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Thor Ragnarok Bruce Banner Sickfic, Loki Care-taking


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So I just saw Thor Ragnarock and I couldn’t help myself. Its kinda wonky and out of character but here it goes, XP


Thor Ragnarock Spoiler Alert!!!!

Thor Ragnarock Spoiler Alert


    Bruce popped yet another lozenge into his mouth and tossed the wrapper at the trash can. He missed. Feeling too tired and achy to get up, Bruce decided one piece of litter wouldn't harm anyone. 
    It had been a little over a week since Thor had announced that the destination for the ship of Asguardians and other refugees was Earth. Over three years ago Earth had first found out about alien life. Now a colony of Asguardians were planning to be the first aliens to settle on the planet. Bruce would be lying if he said he wasn’t concerned about how the human population would take it. 
    For now, the ship continued its slow course towards the Milky Way. The appointed navigator estimated another two weeks before they would arrive. Bruce couldn't wait. He had shut off one of the cabin spaces for use as an office. There he used with the ship’s advanced computer systems and library of knowledge to try to get some work done. The ruckus outside his door and the newfound throbbing of his head made this very difficult. 
    It appeared that after Thor’s informal inauguration as King of the Asguardian people, it was only appropriate to celebrate with 6 full days of drinking, partying, merriment. The whole event was a great deal of fun. Fun for everyone except Bruce, that is. 
    He tapped his pencil on the desk and removed his glasses to rub his eyes in an effort to drown out the sounds of god-knows-what was happening out there. In the past hour he had heard what sounded like jousting and had smelt smoke at least twice. 
    Bruce hadn’t been able to get much sleep and it was beginning to take its toll on him. The trash bin was filled with discarded tissues and lozenge wrappers and he had gone through too many cups of coffee to count. Pulling from the enormous rations storage within the Grandmaster’s enormous vessel, Bruce had stock piled enough food in his little cabin to last him the rest of the journey and then some. 
    Wait it out; that was the plan. Bruce squinted his eyes shut and rubbed at his throbbing temples. He couldn't take this anymore. The pressure from his sinuses was insane. He could feel a tickle budding in the back of his nose. He pressed a tissue to his face, tilting his head back, breath hitching. “EEEETCHHHuhh!” He sniffled wetly and blew his nose with a loud honk.
    “Gesundheit.” The voice coming from behind him nearly caused Bruce to fall of his chair in surprise. Turning around quickly, he saw Loki standing there. Well, not Loki exactly, but a copied projection of him. 
    Bruce caught his breath, “Crap, don’t do that to me. You nearly gave me a heart attack. I can feel my pulse racing, geez.”
    Loki chuckled, “Calm down Banner before you start to turn green.” 
    Bruce tried to ignore the stinging comment. “What do you want?” He asked.
    Loki paused a moment. “How about a conversation with the one person on this ship thats still sober?” 
    Bruce half-smiled, “You’re not enjoying the party out there?”
    “Of course not. My brother and his people think it fun to run around like drunken apes smashing things. Does that sound like a fun time to any sane person?”
    Bruce shook his head, “Why do you think I’m hiding in here?”
    Loki smiled, “I thought it was due to the fact that you’re suffering an illness.”
    Bruce tried not to get defensive, “I’m not sick, just tired. And- are you spying on me? Thats so weird-“
    Loki gave Bruce a look of mocked concern, “Just tired? You look like you’ve been run over by- well, the Hulk.” He chuckled. “And no, I haven’t been spying. I can hear your sneezing all the way down the halls.” Loki paused, “Let me in would you. I’m just outside the door and I’ve brought you something- a peace offer of sorts.”
    Bruce chuckled, “A peace offering, huh? No thanks.” He turned back to his work. 
    Loki’s form phased onto Bruce’s desk, sitting cross legged over his papers. 
    Bruce pulled his hands back, “Would you leave me alone?”
    Loki raised his eyebrows, “C’mon, allow me in. I’ll give you a hint at my gift; it’ll help you in overcoming your illness.”
    Bruce looked skeptical, “Is it mead? I don’t drink.”
    “Its not mead. I’m not my brother. Its soup. I got it from the store room and used a little bit of magic to heat it. I assure you it smells delicious.”
    Bruce continued to squint at Loki’s projection. “And how do I know it isn't poison or something?”
    “What reason would I have to poison you? If I wanted you dead I’m well aware that poison wouldn’t do the job. The Hulk would likely just spit it out and go about smashing me to bits. Accept my gift?”

