cas. Dean let Cas lay on him, personal space be damned. They were all sick, and whether Cas admitted it or not, he was clingy as hell when he was sick. Sam retired to the opposite side of the couch, but not before snapping a picture of the other two. Soon everything was dead silent, except for the soft congested snoring of the three men. 

Bobby returned home and took a few minutes to take in the sight before him. He knew that there would be a sick angel in the equation, but he wasn’t aware of the mess that came with. The angel in question, along with the two Winchesters were passed out on his couch, and the floor was completely covered in tissues and empty bottles of NyQuil. “How many tissues can three people go through in a half hour?” Bobby more or less asked himself. It was late at night, so after cleaning up the remains of the earlier sickfest, he retired to his room, leaving the bag of supplies on the table for the boys. 

Since Bobby was asleep, Crowley decided it was his turn to have some devilish fun. “Wakey wakey” Crowley called. “What the hell?!” Grumbled Sam. “Ah Moose, so kind of you to join me.” “How’d, —but, -where? Oh never mind! Why are you here?” “To have some fun of course! Hell isnt that entertaining. I’m bored of torturing helpless lives, but you lot, your my type of game. “Crowley I’m not in the mood! So just get the he-eh- huh’esheeww! “Aww Moose, hard to be intimidating when you can’t even get through the sentence. And please keep a respectful distance, heaven knows you humans could learn some proper hygiene!” Crowley eyed the piles of tissues with immense distaste. “Speaking of heaven, I see feathers over there got himself in quite the situation. And squirrel, not such a tough guy, now is he?” “This isn’t about them.” “What fun is the game if I only have one to play with?” huh’shieww! Sam sighed. It was going to be a hell of a long night.


It could end here, or it could go on-you guys can choose:heart: 



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Yes! Something with all three of them sick! That is certainly something that I could get used to! Loved the idea and I would love to see some more to this story!

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10 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Yes! Something with all three of them sick! That is certainly something that I could get used to! Loved the idea and I would love to see some more to this story!

I will certainly continue! I was sitting there forever thinking of who to make sick, and then I was like what the heck! Let’s make all of them sick:lol: We will see where inspiration takes me-if you have any ideas feel free to share because my ideas are sometimes just flat out crap-thanks for reading!:heart:

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5 hours ago, helyzelle said:

Definitely continue, I think the fun is just getting started with this one. 

More is definitely to come-as Crowley said, the fun is just starting:laugh2: 

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