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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Shaky aim, itchy nose (F+Overwatch)


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Location: Volskiya industries

Time:1:21 PM



  Her part of the mission was simple, infiltrate the base with Reaper while Sombra was to aid them in capturing Volskiya for reasons classified from this report.  She was to then give need to cover fire for reaper during the infiltration.


  For the most part everything was set in place, Reaper was on the move and Widowmaker was positioned on a perch a few stories above the mission location. Preparing to take aim, Widowmaker could barely feel a shiver down her back, being one that's colder blooded than most she would be as bothered by the chilling weather. The weather was especially cold today as luck would serve her, getting sensations she hasn't felt since taking up the handle Widowmaker .

  She could just forget the mission and focus on her potential cold, but she was 1) too confident for that and 2) the mission was always first and foremost, she had to set her personal priorities aside as much as she could, she couldn't just leave and agent dead out there even though Reaper is technically dead all the time but still.


Reaper is swiftly getting by security like it's nothing. with Reaper and Widowmaker working together, they were a assassin duo. Everything was going according to plan. Just as Reaper got closer to Volskiya, Widowmaker was losing clear sight of him.


  The Russian leader steps out , showing no discouragement about her new war machines. Right when she enters Widowmaker's sight, Reaper commands "hold fire until my mark." "..." Widowmaker acknowledges.


  While Volskiya was conversing, Widowmaker's nose had been itching severely this whole time. Every time she had a chance to put her sights on Volskiya, her nose would twitch and flair, making her unable to focus on the task at hand. Not only that but the cold air has given her a stuffy nose, forcing her to sniffle and rub it frequently.


  While Reaper may have been fine on his own, she didn't want to embarrass herself on Mic. So she tried her best to hold back the inevitable sneeze on the rise.

Just as Volskiya was about to leave, an alarm got triggered and Reaper was forced to join the action.

Shredding through the foot soldiers like butter, Widowmaker found her job of holding back her sneeze easier.


  Letting Reaper do his work, she casually aimed her sniper while quickly rubbing her nose to ease the tickle. However the tickle spiked and she quickly sent a hand to pinch her quivering nostrils. Just as she felt she completely lost, Reaper said " Volskiya is in the move, in pur- shhhhhhhhh..." Alarmed Widowmaker realized she could safely sneeze and help Reaper in the action at the same time.


While Widowmaker would sneeze, it got stuck when she pinched her nose. So she tried whatever would make her sneeze, sniffing deeply in the cold air, looking at what sunlight was in the sky, anything to get her sneeze out. She heard more gun shots, she was frantic to get in the fight, whether the sneeze was in or out.


  She ended up rubbing her nose rapidly hoping to at least coax the feeling away, but as she looked up again, her teary eyes closed and her nose opened wide.


Quickly losing control, she dropped her gun completely and began having hitched breaths, nostrils flairing as much as possible while having a tickle that was unbearable. "Hihhhihh......hehhhehhehhh.... Sniff....ahhhhhhh..haaaaaaa.HAAAACIEWWWW...HACIEW....HAAAAAA....HAAAA?" conflicted yet again with her sneeze stuck another time, she rubs her nose in spite of the fact she still has at least one more sneeze in her left.


Reaper's confrontation with the soldiers was met with a surprise visit by even more hostile to deal with, Reaper could use some support by now. Widowmaker however has finally got her sneeze back, she feels a like it will be the biggest one yet,  judging by how long she has held it in. "Hihhhihh..... Hachiew." "wow, and I thought after all that you were going to blow your head off" Sombra comments " Also, it looks like Reaper needs some help out there." "*sighs*" Widowmaker should've known, Sombra was on the Mic the whole time, and she was worried about Reaper. "Oh well, back to the lab" She says as she knows the mission simulation is nearly done, maybe when they meet the real Volskiya things might go differently.


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gaaAAAASP!! finally! some overwatch! I barely see overwatch on the forum, and this is great to see!

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9 minutes ago, ihazakitty said:

gaaAAAASP!! finally! some overwatch! I barely see overwatch on the forum, and this is great to see!

Glad you liked it. I've always wanted to see her sneeze so I thought it would be crime not to make her sneeze in some way.

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Yessss!!!!!! Love seeing Overwatch on the forum even though its about as rare as can be, thanks so much for writing this!!

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