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Sneeze Fetish Forum

A Little Down (SPN, Sam)


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Here is yet another story. I just couldn't help myself. I've been in the mood for another allergy fic with Sam, so I decided to write one. I hope you like it!


Prompt- Sam's allergies screw up a hunt. Like, completely screw it up. Dean's not MAD, and he knows it's not the kid's fault, but he is exhausted and frustrated and possibly injured, so he's not exactly in the the best mood to deal with a guilt-stricken Sam, except Sam's possibly injured as well and abysmally allergic to the point where he actually needs help. 


    "Sam, run!"


    Sam didnt really process what Dean was saying since his ears were partially clogged, but he was able to decipher most of it. He picked up his steps as he pelted after his brother. He didn't think that he had ever run this fast in his life. Then again, a werewolf had never been streaking after him like this before either. There was no chance that he could outrun a werewolf on his best day, but he could at least stay a few steps ahead of the creature.


    "Sammy, pick up the pace," Dean ordered as he suddenly skidded to a sort of halt so that Sam could run in front of him. The thought process that you didn't have to be first, just not last was sometimes true in their line of work. Sam knew that Dean was taking a major risk going behind him, but he was too worried about himself to worry himself with Dean's sake.


    Sam had almost made it to the Impala when he heard his brother scream. Sam yelped as he turned around harshly and thought about what could have happened. Dean wouldn't have just screamed for no reason. But, Sam couldn't just rush in with nothing and shout at the werewolf. That would just make it mad, if he was lucky. There was no way in hell he was doing that. He was going to have to think of something else and quickly.


    Sam continued to the Impala before he stopped at the truck. He fumbled to open it before he felt a tiny itch started to spread through his nasal passages. He tried to hold his breath, but it did absolutely nothing.


    "ItchsHsSHew! ItchsHsSHew! ItchsSHew! ItchsHsSHew! ItchsHsSHew! Dab allergies!"


    There was no ease in Sam trying keep it down. He had just alerted the werewolf where he and the Impala was. This could not have been going worse. 


    He heard a deafening howl as the creature prowled closer, it's stinking breath filling the air as it stalked forward. It's muscles rippled under it's night black pelt while it's yellow eyes glittered in the moonlight and only showed malice. It's teeth were bared in a snarl as saliva dripped from it's lips. Sam could see it prowling closer to him and he pressed his back as far up against the car as possible and prayed that it coudln't scent him.


    Sure enough, though, the werewolf turned his head and caught sight of Sam's. It opened his impressive mouth to reveal it's teeth even more. It leaped over the Impala before it stood in front of Sam. It raked it's claws against the earth before it charged at Sam, before he could even think about pulling out his gun with the silver bullet.


    Suddenly, a shot rang out and the werewolf fell limp at his feet. Blood gushed from it's neck while a few drops pooled from it's mouth. It gave one final twitch before it went still. Sam looked up, frantically rubbing at his still itchy nose.


    A moment later, Dean limped forward. His leg looked like it was shredded right at the thigh. His pants were ripped from the knee down and slash marks marked his thigh. His calf was bleeding from an impressive scratch and Sam would've been surprised if it hadn't reached the bone.


    Dean turned to look at Sam with his eyes narrowed to unforgiving slits. "What. The. Hell!"


    Sam looked at his feet and shuffled them. He noticed a nice sized gash in his arm, but he barely felt it. All the adrenaline was still coursing through his body from the run. He reluctantly looked back up to Dean when he saw that his brother wasn't leaving this alone. "Dean, I-"


    "You what," Dean interrupted furiously. "You just had to sneeze right then? Seriously, Sammy?"


    Sam wasn't even sure what to say. He was a mixture of embarrassed and frustrated with himself. How could he have been so foolish? Thanks to him the hunt had not gone according to plan and now they were injured. On top of that there was still the rest of the pack to deal with. They had just killed the guard that was in charge of watching over the camp. It wouldn't be long before the rest of the pack found out what happened and then they would have a problem on their hands. So much for the element of surprise.


