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Three Times Taeyang Got Sick (kpop - Taeyang, SF9) (2/4)


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This is going to be a series of three smaller stories about Taeyang getting sick (may include others in one section ;)). If you don't know what SF9 is, it's a male kpop group, and I recommend you check them out.

Little introduction (since I'm pretty sure no one knows what I'm talking about):

The fandom name is called Fantasy.

The term Maknae means the youngest member in a group.

Taeyang's positions are main dancer and main vocalist.

There are nine members in the group:

-Youngbin (the leader)

-Inseong (the oldest)





-Chani (the youngest)





Blue hair:



One last note: Taeyang had blonde hair at one point, but currently has blue hair. The first part I wrote, he's blonde, and the other two will be blue hair.

Sorry about the long introduction.


Part One:

It started with a sneeze during a break in practice.

Well, two.

Taeyang didn't think much of the first one as he stifled into his sleeve. However, when the tickle remained and caused him to pitch forward again with a "hp'tsczh!", he had a feeling something was wrong.

Taeyang never sneezed more than once at a time unless he was sick. His nose was usually very stubborn. Interestingly enough, the exact opposite is true with the slightest cold.

Still, hopeful, he shrugged it off as an anomaly. He didn't have enough time nor energy to get sick. He forced himself to practice choreography constantly. It definitely showed, but he had a tendency to run himself into the ground. A few of the members (namely, Youngbin, Rowoon, Hwiyoung, and Jaeyoon) who knew this gave him a subtle (or not so subtle, in Jaeyoon's case) glance. Taeyang saw this and gave them a hint of a smile, playing dumb, before resuming practice (on his own, of course, since the others were resting).

As if to challenge the idea that he could possibly be knocked off his feet by something so minor as illness, Taeyang pushed himself even harder that day. The other members said nothing, except for Youngbin suggesting he slow down once. Taeyang dismissed it with a smile, an "I'm fine, hyung," and reassuring puppy dog eyes.

The next day was a little rough, like Taeyang expected. He woke up muffling coughs into his pillow. He suppressed a groan and caught his breath.

Throughout the day, Taeyang masked his symptoms. He got worse and worse, and the others got more and more worried. There was a tone to his singing that seemed tired and strained. Although during breakfast all he did was sneeze once, by lunch time he was too dizzy and nauseous from practice to eat much of anything. This earned a comment from Inseong and a joke from Dawon about how he didn't need to be any thinner (although there was a slightly concerned edge to it).

Taeyang spent the day muffling sneezes and coughs into his sleeve or collar when he thought no one was looking, avoiding the other members, and practicing.

If he had given himself a break, he would've had a two-day sniffle and been better. Since he was too stubborn for that, he was rewarded with something equally as bad as his decision to keep pushing himself.

Taeyang barely slept that night. On the rare occasion he was comfortable, he was forced to muffle a round of dry coughs into his blanket. He didn't fall asleep for more than a minute or two a time before 3:27 AM.

He managed to stay asleep until 6 AM. He peeled his eyes open to see Rowoon waking up Hwiyoung, who Taeyang was roommates with at the time (Taeyang was grateful Hwiyoung was too much of a heavy sleeper to have been disturbed by him during the night). Taeyang meant to ask what time it was, but when he sucked in a breath it caught in his throat and sent him spiraling into a fit of harsh, wet coughs. Immediately, Hwiyoung and Rowoon looked over at the ailing man, suddenly alert.

"Taeyang, are you all right?" Rowoon asked, at his side in a flash (Hwiyoung would have been too if he hadn't gotten tangled in his sheets).

Taeyang sat up and tried to answer, but he barely got out a "ye-" sound before his breath was stolen from him again. Hwiyoung (who had finally escaped his bed) rubbed circles in his back. Once Taeyang was able to, he mumbled a hoarse "I'm fine, hyung."

"Like hell you are," Hwiyoung dismissed. Rowoon was silent for a moment as he checked Taeyang's forehead for fever. He sighed in relief.

"Not that bad, probably just a bad cold," Rowoon announced, though he flipped his hand over and checked again. Taeyang's eyes unfocused a little, but the other two disregarded it as tiredness. Suddenly, Taeyang slapped Rowoon's hand away and buried his face into his own.

