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Go Away (Suga, BTS)


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So this story is about Suga from BTS getting sick. I may update this in parts. This will be my first story on here, so I apologize if it sucks. What can I say? I’m still learning.

Little intro:

BTS is a South Korean boy band made up of seven members. They are (in age order):




-Rap Monster (leader)



-Jungkook (maknae)

Suga’s real name is Yoongi, and I put this because I might refer to him as Yoongi in the story. For the sake of not confusing you guys, I won’t refer to any other member by their real name.

Their fans are called Army.

Hyung is what a male calls and older male in South Korea.

Maknae is the youngest in the group.

Suga currently: 

So this story is about Suga from BTS getting sick. I may update this in parts. This will be my first story on here, so I’m pretty nervous. I haven’t seen many kpop fics, so I decided to do one.


Little intro:

BTS is a South Korean boy band made up of seven members. They are (in age order):




-Rap Monster (leader)



-Jungkook (maknae)

Suga’s real name is Yoongi, and I put this because I might refer to him as Yoongi in the story. For the sake of not confusing you guys, I won’t refer to any other member by their real name.

Their fans are called Army.

Hyung is what a male calls and older male in South Korea.

Maknae is the youngest in the group.

Suga currently: 



And now, onto the story!

The first thing Suga had registered when he woke up was that he ached. It hurt to swallow. It hurt to move. It hurt to yawn. It had been a while since he had felt like this, since his immune system was probably the strongest out of all the members. But ever since V had sneezed and coughed all over him in practice, he had gotten a runny nose. He had just expected, at the worst, a small case of the sniffles, and then it would be over. This, however, wasn’t just a runny nose. 


The second thing he registered was that Jin was no longer in the room. He and the older one shared a room, something Suga was grateful for at times. Today wasn’t one of those times. He expected to be “woken up” soon (something he disliked because he loved his sleep) since it was already 6:29 AM, and they were supposed to wake at 6:30 sharp, something Jin had taken to be his motherly job.


Not even a second after it turned 6:30, Jin came barging into the room. Suga heard the door open, and heard voices that he suspected were the maknae line down the hallway. He shut his eyes and rolled over as to not face his hyung that he knew was right in front of him. 


“Hey, Yoongi-ah,” Jin’s voice said. “Good sleep?” Suga didn’t budge. He heard the older man sigh and felt someone shake him. He didn’t know why, but a sudden tickle sprang up in his nose. He did his best to stay limp and refrain from yelling at Jin to go away as the tickle intensified and his breath hitched against his will. Jin was still persistently shaking him, not helping Suga’s current state at all. In fact, it kind of hurt. 


Finally, Suga decided he couldn’t fight the increasing tickle anymore. His eyelids fluttered open as he pitched forward with both hands covering his mouth. “Ih’ghishuuh! Hee’ishuuh!” He fell back onto his pillow and looked up at Jin reluctantly.


“Blesses,” Jin said. “Now that you’re properly awake, anything you want to say to me? How about a good morning?”


“Fu-“ Suga began irritably, but found his mouth covered by Jin.


“No swearing. I’m not going to remove my hand until you decide you will agree with me,” Jin said sternly. Suga furiously struggled, until he felt a sneeze coming on.


“Hi’shuu! Hhihhh… Ishoo!” There, that would teach him.


Jin’s eyes widened and he removed his hand from Suga’s mouth, scrambling out the door to wash his hands. Finally, peace. Suga rolled over and started sleeping again.



Eep, that was bad. Who cares :P


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This is really cute so far! Poor Yoongi lol he just wants to sleep (not that that's different from usual). I love that one of his first reactions is to curse, because that's honestly pretty accurate.

Also, don't worry. This is a lot better than my first fics. You're doing well so far, and welcome to the forum! :) Looking forward to more 

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10 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

This is really cute so far! Poor Yoongi lol he just wants to sleep (not that that's different from usual). I love that one of his first reactions is to curse, because that's honestly pretty accurate.

Also, don't worry. This is a lot better than my first fics. You're doing well so far, and welcome to the forum! :) Looking forward to more 

Thanks for reading this! I just randomly thought of the plot, so it’s not really drawn-out, but I’ll try to update with a second part soon :)

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(And I’m not just saying that because I’m Bangtan Trash)

I could only imagine how much more of a rock Yoongi would be when he’s sick. XD

Can’t wait for you to continue this!

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22 hours ago, Werewolf Sniffles said:


(And I’m not just saying that because I’m Bangtan Trash)

I could only imagine how much more of a rock Yoongi would be when he’s sick. XD

Can’t wait for you to continue this!

Thanks so much for reading! Yoongi is always a rock lol.

I should continue this... part two will be up soon!

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Ah! Omg! Suga fic! 

Please continue~ I'm really looking forward to more. And I love that gif you found of him. 

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Sorry for the super long wait, everyone! I had trouble figuring out the plot and such. And sorry it’s so short. But anyway, here’s part two:


After getting scolded and getting water thrown onto him by an angry Jin, Suga had to finally leave his precious bed. The water was freezing, and it definitely didn’t help. Dammit, Jin.

He made his way into the kitchen, sniffling a bit only to instantly recoil. It was loud. Inside were J-Hope, V, and Jungkook laughing full-out about something Jimin had did. It did nothing to help Suga’s headache. All of them fell silent when Suga walked in looking like he was about to murder them and every person they’d known.

“Hyung, you good?” J-Hope asked tentatively.

“No, he’s being a brat,” Jin called as he placed breakfast on the table. “No, you may not touch that, it’s our last one.” Rap Monster, who had a tendency to be the god of destruction, withdrew his hand from the plate.

“Not being a brat,” Suga muttered angrily, plopping down on a chair and staring at the food Jin had placed in front of him. He wasn’t hungry, even though he had skipped dinner the day before. 

“Yoongi-ah, hurry up. I didn’t make breakfast for nothing,” Jin scolded.

Finally, Suga began eating. Or, piling everything inside his mouth and then chewing very slowly, like a turtle.

“We need to go to practice in ten minutes,” Rap Monster informed them, checking his watch. “Ah. Shoot.” He had dropped it and it had chipped a little on the face.

“I dnow- He’ISSHH’oo!” The sneeze had burst so suddenly out of Suga that he had sprayed all over his food.

“Eww!” J-Hope, V, and Jungkook had squealed, jumping out of their seats.

It was a crappy day, that was for sure. And still, Suga was soaking wet.

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