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Just You (3/4) (BTS, Yoongi, Jungkook) (Yoonmin)


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Hello, just wondering if you’d continue this? It’s been quiet lately ^_^

Also, I’ve gotten more into Monsta X and I can’t pick a bias yet.

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On 2/13/2018 at 2:37 PM, LaDeeDaa said:

Hello, just wondering if you’d continue this? It’s been quiet lately ^_^

Also, I’ve gotten more into Monsta X and I can’t pick a bias yet.

Hey. I’m definitely continuing. I’m really sorry it’s been so long. I got really busy and kind of unmotivated, partially because I want to write this fic because it’s more popular but I’d personally prefer Monsta X or SF9. I have some free time right now, so I should be able to write more.

Wonho is always a good bias. And if you’re into main vocals (like me lol) Kihyun (my bias) is a great bias.

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5 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Hey. I’m definitely continuing. I’m really sorry it’s been so long. I got really busy and kind of unmotivated, partially because I want to write this fic because it’s more popular but I’d personally prefer Monsta X or SF9. I have some free time right now, so I should be able to write more.

Wonho is always a good bias. And if you’re into main vocals (like me lol) Kihyun (my bias) is a great bias.

It’s fine! I’m not rushing you or anything. If you’d prefer to write something else, I’m not going to force you to do anything. I’m just asking.

I recently rewatched the Hyungwon sneeze video and decided that he’d be my temporary bias.

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8 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

It’s fine! I’m not rushing you or anything. If you’d prefer to write something else, I’m not going to force you to do anything. I’m just asking.

I recently rewatched the Hyungwon sneeze video and decided that he’d be my temporary bias.

It’s not just that though lol I also kind of had writer’s block and a lesser interest in the fetish for a bit so I wasn’t really motivated to write anything.

Luckily, I’ve returned, should be posting another part of this fic today, and I have (further) plans for the Monsta X fic I really want to write now.

I can totally understand that lol. I love that video.

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Okay, I’m finally updating, so sorry it took that long. There will only be one more part after this unless plans change when I write it.

One quick note - in case you don’t know, jagi is Korean for “Baby(/Honey/Sweetheart)” and so Jagiya is how you’d address someone as Baby.


I’m actually kind of pleased with this chapter. :D Hope you guys enjoy it!!


Part Three:


Jungkook woke up the next day and groaned as he sat up. He was conflicted between wanting to sleep and wanting to get up, so he settled with the one that had food. As soon as the blankets were off of the boy, he realized his pajamas would not be enough to insulate himself from the cruel, cold air. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly, his mind still being fuzzy from sleep, and slipped it off. The moment his chest was exposed to the cold, he shivered. The sudden chill caused a tickling sensation to build in the back of his nose.


Hehh... hih! Hh’estchuu! Ihhtschuh!” he sneezed openly, not even making an attempt to cover.


Recovering from the event, he moaned slightly before giving a wet sniffle and a quick head shake. His nose still tingled a little, so he hurried to get dressed, throwing a vivid, deeply blue sweater over his head. He pawed at his nose for a moment before sliding black jeans onto his legs. He looked down momentarily to tie his belt, causing his hair to shift.


The brown locks fell onto his face and brushed over his nose. Annoyed, yet remaining lazy, he tried to resolve the issue by simply scrunching up his nose. Unfortunately, this didn’t help in the slightest. “Hh-heh...” His eyes unfocused and fluttered shut. “Hehh!


He stood like that for a moment before sighing with relief (and a little disappointment) as the feeling went away. He gave a strong sniff to reassure himself there would be no further incident. Ironically, this only made the itch return, stronger.


Frustrated and sick of sneezing (pun not intended), he swiped his fingers roughly under his nose. He decided to stubborn and refuse to sneeze. He sniffed slowly and gently, trying to not worsen the situation but doing just that in the end.


Nn!” he moaned slightly under his breath as he nearly lost control. Giving a sharp sigh, he blinked as a sneezy tear rolled down his cheek. He ran his wrist harshly at his nose. A slender, soft, loose thread from the sleeve of his sweater slipped inside one nostril as he did this and he flinched at the instant, tempting sensation.


He stepped back reflexively and quickly buried his face into his elbow.


“Heh’astchuuh! K’tshh!”


He pressed his knuckles against the underside of his slightly damp nostrils and sniffled thickly.


He had a bad feeling about that day. It felt like two Mondays and a Thursday all together, and it had barely even began. Sending a glare at the clock as if it had offended him personally (fucking hurry up please), he decided he was presentable enough for his members.








