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The End is Where We Begin (Torchwood) COMPLETE


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          Ianto met them as they pulled into Torchwood’s underground garage, anxiously pacing as Gwen pulled the SUV in crookedly.  Ianto was surprised to see Gwen driving the SUV instead of Jack, and he helped Gwen out of the car, as she cradled her right arm, swathed in bloody bandages, and limping badly Jack was folded awkwardly across the back seat, clothes ruined by a sickeningly unnatural amount of blood, and most definitely dead.

          “Bloody hell.  How did you get him in the car?” 

           Gwen shook her head—“He helped me to the car after the attack.  Bandaged me up and loaded the alien.   He seemed fine.  Well, not fine, exactly--- I knew he was bleeding, too, but it really didn’t seem that bad, at first. But the blood… just kept coming.  I’m afraid the SUV is a hell of a mess, between Jack and the alien.  The body is in the back.”

           The alien was small, maybe a meter tall, but with teeth and claws that said clearly Gwen had been lucky to make it away with what looked to be rather superficial lacerations to her arm.  The alien body was just going to have to wait.  Gwen cradled her arm, but could walk, if painfully.  Ianto had seen her fall, and imagined she’d bruised herself pretty thoroughly.  The cuts to her arm were not deep, but the blood had seeped through the field bandaging Jack had applied when he’d been able to get to Gwen.  Ianto wrestled Jack’s inert form clumsily into the wheel chair he’d brought down, expecting to use for Gwen, unwilling to leave him alone in the SUV. The effort involved set him coughing again, so it was Gwen who, clumsily, painfully and with only one good hand arranged Jack’s long limbs so that they didn’t drag the floor as they wheeled him in. Thus the small ragged team made their way slowly back toward the central hub.

          They had just made it as far as the couch, when Jack gasped back into life.  If Ianto, struggling to catch his breath following the exertion of getting Jack’s body this far, thought Jack’s timing left a bit to be desired, he didn’t mention it.  Jack flailed himself clumsily from the chair and stared wide-eyed as he struggled to get his bearings.

            “Jack.  It’s okay.  We’re safe.  We’re back at the hub.” Gwen’s tone was firm and soothing.  “Come sit here.” She patted the couch beside her.

            Jack was still breathing heavily, but he focused on Gwen, and then on Ianto.  He swallowed.  He shook his head as if to clear it and swayed dangerously on the spot.  Ianto’s steadying hand was then on his shoulder, guiding him to the couch, pushing him down next to Gwen.

            That Jack was light-headed and disoriented following this most recent death wasn’t terribly unusual. Ianto had seen rougher recoveries, but Jack’s silence worried him.   Still, he had Gwen to tend to.  Ianto quickly gathered up the antiseptic, ointment bandages and pain killers already assembled in the medical bay and rejoined his friends. 

            “Claws or teeth?” Ianto asked, as he knelt and assessed the injury to Gwen’s right forearm, still slowly seeping bright red blood.  Gwen peered at her own injury—the long red ribbons of blood extending the length of her arm.  “Claws, I think.  Maybe grazed by teeth a bit” she turned her arm and inspected the damage.  Jack had to look away, as his stomach lurched and he swallowed hard.  Ianto sat back on his heels and frowned at Jack, then exchanged a look with Gwen, who shrugged slightly, then winced.

           Ianto carefully dressed Gwen’s arm, interrupting the process only once to sneeze harshly into his elbow, earning an affectionate cluck from Gwen.  “Aren’t we a sight?”

          Ianto sniffed wetly, then coughed.  “Sorry,” he murmured.  “Hope I don’t give you this miserable cold” he said, fervently.

           “Well, it’s not like I can bandage this myself, and Jack’s not much help right now”.

           “How long was he down?” Ianto asked with concern, as he sniffed again, hands occupied.

           Jack kept his eyes closed throughout the process, and didn’t stir when Ianto rose to discard the trash from his efforts, apparently asleep.  “Stay put.  I’ll get you some tea, and call Rhys to come pick you up.” Ianto paused to sneeze heavily into his handkerchief, coughed and blew his nose.

           “Are you sure, Ianto?  I can wait until Jack wakes up. It’s not that bad.”

            Ianto eyed the sleeping Jack Harkness.  “He’ll be fine.  He always is”.  Ianto watched Jack’s slumbering form for a moment, then, “Gwen, I am sorry I wasn’t out there.  I should have been with you.  Should have been able to cover you.”

