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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The New Kitten, Cookie {First Write! [Part 1/ ???]}


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Thanks for all the great ideas! I did my best to mash most of them together, and since I'm a bit sick with a quite sneezy cold myself, I decided to tell the story, implementing my own cold onto Sandra. Enjoy! (mess warning!)



“Sandra! You’re the BEST!”

Sandra and Tali were idol in front of the movie theater, the fresh aroma of popcorn and snacks taunting them both. Conversation buzzed about as they made it to the ticket stands, buying two tickets to see the newest movie, “Detective Rain and the Hidden Library: Volume 8”. This movie had just recently came out, and was pretty much the only thing Tali could hold a decent conversation about. This being said, she was absolutely exhilarated when Sandra agreed to take her newly titled girlfriend out to see it in the theater.

“No problem; I had a couple bucks I didn’t know how to spend, so why not?”

Sandra was rewarded by a warm embrace from her girlfriend, causing a tint of pink to rise in her cheeks. She chuckled at her friends enthusiasm, but her long brown hair was beginning to spark a tickle in her nose; Being outside already beckoned pollen to her large, tear-shaped nostrils, but it wasn’t enough to stir a hibernating sneeze. Add a little tickle, on the other hand, and the dragon inside her nasal walls began to wake. Sandra’s nose crinkled under the soft stroke near her left nostril, resulting in a slight hitch in her breath.

hhh-hhh….Tali, my nose…..”

To this warning, Tali broke the hug to look at her girlfriend. She just barely had enough time to react to her slowly widening nostrils, and her eyes squeezing shut. Tali extended her arm, gently caressing her squelchy appendage until the aggravated tickle became less angered and more annoyed, still buzzing a silent itch. This left Sandra’s nose a bit flustered and runny, and she blushed as Tali pulled a handkerchief out of Sandra’s pocket for her to use.

snrrrkg. Thags Tali.”

Sandra saw Tali’s expression change. It was laced over in slight concern.

“You alright Sandra? Ever since this morning, your nose has been on the sensitive side. You aren’t getting sick, are you?”

Sandra laughed out loud at this, secretly hiding her panic. “Sdick? Pssh. Pleadse, I doh’t get sdick. It’s allergies thads baking be sduffy.” She sniffled thickly, eyes watering as she practically swallowed a cough as a response.

“Well,” Tali sighed, “let’s at least get you inside and away from the pollen. We don’t wanna be late for the movie!”

With this, Tali gripped Sandra’s wrist and dragged her inside. Sandra was greeted by a blast of humid, warm air, and the smells of popcorn almost drowned from her scent glands; she had never been this stuffed up before in a while—maybe she was getting sick.

Blowing her nose atrociously into her handkerchief, she glanced over to Tali; she was fixing her square glasses on her eyes, looking at the snack options with great interest. She swallowed, stuffing her handkerchief in her pocket and turning to her.

“How about you go fide us a sdeat? I’ll get the popcorn.”


Sandra nods. “sobe water too.”

Tali hesitates for a few seconds, before nodding curtly and heading down the corridor. Sandra went up to the counter, but the mingled smells of the food did their part to confuse and anger her nose.

“Morning ma’am, what can I get you?” The lady behind the counter was short, brown-black hair and brown eyes. Sandra’s nose crumpled in objection, powdering up another sneeze that taunted her nasal walls.

h-hh…c-caaahhd……….cad I get the…..thih-hhh…..” Her eyelids fluttered, but she fought to keep them open. “a-a-a large popcorn……and two watehhhh-hh……hihhh!”

Finally, the sneeze won the silent battle, pulling in a gasp and turning her head to pitch into her arm.

HIIEESHOOO!…sdf! Exguse be.” She was luckily wearing long sleeves, and dabbed at the corners of her eyes with them.

“Bless you; You said a large popcorn and two…waters?”