    "I didn't mean....to....eh...huh.....ItchsHsSHew! ItchsHSEHw! ItchsSEHw!"


    Sam had tried to contain it, but it had been to no avail. The sound echoed through the forest and he heard a few birds fly away. He looked down and sniffed hard, trying to save whatever dignity he had left.


    Dean limped past him gruffly as he patted the Impala. "Let's go," he decided as he kicked the werewolf on his way by.


    Sam looked at it before he reluctantly climbed into the passenger seat. He was starting to feel the effect of the gash and when he looked at it a wave of pain washed over him. He could see the muscle and the tendon while blood gushed from the wound. He swore that he might be able to see the bone, but he wasn't sure. All that he knew was that they both had lost a lot of blood.


    Sam sniffed once more and lifted his other hand to his nose. His nose was running freely after the last sneeze and he didn't have any tissues on him. How did he know that Dean was going to take him to a place where ragweed grew. Then again, the hunt was more important than his allergies. He had hoped to just muddle through it the best he could. That went out the window long ago.


    "Dean, I didn't mean-"


    "Let it go, Sam. I don't want to talk about it," Dean flashed back as he drove the Impala forward, grunting whenever he had to move his injured leg.


    Sam felt like daggers were cutting into his heart. He really hadn't mean to cause this much trouble. But Dean won't see it that way. He'll just see it as I messed up a hunt because of my stupid allergies and now I can't be trusted on hunts, Sam thought bitterly with his lip slightly curling.


    Dean looked over at Sam for a moment before he turned his eyes back to the road. He cranked up the volume on the radio and that was how they spent their time back to the motel.


To BE Continued....

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Oh. My. God!!! Please do continue! I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

Poor sneezy allergic Sammy, it wasn’t his fault but I can truly and fully immagine Dean’s reaction, like a big bear then softening up because it’s Sammy. 

Thanks for this. Definitely made my day 😍

Edited by Coffee Mug
forgot to check
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Wow, what a beginning! I like when things don't go according to plan because of an unwelcome sneeze (or, in this case, a complete sneezing fit - which is even better). The brothers are completely in-character, with Sammy feeling guilty on top of being allergic, and Dean refusing to talk about the problem, as always. I was just wondering, when does this story take place in the timeline? I'd say during the first seasons, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!!!

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On 2/8/2018 at 10:09 AM, Coffee Mug said:

Oh. My. God!!! Please do continue! I can’t wait to see what happens next. 

Poor sneezy allergic Sammy, it wasn’t his fault but I can truly and fully immagine Dean’s reaction, like a big bear then softening up because it’s Sammy. 

Thanks for this. Definitely made my day 😍

I'm so glad that you liked it. More is definitely on the way soon! 

On 2/8/2018 at 1:39 PM, Aliena H. said:

Wow, what a beginning! I like when things don't go according to plan because of an unwelcome sneeze (or, in this case, a complete sneezing fit - which is even better). The brothers are completely in-character, with Sammy feeling guilty on top of being allergic, and Dean refusing to talk about the problem, as always. I was just wondering, when does this story take place in the timeline? I'd say during the first seasons, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, thanks for sharing!!!

Thank you so much for reading it and I'm so excited that you enjoyed it! As for when it takes place it probably would be the first season. It's when Sam is still kind of getting used to hunting regularly again and Dean's trying to get used to having him back. It's when they're trying to find that balance of living together again.


15 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

Oh nooo! I feel so bad for Sammy!! Don't be mad at him, Dean, he was trying his best!! 

I hated making Dean seem like the bad guy here, but don't worry, I'm sure that Dean will come around eventually. :cryhappy:

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I just finished the next part so here it is! Hope you enjoy!


    By the time that they had arrived back at the motel, Sam had managed to catch a few moments of peace and quiet. Between his allergies and the disappointment that he had let his brother down, he had hardly been able to quiet his mind and body enough for it. He was grateful nonetheless for whatever he could take.


