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Sneeze Fetish Forum

REQUEST: A Cold At Cafe Leblanc | Persona 5 | Yusuke


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A request for someone where Yusuke catches a cold after being rescued from Madarame by the phantom thieves. Hopefully I delivered! 

Yusuke woke up to a tickle deep in his sinus’s and a runny nose. 

Great. He had managed to catch another cold.

“Hhhh…hhhh….haaah!” He gasped but reached up pinching the bridge of his nose. No. He couldn’t let out a sneeze right now. Ren was kind enough to let him stay here. He didn’t want to let this out and wake the whole house. He moaned a bit. His nose was tickling so much, he could feel it twitching in protest against his fingers He also felt a bit sore. It wasn’t serious but enough to say one thing, he was most definitely ill. No doubt about it. 

Yusuke stumbled down the steps still pinching the bridge of his nose. The tickle was dancing around in there, practically begging to be let out. Still he denied it. “Hhhh…haaaahh…!” he pinched harder. Mind over matter. He had to keep this at bay until he got out. Just a bit more.

He flung the door open making it to the alley. He let go of his nose with a bit of a dramatic flair. “HAAHHHH….Haahh! Hhh! Hahhh! AhhhhSSSHiiiiUUU” Yusuke finally let it rip. Mess burst out into a fine spray. In a way it was exactly what you would expect from Yusuke. He sighed softly, his sensitive nostrils still flared a bit. He cringed a bit at the wetness inside. 

“I need to blow my nose…” he said to himself softly. He quietly went back inside, refusing to sniffle. He knew that it would make him sneeze again but waiting made a drip creep out of his nose. “Oh dear…” he mumbled. He grabbed a napkin as quickly as possible, and pinched it around his nose. He took a sharp breath and cleared his nose of the mucus inside. He flinched a bit needing to grab a few more. A lot had built up over the night…

Finally Yusuke felt like he could breathe again. He let out a sigh of relief and turned the TV in the corner of the room. He would need to thank Ren…and hide the fact that he felt sick. Yusuke would occasionally scrunch up his nose, and sniffle. Nope. He wouldn’t sneeze. He refused. 

About an hour later, Ren came down, yawning. He adjusted his glasses and looked at Yusuke. Yusuke waved in a semi lethargic way. “Ah…good morning Ren. How are you?” he cringed a bit at how congested he sounded. Ren looked pretty surprised but smiled a bit. 

“Ohhh damn Yusuke..you’re sick aren’t you?”

Yusuke’s eyes widened. “T-that’s..” his face flushed a bit more. He looked down and bit his lip. “…I believe I caught a bit of a cold, yes.” he said. Ren laughed softly sitting across from him. “It sounds it geez…” he looked at Yusuke full of pity. 

“I…I feel another…raaahhh….hahhhh…rather….strong itch…a-actually..” Yusuke squinted, his nose twitching and his eyes starting to close. “R…ren….I need a-…t-tissue…hahhhh…pleehhhh…please….” his nostrils flared despite Yusuke’s best efforts to keep the sneezes at bay.

Ren was surprised by it. He could practically hear how much it itched from Yusuke’s voice. He was going to sneeze, and based on how stuffed up it sounded it would be a mess due to the nasty cold. “Uhhh yeah, sure. Just hang in there OK? I’ll only take a second.” 

“P-pleahhseee…m-make…haaai….haiiiissstt….” Yusuke’s nostrils flared even wider, getting ready to release the tickle torturing the sensitive spots of his cold ridden nasal passages.

Ren ran behind the front desk and rummaged a bit. Yusuke’s hitching grew more and more desperate as he searched. After pushing something out of the way he found it. He grabbed the tissue box, and hoped over the counter. It was a move he only made in the metaverse, at least until this moment. 

Ren sat down in front of Yusuke plucking a few out of the box. He handed them to Yusuke’s open palm, as he trembled with the effort of keeping the cold from fully taking control. “Goahead.” Ren said. This was gonna be huge. 

“Hhhhh…HAAAAHHH…HAHHHH ASSSSHIIUUUUU.” Yusuke without much delay let out a monster of a sneeze. He rocketed forward so hard, he almost smacked his forehead against the table. The tissue box even fell on it’s side. Yusuke wasn’t done either. He came back up, holding the tissue a little more firmly. “Ahhh…AHhhhhh…..AASSSHIIIIUUUU!” This one didn’t sound as bad. Then one more. “I…Ahhhh….hahhh!! HAAAShuuu!!” 

Yusuke’s body remained tense, but then he let out a long sigh of relief. “Goodness…” he moaned. “Please excuse that loss of control Ren. I seem to more susceptible to illness then average and my sneezes can be rather explosive when I’m in this state.” 