Sandra was surprised the person picked up all of that. She gave a short nod, and placed a 20 dollar bill on the counter, sleeved hand still cupped over her nose. The person behind the counter swiftly scooped up a large bowl in the popcorn machine, and picked up two water bottles on her way back; the action had to have taken less than 15 seconds, and Sandra was grateful—she gave her the money and took the food, hurrying down the hall and away from the strong scents before her nose began to hold a grudge on her.

She glanced down at her hands, which were holding the bowl, realizing they were, in fact, much paler than usual. Her nose was running, but it was a hassle to keep sniffling with how stuffed up her nose was. Unfortunately, blowing her nose wasn’t very productive either, leaving her a leaky mess and nostrils that looked only like rings of red paint.

When she entered, the commercials were playing, and she enjoyed the fact that the tickling scents were immediately cut off as she inclined on the ramp. Tali was the only one inside besides a few clumps of people here and there, and she took the very middle seat. The lights were still up slightly, reflecting sheets of white that danced down Tali’s dark brown hair. They made eye contact, and Tali blushed randomly. She sits down next to her.

“I could’ve paid for it, Sandra.” Tali giggled.

“What? No way! I want you to just have time enjoying the movie.”

“Thanks sweetie,” Tali blushed harder by saying this.

“No problem b-babe” Sandra’s pale cheeks finally gave way to a tiny blush, setting off her crimson nose.

As she sat down, her nose suddenly grew furious with her.she was confused until she saw the dancing specks, identity only displayed by the dim light—dust. Sandra snuffled in protest, but it was everywhere. By time the movie had began, and more people flooded in, her cold and her allergies left here straining to sniffle quietly, and try to swallow up the sneeze.

Don’t sneeze. Think of something else….birds!

Pinkish flamingos and vibrant peacocks, the beautiful morning birds rustling about as the sun crawls it’s way into the sky, Sandra squeezed her eyes shut and practically dreamt the colorful things. Bluebirds that took flight at the first sight of dawn, leaving behind—oh no. The mere thought of feathers pushed her far over the line, and she pulled her shirt up to pinch her huge nose with, doubling over with a stifle.

“HH-HHTGKKXG’cht!”  The sneeze was wet and muffled, and made her head light. It had hurt badly, only seemingly cause more twitches from it.

“Bless you,” Tali whispered to her. Sandra’s response was another gasp for air.

“CCKXXGHT! CHXX’mph! XXGHT’shoo! H-hin…..hin……hehhhhhh……….

She blew a desperate sigh of relief, as Tali’s magical fingers came to save the day on her poor nose, smacking her hand out of the way and massaging her nose, taming the tickle inside. Ticklish tears came running down her face and Tali wiped them up, looking her in the eyes.

“You really don’t look to hot. I think you have a cold, Sandra.”

“Ib dot sdick, Dali,” Sandra whispered back thickly, “Just allergies…duh d-dust…..hihhh-hh….”

Tali pinched Sandra’s nose, vigorously rubbing up and down at the angered appendage. “Maybe we should get you home.”

Sandra’s heartbeat picked up. They were barely halfway through the movie and Tali was calling quits?!

“I-I—koff….koff kff….sdk! Koff, koff-koff!” Sandra was broken up by coughing, which geared up her nose for another sneeze. Tali drowned it out with a finger under her nose, sighing.

They continue on with the movie, In the scene of the murder. Detective Rain scribbles down what he sees, his assistant, Keefe, resting a hand on his chin. Tali leaned over to Sandra.

“It’s the librarian, I swear.”

This confused Sandra; what librarian would murder a customer inside the library? Tali seemed to read her mind.

“Think about it,” she whispered, “What if she’s not the librarian? Who in their right mind owns a library if they are allergic to dust?”

The mention of dust alone caused her nose to send a tearful, tingly reminder throughout her entire body. She shuddered.

“Call in Ebony Oaks.” Detective Rain bellowed. Keefe blinked.

“The librarian, sir?”

He hummed lowly, “Yes.”

The woman enters, brown hair in a bun with a long, pink feather poking out of it. She was wearing orange, which went well with her blue eyes. There was a handkerchief pressed to her red nose, likely a slight makeup job to make it look that way. Her watery eyes fluttered shut, she let her mouth hang for a second before releasing a feminine sneeze.

heh-chew! *sniff* You wished to see me sir?”