"Huhh-huh'eistchuu! Hishhh'uh! Eh'ktshuu!" Taeyang sneezed, leaving him sniffling. Rowoon handed him a tissue from the previously unnoticed box he had left for Taeyang the day before. Taeyang took it, thanked him, and wiped his nose with it. Seemingly exhausted from any speck of energy he'd had when he first woke up, he collapsed onto his back (though a little too quickly, causing him to wince slightly).

"No practice today. Get some sleep," Rowoon insisted even though Taeyang already understood. Taeyang nodded a little and adjusted his blankets over himself. Hwiyoung patted him on the shoulder.

"We'll go tell the others," Hwiyoung said, flashing him a smile. The two healthy members left, Hwiyoung turning the light off and wishing Taeyang to "feel better."

Taeyang wondered briefly if Youngbin would be mad at him for getting himself sicker.

Two hours later, Hwiyoung checked on Taeyang again (as some members had been doing from time to time). He was surprised to see him awake and sitting up and... with his eyes flickering shut and wrist raised halfway to his face.

"Hihhh..." Taeyang exhaled shakily. He sniffled, as if willing the sneeze to hurry up. His efforts were to no avail, however, when he was startled out of it by noticing Hwiyoung in the doorway. He dropped his arm, looking slightly embarrassed, and rubbed his nose. "Hey," he greeted warmly, offering a small smile, causing Hwiyoung to grin as well.

"Hey. You feeling any better?" Hwiyoung asked.

"Yeah, a little," Taeyang replied honestly. When Hwiyoung came closer, though, his smile fell at what he saw. Taeyang seemed a bit paler than usual. His eyes were bleary and slightly glassy. His nose was red from rubbing and blowing. His hair was a complete mess. It made him look younger and more innocent in some way. He seemed more like the Maknae than Chani at that moment.

The lost sneeze returned with a vengeance, causing Taeyang to duck into his blanket. "Hishuu! Ahh'yitschuh! Ugh."

Hwiyoung snapped out of his thoughts. Once he was sure Taeyang was done, he felt his forehead and absentmindedly ran his hand through Taeyang's blonde hair. Hwiyoung noticed the way the older man leaned into his touch. He smirked at this and nudged Taeyang.

"Scoot over," Hwiyoung instructed. Taeyang blinked up at him, but obeyed. Hwiyoung sat down next to him and draped an arm around his shoulder. Taeyang looked at him skeptically.

"What are you doigg?" Taeyang asked, wincing inwardly at the quality of his voice.

"Thought you might like some company," Hwiyoung responded.

"Dond't you have practice?"

"Nah, I don't have anything until later," Hwiyoung assured. Taeyang smiled then, and its brightness made Hwiyoung relax a little now that he didn't look so miserable. Taeyang opened his mouth to offer another protest, but Hwiyoung beat him to it. "And, no, I won't get sick. I never really do, remember?" he reminded.

"Yeah, that's true," Taeyang agreed. Hwiyoung adjusted his position slightly in a way that prompted Taeyang to lay down and rest his head in his lap. He did so, and Hwiyoung put his arms under Taeyang's in a hug. Taeyang looked up happily at Hwiyoung, eyes twinkling. Then, his eyebrows drew together and his breath caught and came out shaking. "Hw-" Taeyang started to say. Hwiyoung was already there holding a tissue out. Taeyang took a final breath and snatched the tissue before his eyes shut.

"Ekshhh! Itschu! Hehh... hih'estchu! K'tschuu!" Taeyang sneezed repeatedly. Hwiyoung felt him tense up in his arms each time he pitched forward. "Ehhh..." The remaining tickle seemed to fade away and Taeyang relaxed and sighed. Hwiyoung knew better, however. "Sorry," Taeyang apologized.

"Wow -- it's fine -- five's got to be a new record," Hwiyoung joked. Taeyang looked confused for a second since he had only sneezed four times, not five.

"What do you mbea-- ih'eetchuu!" Taeyang didn't finish his question before Hwiyoung's prediction came true when Taeyang ducked into his tissue again with a surprisingly kittenish sneeze.

"Aw, that one was cute," Hwiyoung teased.

"Shut up," Taeyang grumbled, elbowing the younger man. Hwiyoung laughed, especially when he noticed the slight blush that had spread across Taeyang's cheeks. He ruffled his hair and put a movie on for him to watch and Taeyang to listen to as he fell asleep. The latter happened after not too long of a wait. Hwiyoung thought he was already asleep, but he was proven wrong when Taeyang sniffled and murmured something Hwiyoung didn't hear.