            “Ianto, shhh.  Stop that nonsense.  Of course you should have stayed back, you’re ill, and in no shape for field work.”

            “You could have been killed, Gwen”.

            Gwen nodded.  “It’s a damned good thing then, that you were here, watching the CCTV feed, and warn me, then, isn’t it?”

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  • Jelloicious


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Yay, Gwen! But, Jack, darling, you're worrying me (and Ianto!) a bit.

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
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13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

They had just made it as far as the couch, when Jack gasped back into life.  If Ianto, struggling to catch his breath following the exertion of getting Jack’s body this far, thought Jack’s timing left a bit to be desired, he didn’t mention it.  Jack flailed himself clumsily from the chair and stared wide-eyed as he struggled to get his bearings.

Oh dear.


13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

That Jack was light-headed and disoriented following this most recent death wasn’t terribly unusual. Ianto had seen rougher recoveries, but Jack’s silence worried him.

Not good!


13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto carefully dressed Gwen’s arm, interrupting the process only once to sneeze harshly into his elbow, earning an affectionate cluck from Gwen.  “Aren’t we a sight?”



13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto eyed the sleeping Jack Harkness.  “He’ll be fine.  He always is”.

Generally true, but....


13 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Gwen nodded.  “It’s a damned good thing then, that you were here, watching the CCTV feed, and warn me, then, isn’t it?”

Go Gwen!

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Have some faith in Jack, you guys!  He is immortal after all.  I personally think that the way Gwen and Ianto worry about him says more about them than anyone else. After all, he's essentially been Torchwood's lab experiment many times, outlasted everyone he knows or cares about over and over, and here is his little team, caring about him like he's just as breakable as they are.  caring about the pain of dying, even if he doesn't stay there.   Weirdly sweet, don't you think?   




           Once Gwen was safely turned over to Rhys, Ianto locked the tourist office door, and gave himself over to the sneezes he’d held at bay while tending to his teammates.  He descended into the Hub, sneezed some more, blew his nose; wrestled the alien corpse into a body bag and shoved it in a freezer; sneezed, and dragged himself back up the steps to the kitchenette, where Jack still dozed on the couch. He dropped, exhausted onto the couch next to Jack, waking him, and readied his handkerchief to catch more coughs and sneezes.

          Jack cracked an eye open, and watched as Ianto’s expression froze, eyes closed, mouth open, handkerchief at the ready.  Hehhh…hehh, haaaaCHSHOOOO! Ehh-TIHSSHHH!, Jack placed a hand on Ianto’s back as the sneezes continued HeshXTshhhh!  huhhhNXXTshoo Hih’TSCHU! Heh’KKSCHHT! ehhh-IHHShuu!!

          “Can I bless you, now?”  Jack’s voice was wry with amusement, and Ianto was reassured that Jack at least was recovering.

          Ianto groaned and sagged back on the couch next to Jack and tried not to resent the fact that Jack had just recover from death, while Ianto couldn’t manage to beat this stupid cold.  Jack softly kissed Ianto’s temple, and murmured “You should be in bed.”

         “Hmmm. Not your best pickup line, Jack”, Ianto murmured, eyes still closed, as Jack nuzzled his neck. 

          “I can try and do better,” Jack murmured softly.

          “Perhaps you could start by wearing less gore”, Ianto suggested, cracking open and eye to take in Jack’s ruined clothes.  “What happened out there? I was really starting to worry about you, you know.”

          Jack sighed, and leaned back against the couch.  “We went out expecting Weevils.  We found… something else.  We were undermanned, and under prepared.  You and Gwen are right.  We are stretched too far, and too thin. We need more people.”

          “I’m sorry, Jack, I should have been with you.”

          “NO.  You shouldn’t have.  You shouldn’t even have been here.  I should have sent you home days ago to recover; should have made provisions, built the team.  Instead, I put an undermanned team in the field.  It could easily have been Gwen, not me, that took the brunt of this attack.  Or you. I would have taken you along without a second thought tonight, do you know that?  It took Gwen putting her foot down.”

          Ianto didn’t know what to say to that so he just sneezed again. 

          "I will talk to PC Davidson.” Jack promised.