Taehyung sighed as he saw Jungkook finally emerge from their room in the morning — well, it was morning for Jungkook, at least. Afternoon for everyone else. Everyone else except for Yoongi, who became a total night owl when ill or sulking — both were the case that day.


But Taehyung (and the others as well, mind you) didn’t know about either of those.


Besides, Taehyung was too distracted. Why? Because Jungkook, one of his closest friends, had just walked out of their shared room at 2PM and he still looked exhausted (and a little annoyed?)  — not to mention the color had drained from his face a bit, to balance it out his nose was a bright pinkish red, and his eyes were glassy and childishly bleary. Taehyung bit his lip thoughtfully. Why did Jungkook have to get sick now? They barely had any breaks, and this was one of them. He didn’t want it to be ruined for his friend. Then again, it was probably better than if they had to practice.


“Hello? Earth to Taehyundg?” Jungkook prompted.


“Hm?” Taehyung replied, yawning.


“You zoned out,” Jungkook explained. “You look worse than I feel.”


“Is that an insult?”


“Maybe. You just tired today?”


“Yeah. I don’t know, I could’ve used a little more sleep, I guess. I’m fine though,” Taehyung replied, shrugging.


“Same here.”


“You slept for like 14 hours straight!” Taehyung pointed out.


“And that’s ten hours too short!” Jungkook retorted.


“Whatever,” Taehyung dismissed. “Jimin-hyung’s been worried about you.”


“I’m okay,” Jungkook reassured.


“Jin-hyung’s making you some soup right now by the way,” he informed as he suddenly remembered.


The way Jungkook’s face lit up at the mention of this made Taehyung smile as well.


“All right, Sickie. Come on,” Taehyung prompted, slinging his arm around the younger boy as they walked through the hallway.


... Only to pause a few seconds later.


Taehyung unwrapped himself from Jungkook and twisted to the side, bringing a fist up to his mouth. “Hehh’schoo!!” he sneezed. Blinking, he gave a strong sniff and faced his friend.


“Are you getting sick?” Jungkook asked, feigning apathy even though an underlying concern was clear.


“Nah, don’t worry,” Taehyung insisted,





“It’s just one sneeze.”






Yoongi sighed as he heard Taehyung’s iconic sneeze all the way from his bedroom. “Tae’s sick too,” he muttered under his breath to himself, “I knew that was gonna happen.”


If Yoongi didn’t sound impressed, it was because he wasn’t. Those two always got each other sick. And, besides...


He really couldn’t be bothered.


Not about any of the others at that moment; he was blinded.


Only just...






Taehyung’s “just one sneeze” didn’t stay that for long. Illnesses always came on quick for him, and this was no exception. He had continued to sneeze periodically throughout the day, raising suspicion. And by 5PM...


Hihyeshuhh! Ugh...”


He sniffled only a moment before falling prey to a fit of wet coughs.


“I thingk I’mb getting sick...” he finally admitted.


“We know, Tae-yah,” Namjoon stated matter-of-factly as he helped Jin prepare for dinner later. “Why do you think Jin made you tea and Jungkook’s sharing a blanket with you?”


“Because... well... oh,” Taehyung muttered in realization. Smiling and raising his eyebrows, Jungkook reached over and tousled his hair.


Suddenly, Jungkook retracted his arm and brought the collar of his sweater up with both hands. Jimin looked to him. “Heh... Tschoo! Nhh... nh’ishoo!” He sniffled and pawed at his nose to remove the remaining tickle.


“I hate beigg sick,” Jungkook groaned. Jimin’s eyes took on a deep shade of worry.


“Mbe too,” Taehyung agreed.


“Yeah... Sorry about that...” Jungkook murmured guiltily.


“It’s finde,” Taehyung dismissed, offering a grin as a sign of honesty.


Feeling a bit better about it, Jungkook smiled back.






Hoseok had once again snuck off to Yoongi’s room that night.


(No, not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter.)


Yoongi had been spending most of his time sleeping in his room or sleeping on the couch.


More so than usual.


There was a good reason why, however...



“Hh! H’gnxxt! N’gt! T’xt!” Yoongi stifled into his elbow. He sniffled. “Zxt! M’nxt! Gnxxt!” His nose still wasn’t done yet. He groaned softly in annoyance, though it turned into hitching breaths at the end.


“Heh...” His eyes unfocused, tearing up in desperation as his eyebrows drew together. In an attempt to prevent more breaths, he bit his lip as he sniffed, only to have his mouth part once more.


“Hh...” The relentless, intense itch was driving him crazy. It had spread throughout his nose and there wasn’t a single spot that wasn’t begging for relief. His running nose forced him to sniffle again, only enticing the tickle to torture him further. “Hehh!” Desperate tears rolled down his cheeks. No matter how much he wanted to finally sneeze, he couldn’t. He was so tired, and he just wanted relief. He wouldn’t even try to stifle here. He wasn’t sure if he could anyway. His eyes shut. “Hihh...”