    “Why are you being nice to me?” Bruce asked, trying to hide the genuine hopefullness in his voice. 
    Loki paused. He had a strange look in his eyes, almost that of a wounded animal. “Maybe its because I understand you. Outcast and cursed to be a monster.”
    Bruce took a moment before opening the door. Sure enough, there stood Loki in the flesh, holding a bowl of steaming soup. Although Bruce couldn’t smell it on account of his stuffed nose, it looked delicious. 
    Loki came in and sat on the cot as Bruce ate and explained to him the project he was working on through the papers strewn about the table. The conversation lasted nearly an hour and was finally cut short by a bout of coughing that left Bruce’s breathing labored. 
    Loki frowned, “That really doesn't sound good at all.”
    “I’m fine,” Bruce winced, his voice raspy. 
    Loki reached out his hand to Bruce’s head. Bruce’s hand snapped up to grab him by the wrist. “What are you doing?” He snapped.
    Loki was caught by surprise, “F-feeling your head- for temperature.” He stammered. 
    Bruce’s grip relaxed and his eyes softened. “Sorry, I’m not used to being, uh, coddled.” 
    Loki continued forward and placed his cool palm on Bruce’s forehead. “You’re rather hot. Here,” Loki pulled from his cloak a small cloth. He squeezed it and it became cool to the touch. “Lie down.” He ordered softly.
    Bruce felt slightly uncomfortable but lay down on the cot as told. 
    Loki laid the cool cloth on his forehead. 
    Bruce chuckled nervously, “Thats a neat trick. I didn’t know you could do that.”
    “Its not much of a trick, just an illusion really. But it feels cool, and it will help your fever go down.” Loki smiled slightly, “My mother used to treat me in this way when I was ill. She’d get me settled in bed and tell me stories as well.” He frowned, “At the time I thought I was the only Asguardian capable of catching chill. It makes sense now.”
    Bruce cleared his throat slightly. He hoped that the pink in his cheeks looked like a symptom of fever rather than an indication of the embarrassment he could feel warming his face. “My mom was a loving woman too. She would buy me comics when I was sick. I’d stay in bed and read them and play on my gameboy under the covers when she thought I was asleep. Your mom sounds like a lovely woman.”
    “Was, she's dead.” Loki said plainly. 
    “I’m sorry. My mother passed away as well.” 
    Loki smile didn’t extend to his eyes. “Thats another thing we have in common I suppose.”
    Bruce wanted to respond sympathetically but he felt a tickle growing in his nose. He tried not to make too strange of a face as he tried to turn his head away, perhaps a little to late- “EEETCHHHHHehh!” He quickly brought a hand up to his face to wipe a trail of mucus off of his lip. He was mortified. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled through his sleeve. “Did I get any on you?”
    Loki chuckled, “A bit.” He pulled a few tissues from the box, using one to wipe his sleeve and handing the other to Bruce. 
    Bruce chuckled and blew his nose and wincing as Loki took the used tissue from him and threw it in the trash bin. “Uh- thanks.” Bruce rubbed at his pink nose. His nostrils flared slightly. He was sure that he looked like a drippy mess.     
    Why was he letting Loki care for him when it embarrassed him so much? Maybe it felt nice to have someone care for him. It felt good to relax and let someone else take the wheel for a while.


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I love this.  Love it, love it, love it!  I think you have the characterisation down great and you've given a good voice to Loki and reason for him positioning himself in the caretaking role which wouldn't otherwise suit him.  If I could quote bits I liked I would but it's fiddly on the mobile site.  There were so many good bits but hello that very last sentence in particular.  Very poignant.

I was guessing that Loki would get the lions share of fan attention after the movie came out but I was hoping Bruce and Thor would get some love too and oh look some of my wish came true.  Seriously this is great and you rock for writing it.

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I haven't seen this movie (yet) but I figure my previous character knowledge counts a bit too. I like this fic and I'm looking forward to more of it :)

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I'm so in love with Loki! Bruce is ok, I guess, but I'm definitely here for Loki. This is wonderful! 

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