           Ianto blew his nose, then asked, “Are you okay, Jack?  You were out of it for a while there.” Jack took Ianto’s hand in his and said,” yeah, it always takes a bit to come back from bleeding out.  But I’d say my blood volume’s restored now, what do you think?” smiling wickedly as he placed Ianto’s hand where he could properly admire his replenished blood supply.  Leave it to Jack Harkness to find the most inappropriate time…

          Ianto surprised himself by laughing, then coughing, but he felt himself responding to Jacks’ attentions.  Jack breathed softly into Ianto’s ear, which tickled, and set off a whole chain reaction of tickling that ended up in Ianto’s sinuses, and he sneezed without warning over Jack’s shoulder.  Ianto was horrified, but Jack persisted and then they were kissing and fumbling with clothes and Ianto felt himself breathing more easily and they were down the ladder into Jack’s bunker.

          Afterwards, the shower was warm and soothing and Jack didn’t care when Ianto sniffled and sneezed and coughed and when Ianto fell asleep in Jack’s embrace it was deep and dreamless, and Ianto slept more soundly than he had in a week.

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14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“Can I bless you, now?”  Jack’s voice was wry with amusement, and Ianto was reassured that Jack at least was recovering.



14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack took Ianto’s hand in his and said,” yeah, it always takes a bit to come back from bleeding out.  But I’d say my blood volume’s restored now, what do you think?” smiling wickedly as he placed Ianto’s hand where he could properly admire his replenished blood supply.  Leave it to Jack Harkness to find the most inappropriate time…

Oh Jack. You are incorrigible! And that's why we love you!


14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Afterwards, the shower was warm and soothing and Jack didn’t care when Ianto sniffled and sneezed and coughed and when Ianto fell asleep in Jack’s embrace it was deep and dreamless, and Ianto slept more soundly than he had in a week.

Awwwww!!!!! Finally!

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Honestly,  this was gonna be maybe four chapters.  I don't know what happened. Just trying to connect the dots, at this point.   Thanks for hanging in there!!



          When Ianto woke next, he was alone in Jack’s bunker.  Generally speaking, he felt better for the sleep, but he could already tell he was in for another day of misery, as he sneezed wetly into a handful of tissues, blew his nose, and coughed a deeper, more rattling cough than he had the day before. He began to doubt this cold would ever go away.

           He dressed himself and ascended the ladder, equipped with fresh handkerchiefs, and on a quest for tea.  The brief exertion of the climb from the bunker set him coughing, and it wasn’t until he was crossing the gantry that he noticed that he and Jack were no longer alone in the hub.  Ianto paused and peered down into the medical bay to see Jack, Rhys, and Doctor Martha Jones, gathered around Gwen as she lay on the table medical bay.  He tried valiantly, if unsuccessfully, not to sneeze.

             Jack looked up at Ianto’s stifled sneezes.  “Good morning, Sunshine!  Slept well, I hope?” Jack said, brightly.  Ianto frowned meaningfully at Jack, annoyed, but called back a greeting to Dr. Jones, voice betraying his unrelenting congestion.  Ianto peered down at Gwen holding a bloody rag with pressure to her nose, and an obviously distraught Rhys Williams pacing with barely contained anger and concern and demanded, “What’s happened?  What’s wrong with Gwen?”

            “Nothing our Acting Chief Medical Officer can’t handle” Jack said, confidently, making eye contact with Rhys as he paced.  “Gwen seems to be having a little bit of an issue with blood clotting.”  Ianto took in the blood-soaked pile of bandages—too much blood for the superficial wounds to Gwen’s arm, Ianto thought, dismayed.

             “I would not say no to some of your coffee, Ianto,” Martha called up, voice dripping professionally soothing confidence, cutting off Ianto’s questions.

              Ianto took his cue summoned a gracious smile. “For you? It will be my pleasure.”

              Gwen grimaced, but shot Ianto a pleading look that he recognized as desperation for caffeine.  Dr. Jones turned around and looked up at Ianto.  “Gwen can have some tea.  Extra sweet, and with milk if you have it.  No coffee for now”.

               Ianto prepared coffees for everyone and tea for Gwen, and for himself.  He set it all on a tray and headed down to the medical bay, willing himself not to cough, not to sneeze while carrying the tray.  Jack must have seen him struggling, though, because just as he closed his eyes, and turned his head as far as he could he felt the weight of the tray lifted from his hands and he was able to turn away and sneeze messily, into his hands.  He coughed, mumbled an “If you’ll excuse me” and fled to the washroom to clean himself up. He cursed this stupid, miserable, mortifying, unending head cold. Why wouldn’t it just go away?

               After that, Ianto kept his distance, but thought he heard Martha ask “How long?” as he struggled to gain control over a coughing fit, and Gwen answer, “since last Thursday”, and knew they were talking about him.

