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Birthday Bash (Stranger Things - Steve Harrington)


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Okay this was really fun, it’s a little on the plot-y side but hopefully you guys will like it??? I'm planning on making a second (and maybe third?) part for it.

Summary: Everyone is working together to throw Eleven an amazing birthday party and the kids are determined to get the best present which happens to be furry and Steve also happens to be allergic.

Notes: boy oh boy I love to make steve suffer….also I love the kids and I think he would endure literally anything to make them happy.. :”) #1 mom steve


Part 1

Everyone was busting their asses to throw the best surprise birthday party in the world for Eleven; no expense was spared, if anyone tried to cheap out on anything they would get an earful from Mike and 10 extra bucks from Hopper, telling them to make it happen. Steve was recruited by the kids on the day of to go buy the present, saying they couldn’t get it any sooner when asked which only made Steve more nervous. What could they possibly be buying? Hopefully nothing illegal but knowing those kids, that wasn’t a guarantee.


Pulling into the parking lot, Steve was unbuckling when a chorus of frantic “stay in the car’s” were thrown at him, further unsettling him. He did as he was told though. Since when did he start taking orders from 13 year olds anyways? God, how fucking lame.


About fifteen minutes later, he could see the 5 tweens walking back over to the car, Mike Lucas and Will carrying a big box between them, Max in front like she was trying to prevent Steve from seeing it and figuring out what was inside, Dustin beside her with a guilty looking smile. As they got closer, Steve could make out tiny holes in the box, and when they all piled back into the car, his fear was confirmed when he heard some small pathetic mewing.


“Oh hell no. Hopper’s going to kill you,” Steve shook his head, trying his best to be stern. “There’s no way he’s going to let Eleven keep that. Take it back.”


They all put on their best defiant glare, even Dustin, the little traitor. Wasn’t he supposed to be on Steve’s side? “We already paid for it, we can’t take it back!” Mike said and was immediately backed up by several shouts of agreement, which soon morphed into a solid wall of indignant yelling.


Well…he tried. Hopper can’t pin this on him, it was five against one. If the kids wanted to, they could probably knock him out and have Max drive them back. She only took out one mailbox the last time. “Okay, okay, fine! Just shut up already!”


Steve sighed. This was going to be a long car ride. It was about thirty minutes from the town where they picked up the ‘present’ to Byer’s house where they were hosting the party, but with 5 annoying kids and a kitten it would probably feel like an hour or two.


“Hey! Put it back in the box!” Steve cried, looking back at Max in the rear-view mirror who was now clutching the kitten to her chest.


“He was crying! Look, he’s not hurting anything,” she argued, holding it out towards Steve’s face. “See?” It squirmed in her hands by the side of his face and Steve swore, shooing Max and the kitten away with one hand.


“Quit it! Put it back in the box! I mean it.”


“C’mon, Steve! Just because you hate cats doesn’t mean you should take it out on him,” in the passenger seat, Dustin shot him a look like not liking cats was personally offensive, as did the rest of the kids because in .2 seconds they were all yelling again.


Steve had to resist the urge to smack his forehead into the steering wheel. These kids were going to be the death of him, he swears. “I don’t hate cats! I’m just allergic to them! So yeah, I don’t want one put right next to my face! Now shut up you little assholes!”


The car went silent, the kids deflating, and letting out small “oh’s” of understanding, while Max slipped the kitten back into the box without so much as a snarky roll of her eyes.


The car was almost painfully quiet now, so Steve turned the radio on low. A couple minutes into the first song, his nose began to itch, and he took a hand off the wheel to scratch at the side of it even though he knew that was pretty much pointless. He’d been in the same confined space as the cat too long, it was only a matter of time before he began sneezing and sniffling and just turning into a general mess.


Another minute or so later, Steve could feel the itch spidering it’s way down his sinuses, and he sniffled, not yet ready to succumb to the inevitable. Once he started sneezing, he’d be going on like that for the rest of the car ride and they weren’t even halfway to their destination yet. He sniffled again, already feeling the initial stuffiness settling in. Dustin looked over at him, appearing slightly guilty, which only made Steve feel worse because it’s not like the kid meant to make his life harder.


He didn’t have much time to think on that because before he knew it, the itch had flared up and he was pitching violently in his seat, with a harsh sneeze that made everyone collectively jump out of their skin. “HETSCHoo!”


Dustin opened his mouth to comment, but Steve held up a finger to cut him off, before pulling up his shirt over the bottom half of his face to sneeze a second time. “He..HEP’KTSCHoo!


He blinked tearily, trying to focus back on the road. It’d be pretty unfortunate if he crashed the car and killed them all because of a sneezing fit. That would definitely ruin Eleven’s perfect birthday party, and if they didn’t die in the crash Hopper would surely finish the job if they screwed this up.

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AHAHAHAAHAHAH YES! STEVE SUFFERING! I'm cruel but I wanna see more! Good job with part 1! (The last sentence was HILARIOUS! I thought I was gonna die XD) 

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  • 1 month later...

Oh my gosh, I love this!! Love Steve, and I especially love the way he pulled his shirt up to sneeze into it. This is just lovely!

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  • 2 months later...

Ughhh Mama Steve :P I've been catching up on all the stories I've missed and this was just such a treat to read!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

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