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Just You (3/4) (BTS, Yoongi, Jungkook) (Yoonmin)


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Hey! So, I’ve been getting into writing kpop fics. If you don’t know much about kpop or BTS, quick summary of things you need to know for this:

-Males call older males “hyung” and it’s disrespectful to talk down to an elder (adding “ah”/“yah” at the end of their name when addressing them)

Members, from oldest to youngest (and I’m going to use their real names here in bold, but I’ll put their stage names too in case those are the only ones you know):








I think that’s all you need for now. This will be about three or four parts. This first one is a little eh since I have to set up the main plot, so, please bare with me lol.


Jungkook winced slightly as a round of dry coughs shook through him. He cleared his throat and looked into the kitchen.


"Hey, Seokjin hyung, could you —" he cut himself off as he noticed Seokjin returned with exactly what he had been in the middle of asking for — another cup of tea. He gave a small smile and thanked his elder for it softly before sipping the soothing liquid gingerly. He sniffled and gave Seokjin a questioning — even playfully irritated — look as the man checked his forehead for fever.


"Hyung, really? I told you, I'm fine," Jungkook insisted when the other man's gaze scanned over him. Seokjin made a tsking sound as his only reply.


"You didn't sleep much last night, did you?" Jin asked, stepping back to allow for common personal space.


"No," Jungkook admitted.


"I told you you should sleep more when you're sick," Seokjin reminded. Although it was a kind-hearted topic, it took on more of an "I told you so" vibe than anything.


"It's jus—hhh... Juhhhst..." His eyelids flickered shut.


"Just what?" Seokjin teased, watching as the boy abandoned trying to get his sentence out and simply waited instead.


"Heh... huhstchuu! Ih'eshuhh! Ugh..." The maknae sneezed tiredly, ducking into his elbow. He sniffled and rubbed at his nose to rid himself of the lingering tickle. On a whim, Seokjin reached out and ruffled his hair before the boy continued. “It’s just that I couldn’t really sleep last night because I kept coughing,” he murmured, keeping quiet so as to not irritate his already sore throat further.


“You need to take your medicine,” Seokjin reminded in a chiding tone. Jungkook nodded mutely and resumed sipping his tea after clearing his throat.


Seokjin looked over at the couch opposite them, which housed a slumped-over, dark form. Said form was Yoongi, who had evidently decided to fully embrace his emo side and dress in all black. Seokjin tsked again.


“He’s been asleep all day. He needs to wake up soon,” Seokjin pointed out. His voice had a slight edge of annoyance. Normally, Yoongi only took naps to make up for sleep he had sorrowfully missed that night. However, this time, Seokjin recalled seeing him get plenty of sleep the night before, so he dismissed it as laziness.


The sleepy, emo blob — apparently alive — shifted a little and spoke. “I’m awake, you know.” It was soft, muffled through his arm which served as a pillow.


“You don’t look it to me,” Jimin retorted as he entered the room. Yoongi perked up a bit upon hearing his voice. He loved Jimin’s voice. He wasn’t overly sentimental, it was just that, well, he loved Jimin. They had even been dating for a few months now, and Yoongi had fallen hard for him. Even just his presence gave Yoongi the energy which he previously lacked to sit up and open his eyes. A smile ghosted across his lips subconsciously, only to disappear when Jimin walked right past him.


“Jungkook-ah~ are you feeling any better?” Jimin asked. Yoongi’s gaze reflexively flicked away from the two, down towards the floor. Telling himself he was overreacting, he gained the courage to look back up a few moments later. He was met with Jimin sitting next to Jungkook with one hand on his shoulder and one rubbing circles in his back as the younger coughed miserably.


“You really need to take better care of yourself,” Jimin scolded, inspecting the ailing maknae closer than Yoongi thought necessary. Yoongi cleared his throat uncomfortably. His eyes naturally averted themselves again when they started joking around. Jungkook flipped Jimin’s backwards cap to forwards, facing him and leaning in closer to do it.


“Heyyy, don’t get me sick!” Jimin protested, recoiling almost immediately even though he had a grin plastered on his face. Of course, this only prompted Jungkook to lean even further, herding the laughing Jimin as far back off the couch as he could go.


“Don’t do what, Jimin-ah?” Jungkook teased, speaking down to his hyung, only causing him to laugh more.