               Sometime later, Ianto was summoned to the conference room, where he met Jack, Martha, an extremely pale Gwen (freshly bandaged, with a blanket draped over her shoulders, and a hoveringly protective Rhys.  Ianto settled at the far end of the conference table, blew his nose as discreetly as possible, sucked on a cough sweet, opened his laptop computer and listened, as Martha described the unexplained sudden onset of Gwen’s blood’s inability to clot.  Martha theorized that an alien substance, introduced into Gwen’s blood stream through last night’s injuries was disrupting the normal clotting function.

            “That would explain why Jack bled out last night”, Ianto offered, stating, he thought, the obvious.

              Martha scowled, turned on Jack. “You forgot to mention…”she said accusingly.

              Jack shrugged.  “I came back.  I always do.”

              Martha frowned.  “I’m going to want samples of your blood, too, then. At this point, we’re staying just ahead of the destruction of platelets.  Gwen’s body is breaking down the toxin, but slowly.  She’s fragile as glass until we get ahead of this thing. The slightest bump or bruise could cause a massive hemorrhage.

             “So, what...we wait and hope the toxin breaks down before she does?” Rhys asked, slightly frantic.

              Jack and Martha exchanged a look.  Martha spoke.”We look for solutions to aid the breakdown of the toxin.  Until then, we keep Gwen wrapped up in cotton wool.”

             “Sunshine,” Ianto spoke up suddenly. 

              “If I am not allowed pet names at work, neither are you.” Jack said, missing the point.

              Ianto coughed, swallowed some tea, and continued.  “No. Ultraviolet radiation.  To break down the toxin.  I just saw something in the archives….” Ianto’s words were lost as he continued coughing, but his hands were already flying over his keyboard, conducting a search through his recent archive entries, pulling up the scanned handwritten entry prepared by one Aurelio Finnegan, Torchwood Three, Cardiff, Wales in the Year of Our Lord 1912. The original paper was yellowed and cracked, and water stains distorted some of the text.  Just looking at the hi-res image of the crumbled and dusty paper made Ianto’s sinuses prick, and he muffled a sneeze and a handful of coughs with his handkerchief.

             There was a sketch, also heavily water damaged, but if you squinted, you could just make out something that might have resembled the alien form Ianto has so recently shoved in a morgue drawer.

             Jack moved around behind Ianto, hand on his shoulder as he read quickly through the scanned original account, and Ianto’s own notes.

             “Martha, I think he’s on to something—take a look.”

              “I don’t understand…” Rhys began.

Martha was nodding as she leaned over Ianto’s other shoulder to read through the notes.  “According to this….yes, I see…we can test this with the samples…”

               Ianto closed his eyes and concentrated with his entire being on not coughing just then.




              Soon, Jack and Martha were rigging an experiment with UV lighting in the medical bay.  By half ten, Martha had declared the experiment a cautious success but insisted that they needed a better light source.  By lunch time, Ianto turned up an actual tanning bed in Cardiff, and dispatched Rhys to secure a truck and deliver it.  By 3:15, when the team reassembled in the conference room, with coffees all around, Gwen had a glowing tan, and enough transfused platelets to not bleed everywhere, along with a sour attitude brought out by a raging caffeine withdrawal headache.  She cradled a mug of coffee (Ianto didn’t dare not give her one) and gave Martha a look that practically threatened violence should Martha try to deny her Ianto’s coffee again. 

             Martha pronounced the treatment successful; the toxin rendered inert, and said was it safe for Rhys to take Gwen home, but made it clear that Gwen would not be back at work for the next two weeks.  Martha wisely made no comment on the coffee.

            Ianto coughed, wondering how they could possibly manage two weeks with Gwen down.  Then he coughed again, and then he had to excuse himself, unable to gain control as a couple of isolated coughs gained momentum and invited all their friends and acquaintances to the party and he struggled to catch his breath through the fit.  By the time he’d gotten himself together, Jack was escorting Rhys and Gwen through the cogwheel door, meeting over.  He would have sighed in relief, if he’d thought he could do it without triggering another coughing fit.

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Gwen, you're a trooper. Jack, you're a (lovable) idiot. Ianto, darling...you're a brilliant disaster.

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1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

Honestly,  this was gonna be maybe four chapters.  I don't know what happened. Just trying to connect the dots, at this point.   Thanks for hanging in there!!