At that moment, Hoseok walked in. If his soft steps were audible, Yoongi was too distracted to hear them.


However, when Yoongi felt soft fingertips stroke the bridge of his nose, he knew who it was anyway. (Although he wished... never mind.)


“Nn...” Yoongi moaned as the tickle calmed a bit. Then, Hoseok brought his thumb and index finger down to the the sides of his nostrils and ran his fingernails in circular motions. “Hh-heh!” The effect was immediate. The itch grew fiercer, burning more than even before. More tears fell. It was unbearable. “Hh... Ho-Hos— hahhh!” A final breath was ripped from him. His head pitched forward into his cupped hands, body jerking with each release as his blonde hair shook.


“Hhyeshuh! Uh! Hh’astchuhh! Hehhh... hh! Histchuuu! Eh’tschii!” He sniffled and dazedly opened his eyes.


A small gasp escaped Yoongi and he wiped his tears.


“Damn, Jagiya. You’re worse than I thought,”  a soft, melodic voice said. With this, he placed a cool hand on Yoongi’s forehead. 




Hoseok was nowhere to be seen.


It was just Jimin.






I’m honestly too pleased with the twist at the end there lol. But it actually wraps everything together really nicely for me for the next/last part. It was originally actually Hoseok when I was writing that. When I wrote that he opens his eyes, I realized, “What if something’s up that he didn’t notice because his eyes were closed. WaitIhavethemostperfectplottwistforhere.

Anyway lol. I really enjoyed writing this part (shirtless Jungkook sneezing and Yoongi’s struggle I hurt myself). I hope you enjoy reading it! Also, willing to put in any last-minute requests for anything you want to see here — I can probably fit it in. ;)

Also, I swear it won’t take me as long to post the next part lol.


Remind me to not try using the suffixes for names again lol I got confused with some of it (I understand hyung and ah/yah, not some of the rest of it). Plus I’m not sure if some members of groups have switched because they’re close.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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Oh my god, this is the cutest thing ever!! How do I even begin?

4 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Nn...” Yoongi moaned as the tickle calmed a bit. Then, Hoseok brought his thumb and index finger down to the the sides of his nostrils and ran his fingernails in circular motions. “Hh-heh!” The effect was immediate. The itch grew fiercer, burning more than even before. More tears fell. It was unbearable. “Hh... Ho-Hos— hahhh!” A final breath was ripped from him. His head pitched forward into his cupped hands, body jerking with each release as his blonde hair shook.

Hoseok inducing is something new to me, but I loved it!

4 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

(No, not like that! Get your mind out of the gutter.)

This made me laugh really hard. XD

The ending was amazing. D’aww, Yoonmin feels. And shirtless Jungkook is always something noteworthy. Overall, this is probably the best part out of the three so far! :D 

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4 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Oh my god, this is the cutest thing ever!! How do I even begin?

Hoseok inducing is something new to me, but I loved it!

This made me laugh really hard. XD

The ending was amazing. D’aww, Yoonmin feels. And shirtless Jungkook is always something noteworthy. Overall, this is probably the best part out of the three so far! :D 

Yay!! Glad you liked it!

Wait, did I not make it clear enough that Hoseok wasn’t actually there, Yoongi mistook Jimin for him?

I tried to add a little bit of humor into this part lol glad someone noticed. *I’m really not good at humor, especially in writing*

This fic is going to make me an Army again I swear lol. Fun fact: Jungkook sneezing while changing and getting annoyed + the hair not helping was written a while back when I was sick and that happened to me (although with less sneezes). Aw, glad you think so! I was really displeased with this part throughout writing it until recently, which is part of the reason why it took so long (I had a lot of reasons lol).

I’ll probably release the first Monsta X part next but I should be able to finish this fic within a week if everything goes according to plan (I’m terrible with deadlines I’m sorry XD).

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4 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Yay!! Glad you liked it!

Wait, did I not make it clear enough that Hoseok wasn’t actually there, Yoongi mistook Jimin for him?

I tried to add a little bit of humor into this part lol glad someone noticed. *I’m really not good at humor, especially in writing*

This fic is going to make me an Army again I swear lol. Fun fact: Jungkook sneezing while changing and getting annoyed + the hair not helping was written a while back when I was sick and that happened to me (although with less sneezes). Aw, glad you think so! I was really displeased with this part throughout writing it until recently, which is part of the reason why it took so long (I had a lot of reasons lol).