“You little punk.” Jimin sent his feet into Jungkook’s stomach in what was supposed to be a joke kick, but ended up being a tad too forceful, especially when the boy was far from his best. Jungkook winced in pain, trigging a small coughing fit that only aggravated his throbbing abdomen more. Jimin’s smile was gone in an instant, and he returned to his previous, comforting position of his arm around him.


“Are you okay, Jungkook-ah? I’m sorry.” The words were as soft and sweet as cotton candy, and they made Yoongi’s ears feel like bleeding.


Jin, who had been making some soup for Jungkook in the kitchen, poked his head into the room upon hearing all the commotion. Seeing that Jimin likely had it handled, he turned his attention to Yoongi and sighed inwardly. He’s asleep again? he thought. Satisfied, with a slight head shake, he returned to his cooking.


Little did he know, Yoongi was wide awake. He was merely pretending to be asleep so he could... listen.


He regretted it, certainly, every word he heard, but he couldn’t help himself. He sniffled sadly, quietly.


He didn’t care about the others. Just...





End of part 1!

Omg, it feels so awkward writing Seokjin? I don’t know why, I use all the others’ real names usually, but I always say Jin. I’m going to apologize in advance for mixing them up in the future, probably lol.


Also, this is kind of for my two fellow Jungkook bias-wrecked Yoongi biaseds:

@Pixieflower @LaDeeDaa 

(And, @apricity, I think you might be interested in this too?)


Someone please stop me from always submitting a new fic late at night when I’m tired and my judgement is terrible I do this every time and I swear I’m going to find several horrible mistakes in the morning.

Edit: Yup, I forgot an entire member in the list due to tiredness.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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Ahhhh! This is so cute! Where do I even begin?!

8 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

"It's jus—hhh... Juhhhst..." His eyelids flickered shut.


"Just what?" Seokjin teased, watching as the boy abandoned trying to get his sentence out and simply waited instead.


"Heh... huhstchuu! Ih'eshuhh! Ugh..." The maknae sneezed tiredly, ducking into his elbow. He sniffled and rubbed at his nose to rid himself of the lingering tickle. 

THIS PART HAD ME DEAD. :stretcher:

Aww poor Yoongi lol. I can’t wait to see what happens to him later...:4: And I loved how you put just a little bit of Jikook in there too, as a shipper of both Yoonmin and Jikook:wubsmiley:

Anyways this is such an adorable fic! Thank you so much for writing this story even if you’re a newer army, you still did an amazing job of keeping all the members true to their personality and writing a really good quality story! Keep it up! :trombananabone:

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11 minutes ago, Pixieflower said:

Ahhhh! This is so cute! Where do I even begin?!

THIS PART HAD ME DEAD. :stretcher:

Aww poor Yoongi lol. I can’t wait to see what happens to him later...:4: And I loved how you put just a little bit of Jikook in there too, as a shipper of both Yoonmin and Jikook:wubsmiley:

Anyways this is such an adorable fic! Thank you so much for writing this story even if you’re a newer army, you still did an amazing job of keeping all the members true to their personality and writing a really good quality story! Keep it up! :trombananabone:

I enjoyed writing that part lol.

Later?... Well... You’ll see... :4: Spoilers~

Aw, I’m glad you like it so far!! I’m... actually not really a new ARMY though? I used to be a fan from around almost a year ago until somewhat recently, and then I’m getting back into the fandom recently. I think I didn’t phrase it well before haha. But thanks! I’m going to try to update my SF9 fic next and then work on this one, but I might just do it simultaneously.

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This is really adorable :D I ship Jikook as well (Just a tad less than Yoonmin). I love your writing style though!


Also, you forgot V/Taehyung in the members list lol. 

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14 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

This is really adorable :D I ship Jikook as well (Just a tad less than Yoonmin). I love your writing style though!


Also, you forgot V/Taehyung in the members list lol. 

Glad you like it!! Thanks. :) 


Oh, my gosh, you’re right lol. I had double-checked that I had the age rankings right, but I got too eager putting Jungkook in the Maknae line haha and I totally skipped Tae Tae. I feel really bad about that now lol. This is what happens when I post things at 3AM. Thanks for pointing that out! I fixed it.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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11 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Oh, my gosh, you’re right lol. I had double-checked that I had the age rankings right, but I got too eager putting Jungkook in the Maknae line haha and I totally skipped Tae Tae. I feel really bad about that now lol. This is what happens when I post things at 3AM. Thanks for pointing that out! I fixed it.