"Hmm?" Hwiyoung prompted softly.

"Thandks," Taeyang repeated, still barely audible, before drifting off to sleep.

Of course, Hwiyoung mentally replied. Any time.



Hope you enjoyed! It's worth noting that I'm a recent fan (little more than a month), so I might be a little out of character. Feel free to correct me on anything out of character. :)

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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OOHHHH! I already love this.

Though I’m not really familiar with this group or fandom, (I’m hard-core BTS trash) I’m really looking forward to reading more of this!

And expanding my love for K-Pop! (I’m going to start listening to their songs now....)


(.....okay after I re-read this. But then I’ll look up some of their songs.)

Thanks for sharing! 

I truly can’t wait for more!


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1 hour ago, Werewolf Sniffles said:

OOHHHH! I already love this.

Though I’m not really familiar with this group or fandom, (I’m hard-core BTS trash) I’m really looking forward to reading more of this!

And expanding my love for K-Pop! (I’m going to start listening to their songs now....)


(.....okay after I re-read this. But then I’ll look up some of their songs.)

Thanks for sharing! 

I truly can’t wait for more!


Aw, you're so nice!!

I'm BTS trash too haha (well, when I'm not being 100% SF9 trash). Who's your bias?

definitely recommend SF9. They have some great music and great choreography. If you want song recommendation, I love Fanfare, K.O., Easy Love, and Watch Out (of course, you don't have to listen to those of you don't want to lol).

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Oh gosh..... as of right now my bias is Jimin.......(but that doesn’t stop the others from repeatedly wrecking my list)

And I’ll definitely make sure to check out those songs!

Just when I said I wouldn’t torture myself with another fandom, I do just that. 

Edited by Werewolf Sniffles
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Just now, Werewolf Sniffles said:

Oh gosh..... as of right now my bias is Jimin.......(but that doesn’t stop the others from repeatedly wrecking my list)

And I’ll definitely will make sure to check out those songs!

Just when I said I wouldn’t torture myself with another fandom, I do just that. 

My bias is forever Yoongi, but Jimin and Jungkook are my bias wreckers haha.

I definitely relate lol. I'm obsessed with too many fandoms.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry about the wait! I got pretty busy. Also, I wanted to continue this part more but it ended anyway lol. At the beginning (because I need to set it up) and at one more point, there isn't much sneezing, but I couldn't really put any in there. Sorry about that, but there is a decent amount of sneezing in the rest of it.

The third part will be very long, if it goes as planned. I might end up posting it in two sections or something so that it's not too much of a wait.

A few, quick more notes before the next part -- feedback is greatly appreciated! No lurking allowed~ lol

Also, I'm sorry, I don't know why Hwiyoung is always involved here haha. I ship Hwitae a lot, and to be fair, they are really close... 

*excuses, excuses*

By the way, Taeyang actually means "sun" in Korean, and that comes up in a second. And he has actually said that he gets cold really easily (which is what prompted this).

Without further ado --




The moment Taeyang stepped outside, he felt it was a mistake.

It sounded fun when they were told they had to go out in the snow for a video. It'd be cute for the fans and fun for the members. Win-win, right?

Well, that was the plan...

Unfortunately, they hadn't accounted for Taeyang. Taeyang was not a fan of winter. He got cold too easily. He liked warmer, sunnier days (pun not intended).

So, that day, he shivered the moment his body came into contact with the brisk air. Immediately, he shoved his hands into his hoodie pockets. He would've dressed warmer, but they insisted they wear matching outfits (for the fans -- they liked when they matched): red sweatshirts and navy sweatpants. Taeyang settled for wearing a sweater underneath.

Still, he was fine. It was a little brisk for him, but he didn't mind too much. He even had fun during filming. They built a snowman, made some snow angels, and then they had an impromptu snowball fight. That last activity didn't go well for Taeyang.

You see, it all started when Dawon threw a snowball at Youngbin. Then, Rowoon threw one at Youngbin too. Youngbin retaliated, but made sure to hit Chani as well. Finally, all the members except for Taeyang had joined. Rowoon decided to provoke him into joining with a snowball to the chest. Taeyang (who felt like he had to since he was being filmed anyway) decided to join in at last.