I’ll probably release the first Monsta X part next but I should be able to finish this fic within a week if everything goes according to plan (I’m terrible with deadlines I’m sorry XD).

Oh, whoops. I guess I wasn’t really paying attention. XD

Also (I forgot to ask earlier), do the rest of them know about Yoongi’s illness yet? In the fic, it mentioned Yoongi being tired and ill during V’s part.

Come be an Army. We have cookies! ^_^

I’m looking forward to both!

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4 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Oh, whoops. I guess I wasn’t really paying attention. XD

Also (I forgot to ask earlier), do the rest of them know about Yoongi’s illness yet? In the fic, it mentioned Yoongi being tired and ill during V’s part.

Come be an Army. We have cookies! ^_^

I’m looking forward to both!

Haha, no, my fault. I tend to not be very clear with twists. I went back and edited the last lines so that it’s clearer.

No, they don’t. I mentioned that as general background and then said that Taehyung didn’t know about it. Only J-Hope knows. And apparently Jimin at the end the end of part three~ I edited that part a little bit as well, so that it’s “Taehyung (and the others, mind you) didn’t know either of those...”

More importantly, you have Kookies lol. *wow shameless pun self*

:) Me too actually.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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5 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Haha, no, my fault. I tend to not be very clear with twists. I went back and edited the last lines so that it’s clearer.

No, they don’t. I mentioned that as general background and then said that Taehyung didn’t know about it. Only J-Hope knows. And apparently Jimin at the end the end of part three~ I edited that part a little bit as well, so that it’s “Taehyung (and the others, mind you) didn’t know either of those...”

More importantly, you have Kookies lol. *wow shameless pun self*

:) Me too actually.

It was kind of my fault too. I was in a rush when making that comment so I didn’t notice many errors lol.

We have Kookies and cookies lol.

Just a quick question about your Monsta X fic: What’s the plot? I remember we said something about Kihyun and/or I.M.

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 :boom:Cerulean this is so cute!!! That plot twist had me SHOOK(yes, I’m gonna say it again, I’m not like this in real life I swear:lol:). I could hear Jimin saying those last words so clearly it’s not even funny~ And I really like how you make it so that Jungkook lets his sneezes out while Yoongi stifles, it’s so in character for both of them! Jimin inducing a helpless Yoongi is so cute too...

I can’t wait for the next part, although, I actually like this fic and the SF9 one(or maybe even a Monday X fic) equally so if you’d rather continue that, I’d be happy either way! Keep it up! :clapping:

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19 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

It was kind of my fault too. I was in a rush when making that comment so I didn’t notice many errors lol.

We have Kookies and cookies lol.

Just a quick question about your Monsta X fic: What’s the plot? I remember we said something about Kihyun and/or I.M.

Ah lol.

Oooooo, even better~ that sounds like a lot of Suga but I can live with that lol. *the shameless puns continue wow self*

Oh, yeah. I changed that lol. Because I got into the fandom more and I decided to have it be my bias (Kihyun) and my two bias wreckers (Minhyuk and Wonho). Because I reeeally have to include those three because I love them so much and I’m going to die writing this. And I usually do illness lol so illness. Should be able to post it today but there’s one part of it that’s honestly realistic but I’m not too happy with. Yet I’m kind of happy with it. I’m conflicted lol.

18 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

 :boom:Cerulean this is so cute!!! That plot twist had me SHOOK(yes, I’m gonna say it again, I’m not like this in real life I swear:lol:). I could hear Jimin saying those last words so clearly it’s not even funny~ And I really like how you make it so that Jungkook lets his sneezes out while Yoongi stifles, it’s so in character for both of them! Jimin inducing a helpless Yoongi is so cute too...

I can’t wait for the next part, although, I actually like this fic and the SF9 one(or maybe even a Monday X fic) equally so if you’d rather continue that, I’d be happy either way! Keep it up! :clapping:

Yay, glad you liked it!!

Lol I’m happy the plot twist worked. I actually can’t quite hear it in his voice. Like I said, I haven’t been an Army for a while (I swear this fic is going to make me one again though), so I can’t really picture Jimin’s voice aside from singing (and stuff like “excuse meeee~” but that’s not really accurate lol).

I’ve been trying to be in character but in any instances where I’m not, it’s because I haven’t been in the fandom for a bit. For some reason, when you used the word “helpless,” that made me look at it from that perspective and I died a little bit. (“Are you actually fangirling over your own fic?” “... Maybe.”)