“Why bless you, ma’am, and yes, I did indeed.”

Sandra only rolled her eyes at the clearly fake attempt of the actor sneezing. Tali glanced over and stifled a laugh.

“Are you the rightful owner of this establishment?”

“No sir, m-my sister ihh…oh…excuse me ag-gain…..heh-CHEW!”

“Just stop,” Sandra groaned under her breath, Tali snorted laughing silently.

“Bless you ma’am. Your sister is the true librarian?”

“Indeed, sir, but she is away on a vacation. She left me in charge, but all of this dust is so tickly on my poor nose, I don’t know how she can manage such a place.”

The words threw Sandra’s nose into shock, trembling and twitching under the psychological phrase. Tali knew this as well, looking over to her sneezy girlfriend. Sandra clenched her jaw, nostrils flaring hugely. Tali shot a finger under Sandra’s nose, but it was way too late. She pushed her hand away and turned from Tali, sneezing into her arm hugely, having it pressed up against her most to hopefully muffle the sound.

HAAAAAAAAAGSHEWWW!” Sandra blinked, face beet red with embarrassment. She had expected people turning their heads with anger on their faces, but only received a few sympathetic ‘bless yous’ from throughout. Her eyes were glassy, fully ready for the next unstoppable sneeze.

HIEEEEEEEETCHOOO! AAAAATCHUUUUU! HAAAAATCHXXEGSHEWWWWW!” Upon the third sneeze, Sandra had quickly cupped her hands over her nose, thankfully blocking the person in front of her from an absolute shower of mucus. She kept her hands cupped, cheeks burning. Someone to her right tapped her, a woman with emerald green eyes and red hair, holding out a travel pack of tissues for her.

“You alright darling?” Her voice was quiet and sweet, like cream. Sandra had forgotten how nice the people in Washington were. Tali leaned in her seat to see the woman, and cooed nimbly; Sandra’s face only got redder. She nodded and mumbled a quiet thanks, accepting the tissues and dabbing at her dripping nose. “You sound a bit ill…”

“That’s what I’ve been trying to say!” Tali whispered over Sandra, who blushed madly. “Come on Sandra, we’re going.”

Sandra was filled with dejection, but knew Tali was right; she would like only ruin the movie for others, and they could just buy the movie later. Tali leads Sandra down the isle, stopping in front of the woman.

“Thank you so much ma’am,” Tali smiled.

“Oh please, call me Marshall. Tell. Your friend I said get well soon”

“Thanks, enjoy the rest of the movie!”

She led her down the ramp, and out into the light. Tali’s own nose twitched, from being photosensitive.

Hig’shew! Itcheww!” Two sneezes coughs her completely off guard, but she was able to stifle the third. “Ht’gmpch! Excuse me….you okay Sandra?”

Sandra felt torn, tears swelled her eyes, and noticeably not from allergies. It tugged at Tali’s heart to see her girlfriend broken up.

“I don’t kdoe if I’b sdick, I probably ab….I j-just wanded to tagke you tdo see a mbovie, and I ruined it…..” Tears slide down her cheeks, Tali lifted her chin.

“Sandra. If I were to choose between a stupid movie and helping my sick girlfriend, it would be my girlfriend, every time.” Tali smiled wiping up Sandra’s tears with her thumbs. This action made Tali realize her girlfriend was running a fever and she pulled out the handkerchief from Sandra’s pocket. 

“Here. Blow.” She placed it over Sandra’s nose. Sandra blew as hard as she could, but barely anything came up. It only left her stumbling and light headed. Tali quickly hugged Sandra’s waist, supporting her as they left the theater, on the way home.


“Just let them out, Sandra.”


Sandra doubled over openly, misting the air with each sneeze, only having time for short gasps in between them.

“Nugh…..Idt burdns….tdis is tde first tdime I’ve beedn tdired of sdeezing…..”

As they walked down the lonely sidewalk, Tali rubbed her back comfortingly. “We’re almost home, Sandra. I’ll take care of you.”