    As soon as they parked, Dean hauled himself out of the Impala with a gasp. He limped around to Sam's side of the car and pounded on the window. Sam nearly jumped out of his skin as he awoke with a sniffle and a snort.


    "We're here," Dean snapped curtly. He turned and started to limp back to the room. His leg was nearly dragging from the effort that it took to force himself forward. Dean barely made a sound as he headed to the room and closed the door behind him.


    Sam stretched out a bit as he felt a sharp pain in his arm. He gasped in surprise as he turned and saw a nice sized scratch. He squinted his eyes in pain as he turned away from it. He hoped that if he didn't look at it then the pain would diminish. He was clearly wrong.


    "HithcsHsHew! HitchsHsShew! HitchsSHew! HtichsSHew!"


    Then there was that. Sam's nose immediately filled while the spray spewed from his nose before he was able to cover. The mucus just seemed to seep from his nose as Sam lifted his hand under the seat to bring up some napkins. He brought it up to his nose before another volley of sneezes ripped out of him.


    "HithcsHsSHew! HitchsHsShew! HitchsHsShew! HitrhcHSsHew!"


    Sam pitched forward into the tissues, but he was unable to blow since the sneezes completely saturated the napkins. It left a nice sized glob before he set it down under the seat. He would collect it later. It wasn't like Dean could get him any more angry at him at the moment.


    Sam readied the journey into the motel to face his brother, when another tickle gripped him. Sam let out a grunt of frustration before his nose decided to betray him once more.


    "HitcsHshsHew! Shew! HitchsHsHEw! HitchsHSSHew!"


    This time Sam had sneezed full force on the dash of the Impala. He let out a small sigh in surprise before he used his sleeve to rub at the dash in attempt to clean it up. It hadn't worked very well and he knew that Dean would probably loose his mind about that. The less Dean knew the better.


    Knowing that he had to face hi brother eventually, he knew that he couldn't stay there forever. He sighed loudly before he gripped the car door and swung himself out of the room. He gasped a bit when the warm, pollen filled air just seemed to mock his sinuses. 


    "HitchsHsSHew! HitchsHSsEHw! HithcsHshsHew! HitchsSHew! Dabit!"


    Sam sneezed from the moment that he stepped out of the car to the moment that he forced himself over to the motel room. He seemed to slam the door behind him as he almost sagged against it.


    Dean raised an eyebrow as he saw his brother. "Sam-"


    Sam didn't wait for him to finis. He forced himself forward before he made his way over to the bathroom. He shut the door behind him and settled himself on the toilet seat. He brought out a giant wad of toilet paper and pressed it against his nose. He started to blow forcefully before he was finally able to breathe through his nose for a few moments.


    "HithcsSHew! HithcsHsSHew! HithcSHsSHew!"


    That had been shorter lived than what Sam had liked. He felt his sinuses fill again. He didn't even bother to blow his nose again. It would just cause his nose to tickle and him to sneeze again. He would rather be stuffy than sneeze continuously. 


    "Sam! Are you done in there, princess."


    Sam stiffened at his brother's tone. He snorted a bit before he threw the wad of toilet paper away and went to wash his hands. Once he had he headed out to see Dean with his thigh exposed and a needle and thread hanging from his mouth. 


    "Don't just stand there," Dean snapped with his eyes narrowed. "Get over here."


    Sam did as he was told without a complaint. He sat beside Dean and pinned his flesh on his thigh together. Blood seeped over his hands as Dean hissed in pain. He threaded the needle through his flesh and pulled it closed. Once he finished, Sam forced himself to buckle back when he felt another antagonizing tickle.


    "HithcSHsSHew! HitchsSHew! HitchsSHew! HitchsSHew!"


    "Cover your mouth," Dean gasped in surprise. 


    Sam lifted a hand to his nose before he darted back to the bathroom. He collapsed onto the lid of the toilet again and grabbed more toilet paper. He blew his nose heavily as aggravation rushed through him. This was not what Sam had wanted to happen.


