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So, I've been wanting to make original stories for a long time now, but I always have the same problem...

I would start the story, then feel unmotivated to continue or finish it. Any tips?

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Plan the story out in your mind... That's what I do. But even then sometimes you could hit a dry spell... Maybe listen to music as you write? Or imagine yourself in the story as one of the characters? 

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I have this problem too. There are literally hundreds of fics I'v started on my laptop, but I get to a point where I just.. don't feel like I can continue. 

The thing I found most helpful is not caring about what I write. I literally just write whatever comes in to my head as it comes into my head, and get as much written as possible. It helps to know that this isn't the final draft, and that I can always go back and edit it to make it better. I used to write in a way that every sentence, every word, had to be perfect as I wrote it out, and I ended up disliking everything I wrote because it wasn't how I wanted it to be at first pass. 

Anothet thing I found that helps is planning out chapters. So writing down what is going to happen and write it in chunks. Now, I actually make a summary of each chapter, and add to the summary, if that makes sense. 

I have no idea if this will help at all, but hopefully it will. Good luck!

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You're certainly not the only one - my computer is a graveyard of started and discarded sneezefics :lol:  Because I usually have to be in a specific mood to write them, I often find that if I don't complete them in one or two sittings, they just don't get completed. 

My advice would be to try and get the whole thing down in one go, however roughly or unpolished it may seem at the time. I find it much easier to go back over something with an editors eye than to restart the creative process on a half-completed fic

Edited by NoV
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15 minutes ago, NoV said:

You're certainly not the only one - my computer is a graveyard of started and dis-guarded sneezefics :lol:  Because I usually have to be in a specific mood to write them, I often find that if I don't complete them in one or two sittings, they just don't get completed. 

My advice would be to try and get the whole thing down in one go, however roughly or unpolished it may seem at the time. I find it much easier to go back over something with an editors eye than to restart the creative process on a half-completed fic

I agree with everything NoV said. 

Also, try and have a general idea of the whole story before writing it down (I say general because I find that nothing has ever ended the exact way I anticipated, but it's usually very close) so you don't end up with a great start but nowhere to take it. That's really discouraging. You can often use part of these half-finished fics in something else later, though. I cannibalise old discarded fics all the time, sometimes as drabbles, sometimes as part of a new story. 

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Maybe you could start with a scene you really want to write, something that you're excited to share? When you've written that part, it may be easier to write the beginning and the end, or whatever will wrap your story up.

And I agree with many of others here: it helps to have a general idea of the story you're about to write, not necessarily a very precise plan, but just to know where you're going.

Good luck!

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Just posted a story in original fiction! Thank you so much for helping. Go check it out if you would like! :D

Edited by WolfPack
Forgot to put where I posted it. I'm a dumb idiot!
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Hello dear WolfPack,

I am glad to read you posted a story. I am sure you feel proud of it. I also writing for years now and my advice is, if you feel unmotivated, just take your time. Everything will be fine someday. And before you are going to write, you can create a résumé, in which you write down the main points of your story.

Later you can rework your notes and erase or add something, it is only up to you as the writer what do you find necessary for your chapters. Or maybe you find some details or plots of which you think not the same way and you can abdicate them? Perhaps it helps you to create a coverbook for your stories? It can be a great inspiration. You can always return to it :)

I think the most important thing is, that you create the story which you always wanted to read and to look back in a few months or years and you are still love it. For me the most important point is to reach, touch the hearts of the readers. Unless if they do not write some feedback for me. When I reach their hearts and perhaps make them think about something in a different way or I can lighten up a dark hour in their lives, I know everything is fine.

I hope I could help you a bit. Best wishes to you and have a nice day :)


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16 minutes ago, taléya** said:

Hello dear WolfPack,

I am glad to read you posted a story. I am sure you feel proud of it. I also writing for years now and my advice is, if you feel unmotivated, just take your time. Everything will be fine someday. And before you are going to write, you can create a résumé, in which you write down the main points of your story.

Later you can rework your notes and erase or add something, it is only up to you as the writer what do you find necessary for your chapters. Or maybe you find some details or plots of which you think not the same way and you can abdicate them? Perhaps it helps you to create a coverbook for your stories? It can be a great inspiration. You can always return to it :)

I think the most important thing is, that you create the story which you always wanted to read and to look back in a few months or years and you are still love it. For me the most important point is to reach, touch the hearts of the readers. Unless if they do not write some feedback for me. When I reach their hearts and perhaps make them think about something in a different way or I can lighten up a dark hour in their lives, I know everything is fine.

I hope I could help you a bit. Best wishes to you and have a nice day :)


Aww! You're so sweet! Have a nice day too!

I can also see you are quite new, welcome! Hope you like it here :rollslow:

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21 hours ago, WolfPack said:

Aww! You're so sweet! Have a nice day too!

I can also see you are quite new, welcome! Hope you like it here :rollslow:

Hello WolfPack:) 

thank you for your kind words :) I hope I can read one of your stories next time.

I look forward to write new chapters the next weeks, I haven't written for nearly seven months now :nosad:

Where can I find your stories? 

Take care :)

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2 hours ago, taléya** said:

Hello WolfPack:) 

thank you for your kind words :) I hope I can read one of your stories next time.

I look forward to write new chapters the next weeks, I haven't written for nearly seven months now :nosad:

Where can I find your stories? 

Take care :)

Well, in the Original Fiction section, you can find my story called "You Win"

Or instead, you can just click this link.

Please give me some advice if you can. Support is always nice to keep me going! :D

I also look forward to your stories in the future.

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Hello dear WolfPack,

thank you, when I find more time, I will look for your story "You win", it sounds great and positive:)

And if you need an advice, for writing or some plots - you can always ask me for sure.

I will try my best to help you, okay? 

I'm so sorry I just write my fanfictions and short stories in portuguese language. 

You understand portuguese? Or we can try to translate them into english?

Thanks for your reply , have a nice day:) 

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15 hours ago, WolfPack said:


Are you from Portugal? That's so cool!

Unfortunately, I don't understand the language. Maybe you can help me translate into English.

Hello WolfPack :) 

How are you today? 

Okay :) if you want to, we can try to translate the text into english and later I can send it to you via messages? 

Maybe a few words are difficult, I love to write some *poetic passages*, you too? :) 

And I have to admit - I don't write sneeze fanfictions. I really hope you don't mind? 

Do you know if there is an opportunity to post some stories or fanfictions unless they are not about some sneezing topics?

I just write about love, or some problems which are unfortunately hushed up by our association, you understand?

love, taléya**


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Your not alone there. I started to write this story and honeatly even I don't know where it's headed. So far I've writren 2 chapters andboth the times I was in the mood to write. I have no idea if I'm going to end up continuing it because I'm the type who ends up getting bored easily.

maybe muaic would help you? Or listening to sneezing fit videos? 

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