I, for one, am thrilled it turned into more! I'll read it forever!


1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

“Good morning, Sunshine!  Slept well, I hope?” Jack said, brightly. 

Always cheerful Jack. LOL


1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack must have seen him struggling, though, because just as he closed his eyes, and turned his head as far as he could he felt the weight of the tray lifted from his hands and he was able to turn away and sneeze messily, into his hands.

Good job Jack.


1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

“That would explain why Jack bled out last night”, Ianto offered, stating, he thought, the obvious.

              Martha scowled, turned on Jack. “You forgot to mention…”she said accusingly.

              Jack shrugged.  “I came back.  I always do.”

Not the point Jack!


1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

“Sunshine,” Ianto spoke up suddenly. 

              “If I am not allowed pet names at work, neither are you.” Jack said, missing the point.




1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

Jack moved around behind Ianto, hand on his shoulder as he read quickly through the scanned original account, and Ianto’s own notes.

             “Martha, I think he’s on to something—take a look.”

Yay Ianto! See all that archive work isn't for nothing!


1 hour ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto coughed, wondering how they could possibly manage two weeks with Gwen down. 

Uh Oh.


1 hour ago, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:

Ianto, darling...you're a brilliant disaster.

Best description ever!

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          “Alright, now, Mr. Jones:  You’re up!”  Martha Jones’ voice was cheerful.

          Ianto was startled.  “I’m…sorry?”

          “Medical bay,”  Martha prompted.  Ianto stared at her stupidly.  “The doctor will see you now.”  Martha’s arms were crossed and her tone was firm.

           Ianto took a step back. “I’m fine, really.  Just a bit of a cold is all.  You really don’t need…”:

           “That’s an order, Agent Jones”.  Martha’s carefully enunciated words and her tone clearly brooked no dissent.

           Ianto looked around hopefully for help from Jack, but Jack was not to be seen.  Having no choice, Ianto sniffed in as dignified a manner as he could manage, straightened his jacket and descended the steps into the medical bay as ordered.

           “You can hang your shirt and jacket over there.”  Martha waved at the railing.

           Ianto removed his jacket, hung it carefully on the rail, undid his tie, and was working on his cuff-links when Jack returned from seeing Gwen safely off with Rhys.

            “What’s going on?”

            If Ianto thought Jack was going to rescue him from the indignity of a medical exam, Martha quickly put that thought out of his head, by turning her sharp tone on Jack.  “I am going to examine your agent, who is ill” she said pointedly, “and clearly being run off his feet by his captain.”

            “He’s fine, Martha,” Jack growled, annoyed that Gwen had gotten to her..annoyed that Martha had apparently taken over his team.

            Ianto was not able to suppress a mighty sneeze just then, and felt slightly guilty as its timing completely undermined Jack’s efforts to rescue him, and emphasized Martha’s point.

             Ianto shivered in his vest and trousers as he submitted to Martha’s carefully thorough exam.  She asked his symptoms, how long he had been feeling ill, what he had taken.  She checked his throat and ears and eyes and glands and listened with great care to his chest, then aimed a scanner of a sort he did not recognize at him, scanning him head to toe.  He did his best not to cough or sneeze on her.

         Ianto watched as Martha paged through the results on her scanner.  Sniffed once, and coughed twice, and hoped for the best.

        Martha put her scanner down, and focused her attention back on her patient.

        “This might be a bit uncomfortable” Martha warned, “but I promise it will be worth it in the long run”.  She began tapping, first softly and then more firmly above his sinuses.  Ianto tried not to flinch, but the taps were painful, as if she were thumping bruises across his face, but this was Martha, so, he braced himself and endured the procedure, even as his eyes teared.  He didn’t fully understand the point until his sinuses released a positively horrifying avalanche of snot.   Martha matter of factly pressed a wad of tissues into his hand just in time, and stepped back, crossed her arms, waited patiently as Ianto blew his nose repeatedly, sneezed, blew and sneezed again.  Finally, she spoke. “The good news is, you do NOT have pneumonia.”

           “See?  I told you he was fine” Jack said.

           If looks could kill, Ianto swore Martha would have dropped Jack on the spot.  Maybe even once and for all.  She continued. “The bad news is, you have managed to let a simple cold work its way into a raging chest infection, and you WILL get pneumonia if you do not stand down, get rest and allow yourself to recover”.  She was speaking to Ianto, but her razor sharp gaze was on Jack. 
Ianto coughed by way of acknowledgement.