    After what felt like hours, Sam decided to brave the outside once more. He rose from the toilet and headed out. His eyes adjusted to the light before he saw his brother laying on the bed, completely sprawled out. His leg was poised at an awkward angle while the stitching was exposed to the elements. It would be infected if it stayed like that.


    Sam sighed as he headed to his own bed. He laid on it and felt his arm start to burn. He stretched it out even further while his eyes flickered heavily. He started to drift off and hoped that he would be able to find a way for Dean to forgive him.


To Be Continued...

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On 2/11/2018 at 4:42 AM, Coffee Mug said:

Soo curious to see how this will continue..! 😍

I hope you like where it leads! ^_^


On 2/11/2018 at 1:21 PM, sneezy_frnk said:

I want more!!!! 

I promise that there will plenty more for you to enjoy!


On 2/11/2018 at 7:53 PM, ReidSeeker said:



uh, please

Don't worry there will be a lot more and I hope you like it!


Here is the next part. I hope you enjoy!


    Dean awoke to harsh chattering. He sat up and immediately regretted it when he felt the pain in his leg. He gritted his teeth together and hissed painfully. He looked over to Sam and saw him shaking with his teeth chattering.


    "Sam," Dean croaked in alarm. 


    Sam continued to chatter and his arm swung around. It snapped against the side of the bed and Dean could only imagine how much that hurt. He grimaced for Sam before he crept over to him and started to shake his shoulders vigorously. "Sam. Sammy, wake up!"


    Sam continued to mumble words that Dean couldn't understand. Then again, he couldn't tell if they were words or not. It sounded more like gibberish that Dean just couldn't make out. This wasn't like Sam. Sam would have nightmares and scream in his sleep, but at least it was words. Now he was making no sense and he was sweating.


    Dean leaned forward and stretched out his hand. His palm grazed Sam's forehead and he moved his bangs a bit. He nearly jumped back at the heat that was pulsing off of his little brother's forehead. "Dammit, Sammy!" 


    Dean instantly felt concern wash over him. An infected wound could cause fever spikes, especially if they weren't probably cleaned. They weren't dealing with a knife used to chop vegetables. They were dealing with a creature who could care less about personal hygiene. Any claw mark or bite was treated seriously and always cleaned and stitched up. Yet, Sam's wound was the exact same as when Dean had first seen it. It was still seeping thin trails of blood and pus and now it looked even more swollen and redder. He hadn't closed it at all or bothered wrapping it up. Also, these sheets weren't the best either.


    He knew that he had to get Sam up and aware of what was going on so that he could fix it. Leave it to Sam to be so mopey that he hadn't bothered to take care of him. "Sam! Get up," Dean roared as he pushed Sam's good shoulder and arm roughly with his.


    It only took a few times of doing that for Sam's eyes to slowly open. They squinted against the lamp light before he moaned in agony. He tried to turn onto his other side, but Dean quickly reached around to stop him. "No! You don't want to do that," chided Dean gently. "That's just going to make it worse. That's your bad hand, Sammy."


    "Bad hand," echoed Sam as if he couldn't make sense of it.


    Dean nodded slowly. "Yeah. It's injured. Remember there werewolf yesterday," he replied as he tried to make sense of what Sam was missing.


    Sam stared at him blankly as he lifted a hand and rubbed the side of his nose. It left a tiny stream of mucus before his head bucked toward his chest. "ItchsHSHEW! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHEw! ItcshSHew!"


    Dean jumped back. He had completely forgotten about this problem with Sam. It was one of the reasons that they were so bunged up to begin with. Dean tried not to let his anger show, even though he was absolutely teeming with it. He was frustrated with Sam that it had happened, but even more frustrated that Sam was not taking care of himself and that he had allowed it to get this bad without having the sense or drive to actually do something about it.


    "Deadn," Sam asked with a tired sniff. 