It was honestly a blast, until Taeyang threw a snowball at Dawon. Suddenly, Taeyang found himself running, laughing, Dawon on his tail. However, Dawon went a little too far. When he had caught up, he pounced, essentially tackling Taeyang to the ground. Taeyang groaned in surprise.

Dawon sat on Taeyang's back to keep him down. Next, he practically buried Taeyang in snow. Meanwhile, the snow was soaking through Taeyang's clothes from the ground and from Dawon's attacks. Taeyang half-heartedly tried to get up, but Dawon pushed him back down.

"Okay, that's enough," Taeyang finally declared. He managed to roll over onto his back, flipping Dawon off of him. He should've done something earlier, but it was fun and he was a little tired.

Unfortunately, by then, he was completely soaked in freezing water from melted snow. All he wanted was to dry off or take a warm bath. Instead of this, he decided to just smile and laugh it off (literally). He'd be fine. Surely, they wouldn't stay out too much longer, right?

Wrong. But that was only a problem later. At that moment, Taeyang's main problem was that the second he stood up, he got a snowball in the face, curtesy of Chani. He shut his eyes quickly. His nose was already sensitive from being cold in general, but now that his entire face (including his nose itself) was suddenly frigid as well, it started tickling almost immediately.

Well, that wasn't the only reason. Taeyang had been fighting a cold for the last day or two. He'd finally thought he'd won and would avoid getting sick. However...

"Eh... Ishoo! Ugh," he sneezed, pitching forward into his black gloves. Some of the snow that was sprinkled throughout his hair flew as it bounced. He sniffled and wiped the remainder of the snow off his face. He looked up, blinking, to see Hwiyoung smile.

"Aww, Taeyangie~" Hwiyoung cooed.

"So cute," Youngbin said, laughing.

"It's really cold, everyone," Taeyang explained in a whiny tone, hugging his arms around his sides. He smiled at the camera, shutting his eyes and tilting his head to the side, to look cute and nonchalant. Inseong came over and did an overly-dramatic mocking impression about how Taeyang couldn't stand temperatures colder than 22°C. Everyone laughed, and that was it. No one thought much of it.

Except for Taeyang, who was still wet and freezing. They played a few more games and challenges. Sometimes, Taeyang would notice himself shivering and try to suppress it or warm himself up via another member.

He sniffled a few times on occasion, but it was assumed it was just due to the cold. Chani even made a joke about it.

Later that day, Taeyang found himself stuck with a sore throat. He was grateful he didn't have to sing with it yet, as they were just focusing on choreography.

Unfortunately, said choreography was one of the more complex ones, and Taeyang was forced to stay up until 2 in the morning.

Luckily, Hwiyoung had already realized that Taeyang was getting sick, and had made certain that no member would wake him that morning. No one protested, since they all knew that the idol could always use more sleep, and besides, they needed him better soon. This meant that Taeyang was able to sleep until 10AM, and woke up with a very healthy amount of sleep for once.

He felt okay, honestly. Not his best, but he was genuinely confident he could handle his day.

A few hours of work went well. The last few rounds had a cough here and there, a stifled sneeze that threw him a bit off balance, and he was a little dizzy, but nothing too bad. Then, halfway through the song, Taeyang found himself completely worn out. A moment later, he was executing a 360° spin. While normally simple, he was lopsided due to disorientation and ended up landing on a twisted foot. He yelped softly in pain as he instantly fell down, dulled reaction time causing him to just miss catching himself before he hit his head as well.

The other eight were at his side in a second, two members arriving first. Youngbin, because he was concerned about his members and his group, and Rowoon, who had giant giraffe legs.

"Taeyang, are you all right?" Youngbin asked quickly.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Taeyang replied, though he rubbed at his throbbing head. He cleared his throat awkwardly, which led to a few dry coughs. For some reason, he was slightly shy under all the members' worried gazes. He moved to stand up, but as soon as his sprained ankle touched the floor -- "yah!" he winced in pain, stumbling into Hwiyoung's arms. Hwiyoung steadied him, holding him for balance and comfort.

"We need to go get that looked at," Youngbin decided aloud.

"Well, he's not walking anywhere," Jaeyoon chimed in.