          Martha rummaged through her bag and came up with two vials, and uncapped a needle.  Ianto closed his eyes and prayed that he would be spared the indignity of dropping his trousers for this.

          “I am giving you two shots—one is a vitamin complex, because you clearly have been living on take out food and you are bordering on anemic.  The other should help you fight the chest infection.  You can continue to take the things you have been taking, if they offer some relief.  You are hereby relieved of duty until medically cleared.”

            Ianto started to protest, but his voice caught and he lost his protest in the coughing fit that followed.

           “I will check on you again in three days when I come back to see Gwen.  Until then, Agent Jones, BED.”

           Ianto looked to Jack as he pulled his shirt back on and began buttoning it.

            Jack sagged, defeated, team offline. “Go on, Ianto, you can lay down in my bed.  I’ll drive you home later.”

             Ianto truthfully thought this was a bit of an overreaction for a cold, but suspected he did not want to be around for the conversation between Martha and Jack that was sure to follow.  He instead took his leave with a polite nod and a crisp “Doctor Jones,” and began the climb to Jack’s office, and the bunker hidden below.

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I do love Martha! And, cheer up, Ianto; it could be worse: when Martha started tapping, I thought she was going to say "sinus infection"!

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15 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“That’s an order, Agent Jones”.  Martha’s carefully enunciated words and her tone clearly brooked no dissent.

Martha is Badass!


15 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto was not able to suppress a mighty sneeze just then, and felt slightly guilty as its timing completely undermined Jack’s efforts to rescue him, and emphasized Martha’s point.



15 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

If looks could kill, Ianto swore Martha would have dropped Jack on the spot.  Maybe even once and for all.

Oh Jack, I wouldn't cross her if I were you!


15 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto truthfully thought this was a bit of an overreaction for a cold, but suspected he did not want to be around for the conversation between Martha and Jack that was sure to follow.

Probably a good plan. But hopefully she'll convince him to stop and take care of his Love!

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Last Chapter!   Yay!   And, yes,  Martha Jones is bad ass.  We should always have more Martha Jones.




          It must have been some hours later when Ianto heard Jack coming, and propped himself up on one elbow as Jack clambered down the ladder into his bunker.

          “Hey there.  Didn’t mean to wake you”

          Ianto shrugged. “Wasn’t sleeping.  Not tired, really.  Just…a bit…drained.”  He coughed once, tried to suppress a second cough and then was forced to bury a coughing fit into his handkerchief.

          Jack crossed the room and handed Ianto a bottle of water, which Ianto accepted gratefully.  When Ianto could breathe again, Jack asked “So, would you like some company?”

          Ianto sat up properly.  “Doesn’t the world need saving or something?”

          Jack dropped onto the bed beside Ianto. “Always.  But not by us.  Torchwood is on medical suspension for the next 10 days, compliments of Dr. Martha Jones.”

          “TEN days?  I thought she said she was back in three?”  Ianto was surprised.

          “DOCTOR Jones has invoked Torchwood Regulation 4283.9, and suspended all operations of Torchwood 3”.  Jack’s jaw was set in a grim line that said he knew he’d been bested here.  Ianto racked his brains for regulation 4283.9 but couldn’t bring it to mind.  The 4000’s dealt with alien threats, he thought, and wondered if maybe this little cold virus was something more serious.

          “Gwen?”asked Ianto, alarmed.  Rhys was going to flip.

          “Home with Rhys.  Martha’s cleared her.”

          “Jack, you don’t shut down Torchwood for a cold. Ianto quickly examined his hands again, recalling the archival account of deadly world-ending plague, more relieved that he cared to admit that they were still creamy white, showing no sign of an alien threat.  “And what about the rift?”

          “UNIT will handle all rift calls and alien activity.” Jack said, evenly, not meeting Ianto’s eyes.

           Ianto cringed inwardly.  UNIT, on Jack’s turf…UNIT is Jack’s Hub…this wasn’t going to be pretty.

           As if reading his mind, Jack said “Oh, no.  They won’t be here.  They will set up a mobile command post down in the warehouse on Bank Street.  They can’t come here.   Torchwood General Regulation 4283.9: Torchwood 3 is officially under general quarantine until further notice.” Jack said, somewhat smugly.  He had to appreciate Martha’s skill.  “No one in or out.  It’s a matter of international security, Life and death, end of the world, and all that”.  He waived a hand vaguely.