Don’t feel bad! At least you’ve fixed it now :)


Will you update soon? (I know, I’m kind of a hypocrite for begging you to update your fic when I haven’t done anything at all to mine.) Because I like how this fic is going with both Jungkook and Yoongi lol.

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10 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Don’t feel bad! At least you’ve fixed it now :)


Will you update soon? (I know, I’m kind of a hypocrite for begging you to update your fic when I haven’t done anything at all to mine.) Because I like how this fic is going with both Jungkook and Yoongi lol.

I’m sorry, :( I’d love to update but I’m really busy right now with school and semester finals are coming up, so I’ll be writing slowly for the next week. I’m glad you like it though lol.

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!!  Aw, Jungkook is adorable, and I love Yoongi being a "sleepy, emo blob," ahaha. I can't wait to see where you go with this and how Yoongi gets involved. Ride all that late-night kpop fic inspiration! :punk:  

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8 hours ago, apricity said:

!!  Aw, Jungkook is adorable, and I love Yoongi being a "sleepy, emo blob," ahaha. I can't wait to see where you go with this and how Yoongi gets involved. Ride all that late-night kpop fic inspiration! :punk:  

Yoongi became me lol.

Yeah, late-night kpop inspiration is the best! As soon as I’m done with finals I’m gonna write like crazy.

How Yoongi... gets... involved? Spoilers~

Glad you enjoyed it so far!

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4 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Yoongi became me lol.

Yeah, late-night kpop inspiration is the best! As soon as I’m done with finals I’m gonna write like crazy.

How Yoongi... gets... involved? Spoilers~

Glad you enjoyed it so far!

Yessss, and so much more productive than my late-night kpop video-binging lol. 

Good luck with your finals!! 

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11 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Yoongi became me lol.

Yeah, late-night kpop inspiration is the best! As soon as I’m done with finals I’m gonna write like crazy.

How Yoongi... gets... involved? Spoilers~

Glad you enjoyed it so far!

Yoongi is me, desperately cramming for finals.


Ooh, Yoongi getting involved...

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On 1/19/2018 at 5:02 AM, apricity said:

Yessss, and so much more productive than my late-night kpop video-binging lol. 

Good luck with your finals!! 

Lol I binge videos too, I just stay up too late so I end up having time for both.


On 1/19/2018 at 0:24 PM, LaDeeDaa said:

Yoongi is me, desperately cramming for finals.


Ooh, Yoongi getting involved...

Same, lol.

Considering involving Taehyung too...



Part two is finished... hope you guys like it!



Also, kind of a language warning for this next part? Not too bad, but Yoongi’s probably going to continue to swear a few times lol.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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“Yes!” Jungkook yelled, a little too loud for the poor condition his throat was in. He let out a couple of dry coughs into his arm without taking his eyes off the screen. Game controller in hand, he nudged Taehyung with his elbow. “I’m gonna win!” he exclaimed, smiling.


“Lies!” Taehyung protested, screeching through half the word as his character nearly died. Adrenaline — somehow rising over a silly game, but that’s Taehyung — he intensified his attacks even more, and reacted even quicker to his friend’s.


Jungkook’s smile fell to be replaced by a focused lip bite. That didn’t last long either, as a sudden itch appeared in his nose. It tickled madly, and there was nothing he could do about it.


If he took his hands off the controller for even a moment, he’d lose. If he looked away from the screen for a moment to rub his nose with his shoulder, he’d lose. And, of course, if he sneezed, it would mean looking away as well, and thus, losing.


He pressed his tongue up against the roof of his mouth defiantly, but it barely gave him any relief, if any at all. He sighed in frustration, but it became shaky at the end. He sniffled, hoping to mitigate his nose. It only intensified the tickle more, however, causing his eyebrows to knit together and his eyes to scrunch up desperately. 




The game was almost over, and they were neck-and-neck. Jungkook was in the lead, yes, but not by much. All it would —




— take is —


“Heh!” He pressed his tongue up as hard he could.


— a few seconds —


He fought to remain focused. He barely had it together, but in a moment, he would beat the tickle and Taehyung.