    Dean stretched out hand and rested it on Sam's shoulder. "You have a bit of a fever, Sammy. We have to get that arm clean."




    Dean wasn't sure how much of this he could take. He stifled a groan as he limped over to the first aid kit. His leg was still throbbing, but he needed to take care of Sam right now. "Yeah, your arm is hurt," replied Dean as he grasped the kit and made his way back to his brother. He dragged his leg forward before he sat beside Sam and looked over at him. "Let me see it."


    Sam lifted his arm to Dean before Dean wrinkled his nose and pushed him back. "Not that arm! Your other one. The one that's gaping and ripped open," Dean snapped.


    Sam fought through his haze of thoughts as he lifted the other to Dean. Dean grabbed it and pulled it forward before he touched it gingerly with his thumb. Sam almost leaped off of the bed and Dean tightened his grip. "Sorry. Sorry. But, if you would've done this earlier then it wouldn't be so bad now." 


    "Bad," Sam echoed.


    Dean felt like he was talking to a child. Frustration seemed to grip his heart, but he forced himself to remain as calm and stoic with his brother. "Yeah, your arm is really badly infected and we need to clean it, now. Then I can stitch it up and you can be on your way and get some rest. You need it," Dean told him as he felt a slight depression wash over him. 


    Sam looked at his brother with unfocused eyes and his mouth slight gaping open. He sucked in a massive breath before he pitched forward once more. "ItchsHSEHw! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHew! Shew! Shew! ItcshSHew!"


    Dean jumped out of the way just in time. He saw a few speckles of spray land on the comforter and he sighed. "No wonder it's infected. You're infected, Sammy."


    "Whadt," Sam asked as he turned feverish eyes to his brother. His nose ran freely and Sam made no motion to stop it or even try to control it.


    Dean stifled a sigh as he looked around. He grabbed a tissue box and handed it over to his brother. "Here, I can't understand you, snotty." 


    Sam reluctantly took a few tissues and brought it up to his nose. He blew his nose heavily before he slumped back on the bed. He groaned loudly as he looked over to his arm. It wasn't quite festering, but it definitely looked infected and horrible. It embarrassed Sam to no end that he hadn't taken care of it when he needed to. However, he couldn't do anything about it now and Dean was going to have to help him, once again.


    "Okay, yougood," Dean asked as he snapped his fingers, trying to get Sam to focus on what was right in front of him.


    Sam swiveled his head to face his brother. He looked back at the wound, gave a small sniff with a wet squelching sound echoing around him. "I guess," he answered quietly.


    Dean rummaged around the kit before he found the alcohol. Sam should've done this earlier, but there was no time to start like the present. "Okay, let's get this done."


To Be Continued....

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I know I already replied but I read this like an hour before my second job and I keep thinking of it the whole time I was working. Specifically:

9 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    Sam fought through his haze of thoughts as he lifted the other to Dean. Dean grabbed it and pulled it forward before he touched it gingerly with his thumb. Sam almost leaped off of the bed and Dean tightened his grip. "Sorry. Sorry. But, if you would've done this earlier then it wouldn't be so bad now." 


    "Bad," Sam echoed.


    Dean felt like he was talking to a child. Frustration seemed to grip his heart, but he forced himself to remain as calm and stoic with his brother. "Yeah, your arm is really badly infected and we need to clean it, now. Then I can stitch it up and you can be on your way and get some rest. You need it," Dean told him as he felt a slight depression wash over him. 

I loooooove feverish confusion and I'm am loving this fic. I'm on pins and needles waiting for more 

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On 2/15/2018 at 11:42 PM, ReidSeeker said:

I know I already replied but I read this like an hour before my second job and I keep thinking of it the whole time I was working. Specifically:

I loooooove feverish confusion and I'm am loving this fic. I'm on pins and needles waiting for more 

I'm so glad that you're liking it! It's a complete blast to write and I'm glad that I'm not the only one liking it!

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Here is another part! Hope you all enjoy!