Without any further prompting, Hwiyoung pulled Taeyang up into his arms bridal style.

"Need any help, Hwiyoung?" Rowoon asked, impressed. Hwiyoung shook his head.

"Nah, I've got it," Hwiyoung insisted. He grew alarmed, however, when he noticed that Taeyang had completely zoned out, a vacant look on his face. "T-," he started.

"Heh... ekschuu! Huh-huhhh... Uh'ishhhuh* Ng..." Taeyang sneezed somewhat violently into his arm, trying to not move too much and make Hwiyoung drop him. To make matters worse, his head being thrown forward so much irritated his headache, causing him to hiss in pain and shut his eyes for a moment. When he opened them again, he was met with a sympathetic puppy dog look from Hwiyoung (who, Taeyang could have sworn, also wrapped his arms around him a little tighter).

And so, an hour later, Taeyang was sat on the sofa, wearing a black turtleneck sweater, jeans, and a glum expression. Currently, he had an ice pack on his ankle, which was great in numbing the pain, but could be quite irritating sometimes as well. The cold seemed to seep up his leg and freeze most of his body. Maybe it was that coupled with the cool temperature used in the studio so that members wouldn't overheat too badly in practice. Whatever the case, every few minutes, he was burdened.

His lips parted slowly, almost reluctantly. "Hihh..." He inhaled patiently. Sniffling, he rubbed at his nose stubbornly. It only seemed to aggravate the feeling more, though, causing another breath to escape him, more urgent this time. His eyes lost focus and he conceded and plucked a tissue from the well-used box at his side. His eyelids, for once not covered in makeup, fluttered shut. "Ihhhh... Hehh-hihhh... Ihhh'iytschoo! Uh'kstchuu! Huh-hechii!" He blew his nose softly before sniffling, which always set off one final, curt -- "heksh!" -- sneeze. He moaned quietly in annoyance and chucked the used tissue into the trash can with perhaps a bit more vigor than necessary.

It wasn't too severe of a sprain, but it was bad enough that Taeyang was often pained and he was forbidden to put much weight on it for more than a short amount of time. Dance practice was impossible. Due to his sore throat and cough, singing was out of the question.

Taeyang found himself feeling useless at times. His world mostly consisted of singing and dancing, and he sometimes considered it his purpose. He sighed and fidgeted with his hands miserably, letting a few desperate, wet coughs go uncovered. At that moment, likely the lowest of his entire day, he felt a hand on his shoulder. The apparent owner of the hand, Hwiyoung, popped his head over the others's shoulder. Taeyang broke out into a smile unconsciously.

"Hey. How's your ankle doing?" Hwiyoung asked, grinning back at him and standing up straight. He kneaded his fingers gently through Taeyang's colorful blue hair.

"Better; the ice helps," Taeyang answered, pressing his knuckles to his nose with a sniff as if mentioning the ice alone made him sneezy.

"Is y-"

Taeyang interrupted him as he succumbed to a high-pitched "Hiyeshh-uh!" And not long after -- "h'nnntshuh! Higx-schuu!" he stifled a double, not being very successful with the second one.

"... Is your cold any better?" Hwiyoung repeated dully, letting out a small laugh.

Taeyang hummed an uncommitted "yeah" in reply. Hwiyoung's smile fell a little at this. The younger man let one of his hands drift from the other's hair to his forehead to feel for fever. Pleased with the result, he returned to running his fingers through his ill friend's hair.

With Taeyang sneezing so much, Hwiyoung couldn't help but recall the last time when it was like that. They'd had a photoshoot involving a species of flowers that, as a cruel twist of fate, Taeyang was pretty allergic to. That was only a few months back. A smirk ghosted across Hwiyoung's face as he remembered how Taeyang had been the perfect mix of too shy, too polite, and too stubborn to say anything, even though the shoot took twice as long as it should have.

They talked for a bit before Hwiyoung's gentle touch and soft tone began to lull Taeyang off to sleep, immensely happier than earlier. His eyes were already shut.

"Feel better," Hwiyoung whispered almost inaudibly as the older man's head lulled to the side as he drifted off.

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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(ignore this post, originally was a correction but I edited it)

Edited by CeruleanBlue
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YES!! You don’t know how excitedly I was to see you update this!

You’re such a talented writer!!!

