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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Accompanying cold (m, musican, cold)


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Thanks so much for the replies! I have to say I hit a sort of block with this. I've written a bit more but I'm still not sure where it's going (and I've felt like writing some slightly angstier stuff in my drabbles). But here's a short update, anyway.

The pub filled up quickly, with both musicians and listener, and Matthew found himself enjoying himself more and more. It was warm, comfortable, the music was great fun, and they were just far enough back that he and Jo could talk more. The only frustrating part was continually needing to sneeze. Something about the room was irritating his already sensitive nose to the point that he couldn’t go more than a few minutes without another few hastily-stifled sneezes.

Heh’ktch’u! N’tchu! Hih’tchu!” He rubbed uselessly at his unruly nose, blinking.

“Bless you. Do you want another drink?” He nodded and Jo went off to the bar. Matthew settled back and let the music swallow his attention, occasionally rubbing at his still-itching nose. When Jo hadn’t returned by the end of the next set of tunes, he glanced over to the bar and saw her. She was talking to a young man who he’d seen at the centre of the music earlier, playing the ukulele with enthusiasm and some skill. He looked handsome and charming, wearing a tight t-shirt and skinny jeans, and Jo was laughing at something he’d said, leaning one elbow on the bar, completely caught up in the moment.

Matthew made a decision and got up, heading for the back door, which led out to a beer garden. His head was sore, his nose was infuriating, the music was too loud. Once outside, the cold bit at his face and hands immediately, but it was invigorating as he took deep breaths. Until his nose caught up with him, of course.

Hah’ASHOO! H’ESSHOO!! Heh…H’ESSSHH’OO!!” Out of the crowded pub, he let himself sneeze openly, bent almost double with the force of each paroxysm. He clasped a tissue to his nose and took a quick breath. “Hih….H’ASSSHOOO!! Finally, the fit seemed to be over. Matthew blew his nose, then leaned his head against the brick wall at his back, savouring the sudden relief.

“Are you ok out here?” Jo had followed him outside. He nodded, embarrassed, but a second later she had put her arm around his waist and her head on his shoulder. He draped an arm across her back. They seemed to fit perfectly together. “Ready to go back inside?” She asked.


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I don't read original fics very often, but I really like this one! Sneezing and music is a perfect combination. Thank you for this story, I really hope you'll continue it because your characters are at the same time cute and interesting!

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This is so freaking adorable!!!!!!! I love he goes outside to sneeze loudly. But oh my gosh, those sneezes are excellent. So strong and manly. Wow! :blush: But Jo had to hear it!! Will he be more open to sneezing strongly in front of her now that he knows she won't judge his loud sneezes??? I look forward to the next part, whenever you can get it finished. Take your time if you feel that will give it its fullest potential. I get it. I've taken long breaks between parts as well because of writer's block, but that's okay!! I believe in you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just going to leave this here...


The relief of the fresh air only seemed to have made Matthew’s nose react more strongly to the smoky pub atmosphere: almost as soon as they’d gone inside he found himself sniffling and fumbling in his pocket for a tissue. Jo gave no sign of noticing his discomfort, but somehow led them to a seat much further from the fireplace. As she went to retrieve their drinks, he quickly tried to stifle an insistent sneeze, without much success.


“There you go.” Jo put his pint in front of him and sat down, one hand lightly resting on his knee. He felt himself blushing and, leaning back, put an arm around her shoulders. She nestled her head against his shoulder as the fast, raucous music washed over them. Matthew watched the interplay of the musicians with vague interest, preoccupied by the soft pressure of Jo’s body pressed against him, the rise and fall of her breathing, the tickle of her hair on his cheek. There was a core of tune players: violins, guitars, some whistles. A few of them also sang from time to time, and there were a few more who only sang. There was no set order to who got to do what; whenever there was a brief lull whoever started first and loudest got to have a go. But it was always good-natured, and everyone seemed comfortable joining in, whether they knew the song or not.

Eventually, Matthew’s bubble of happiness was burst as his nose began, inexorably, to itch again.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, easing his shoulder out from Jo’s and turning away from her. Luckily this time his nose seemed satisfied with a few relatively controlled sneezes.

Heh’issh! Ih’tshoo!! ESSSHH!!” As he recovered his breath he noticed Jo getting up.

 “Will you be ok here for a minute? I promised Mark at the bar that I’d sing something.”

“Go ahead, I’ll be fine.” He took the opportunity to blow his nose. The man who he took to be Mark was shouting for quiet as Jo stood in the centre of the circle of musicians. In the candlelight her long brown hair glinted golden around her shoulders. She sang a slow air, Scottish or Irish if Matthew had had to guess, her voice clear and true and carrying. At first, she sang alone but gradually the other singers got a handle on the unfamiliar chorus and began joining in with her. Occasional harmonies broke through the texture, and the pub filled with the sound of making music together. Even Matthew attempted to sing along, despite his stuffed up nose and sore throat. It was more about the feeling of being part of it than being any great asset to the music.

Finally, Jo’s voice stopped, and she opened her eyes, receiving their cheers and applause with an embarrassed smile. She carefully wove her way through the crowds to get back to their table as the tune players struck up a jaunty reel in contrast. Matthew stood up as she reached him and pulled her close. They were almost the same height, and when their lips met it felt as natural as breathing. The music seemed to fade as he kissed her, feeling her arms clasp at the back of his neck, her hot breath on his cheek, her back under his hands. He was almost surprised that the tune was still going on when they broke apart, but moved obediently as Jo wrapped her arms around him and swayed in time. It was all going perfectly until he sniffed and had to take a step back, tissue in hand. The first one bent his frame almost double with force.

Heh’ASSSHOO!! The sneezes were far too powerful to stifle; he simply had to give in and wait for them to finish. “H’EESSHOO!! ESSSHOOO!!...’scuse me,” he managed thickly, still sniffling, unsure if there would be more. But it seemed the fit was over, for now at least.

“Bless you! Shall we get out of here?” Jo was watching him, her head cocked to one side. He blushed.

“We don’t need to leave on my account, if you want to stay…” but his words were belied by another tremendous sneeze. “H’USSSHOO!!..ugh...

“Bless you. Don’t be silly. It’s almost over anyway – people usually start leaving about now.”

“Well, would you like to come back to my place?”

There was a pause, as though she were considering. Matthew felt his stomach tighten. But then Jo leaned forward and kissed him again, hard.

“Yes,” she whispered in his ear.

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Gahhhh these two are so freaking adorable, I love it!! So happy to see another part with these two. I look forward to more! I’m absolutely in love with them!!! :heart: 

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