    The moment the alcohol touched the wound, Sam hissed in pain. He looked over at his brother like he had betrayed him with almost hatred in his eyes.


    Dean sighed as he shook his head. "We have to do this or it's just going to get worse. You don't want to go to the hospital, do you?"




    "I'll take that as a 'no'," replied Dean as he clapped Sam on the shoulder. He lifted a cloth and started to clean up the wound as gently as he could. He wanted to case Sam as little pain as possible. He couldn't have his brother hurting like this. 


    Sam looked away from Dean and sniffed heavily. He wouldn't dare look into his brother's eyes and Dean felt like he couldn't take the silence anymore. "So, want to talk about what happen?"


    Horror showed in Sam's gaze as he looked to his brother. He slightly wrinkled his nose before he looked back down. He played with the corner of the sheet with his fingers, muttering things that Dean couldn't catch. "Was that a 'yes'," asked Dean as he rummaged through the first aid kit for a needle and thread to stitch the wound. It woudln't be pretty or painless, but it had to be done. That's what he kept telling himself.


    Eventually Sam lifted his other hand and rubbed at his nose furiously. "I'm sorry about your leg," he mumbled slowly.


    Dean jolted backwards a bit in surprise. "This isn't about my leg. This is about you, Sammy! I'm worried about you! Why didn't you tell me you were sick, huh?"


    Embarrassment turned Sam's cheeks bright red. He sniffed again and Dean swore that he saw a single tear roll down Sam's cheek. "I'm not sick."


    "Sam, no one sneezes like that unless they're sick or-"


    Dean trailed off as he caught Sam's gaze. He tapped the needle against the end table and sighed. "You're not sick, are you," Dean breathed.


    Sam opened his mouth to answer before he trailed off. He froze before he noticed that Dean was looking at him with sympathy in his eyes and not anger. It made the tension in his shoulders relax and he sighed when he looked back at Dean. "Dno," he replied as he reached over to the tissue box. He brought it up to his nose and blew heavily before he crumpled it up and lowered his hand from his face.


    "Allergies bothering you again," Dean asked quietly since he knew how sensitive his brother was to them. He wasn't sure why. He had known plenty of people with allergies. It wasn't something to be embarrassed about. Yet, Sam was embarrassed so Dean only brought it up if he had to.


    Sam shrugged. "You tell me."


    "Absolutely, yes, then," Dean joked warmly as he sighed. "You know, I wasn't really mad at you yesterday. I was just frustrated and I knew that you were hurt too. It wasn't your fault."


    "Yes it was! I didn't tell you about it and I still went on the hunt. It's stupid," Sam mumbled, heartbroken.


    "Then we'll fix it! There are plenty of pills or shots or something. Or you could just tell me when your allergies are really bad and we'll move someone else for another hunt. It's not that big of a deal. We'll work around it," reassured Dean gently as he squeezed Sam's arm comfortingly.


    Sam wasn't so sure. You couldn't control where the hunts were and he knew that, as well as Dean. Yet, he knew that Dean was trying. He could at least meet him halfway with all of this. "We'll see," he rasped.


    "That's the spirit! Come on. Let's get this ball rolling," Dean suggested as he leaned forward and pulled Sam's arm closer to him. "Try not to move. This isn't going to feel too great."


    Sam almost chuckled in amusement. He knew that. He had had stitches more times than he could count. He usually stitched himself up, but this time he actually needed his brother's help. He didn't want to admit it after the devastation from the hunt the other day, but he understood where Dean was coming from and try to make amends. The least Sam could do was actually help his brother and meet him halfway. 


    The first prick made Sam jump. Dean rested his hand on his bicep. "Relax. Take some deep breaths."  


    Sam did as he was told, but he had to breathe through his mouth since his nose was completely clogged. He longed to blow his nose, but he was sure that Dean didn't want him to move while he stitched him up. Sam almost held his breath as Dean continued to pull the needle through his arm with the thread along with it. He felt it start to pull his skin and flesh together and longed for some sort of painkiller or something.