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1 hour ago, Werewolf Sniffles said:

YES!! You don’t know how excitedly I was to see you update this!

You’re such a talented writer!!!

Aw, thanks!!! You're so sweet. :) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I’m a bit late, I realized, but I just wanted you to know that this is really cute. As a K-popper, I was kind of disappointed that there weren’t many Kpop fics in the forum. I was very happy to discover your story though :)

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10 minutes ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Hello! I’m a bit late, I realized, but I just wanted you to know that this is really cute. As a K-popper, I was kind of disappointed that there weren’t many Kpop fics in the forum. I was very happy to discover your story though :)

You're not that late lol I'm still writing it. I'm glad you like it!! I noticed there wasn't much kpop here too. It's partially because a lot of people don't like RPF. Thanks for commenting (and reading lol), I really appreciate it! :) 

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Even though I’m not 100% into SF9, it was good to find a kpop fic on here. And you’re still writing it? I’d like to see more XD 

Speaking of which, I should start writing on this forum as well.

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8 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

Even though I’m not 100% into SF9, it was good to find a kpop fic on here. And you’re still writing it? I’d like to see more XD 

Speaking of which, I should start writing on this forum as well.

I'm SF9 trash right now (especially Taeyang trash) lol so I'm inspired. Yeah, I have the third part and to be honest, I'm probably going to write a bonus part of — I think I mentioned it briefly in part 2 — shy Taeyang in a photoshoot that has to involve flowers he happens to be pretty allergic to. (I keep coming across pictures of him with flowers and I just keep wondering but what if.)

Yeah, you should definitely start writing too! I'd like to see more kpop as well lol. What groups are you thinking of writing about?

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I’m thinking about writing BTS, specifically Yoongi or Jimin. I’ve come across some videos of Jimin sneezing and it’s so frickin adorable but Yoongi is my bias and I’ve never seen any sick fics of him either.

An allergy fic would be nice. I can’t wait :)


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17 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I’m thinking about writing BTS, specifically Yoongi or Jimin. I’ve come across some videos of Jimin sneezing and it’s so frickin adorable but Yoongi is my bias and I’ve never seen any sick fics of him either.

An allergy fic would be nice. I can’t wait :)


Ooo, you should definitely do that! Yoongi is my bias too. :) You could also just do a fic with both of them sick maybe, that way you can have both of them. I agree though, Jimin's sneezes are adorable.

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7 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Ooo, you should definitely do that! Yoongi is my bias too. :) You could also just do a fic with both of them sick maybe, that way you can have both of them. I agree though, Jimin's sneezes are adorable.

I finally learned how to quote lol.


I’m working on a  Yoongi fic. And I might do a Jimin one later.

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13 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I finally learned how to quote lol.


I’m working on a  Yoongi fic. And I might do a Jimin one later.

Looking forward to reading it when it's done!

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Hey! Sorry for the lateness on commenting, I kinda just got an account here so I wasn’t able to comment before but I’ve been reading since the beginning and I LOVE this fic! Finally a kpop fic on this forum! The relationship between Taeyang and Hwiyoung is so cute <3. I hadn’t really looked into SF9 very much before reading this(although I did get to see them in person once) but after I started reading your fic I started to really get into them and I think I’m sorta becoming a Fantasy! I’m so excited for the next part in the story!🤗🤗

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10 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

Hey! Sorry for the lateness on commenting, I kinda just got an account here so I wasn’t able to comment before but I’ve been reading since the beginning and I LOVE this fic! Finally a kpop fic on this forum! The relationship between Taeyang and Hwiyoung is so cute <3. I hadn’t really looked into SF9 very much before reading this(although I did get to see them in person once) but after I started reading your fic I started to really get into them and I think I’m sorta becoming a Fantasy! I’m so excited for the next part in the story!🤗🤗

Your comment made me really, really happy. Haha you're not very late. Wow, I didn't realize so many people here wanted kpop, even if they didn't know the group too well. *I'll have to write more in the future* (actually I might. I could do more SF9, maybe BTS and (should probably wait until I know them a little better) Astro. Would anyone be interested in that?) Taeyang and Hwiyoung are actually pretty close, and Hwiyoung is definitely the one to notice/remember things about Taeyang, but they're also really cute in this is because I ship them. A lot lol. That's honestly why the first two parts end in Hwitae cuddles lol. You are probably literally the only other Fantasy on this forum lol. If you ever want to talk about them, definitely PM me! I really love SF9 and would be totally fine with talking about them or answering questions you might have as a new Fantasy.