— for him to lose.


Mischievous as ever, Taehyung decided to play dirty. He let one hand go over his own controller for a split second. Quickly, he flicked the tip of Jungkook’s nose and returned to his controller.




Jungkook managed to turn and direct a death glare at Taehyung. It only lasted for a moment before he was forced to spin away from him so as to not spray him (although the jerk probably would’ve deserved it).


His eyes shut and, as if its counterpart, his rose-pink lips fell open. His nose twitched and —


“Huhhh!” He buried his face into the crook of his arm. There was a brief moment where nothing happened, but then —


Hhyeshhhuh! Hig’tschuu! Hh! ‘Tschuu! he finally sneezed, three times, starting out rough and violent, but growing gentler each following time. Sniffling, he blinked his teary, tired eyes dazedly a few times to try to re-orient himself.


He had barely enough time to pick up his controller before the game ended. He groaned as the screen displayed that Player One — Taehyung — was the victor.


“Cheater!” Jungkook accused, eyes sad and defensive at first before they took on mischievous gleam of their own. He shoved the laughing Taehyung onto back and was somewhat gently punching him, when, in an instant, Taehyung pushed him to the opposite of the couch, reversing their positions.


“Ow!” Taehyung whined, pouting. He pinned Jungkook’s arms bent up to his shoulders, one in each hand.


Normally, Jungkook would have easily overpowered him. However, he was weaker due to his illness, and, more importantly, too tired and lazy for it.


Jungkook slowly opened his mouth and positioned it around Taehyung’s hand, as if to bite it momentarily. Taehyung noticed and quickly moved his hand away, putting both of Jungkook’s arms into one hand. Jungkook then leaned forward, trying to do the same thing again. Taehyung, in an effort to stop him, pushed his head back by his forehead. In this position, the drawstrings of Taehyung’s hoodie danced around the rims of Jungkook’s sensitive nostrils. Then, Taehyung paused and frowned...


“Jungkook-ah, you should rest.” He suddenly moved to hover closer to the boy, causing the drawstrings to swing back and forth ever-so-gently over the younger boy’s twitching nose. “I think your fever went up a little.” Still, his hand lingered more forcefully than necessary on the boy’s forehead.


“T-Taehyuhh... w-wait...” Jungkook pleaded since not only was Taehyung going to accidentally cause him to sneeze, but the way he had restrained him meant that if he didn’t let go, he would be forced to sneeze directly in his direction.


“Seriously, you should sleep m—“


Taehyung’s breath had only aggravated Jungkook’s situation more, so at that moment —


Nn’tschuhh!” he sneezed wetly, the spray ending up all over Taehyung’s face. Taehyung, surprised by this, let go of Jungkook’s forehead, but reflexively tightened his grip instead on his arms.


But Jungkook wasn’t done yet.


Being surrounded completely by Taehyung (motion still limited as well) and wishing to avoid as much of him as possible, Jungkook quickly decided that the other man’s shoulder was the best place to muffle his sneezes into. So he did.


“Hishh! H’gshh! Itshhh!” Luckily, these came out small and rather dry. Jungkook sniffled and let his head fall back against the couch, brown hair jostling. Finally recovered from the shock, Taehyung finally let go completely and wiped off his own face with his sleeve.


“S-sorry,” Jungkook murmured, face quickly turning a bright red as he folded his arms against his chest.


“It’s fine,” Taehyung said simply, shrugging it off. “Payback for making you lose the game.”


“Yeah, true,” Jungkook agreed, giving a small smile.


“Go take a nap, you seem really tired,” Taehyung suggested.


“I amb. Still kickigg your ass at video games, though,” Jungkook pointed out as he stood up, chuckling. Congestion had started to seep into his voice.


“You were barely ahead! And you lost anyway.”


“I would’ve wodn!”


The two bickered amiably the whole way as they walked to their shared room.


However, they froze when they passed by Yoongi’s room.


The lights were off, making it so dark they could barely see who was in there. The scene was clear though: Hoseok was sitting on the side of Yoongi’s bed (not his own, even though they were roommates) and Yoongi was wrapped in blankets, muffling sobs into his pillow.


Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged confused, worried looks at this, but decided Yoongi probably wanted his privacy and Hoseok could handle him anyway, and continued on. Taehyung had gone with Jungkook so he could change out of his germ-infested hoodie, but forgot and simply left after shutting off the lights and closing the door so Jungkook could sleep.









Hoseok entered Yoongi’s room to check on him.


“Hey. How’re you doing?” he asked softly.


Yoongi sniffled and muffled a few, harsh coughs into his arm and groaned.


“Fuckigg peachy,” he muttered from his blanket cocoon. The other man moved to sit down next to him.


“Has Jimin...” Hoseok trailed off when Yoongi averted his eyes. “How long‘ve you been sick for?”


“Two days.”


“That’s what I thought. Same as Jungkook, right? Hey, has anyone else noti—?”


Ndo,” Yoongi cut him off sharply. “But I don’t care, hondestly. Leave it.”


Hoseok believed him, mostly. He didn’t care about most of the others.


It was just...


Hoseok’s thoughts were interrupted when Yoongi turned onto his back suddenly and buried his face into his pillow.


“Hh’gnxt! Mff’shh! Shhx! T’mmmf!” Yoongi muffled a volley of sneezes into his pillow, convulsing as each one passed.


They were both too distracted to realize Jungkook and Taehyung had paused in the doorway at that moment before leaving.


Hoseok rubbed Yoongi’s back with a sympathetic smile.


“I believe you. I know you don’t care about the others,” Hoseok agreed.


He revised his sentence mentally, though:


You don’t care about the others.












Sorry if you guys were looking forward to Yoongi contagion. The twist is he’s actually been sick the whole time, but only Hoseok’s noticed. Go back and re-read the first part if you want lol, I left a few hints lol (e.g. Yoongi was sleeping more than usual, Yoongi sniffled but it wasn’t due to sadness, etc).

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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Oh my goodness, this is adorable :)

Poor Yoongi though. But this plot is very nice. And Tae "involved" as well would be a great idea. I forgot where, but I remember on a video the members said that once one member became sick, everyone else got sick as well.

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I have no words. I usually don’t like to say this word because it sounds cringy coming from me but this fic has got me SHOOK. I swear, our preferences are basically identical! I mean, Jungkook holding back his sneezes only to have Taehyung tease it out, and then Taehyung later accedentally making Jungkook sneeze with his hoodie straps, and then Yoongi being sick the whole time, and the lil bit of Yoongi/Hoseok in there... it’s just... I can’t even explain. Thank you. This was absolutely adorable. 

And now it’s time for me to go reread this 10,000 times and then melt in a puddle and fly off to heaven in happiness.O:)

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On 1/21/2018 at 1:57 PM, LaDeeDaa said:

Oh my goodness, this is adorable :)

Poor Yoongi though. But this plot is very nice. And Tae "involved" as well would be a great idea. I forgot where, but I remember on a video the members said that once one member became sick, everyone else got sick as well.

Glad you liked it! I feel really bad for Yoongi lol. That reminds me, actually... it was clear that Yoongi wasn’t actually crying at any point, right? Jungkook and Taehyung thought he was, but I clarified he was just sneezing. I’m just worried that didn’t come across well enough lol.

Ooooooo, definitely good to know! That fact actually makes me really happy lol. I was actually considering offering the possibility of infecting all the members? I’m willing to do that if people want me to.


19 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

I have no words. I usually don’t like to say this word because it sounds cringy coming from me but this fic has got me SHOOK. I swear, our preferences are basically identical! I mean, Jungkook holding back his sneezes only to have Taehyung tease it out, and then Taehyung later accedentally making Jungkook sneeze with his hoodie straps, and then Yoongi being sick the whole time, and the lil bit of Yoongi/Hoseok in there... it’s just... I can’t even explain. Thank you. This was absolutely adorable. 

And now it’s time for me to go reread this 10,000 times and then melt in a puddle and fly off to heaven in happiness.O:)

I relate to those first few sentences so much though lol. I also hate the word “shook” and scarcely use it.

That’s funny lol — that’s the kind of thing you like too? For me, I would’ve preferred to go further with the teasing parts but I’m trying to be realistic lol so I couldn’t really. It was still really fun to write though.

Sope is my BTS OTP or one of them at least haha there are so many to choose from. When I write, it’s always really clear what ships/friendships I like.