Around the corner, Michel came cycling, book under his arm. At the sight of the girls, he slowed to a stop, propping his foot on the ground.

“Hey lovers~” He cooed, but cut short seeing Sandra. “Bloody hell! Sandra, you look dead!”

“Guh……who are you again?” Sandra’s eyes were so watery, she couldn’t recognize the Aussie. Tali wiped her eyes for her, and she glanced up. “oh….hey Bihshelle.” She said nasally.

“Yo, seriously though! She alright Tal?”

“I’m hoping it’s just a cold,” Tali sighs.

“A cold? That looks like the flu and a half. You guys are walking home, right?”

Tali nods, propping up her sick girlfriend.

“Aight. I’m stopping by the store on my way back from the high school, you want me to get anything?”

“Yeah, actually, Chicken noodle soup, some NyQuill if you can,”

He pushes off with his foot, placing it on the petal and riding, before calling back.

“I’ll be at your place in a snap!”

“Thanks Michel!” Tali calls back. She looks to Sandra, who’s sniffling, eyes fluttering but no sneeze coming.

“Idts sduck……I cadt…..sdeeze….guh.”

“Don’t worry sweetie…” Tali murmured. “When we get home, I’ll make sure all those sneezes come out, ok?” She gave Sandra a light kiss on her cheek, beckoning a smile.

“Okay Tali~” She cooed back.

Maybe this was a good thing...


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I love your writing... this really is fantasticly done. I don’t know if you’re still taking suggestions, but I really liked the sneezing contest scene in chapter seven. Maybe they could do something like that again, only instead of trying to make each other sneeze it was just whoever sneezed least over the course of, say, a day? IDK


(I’m also really looking forward to collaborating with you once you get validated, assuming you haven’t changed your mind about that. )

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8 hours ago, Kiaory said:

I love your writing... this really is fantasticly done. I don’t know if you’re still taking suggestions, but I really liked the sneezing contest scene in chapter seven. Maybe they could do something like that again, only instead of trying to make each other sneeze it was just whoever sneezed least over the course of, say, a day? IDK


(I’m also really looking forward to collaborating with you once you get validated, assuming you haven’t changed your mind about that. )

I’m also looking forward to the collaboration! Until then, is there any way we could get in touch? Maybe through something else like discord? Thanks for the suggestion!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Just a speedy update, sorry I've been gone so long! Work has absolutely crushed me down and I had completely forgotten about this! Surely by spring break I'll reward your patience with quite a bit to read!

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I stay true to a promise! Here's a quick part 9, with quite the cliffhanger~...Stay tuned!!






“…You. Sandra, are you ok?!”

Tali rushed into the living room, deep, green eyes wide. She had two boxes of tissues balanced in one arm, a bottle of water in her other hand. She cautiously stepped over Cookie as he played with her shoelace, and placed the stuff on the armrest. She circled around to the front of the couch were she met Sandra’s bloodshot eyes. Sandra was coiled up in two blankets, visible bags under her eyes, and mucus draining from her nose and onto her upper lip. She was sitting up, and shuddering. Before she could even open her mouth to respond, her face contorted and her eyebrows knitted.

“gh…..huhhh-hh…..k-k-knghhh……hihh-hh!” She sucked in uneven breaths, an attempt to keep her sneezing at bay. She clapped her hands over her twitching nose, rubbing the angered appendage desperately as ticklish tears slid down her face. The tickle rooted itself in the deepest reaches of her sinuses, washing over her entire nose as a result. It crinkled under her own touch, to the point where she finally gave in.

“geh-hhh…eEAHHH? ITTSHOOOOO! EEEEGTCK’OOH! ……guh…….by head….” She tottered in place, trying to collect herself. “Egcuse be, by duh way….”

“Bless you….my god, you poor thing. You look awful….” Tali sighed, sitting down next to her girlfriend. She grabbed the box of tissues from the armrest and clumped a wad of them to her nose, which it crumpled against her touch.