I'm really motivated to write now (I'm sorry, I've been kinda busy the last few days and I was being lazy), but I definitely have to go to sleep now lol. I'll write tomorrow though for sure. I was slacking off because I thought no one reads RPF and even fewer for kpop but apparently people do, so I'll make sure to update more often!

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9 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Wow, I didn't realize so many people here wanted kpop, even if they didn't know the group too well. *I'll have to write more in the future* (actually I might. I could do more SF9, maybe BTS and (should probably wait until I know them a little better) Astro. Would anyone be interested in that?) 

OMG YES. Your SF9 fic is wonderful, it would be so cool if you could do more! And I’m a huge BTS fan and I really like Astro’s songs though I don’t know much about them, so I would be super interested it you were thinking about writing for them as well!

I would love to PM you, but unfortunately my account hasn’t been validated yet!:blushsad: Thank you so much for the offer though, it’s nice knowing that we’re all here to help each other out haha.:hug:

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12 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Your comment made me really, really happy. Haha you're not very late. Wow, I didn't realize so many people here wanted kpop, even if they didn't know the group too well. *I'll have to write more in the future* (actually I might. I could do more SF9, maybe BTS and (should probably wait until I know them a little better) Astro. Would anyone be interested in that?) Taeyang and Hwiyoung are actually pretty close, and Hwiyoung is definitely the one to notice/remember things about Taeyang, but they're also really cute in this is because I ship them. A lot lol. That's honestly why the first two parts end in Hwitae cuddles lol. You are probably literally the only other Fantasy on this forum lol. If you ever want to talk about them, definitely PM me! I really love SF9 and would be totally fine with talking about them or answering questions you might have as a new Fantasy.

I'm really motivated to write now (I'm sorry, I've been kinda busy the last few days and I was being lazy), but I definitely have to go to sleep now lol. I'll write tomorrow though for sure. I was slacking off because I thought no one reads RPF and even fewer for kpop but apparently people do, so I'll make sure to update more often!


PLEASE WRITE BTS SOON (oh gosh I sound like my sister). My fic is unfortunately stuck (and it sucks anyway), but I think your writing skills are great and a BTS fic would be amazing. Not that I’m convincing you or anything ;) 

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4 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

OMG YES. Your SF9 fic is wonderful, it would be so cool if you could do more! And I’m a huge BTS fan and I really like Astro’s songs though I don’t know much about them, so I would be super interested it you were thinking about writing for them as well!

I would love to PM you, but unfortunately my account hasn’t been validated yet!:blushsad: Thank you so much for the offer though, it’s nice knowing that we’re all here to help each other out haha.:hug:

You're so sweet! :blush: Hey, another Astro fan! I know a little about the actual members but not enough to write them yet. Ah, I forgot. Definitely PM me when you're validated though! :) I need some kpop friends on here lol.


1 hour ago, LaDeeDaa said:


PLEASE WRITE BTS SOON (oh gosh I sound like my sister). My fic is unfortunately stuck (and it sucks anyway), but I think your writing skills are great and a BTS fic would be amazing. Not that I’m convincing you or anything ;) 

Okay, I'll definitely do BTS after I finish this or maybe alongside it if I get inspired. (I disagree, I like how your fic was going so far.)




I'm not as much ARMY as I am Fantasy, so I'll actually leave it up to you two (and any other kpop fans reading this):

-Who do you want the fic to focus on? Could do multiple. Preferably Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, or V though. (I love the others too of course but these are the ones I'd rather do a specific fic for.)

-Sick or allergy?

-I'm really tempted to do Vkook or Jikook or maybe another ship. Are you guys okay with this or do you want gen or another ship?

Honestly, I'm pretty open to anything. I will say that it'll probably be hurt/comfort because that's what I usually (always honestly I'm total h/c trash) write.

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1 hour ago, CeruleanBlue said:

You're so sweet! :blush: Hey, another Astro fan! I know a little about the actual members but not enough to write them yet. Ah, I forgot. Definitely PM me when you're validated though! :) I need some kpop friends on here lol.