You’re so sweet lol. Glad you enjoyed it!!





So, I have several plot lines I could go down. I was wondering if there are any more members people’d like to get sick. Again, I’m pretty open. I’ll almost definitely add Taehyung since I ended up setting it up lol. I’m willing to infect all of them if you guys want that (I’m tempted haha).

Actually, I know what I’m going to write in general, but I’ll still take requests. I can probably work a lot of things into this, so suggest something and I’ll try! :)


Also, after this fic eventually ends, I’m thinking of doing an Astro (probably Eunwoo and Moonbin) or Monsta X fic. I’d really love to infect Kihyun lol. Maybe Kihyun and I.M. I’m still a new fan, but I really want to write a fic where (at least) Kihyun and a member younger than him get sick (or at least not Shownu — I have a plot figured out lol). Thoughts?

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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30 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

So, I have several plot lines I could go down. I was wondering if there are any more members people’d like to get sick. Again, I’m pretty open. I’ll almost definitely add Taehyung since I ended up setting it up lol. I’m willing to infect all of them if you guys want that (I’m tempted haha).

Also, after this fic eventually ends, I’m thinking of doing an Astro (probably Eunwoo and Moonbin) or Monsta X fic. I’d really love to infect Kihyun lol. Maybe Kihyun and I.M. I’m still a new fan, but I really want to write a fic where (at least) Kihyun and a member younger than him get sick (or at least not Shownu — I have a plot figured out lol). Thoughts?

Yay, Tae! I feel so bad with cheering on him being miserable lol. But all of them may be a bit too much (though it’s still cool.)

I’m in love with Sanha of Astro. I’m a new fan to Astro but he’s adorable. And I’m not all familiar with Monsta X, though whatever you write is fine.

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3 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

So, I have several plot lines I could go down. I was wondering if there are any more members people’d like to get sick. Again, I’m pretty open. I’ll almost definitely add Taehyung since I ended up setting it up lol. I’m willing to infect all of them if you guys want that (I’m tempted haha).

Actually, I know what I’m going to write in general, but I’ll still take requests. I can probably work a lot of things into this, so suggest something and I’ll try! :)


Also, after this fic eventually ends, I’m thinking of doing an Astro (probably Eunwoo and Moonbin) or Monsta X fic. I’d really love to infect Kihyun lol. Maybe Kihyun and I.M. I’m still a new fan, but I really want to write a fic where (at least) Kihyun and a member younger than him get sick (or at least not Shownu — I have a plot figured out lol). Thoughts?

As far as the other members of BTS getting contaminated, I would be so happy if Tae got sick and tbh other than Jungkook and Yoongi I love the rest of the members equally, so anywhere you want to go with the plot line or anyone you want to get sick from there is fine with me!^_^

I don’t know the members of Astro or Monsta X very well yet, so I don’t have a bias for either, but I really like the songs produced by both groups and all the members of each group are really cute, so a fic for them would be adorable as well, if you have the time!:thumbs_up:

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Ah dude the teasing was so cute and just drawn out enough, I love scenarios like that. And hearing Yoongi's muffled sneezes is just :wub2: so curious to see them un-muffled ahaha. 

On 1/22/2018 at 7:46 PM, CeruleanBlue said:

Also, after this fic eventually ends, I’m thinking of doing an Astro (probably Eunwoo and Moonbin) or Monsta X fic. I’d really love to infect Kihyun lol. Maybe Kihyun and I.M. I’m still a new fan, but I really want to write a fic where (at least) Kihyun and a member younger than him get sick (or at least not Shownu — I have a plot figured out lol). Thoughts?

Not too familiar with Astro's members, but I love Monsta X! Kihyun would be really fun, as would I.M. It's funny, my biases in Monsta X are Hyungwon and Minhyuk, but kind of in an outrageous/meme way rather than in an object-of-my-fetish way, so I'd be more interested in seeing fic for the others. Wonho too, even. But have you seen that video of Hyungwon sneezing, because it is damn luxurious. 

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On 1/22/2018 at 5:21 PM, LaDeeDaa said:

Yay, Tae! I feel so bad with cheering on him being miserable lol. But all of them may be a bit too much (though it’s still cool.)

I’m in love with Sanha of Astro. I’m a new fan to Astro but he’s adorable. And I’m not all familiar with Monsta X, though whatever you write is fine.