“I know, I know…” Tali whispered, rubbing her back. “Just blow.” At that cue, Tali’s hand was immediately warmed by the sheer amount of snot that emptied from Sandra's nose and filled the tissues. She thanked herself for placing about five of them against her nose, and not one. As she slowly removed the clump, two strands of mucus draped from Sandra’s nostrils. Sandra’s nose crinkled as she kept moving the tissues away, Tai had to remove her free hand from massaging her back to ripping about five more tissues to wipe her up.

“s-sduck…..” The tickle was still annoying her, festering in her nostrils like a caged bird who frantically wanted be freed. She sighed shakily, lowering her chin as it faded. “So d-dired of tdis….*sdffk!*”

“I’m so sorry…” Tali averted her eyes, tossing the tissues in the trash.

“For wh…..hh-hhh…what?”

“I shouldn’t have took you to the movies in this state. You would be in so much better shape if we hadn’t have g—”

“Dali.” Sandra’s voice was flat. With all of the sneezing, annoyance wasn’t that hard to dig up. “First off. I tdook you to the movies. Negxt, tdat was by fauldt for going id dis sdate. I—…….h-hhh…..egh….ghk-k….!”

She lifted her chin, but the sneeze chickened out on the last second, making her furious. “Thad’s by fauldt for being rebellious.”

A hasty knock catches them both off guard.

“Pardon? I’m looking for a dwarf.” A muffled voice behind it yelled. This caused Tali to laugh. She knew by the accent it was Michel, but not sure of what he meant by the phrase. Sandra behind her had doubled over in a sudden violent sneeze that overcame her without warning.


“Found him!” Michel calls from outside. Tali opens the door, and the Aussie boy happily walks in with a paper bag of groceries. “I’m looking for Sneezy Dwarf”

“Guh….shuddp. Ib tdaller than you.” She retorts, getting a laugh out of him. Her nose crumples, she knits her eyebrows and sighs. She knows touching her nose won’t help, so tries to wriggle the sneeze loose. As it tortuously fades away, it substitutes with coughing.

“*kough-kOff! kff ghkff-kAFFGH!* …nugh…*sdf!*”

“Speaking of which, I brought the stuff.” Michel looks down into the bag.

Sandra groans. Tali can’t tell if it was in annoyance or of relief. “Ngxt’chmph! ugh…..thads greadt. Use whadt you deed.” Usually, Sandra is quite stern about people cooking in the house, but quite frankly, she wasn’t one to care at the moment. Michel laid out the cans, and twisted on the burner. His blonde hair swayed with him as he placed the soup in a bowl and warmed it up for five minutes in the microwave. He had also bought honey and a gallon of milk; he poured the milk into the pot that rested on the burner, and slowly stirred it. Tali sat by Sandra.

“How you doing?”

“Ugh. I dod’t get idt. whedever I wadt to sdeeze, idt dever cobes, and tden whed I dod’t, I cad’t seem to sdop!”

“Sounds like a fair punishment,” Michel calls over his shoulder. Confusion rubs over Sandra’s face.

“For whadt?!”

“For choosing Tali over this handsome mate.” He gestures himself, Sandra’s eyes slant halfway in annoyance.

“You’re as handsobe as a two headed radt.”

“Aww, that’s just a shame. The soup is done, but it looks like the drain’s gonna get a meal first.”

“Do idt and I’ll sgkin you…..y-you…” Sandra growls, but it’s cut short by a hitch in her breath. Her eyes slam shut in an instant, and she throws herself into the building sneeze. She lets her mouth hang, and aids the opportunity with some forced hitches. “gh-hh…h-huhh…hihhh….huh..hih..hit-hh..hih!” She tilted her head back completely ready to rid this annoying tickle.

“Bless.” Michel says before she even does it. It fades in an instant. Now angered and annoyed as all hell, Sandra slams her head into the blankets, muffling a scream.

“BISHELLE!!” Her congested voice rings. Michel actually feels bad for doing that. He walks over with the bowl and mug, but stops short, looking down at the brown kitten, who is climbing his pants leg, on a destiny for attention.