Okay, I'll definitely do BTS after I finish this or maybe alongside it if I get inspired. (I disagree, I like how your fic was going so far.)




I'm not as much ARMY as I am Fantasy, so I'll actually leave it up to you two (and any other kpop fans reading this):

-Who do you want the fic to focus on? Could do multiple. Preferably Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, or V though. (I love the others too of course but these are the ones I'd rather do a specific fic for.)

-Sick or allergy?

-I'm really tempted to do Vkook or Jikook or maybe another ship. Are you guys okay with this or do you want gen or another ship?

Honestly, I'm pretty open to anything. I will say that it'll probably be hurt/comfort because that's what I usually (always honestly I'm total h/c trash) write.

I’m tempted to say Yoongi... but I can’t choose. Maybe a combo all four?

Ahh I can’t choose between sick or allergy. Maybe sick?

Ships are alright, but I feel weird with super romantic ones. Maybe just some fluff? (I ship Yoonmin though.)


And thanks for saying you like my fic :) it means a lot to me.

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1 hour ago, CeruleanBlue said:

I'm not as much ARMY as I am Fantasy, so I'll actually leave it up to you two (and any other kpop fans reading this):

-Who do you want the fic to focus on? Could do multiple. Preferably Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, or V though. (I love the others too of course but these are the ones I'd rather do a specific fic for.)

-Sick or allergy?

-I'm really tempted to do Vkook or Jikook or maybe another ship. Are you guys okay with this or do you want gen or another ship?

Honestly, I'm pretty open to anything. I will say that it'll probably be hurt/comfort because that's what I usually (always honestly I'm total h/c trash) write.

My bias in BTS is Yoongi, but Jungkook is a huge bias wrecker for me, so either of those two would be great!(although I also love Jimin and V so much too, like how do you even stick with one bias in BTS:razz:)

I prefer allergy a bit more, although I like colds as well. Especially if their too embarrassed to admit it because they’re afraid of being seen as “weak”... :blushing:

And yes! Use any ship you want! I kinda ship all of them with each other. I do ship Yoongi with Jimin a lot(when I’m not shipping him with J-hope lol) and I ship both Jikook and Vkook, I can’t decide on one! And I’m all for hurt/comfort! I find it adorable as well!

But don’t let me force you into writing something you don’t want to! I would be so happy to see any BTS fic, regardless of genre and who it’s about. But thank you for asking our opinion! 

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2 hours ago, LaDeeDaa said:

I’m tempted to say Yoongi... but I can’t choose. Maybe a combo all four?

Ahh I can’t choose between sick or allergy. Maybe sick?

Ships are alright, but I feel weird with super romantic ones. Maybe just some fluff? (I ship Yoonmin though.)


And thanks for saying you like my fic :) it means a lot to me.

I'm a Yoongi bias lol so that sounds good to me. Maybe all four. We'll see lol.

I tend to prefer sick so that's what I would've chosen anyway.

All my ships are always fluff in fics honestly haha. I ship Yoonmin too!


Aww. :heart: 


2 hours ago, Pixieflower said:

My bias in BTS is Yoongi, but Jungkook is a huge bias wrecker for me, so either of those two would be great!(although I also love Jimin and V so much too, like how do you even stick with one bias in BTS:razz:)

I prefer allergy a bit more, although I like colds as well. Especially if their too embarrassed to admit it because they’re afraid of being seen as “weak”... :blushing:

And yes! Use any ship you want! I kinda ship all of them with each other. I do ship Yoongi with Jimin a lot(when I’m not shipping him with J-hope lol) and I ship both Jikook and Vkook, I can’t decide on one! And I’m all for hurt/comfort! I find it adorable as well!

But don’t let me force you into writing something you don’t want to! I would be so happy to see any BTS fic, regardless of genre and who it’s about. But thank you for asking our opinion! 

Heyyy, same! Yoongi bias with a Jungkook bias wrecker, same here lol!

Actually you just gave me a ton of inspiration for the fic lol.

Me too, with all of those. I ship everything, I swear.

Yeah, of course! :) I figure you guys are probably more ARMY than I am so may as well. Plus it turns out we all have similar interests lol.



Okay, so I'm going to do

-Yoongi and Jungkook (we'll see how it plays out though lol I might just infect all four at some point)



And I'm actually probably going to start tonight because I have the general plot more or less planned out now.

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