That’s good to know! :) I’m going to finish the first part of the Monday X fic first (probably today and see details earlier in this post), then return to SF9 or finish this (depends on which I get inspired for most — I want to write the conclusion and all the drama and things tying together for this fic, yet Taeyang is my ultimate bias and I have a lot of scenarios for that extra allergy part that I adore). Might just work simultaneously or something lol, I’m not sure.





Also, I’d be glad to look at any requests for fics in progress or any requests for other/more of kpop groups (I think the only ones I’m comfortable writing right now (don’t know too many groups well enough): SF9, Monsta X, BTS, Astro, I can’t really do EXO but maybe I could do Baekhyun and... Tao lol. Those are the only two EXO members I know well enough to include. I’m only starting to get into Seventeen, so I definitely can’t write them yet, but in maybe a month (or two?) or so I may be able to (13 members to learn personalities of, that’ll take a while). But even if a group you want isn’t on there, suggest it anyway and I’ll see if I can do it.

Also, I’m working on stanning several more groups right now (Seventeen, EXO but a little slowly, I keep forgetting to work on Infinite lol), but if you guys have any recommendations for more groups to get into (especially rookies, I love rookie groups), that’d be great!

I’m not very familiar with any girl groups right now (sue me, I’m stanning groups with members I find attractive because I’m shallow like that lol), but I could also get into some of those. I like AOA’s music, not sure about their members. I would be willing to write girl groups (since I’m not usually attracted to females, but the fetish kind of bends those rules for me), I’d just need time to get into the group enough to be able to write first.

(And, yes, I always write extremely long messages in everything lol.)

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9 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Also, I’d be glad to look at any requests for fics in progress or any requests for other/more of kpop groups (I think the only ones I’m comfortable writing right now (don’t know too many groups well enough): SF9, Monsta X, BTS, Astro, I can’t really do EXO but maybe I could do Baekhyun and... Tao lol. Those are the only two EXO members I know well enough to include. I’m only starting to get into Seventeen, so I definitely can’t write them yet, but in maybe a month (or two?) or so I may be able to (13 members to learn personalities of, that’ll take a while). But even if a group you want isn’t on there, suggest it anyway and I’ll see if I can do it.

Also, I’m working on stanning several more groups right now (Seventeen, EXO but a little slowly, I keep forgetting to work on Infinite lol), but if you guys have any recommendations for more groups to get into (especially rookies, I love rookie groups), that’d be great!

I’m not very familiar with any girl groups right now (sue me, I’m stanning groups with members I find attractive because I’m shallow like that lol), but I could also get into some of those. I like AOA’s music, not sure about their members. I would be willing to write girl groups (since I’m not usually attracted to females, but the fetish kind of bends those rules for me), I’d just need time to get into the group enough to be able to write first.

(And, yes, I always write extremely long messages in everything lol.)

Tao is an ex-member of EXO (I’m not that familiar with EXO at all, so I may be wrong.)

Golden Child is a great rookie boy-band. They debuted in 2017. Most of them are younger than me lol.

I have so many girl group crushes in mind (I’m not sexually attracted to females but the fetish kind of bends those rules for me too.) Most of them are too innocent for a sneezefic or a fetish in particular though. 

Seventeen is also great, but I can’t tell them apart (minus Woozi, who’s kind of easy to tell apart for that matter.)

Anyway, my first attempt at a sneezefic ended disastrously so I may not be trying that anytime sooner. I’ll work on my writing skills and maybe we could do a fic trade sometime.

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15 minutes ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I have so many girl group crushes in mind (I’m not sexually attracted to females but the fetish kind of bends those rules for me too.) Most of them are too innocent for a sneezefic or a fetish in particular though. 

I actually have two girl groups in mind that are both talented and worthy of a sneezefic: f(x) and Red Velvet.

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1 hour ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Tao is an ex-member of EXO (I’m not that familiar with EXO at all, so I may be wrong.)

Golden Child is a great rookie boy-band. They debuted in 2017. Most of them are younger than me lol.

I have so many girl group crushes in mind (I’m not sexually attracted to females but the fetish kind of bends those rules for me too.) Most of them are too innocent for a sneezefic or a fetish in particular though. 

Seventeen is also great, but I can’t tell them apart (minus Woozi, who’s kind of easy to tell apart for that matter.)

Anyway, my first attempt at a sneezefic ended disastrously so I may not be trying that anytime sooner. I’ll work on my writing skills and maybe we could do a fic trade sometime.

I know he’s an ex-member lol. I only know him because he’s an ex-member.

I’ll check them out soon!

I understand what you mean actually.

Same here lol. I can kinda tell DK and Jun too? But not sure really.