Ren laughed a bit shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it Yusuke, you’re sick it can’t be helped. Just try to cover so no one here catches it, Sojiro would probably kill me.” Yusuke chuckled a bit but winded up coughing a bit. He sniffled. “Understandable. I’ll do my best to remain as sanitary as possible.” 

Ren nodded. “You should stay here for a little while. Give yourself time to get over the cold.” Yusuke blushed a bit his eyes sparkling a bit. “Ren…that truly is such a kind offer…I don’t want to impose but I’ll definitely put it into considerah….ahhh…” He brought the tissue up quickly. “Ahhh! Ahh! ASHHUUU!” 

“Ah…excuse me…” He sniffled. “Consideration was what I was trying to finish saying.” 

Ren nodded. “I know, and thats good. If you aren’t feeling well you should stay.” He smiled kindly making Yusuke thank him profusely all over again. 

Even with a cold, Yusuke still was a rather strange one. 

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 Ok, I love you for these fanfictions, I always wanted to see some Persona 5 in this forum <3

 I loved the sneeze spellings for Yusuke, I could hear them in my head :surprise:

 Do you think you could do a fanfic with Ryuji? I love him, I don't know... :sweatdrop:

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25 minutes ago, EvaBloom said:

 Ok, I love you for these fanfictions, I always wanted to see some Persona 5 in this forum <3

 I loved the sneeze spellings for Yusuke, I could hear them in my head :surprise:

 Do you think you could do a fanfic with Ryuji? I love him, I don't know... :sweatdrop:

That's a compliment of the highest order! Thank you so much! 

How would you want Ryuji to suffer? Any sneeze headcanon you have for him I can insert? Maybe I'll go for it ^_^

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10 hours ago, TsundereKushami said:

That's a compliment of the highest order! Thank you so much! 

How would you want Ryuji to suffer? Any sneeze headcanon you have for him I can insert? Maybe I'll go for it ^_^

 Well, maybe spring allergies and denial, and Ren finding out about it, or something similar, I'm happy with anything that includes him sneezing xD

 And you're welcome, I like the way you write.

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Oh my gosh, this request was filled so fast (and so well) Are you some sort of sneezefic writing machine?! :notworthy:

His sneezes are as dramatic and flamboyant as he is. I love it!! My brain is blanking out a little from how much I love it actually..... There isn't enough caretaking of Yusuke in the world, thanks for scratching that itch so quick.

Can I just say, this is my favorite part:

10 hours ago, TsundereKushami said:

Nope. He wouldn’t sneeze. He refused. 

Then he proceeds to explode into sneezes, LOL

10 hours ago, TsundereKushami said:

“Hhhhh…HAAAAHHH…HAHHHH ASSSSHIIUUUUU.” Yusuke without much delay let out a monster of a sneeze.

And one last thing: the description of congestion in the fic is 👌👌👌  Love it.

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1 hour ago, EvaBloom said:

 Well, maybe spring allergies and denial, and Ren finding out about it, or something similar, I'm happy with anything that includes him sneezing xD

 And you're welcome, I like the way you write.

Thank you I appreciate it! 

Maybe I'll do that! Tbh at this point I might just make one for all the characters. Everyone seems to really like these! 

1 hour ago, jano said:

Oh my gosh, this request was filled so fast (and so well) Are you some sort of sneezefic writing machine?! :notworthy:

His sneezes are as dramatic and flamboyant as he is. I love it!! My brain is blanking out a little from how much I love it actually..... There isn't enough caretaking of Yusuke in the world, thanks for scratching that itch so quick.

Can I just say, this is my favorite part:

Then he proceeds to explode into sneezes, LOL

And one last thing: the description of congestion in the fic is 👌👌👌  Love it.

I'm not really! Just am on the writing upswing at the moment! So I'm trying to make the most of it! :laughingsmiley:

No problem! I have a lot of fun writing his character actually! I might do it again if I have more to offer! I like denial stuff a lot as well. That was my first time really writing congestion. Not super into it myself, but I'm glad I could do it! 

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2 hours ago, Shikee12.haley said:

I died from this story someone plan my funeral hehe all jokes aside it still was amazing to read^_^

Im glad it was! I'll be doing more P5 so keep a look out! 

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  • 2 months later...

Oh my. 😍😍 I was reading this in public and I couldn't stop giggling!! Yusuke is so cute and you wrote him wonderfully!  I could read all his dialogue in the lovely Matt Mercer's voice! Thank you for this. It's perfectly! 

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