    "You're doing good," Dean whispered comfortingly. 


    Sam wasn't so sure, but he nodded slowly. He looked away since he couldn't deal with watching Dean pull his flesh together. He coughed as he cleared his throat.


    "You good, Sammy," asked Dean as he stopped for a moment. The last thing he wanted was for Sam to sneeze and this to become a very hairy situation.


    Sam nodded slowly as if he wasn't quite sure himself. He felt a vague itch in his sinuses, but it had been that way for almost an entire day so he didn't even try to understand it. He lifted his other hand to rub at his nose before he realized that that had been the wrong thing to do. The itch just exploded inside of him and he almost couldn't explain that to Dean.


    "D-Dean," he stammered with his nostrils flaring. "I-I....eh....huh.....hih....."


    "Sam-" Dean began.


    "ItchsHSHEW! ITchsHSwe! ItcshSew! ItchsHSHEW! ItcshSHew! ItcshShew! Ah!"


    Dean looked down and realized that in the midsts of Sam's fit, the needle had been plunged into his arm fairly deep. It hadn't pulled the flesh and skin together, it had just ripped right through it. Horror showed on Dean's face while Sam just looked like he was half shocked, half in pain.


    "I'm sorry," Dean began, feeling his voice slightly break as he saw how deep the needle was really wedged in there.


    "Gedt. Id. The. Hell. Oudt!"


To Be Continued....

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On 2/19/2018 at 2:11 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Oh these sweet boys! My heart can't take it all 💔

I'm glad you like it! I don't like making the boys suffer, or maybe I do just a little! Hope you like the final part. It should be posted later tonight.


12 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

I'm freaking in love with this story!! Please please more!!! 

I'm so glad that you're enjoying it! There will be one more part and I hope you like it! If all goes well it will be posted later tonight.

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I've not commented on your story for a while, but I still love it! Poor, poor Sam. Ans I really love your Dean, and the way he cares for his little brother. :heart:

On 19/02/2018 at 6:25 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

He felt a vague itch in his sinuses, but it had been that way for almost an entire day so he didn't even try to understand it. He lifted his other hand to rub at his nose before he realized that that had been the wrong thing to do. The itch just exploded inside of him and he almost couldn't explain that to Dean.

Mmmm... :drool: is an appropriate emoticon for what I'm feeling right now.

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Here is the final installment. Hope you like it!


    Dean wasn't even sure what Sam had said, but the urgency in his voice had clarified it for him. He gulped as he touched the tip of the hooked needle. Sam jumped almost off of the bed and Dean knew how much pain he probably was in. Not only had the needle nearly gone straight through, but it was at an angle. It was doing nothing productive there and Dean wasn't sure how to get it out.


    "Did you hear be," Sam reported breathlessly.


    Dean gulped, nodding slowly. "Yeah, yeah, I heard you. I just need to figure out how," he answered as he stroked the needle and gripped it gingerly at the base end. "Just take some deep breaths and this thing will be right out."


    Sam didn't have a chance to answer since Dean ripped the needle out quickly. Sam sucked in a harsh gasp while Dean pressed his finger against the tiny wound. "See, what did I tell you?"


    Sam muttered something under his breath before he looked back down at the wound. "Are we almost done," he complained before he looked around. "And where are the tissues?"


    Dean looked around before he reached around Sam and grasped them. He set them on his lap and turned back to the wound. "I got it. Now, blow that nose of yours and I'll finish this up. Just don't move again," he instructed. The last thing that they needed was another setback like the one that they had just had.


    Sam blew his nose harshly before he cleaned his still dripping nostrils. He wrinkled his nose before he glanced over to Dean and noticed that he was almost done. He was able to finish the last stitch and clean up the rest of the blood and anything else from his brother's arm. He sighed heavily and Dean clapped his shoulder.