Aw, don’t give up! You should’ve seen me with my very first fics. They were really bad, but I had fun writing them. I did take a long break from writing them because I felt demotivated, but I came back (a year or so back) and I’m glad I did. Something that helped me is reading others’ fics and taking note of how they write. Also, something that you could do is if you’re not happy with some of your writing, but you like some of it (plot points, descriptions, anything really), you could collaborate on a fic with someone. I’d be totally fine with doing that — it’d be fun. That way you can beat each other and share ideas, you know? It’s also good to keep in mind that it’s okay to write fics just for yourself. As long as you enjoy it, no one else has to. :) But, of course, you don’t have to write if you don’t want to. I’d love to do a trade (or even a collab) sometime though!

1 hour ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I actually have two girl groups in mind that are both talented and worthy of a sneezefic: f(x) and Red Velvet.

I have a friend who’s into Red Velvet. I might try to get into them, I’ll see.

1 hour ago, MeForever said:

I love this!!

Thanks, glad you enjoyed it so far! :) 

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1 hour ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Aw, don’t give up! You should’ve seen me with my very first fics. They were really bad, but I had fun writing them. I did take a long break from writing them because I felt demotivated, but I came back (a year or so back) and I’m glad I did. Something that helped me is reading others’ fics and taking note of how they write. Also, something that you could do is if you’re not happy with some of your writing, but you like some of it (plot points, descriptions, anything really), you could collaborate on a fic with someone. I’d be totally fine with doing that — it’d be fun. That way you can beat each other and share ideas, you know? It’s also good to keep in mind that it’s okay to write fics just for yourself. As long as you enjoy it, no one else has to. :) But, of course, you don’t have to write if you don’t want to. I’d love to do a trade (or even a collab) sometime though!

I honestly don’t believe you lol. You’re such a great writer now! And thanks for the tips. I’d be honored to do a collab fic with you :) I’m going to wait until I’m validated to write more fics though.

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5 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I’m only starting to get into Seventeen, so I definitely can’t write them yet, but in maybe a month (or two?) or so I may be able to (13 members to learn personalities of, that’ll take a while). But even if a group you want isn’t on there, suggest it anyway and I’ll see if I can do it.


OMG. I started freaking out when I read this - Seventeen is my favorite kpop group by far!! I never slipped into the diamond life, I FREAKING CANNONBALLED INTO IT. I actually wrote a few Svt sneezefics  before creating an account on here, but they’re really childish and wouldn’t really make sense to anyone reading it other than myself so I’m way too embarrassed to post any of them on here lol. 

5 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Seventeen is also great, but I can’t tell them apart (minus Woozi, who’s kind of easy to tell apart for that matter.)

Argh, if only I was validated so I could PM and provide you guys with more info about the Carat fandom and ways to tell the members apart! Yeah, it took me like a week to memorize the members and tell them apart, but it was definitely worth it in the end! Woozi was the easiest member to tell apart for me to when I first got into the group.

As far as group recommendations, have you heard of Stray Kids? They’re under JYP, and I usually don’t like to stab groups that are under the big three but I’m already hooked on this one! They haven’t debuted yet, but hopefully they will soon - they’re pre-debut album is amazing! And two of the members are Australian...:mf_dribble: Their concept is really unique compared to other kpop groups - it’s not cute or sexy, it’s mostly about adolescent angst and growing up, which is much more relatable for me. Plus they have talent in every area -  visuals, rap, dancing, and vocals! 

Sorry. Long incomprehensible fangirling rant over. It just feels so nice to know that there are other people who share this fetish AND like kpop too!:jump:

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8 minutes ago, Pixieflower said:

Argh, if only I was validated so I could PM and provide you guys with more info about the Carat fandom and ways to tell the members apart! Yeah, it took me like a week to memorize the members and tell them apart, but it was definitely worth it in the end! Woozi was the easiest member to tell apart for me to when I first got into the group.

As far as group recommendations, have you heard of Stray Kids? They’re under JYP, and I usually don’t like to stab groups that are under the big three but I’m already hooked on this one! They haven’t debuted yet, but hopefully they will soon - they’re pre-debut album is amazing! And two of the members are Australian...:mf_dribble: Their concept is really unique compared to other kpop groups - it’s not cute or sexy, it’s mostly about adolescent angst and growing up, which is much more relatable for me. Plus they have talent in every area -  visuals, rap, dancing, and vocals! 

Sorry. Long incomprehensible fangirling rant over. It just feels so nice to know that there are other people who share this fetish AND like kpop too!:jump:


I can't pick a bias in Seventeen yet, but I'm thinking Joshua, Vernon, or Woozi. They're all pretty talented as well as cute in my opinion. I'm not entirely sure how the PM system works, though I'd like to hear some information from a Carat.

We've bombarded a BTS sneezefic with kpop fangirling lol.