(The “yay, Tae!” confused me for a second because I’m used to calling Taeyang from SF9 that lol.) Haha same. Yeah, I agree. I’ll keep it as a surprise~

Hey, a new Aroha! I’m still kinda new myself, actually. I’m decently familiar with them, learned all the members, but I want to get their personalities down a bit more before writing them. I can totally include Sanha though. Probably Eunwoo and Sanha or Moonbin and Sanha. We’ll see. :) And I recommend Monsta X, if you’re looking for more groups to stan lol. Their music is really, really good, and they’re pretty funny and a lot more popular than Astro.


On 1/22/2018 at 8:40 PM, Pixieflower said:

As far as the other members of BTS getting contaminated, I would be so happy if Tae got sick and tbh other than Jungkook and Yoongi I love the rest of the members equally, so anywhere you want to go with the plot line or anyone you want to get sick from there is fine with me!^_^

I don’t know the members of Astro or Monsta X very well yet, so I don’t have a bias for either, but I really like the songs produced by both groups and all the members of each group are really cute, so a fic for them would be adorable as well, if you have the time!:thumbs_up:

We’ll see where it goes~ *planning*

I’m still pretty new to Monsta X myself, so I’m not quite ready with them yet. I’m close to being able to write Astro. I don’t really have a life lol I almost definitely have time.


2 hours ago, apricity said:

Ah dude the teasing was so cute and just drawn out enough, I love scenarios like that. And hearing Yoongi's muffled sneezes is just :wub2: so curious to see them un-muffled ahaha. 

Not too familiar with Astro's members, but I love Monsta X! Kihyun would be really fun, as would I.M. It's funny, my biases in Monsta X are Hyungwon and Minhyuk, but kind of in an outrageous/meme way rather than in an object-of-my-fetish way, so I'd be more interested in seeing fic for the others. Wonho too, even. But have you seen that video of Hyungwon sneezing, because it is damn luxurious. 

I had a lot of fun writing that scene lol. I feel like sulky Yoongi would stifle most of the time, especially because of the plot. But he’ll probably get too tired and apathetic for that soon~

Hey, another Monbebe! I’m still new to Monsta X, but I already love them. Especially Kihyunie. I don’t even know why I’m already so in love with Kihyun even though I’m pretty new haha. Yeah, I can actually understand that lol. Hyungwon’s probably my second favorite member actually (him in the Dramarama MV killed me omg). Who would you want in a fic then? I mainly wanted someone Kihyun and someone he could be more protective towards? That’s why I was thinking the Maknae or a younger member. But it occurs to me I’m actually too new to know who he’s actually more protective towards. Maybe Shownu actually? What do you think?

And, yes, I’ve seen that video. :heart: Honestly part of the reason he’s my second favorite member lol. It’s so cute!!








Also, someone ended up getting infected before Taehyung or anyone else.

Me, actually.

Just in time for finals. Yay.

Kind of inspiration for fics at least lol.

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17 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Hey, another Monbebe! I’m still new to Monsta X, but I already love them. Especially Kihyunie. I don’t even know why I’m already so in love with Kihyun even though I’m pretty new haha. Yeah, I can actually understand that lol. Hyungwon’s probably my second favorite member actually (him in the Dramarama MV killed me omg). Who would you want in a fic then? I mainly wanted someone Kihyun and someone he could be more protective towards? That’s why I was thinking the Maknae or a younger member. But it occurs to me I’m actually too new to know who he’s actually more protective towards. Maybe Shownu actually? What do you think?

And, yes, I’ve seen that video. :heart: Honestly part of the reason he’s my second favorite member lol. It’s so cute!!


Well that's good, I always love it when I can immediately identify a bias, haha, so go for Kihyun! Mm I'm not really sure who would be most realistic for someone he would be more protective towards (note to self: this is what happens when you consume more crack vids and fanfic of a band than actual footage of them interacting), but I could see it being I.M. or Wonho. Actually, it's I.M.'s birthday today! (Well, "today" in Korea, aka 1/26.) Mm, whoever you choose, I'd be delighted if there were just random side moments of Hyungwon being casually sassy or Minhyuk being obnoxious lol 

18 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Also, someone ended up getting infected before Taehyung or anyone else.

Me, actually.