           Ianto choked again, and this time, it took Jack forcefully pounding on his back for several minutes for him to catch his breath again.  Ianto swallowed more water, blew his nose, rolled up his sleeves and examined his arms thoroughly and asked cautiously, “This…is this something…alien, then?  Am I going to…d--Am I going to get better?”

          Jack fluffed a pillow and settled in next to Ianto. “Oh, no. You don’t have any dreaded alien disease.   Just a garden-variety, Cardiff-special midwinter cold.”  Ianto sneezed wetly, then blew his nose. 

           Jack eyed him sideways, “I suppose, if you were the alien, it might be pretty dreadful.  Do Weevils catch colds?  Do we know this?  How do we not know this?”  

           “Jack...” Ianto’s tone was threatening, despite the congestion.  “You don’t quarantine the hub for a cold.”

           “I didn’t.  Our “Interim Chief Medical Officer” did.  And it’s more than just a little head-cold, Ianto.  Martha said you’d end up with pneumonia if you didn’t rest yourself.   Anyway.  Martha might have implemented some “precautions”.  We are offline, out of bounds.” 

             Ianto relaxed a little, “So I don’t have a world ending alien plague then.”  He checked his hands again.


           “I’m going to live”


          “Not contagious, then”.

           Jack drew a breath to answer, but instead closed his eyes and sneezed mightily, several times in a row.  “I wouldn’t say that.  Move over?”



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...sequel, please? ❤️

Edited by MyOwnPrivateSFC
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14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“DOCTOR Jones has invoked Torchwood Regulation 4283.9, and suspended all operations of Torchwood 3”.  Jack’s jaw was set in a grim line that said he knew he’d been bested here. 

Jack's not happy.


14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

As if reading his mind, Jack said “Oh, no.  They won’t be here.  They will set up a mobile command post down in the warehouse on Bank Street.  They can’t come here.   Torchwood General Regulation 4283.9: Torchwood 3 is officially under general quarantine until further notice.” Jack said, somewhat smugly.  He had to appreciate Martha’s skill.  “No one in or out.  It’s a matter of international security, Life and death, end of the world, and all that”.  He waived a hand vaguely.


Go Martha!


14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

Ianto relaxed a little, “So I don’t have a world ending alien plague then.”  He checked his hands again.


Poor Ianto, all worried.


14 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“Not contagious, then”.

           Jack drew a breath to answer, but instead closed his eyes and sneezed mightily, several times in a row.  “I wouldn’t say that.  Move over?”


Definitely needs a sequel!!!!

This was brilliant! I have to admit I may have cried something distressed and unintelligible when I read "Complete" in the title. 

Edited by AngelEyes
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Yay, guys, glad you liked it!  I'm forever sad that such a brilliant, campy show with such lovely little characters went *poof* in quite the way it did. 

9 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

I have to admit I may have cried something distressed and unintelligible when I read "Complete" in the title. 


Aww!   I cried tears of relief!  I need to finish Christmas shopping!!   As far as a sequel,  I got nothin'...but then, I'm also not possessive.  If you've got somewhere to take this from here, please do! I'm all over it! 

I'm gonna try and stick with squashy little one-shots. (Got one of those nearly baked! ) and  maybe one with a little more meat that could work if I can figure out how to keep it from becoming a 10-chapter beast.

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7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

I'm forever sad that such a brilliant, campy show with such lovely little characters went *poof* in quite the way it did. 

I know! Heartbreaking!


7 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

I'm gonna try and stick with squashy little one-shots. (Got one of those nearly baked! ) and  maybe one with a little more meat that could work if I can figure out how to keep it from becoming a 10-chapter beast.

Yay! (although, I wouldn't mind a 10 chapter beast again! Just saying'....)

I'm working on a Ianto fic right now, but it's not going anywhere very fast unfortunately. Hopefully at some point...

Edited by AngelEyes
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1 hour ago, AngelEyes said:


I'm working on a Ianto fic right now, but it's not going anywhere very fast unfortunately. Hopefully at some point...

THAT makes me super-happy!!  I can't wait!

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On 12/14/2017 at 2:05 PM, MyOwnPrivateSFC said:


...sequel, please? ❤️

Yes please!!! This is my absolute favorite Torchwood fic ever!! Well done 😍😍😍

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17 hours ago, 2SHY222 said:

Yes please!!! This is my absolute favorite Torchwood fic ever!! Well done 😍😍😍

Oh, wow, that is CRAZY high praise!  Especially with all the really good Torchwood fic out there (including some good fetishfic...well it is Torchwood you know!)  Thank you!!  So glad you enjoyed it!!