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2 minutes ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I can't pick a bias in Seventeen yet, but I'm thinking Joshua, Vernon, or Woozi. They're all pretty talented as well as cute in my opinion. I'm not entirely sure how the PM system works, though I'd like to hear some information from a Carat.

We've bombarded a BTS sneezefic with kpop fangirling lol.

That’s so funny! Just last week my friend and I agreed that those three exact members were the most sincere and modest members in the group! My bias in Svt is Joshua and my bias wreckers are Vernon and the China line, although my bias list for this group is a lot less concrete than for BTS lol. 

I know... the poor lurkers who are reading this have to scroll through a ton of our fangirling to actually get to the content now lmao:lol:

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5 minutes ago, Pixieflower said:

That’s so funny! Just last week my friend and I agreed that those three exact members were the most sincere and modest members in the group! My bias in Svt is Joshua and my bias wreckers are Vernon and the China line, although my bias list for this group is a lot less concrete than for BTS lol. 

I know... the poor lurkers who are reading this have to scroll through a ton of our fangirling to actually get to the content now lmao:lol:

China line is Jun and The8, correct? They're pretty cute as far as I can tell. It's pretty funny how Joshua, Vernon, and Woozi are the exact members that you and your friend said. I think they'll make good biases though.

I feel sorry for the lurkers lol. Maybe we should stop. :D 

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11 minutes ago, LaDeeDaa said:

China line is Jun and The8, correct? They're pretty cute as far as I can tell. It's pretty funny how Joshua, Vernon, and Woozi are the exact members that you and your friend said. I think they'll make good biases though.

I feel sorry for the lurkers lol. Maybe we should stop. :D 

Yes, honestly idk what it is about Jun and The8 but they’re both so cute! I actually considered making my forum name The8ofJun17 before I realized how absolutely cringy that sounded😂. 

Yeah, we really should stop shouldn’t we? Unless the lurkers want to come and join our conversation here....

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12 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I honestly don’t believe you lol. You’re such a great writer now! And thanks for the tips. I’d be honored to do a collab fic with you :) I’m going to wait until I’m validated to write more fics though.

You should lol. It was really bad. And weird. And awkward. And I had a lot where a ship confessed to each other/maybe even realized their feelings for each other because of the illness. Which can be sort of awkward in fanfiction. Especially because I used to be terrible writing confessions. Basically, my writing now is kind of corny, but back then it was just extremely corny and sweet and overdone (and out of character (which I still am oops)). Anyway lol. Believe me. But yeah, no problem with the tips. :) And, yeah, once you’re validated, definitely PM me and also tell me if you ever want to collab!

9 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

OMG. I started freaking out when I read this - Seventeen is my favorite kpop group by far!! I never slipped into the diamond life, I FREAKING CANNONBALLED INTO IT. I actually wrote a few Svt sneezefics  before creating an account on here, but they’re really childish and wouldn’t really make sense to anyone reading it other than myself so I’m way too embarrassed to post any of them on here lol. 

Argh, if only I was validated so I could PM and provide you guys with more info about the Carat fandom and ways to tell the members apart! Yeah, it took me like a week to memorize the members and tell them apart, but it was definitely worth it in the end! Woozi was the easiest member to tell apart for me to when I first got into the group.

As far as group recommendations, have you heard of Stray Kids? They’re under JYP, and I usually don’t like to stab groups that are under the big three but I’m already hooked on this one! They haven’t debuted yet, but hopefully they will soon - they’re pre-debut album is amazing! And two of the members are Australian...:mf_dribble: Their concept is really unique compared to other kpop groups - it’s not cute or sexy, it’s mostly about adolescent angst and growing up, which is much more relatable for me. Plus they have talent in every area -  visuals, rap, dancing, and vocals! 

Sorry. Long incomprehensible fangirling rant over. It just feels so nice to know that there are other people who share this fetish AND like kpop too!:jump:

Ooo, I’ll definitely write you some SVT once I get more familiar with them! Any specific requests of who I should learn first so I can write them? Yeah, I totally understand what you mean about old, embarrassing fics. I have some old half-finished SPN ones that thankfully never got posted because what was I even doing?

Shouldn’t be too much longer until you’re validated? I don’t remember my validation taking too long. Definitely PM me when yours goes through though! Wow, a week is fast for 13 members. And, yeah, I can tell Woozi apart already lol.

I’ve heard of them, but I haven’t really listened to their songs or anything yet. I think I’ve seen one of their songs because my friend likes them. I’ll check them out!

*lowkey lives for cute or sexy concepts lol* That sounds pretty cool though. Sounds fresh and new compared to a lot of things.