Just in time for finals. Yay.

Kind of inspiration for fics at least lol.

Noooooo!!! :pinch: Feel better soon, or at least commiserate with all the sick Jungkooks and Yoongis in your mind

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19 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I had a lot of fun writing that scene lol. I feel like sulky Yoongi would stifle most of the time, especially because of the plot. But he’ll probably get too tired and apathetic for that soon~


Also, someone ended up getting infected before Taehyung or anyone else.

Me, actually.

Just in time for finals. Yay.

Kind of inspiration for fics at least lol.

Ooh, I’m intrigued now XD 

Poor you! I hope you feel better soon, honey! 

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3 hours ago, apricity said:

Well that's good, I always love it when I can immediately identify a bias, haha, so go for Kihyun! Mm I'm not really sure who would be most realistic for someone he would be more protective towards (note to self: this is what happens when you consume more crack vids and fanfic of a band than actual footage of them interacting), but I could see it being I.M. or Wonho. Actually, it's I.M.'s birthday today! (Well, "today" in Korea, aka 1/26.) Mm, whoever you choose, I'd be delighted if there were just random side moments of Hyungwon being casually sassy or Minhyuk being obnoxious lol 

Noooooo!!! :pinch: Feel better soon, or at least commiserate with all the sick Jungkooks and Yoongis in your mind

I saw someone say I.M was kind of Kihyun’s favorite? So maybe. I don’t know yet lol. I definitely relate though, that’s why I need to cram some personality studying in before I write them lol. I’m pretty in love with them already though so I really want to write them. Yeah, I actually just found out it’s Changkyun’s birthday haha! Ooo, that’d probably be pretty easy to add in actually. I’ll do that lol. Let me just cram some personality studying in over the weekend like I said and then I’ll see if I understand them well enough to write them lol.


Thanks!! It’s karma for writing too many sick fics at once lol.


3 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Ooh, I’m intrigued now XD 

Poor you! I hope you feel better soon, honey! 

Same, actually haha. I really want to continue this.

Aw, thanks!! I’m starting to feel better, so that’s good. Apparently I decided to save up all the suffering just for finals and now I’m feeling a bit better lol.





I can finally write again, yessss. So sorry about that, but, y’know, I was really busy with finals haha. Updating soon~ 

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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49 minutes ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I saw someone say I.M was kind of Kihyun’s favorite? So maybe. I don’t know yet lol. I definitely relate though, that’s why I need to cram some personality studying in before I write them lol. I’m pretty in love with them already though so I really want to write them. Yeah, I actually just found out it’s Changkyun’s birthday haha! Ooo, that’d probably be pretty easy to add in actually. I’ll do that lol. Let me just cram some personality studying in over the weekend like I said and then I’ll see if I understand them well enough to write them lol.


Did he really say that?! Well that's perfect lol. I'll look forward to whatever you write in kpop~ As an aside, I just found it entertaining to see the other fandoms you've mentioned in your sig, as I've also been obsessed with Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, and Doctor Who in the past (Nine is my Doctor, but Eleven comes in at a close second). It seems so funny to think of anime, Western shows like DW/Supernatural (I was super into SPN), and kpop being in the same scope of fandom, but I like knowing that other ppl can have the same range of fandom interests. So cheers! 

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17 hours ago, apricity said:

Did he really say that?! Well that's perfect lol. I'll look forward to whatever you write in kpop~ As an aside, I just found it entertaining to see the other fandoms you've mentioned in your sig, as I've also been obsessed with Kuroshitsuji, Death Note, and Doctor Who in the past (Nine is my Doctor, but Eleven comes in at a close second). It seems so funny to think of anime, Western shows like DW/Supernatural (I was super into SPN), and kpop being in the same scope of fandom, but I like knowing that other ppl can have the same range of fandom interests. So cheers! 

Not Kihyun, some fan. Not sure if it’s true lol. I’m looking into that kind of thing more. I’m complete kpop trash right now haha so you have a lot to look forward to. Death Note and Black Butler are actually my favorite animes (in that order). Doctor Who, I haven’t been watching as much but I still love it. Ten has always been my favorite Doctor. Eleven’s second but I also really love him. I also used to be crazy into SPN, but not anymore. That is a surprising list of fandoms though haha. Those are most of my main/former main fandoms too!

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