    "Okay, now that we don't have to worry about you being impaled, maybe we should get something into your body to help with the allergies," suggested Dean as he clapped Sam on the shoulder.


    Sam lifted his arm to inspect Dean's work before he turned back to Dean and nodded thankfully. "Why are you helping me so much," he asked.


    "What are you talking about? I'm your brother! Of course I'm going to help you," Dean pointed out as if it wasn't obvious enough.


    Sam almost seemed troubled by that answer, but Dean ignored it. He headed to Sam's duffle and decided to search it to see if there were anymore allergy pills that Sam could take. He would also see if he could latch the windows up even more. He would do anything that he could to make his brother just a little bit more comfortable.


    "Do you think that they might be hiding in here," Dean asked as he called over his shoulder. He rummaged around some more before he paused to hear Sam's answer. He didn't get one. "Sammy?"


    "ItchsHsSHew! ItcshSHew! ItchsSHew! ITchsHSEHw!"


    "Bless ya," Dean reported as he managed to find a pill and a half at the very corner of the duffle. He wasn't even sure if they were still good, but he decided that they had to be better than nothing. Sam hadn't taken anything in he didn't know how long. He couldn't remember when his allergies had started up again since Sam usually tried to keep it from Dean. 


    Dean grabbed the pills and then stopped at the fridge for a water. He grabbed it and brought it back over to Sam. "Here you go," he offered.


    Sam took the water and the pills. He threw the pills into his mouth before he downed half the water bottle. He passed it back to Dean before he lifted his wrist to rub at his nose. "Thanks," he croaked.


    "Don't mention it. Do you need anything else," Dean offered.


    Sam thought a moment before he met Dean's eye. "I really am sorry, Dean."


    Dean realized that this wasn't going to get any better unless he sat down and had a conversation with Sam about what had happened. He limped back over to Sam's bed and nudged his legs. "Scoot over. We need to talk."


    Sam did as he was told and shimmied over as much as he could without using his right arm. He looked over to Dean as Dean struggled to sit beside him. He used his hands to grasp his leg and haul it on since it was almost as useless as Sam's arm right now. It would take it a while to heal, but Dean was optimistic. 


    "Okay, I can't deal with you being mopey and moody like a teenager again. Looks like we have to have a chick flick moment, huh," Dean told Sam as he met his brother's eye.


    Sam forced himself to look away from his brother. More importantly he was trying to look away from his leg. It looked even worse than Sam's arm, now that it had been stitched up. "I didn't say we had to."


    "No, I did," answered Dean smartly. "And we are going to have a conversation or I won't leave until we do, got it?"


    Sam knew what his brother meant. Dean didn't have heart to heart conversations, but when he did there was no way around it. It was best to just get it over with. "Are you sure that you're not angry about the hunt," Sam began.


    "Don't use the word angry. I was more frustrated I guess. I knew that it wasn't your fault. It was just bad timing is all," chided Dean.


    "So, you aren't mad," Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.


    Dean snorted in amusement. "That's what I just said. I was frustrated and then I got hurt and then you got hurt. It was just a big mess. I assure you that it wasn't all your fault. I should've known that you were a little out of it. Then again, you should've told me too. I think that we were both at fault here."


    "I know. I'm sorry," Sam apologized as he finally found the courage to meet Dean's gaze.


    Dean blinked his green eyes at his brother. "I guess I'm sorry too. We good?"


    Before Sam could answer, he pivoted sideways and buried his nose into his bent elbow. "ItchsHSHEW! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHew! ItchsSHew!"


    Dean chuckled as he shook his head. "I'll take that as a yes, yeah?"


    "Yeah," replied Sam as he blinked his tired eyes. "But promise me one thing first."


    "What, Sammy?"


    "Promise that you won't make us go into a forest like that in the beginning of spring," Sam requested.


    Dean hit Sam's shoulder roughly. "You got it. Now, about hunting the rest of the werewolf pack...."


    The End


I know it's kind of a sappy story, but I thought it was appropriate. Hoped you all liked it!

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