Don’t worry lol, I actually feel exactly the same way! It just feels really nice to find people who have the fetish and are in the fandom of my current obsession. Also, I’m a fellow rambler so trust me, it’s hard to ramble longer than I’m used to typing myself lol. But yeah, feel 100% to PM me about kpop once you get validated!

9 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I can't pick a bias in Seventeen yet, but I'm thinking Joshua, Vernon, or Woozi. They're all pretty talented as well as cute in my opinion. I'm not entirely sure how the PM system works, though I'd like to hear some information from a Carat.

We've bombarded a BTS sneezefic with kpop fangirling lol.

Same here! I think I’m biasing Jun and Mingyu, DK, and Woozi are going to bias wreckers lol. I actually agree, first few glances into the group — SVT is made of visuals, man! They’re basically all gorgeous? And DK’s singing is amazing. All of them seem really talented. PMing is just messaging someone (privately — although I think you can make group chats too? Haven’t tried yet).

Lol that’s actually true. Oh well. I don’t think there are many lurkers anyway haha.

9 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

That’s so funny! Just last week my friend and I agreed that those three exact members were the most sincere and modest members in the group! My bias in Svt is Joshua and my bias wreckers are Vernon and the China line, although my bias list for this group is a lot less concrete than for BTS lol. 

I know... the poor lurkers who are reading this have to scroll through a ton of our fangirling to actually get to the content now lmao:lol:

Vernon’s pretty cute. He really stood out to me in the Very Nice MV (along with Jun and Mingyu). I was going to say I know what you mean, but I actually always figure out a set bias that I never even change. My bias has never changed in any group since the beginning so far lol. And my ultimate bias (SF9’s Yoo Taeyang) also remains my ultimate bias.

Lol they’re probably like, “Oh, hey! There are a bunch of new posts! Probably an update? Several?? Nope, just fangirling. *scrolls* And more fangirling. And more fangirling. And more...”

9 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

China line is Jun and The8, correct? They're pretty cute as far as I can tell. It's pretty funny how Joshua, Vernon, and Woozi are the exact members that you and your friend said. I think they'll make good biases though.

I feel sorry for the lurkers lol. Maybe we should stop. :D 

Woozi’s already adorable and I barely know anything about him lol. I’m gonna get bias-wrecked so much in this group.

9 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

Yes, honestly idk what it is about Jun and The8 but they’re both so cute! I actually considered making my forum name The8ofJun17 before I realized how absolutely cringy that sounded😂. 

Yeah, we really should stop shouldn’t we? Unless the lurkers want to come and join our conversation here....

Jun ftw!! Who’s probably my bias lol. Still getting into the group. I’ve had cringier usernames on some things, believe me lol. (Yeah, I basically just used to be a whole mess of a person lol. Still am.)

True lol. Any lurkers welcome to join the conversation~

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11 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

You should lol. It was really bad. And weird. And awkward. And I had a lot where a ship confessed to each other/maybe even realized their feelings for each other because of the illness. Which can be sort of awkward in fanfiction. Especially because I used to be terrible writing confessions. Basically, my writing now is kind of corny, but back then it was just extremely corny and sweet and overdone (and out of character (which I still am oops)). Anyway lol. Believe me. But yeah, no problem with the tips. :) And, yeah, once you’re validated, definitely PM me and also tell me if you ever want to collab!

I write in-character, but too little in terms of words. People started losing interest so I stopped writing. I’ll definitely PM you though. How long does it usually take to get validated?

Are you close to posting the Monsta X fic? Sorry if I sound pushy, by the way. I don’t really mean it that way. Just curious :) 

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2 minutes ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I write in-character, but too little in terms of words. People started losing interest so I stopped writing. I’ll definitely PM you though. How long does it usually take to get validated?

Are you close to posting the Monsta X fic? Sorry if I sound pushy, by the way. I don’t really mean it that way. Just curious :) 

I write decently in-character, but I will sacrifice that for fluff or h/c if necessary lol. My two favorite things. Again though, you don’t have to stop writing if others weren’t interested (I’m just terrible at keeping up with fics, I’m sorry). I used to have a looooong fic that’s I kept and kept writing and there was basically one person who stuck with it if I recall correctly. Apparently (I forgot and had to look it up lol), people usually get validated between 50-100 posts (assuming they’ve been using the forum for at least 4-6 weeks). So, shouldn’t be much longer! :)

It’s basically done. But there’s a part of it that I don’t like, yet it’s actually realistic and I do like part of it. So, I’ve basically just been trying to convince myself to change that part, yet failing. I don’t know. I will post it pretty soon because I should be able to decide what to do there soon.

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