Yeah, I don't really have a sequel for this one.

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Not a sequel, but an epilogue might do...


           Martha Jones shifted the weight of the heavy stew-pot to one hip (careful not to slosh), transferred laden shopping bags from one hand to the other, and fumbled with a set of keys, finally sliding one home in the lock to the Tourist Information Centre, and freeing up just enough arm-strength and flexibility from her packages to twist the knob and let herself into Torchwood’s secret base.  She breathed a sigh of relief, having accomplished this all in one trip, despite the screaming protest in the muscles of her arms.

           She might have given the young man who parted the beaded curtain and moved quickly to relieve her of the burden of her packages a double-take.  She’d never seen Ianto Jones in anything but a suit.  He looked much younger in jeans and a sweater.  With his hair left to curl naturally and a few days beard growth, he could’ve been any student from uni.   He smiled warmly in greeting. “Doctor Jones—right on time!”

         “Ianto!  Hello!  You’re certainly looking better!  How are you feeling?”

           The young man coughed lightly, but smiled, “Much, much better, thank you.  It’s amazing what a bit of sleep and a break from saving the world in midwinter will do, yeah?  How is Gwen?”

             “Doing well.  She sends her love.  I’ve got some blood samples to analyze with your equipment, but I’d say she’s well and truly on the mend from the look of her.  Lucky for her you remembered that entry from the archives.  You might have saved her life.”  Then, gesturing at the pot now sitting on the Tourist Information Centre’s counter, “Rhys sent you this”. 

Ianto unlatched to lid, peered in and sniffed appreciatively.  “Mmmm.  This smells wonderful!  Rhys Williams is quite the cook, you know.”

            Martha gestured at the other packages.  “I brought the things you asked for, and a few more things to tide you over the next week.”

            Ianto peered into her shopping bags, nodded his approval, and shouldered most of the load.  He locked the door, reached under the counter, thumbed the button to the hidden doorway to the main hub, and picked up the stew pot.  “After you, Doctor Jones,” and followed her down the passageway to the cogwheel door.

           They kept up a friendly chatter down the long passageway into the hub.

           “Where is Jack, anyway?” Martha asked as she stepped through the round metal blast door. “He’s not still angry with me for quarantining the Hub, is he?”

           “Oh, of course not.  You know Jack can never hold a grudge.  He’s been looking forward to your arrival.”

           “Where is he?”

            “Actually…” Ianto began, but was interrupted.




             Martha’s first reaction was to duck instinctively, eyes searching for the Torchwood Pterosaur.           
             Ianto just cringed.




           Martha’s eyes widened precipitously when she located the source of the noise.

          Jack Harkness, draped with a blanket, red-nosed, with puffy eyes half-closed, breath hitching, hand clutching a box of ignored tissues.  (Hair, somehow, perfectly tousled).




           “Bartha,” Jack’s voice was a weak croak.  “I deed you to help be!”

            “Oh, my,” Martha observed, “Jack caught your cold.”  Martha covered her mouth with her hand. “I didn’t even know that was possible.”

               “I believe the term for what Jack has is ‘Man-Flu’,” Ianto replied, dryly.




              “I suppose he is why you ordered the six bottles of the nighttime, sniffling sneezing knock you out so you can drool on your pillow medicine?”
               Ianto nodded.  “Also why I ordered the scotch,” Ianto said, pulling the bottle from the bag, and working at the seal. “This is shaping up to be a very long week”.



Edited by Jelloicious
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Martha. Ianto. Jack. Jack's sneezes. Man-Flu! And the scotch! 

This was a fantastic, perfect epilogue, and I thank you for it! ❤️

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Squeeeeee!!!!!! I adore you!!!! This is brilliant! Of course Jack takes it too extremes! 

11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

“I believe the term for what Jack has is ‘Man-Flu’,” Ianto replied, dryly.

LOL, Poor Ianto.


11 hours ago, Jelloicious said:

(Hair, somehow, perfectly tousled).

Love this detail! I'm kind of obsessed with Jack's hair. I have an extreme desire to run my fingers through it and muss it up.

Thank you for this! I bow down to you!

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11 hours ago, AngelEyes said:

 I'm kind of obsessed with Jack's hair. I have an extreme desire to run my fingers through it and muss it up.


It is totally in my head canon that Jack's hair is *always* perfect and that this annoys Ianto in his grumpier moments.

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