“Who’s this little fella?! He’s adorable!!” Michel hands the food to Tali, who moves away slightly when Michel picks Cookie up.

“….Ghxt’shoo!…h-hh…Iggxt’chmph! Excuse me…..” Tali doesn’t have enough time to completely swallow her allergic sneezes, two stifles take her by surprise. Michel notices her face going red in embarrassment, he places Cookie on the floor.

“Bless you too. I take it you’re allergic?”

“Yeah…” she laughs shyly, pushing up her glasses. “A-anyway, Sandra. Here. Come eat.”

She takes the spoon out of the bowl with some soup in it, holds it up. Sandra’s cheeks immediately burn a bright pink, Michel laughs.

“That’s too cute…”

“I cad feed mysehh…..self-f….igh-ghk-k…..” She shudders as the sneeze ripples through her body, causing her nose to wrinkle.

“Bl—” Tali clamps a hand over Michel’s mouth before he can even get the word out. Sandra presses the covers to her face and draws in a huge gasp, startling them both. 

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHCTHUUUUU!!” So relieved she knew the sneeze was coming, she had pushed as much force as she could into one sneeze. She shot forward violently, shocking her throat and lungs, which burned. She didn’t even have time to register what happened before her eyes rolled back again, practically falling off the couch with the next.

—GGCXXTPHMCH!!” This one was way more wet and messy, muffled up by the blankets. She could feel her face getting warm, and blushed. “d-dissue…”

“Here.” Tali handed her the box, and she cleaned herself up. Michel was still in awe.

“Geez. No wonder you have a C in math. You probably sneezed out half of your braincells!” Tali punched him for Sandra. She then hand feeds Sandra, despite her complaints, until the bowl is empty. She lets her take a few swigs of water, and she hands her the mug of honey milk.

Michel checks his pocket watch; hilarious, that he uses one. “I have to meet Preston at the park for some cycling.” He says as he snaps the watch shut, and swings his bag over his shoulder. He turns the burner off, and on his way around the island, he looks at the near-empty bag. “There are two more boxes of tissues in here for you, NyQuill, as said, and—Oh! There’s something in here that may help clear your nose. I won’t tell you what, but just know it has this…..side effect. Anyways, see you guys tomorrow, hopefully.”

“Right. Thanks again Michel.” Tali calls to him before he leaves.Tali immediately searches into the bag, pulling out a small container. She squints her eyes at the title, not knowing what it says “This looks like it’s in a foreign language”

She walks over to Sandra, who looks at the small writing. “Who pudts two h’s next two each odther?”

Tali reads the text on the back. “An herbal remedy for nasal congestion and pressure. Side Effects:….” Sh pauses, realizing it is all in a different language from there on out. Annoyed, she looks back at the front.

“Ch…..Chuh….” Tali attempts to pronounce it out.

“……Chhidknie?” Sandra tilts her head slightly.

They both look at each other and shrug, as Tali pops the cap open. They have no idea what they’re getting into.

~To be Continued!!!~

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I can't wait to see what happens with that. I would love to see some stifles if possible. 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 2/26/2018 at 3:52 AM, Queen of Spaids (or Kita) said:

I’m also looking forward to the collaboration! Until then, is there any way we could get in touch? Maybe through something else like discord? Thanks for the suggestion!

Just remembered that I never got around to responding to this. (Sorry about that >_<)

Basically, the forum rules are set up to make contacting un-validated members really hard or impossible. There’s a link to my discord in my profile, for example, but I can’t post it or any other contact information where you can see it.

It’s probably much simpler to just wait for you to be validated. You’re only eleven posts from the minum fifty, and you’re a successful author so I can’t imagine you won’t be approved quickly.

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  • 1 year later...

I came back from the dead to tell you that this is my favorite story on the forum. I know it's been a year but it'd be a same to never let you know. Your writing and characterization are amazing and all your characters are so charming. I really hope you're doing alright. 

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  • 1 year later...

I hate cliffhangers🥲

But your work is gorgeous!! So good, I loved it! Thank you for every chapter!!

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