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Better Bundle Up (Dan and Phil, both Dan and Phil)


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I haven't posted any fics for a while, buuuut I'm back! I've been watching Dan and Phil for a while, and I wanted to write some fluff. It's set around 2015 in my mind, but it can be whenever.

Sorry that it takes a little bit (not long) to get to the sneezes, but I had to set things up.

Hope you enjoy!



Phil raised an eyebrow, pulling an expression somewhere between concerned and amused. Was Dan really going to do this? The YouTuber in question had declared to all his viewers that if he didn't upload his current video before Tuesday, he'd film the entirety of his next one outside. Phil doubted Dan would do it even if he missed his deadline. It was just a joke about how they never go outside, right? Besides, Dan was nearly done editing Sunday night.

Dan's laptop (the only place the work-in-progress video was stored) decided to suddenly break at around noon on Monday. He had to restore everything from a backup he had luckily made about a day and a half earlier. Meaning Dan was left with a hardly-edited jumble of clips and audio. The video was uploaded at 5 PM. On Tuesday. Normally, it wouldn't have taken so long, but this was one of his longer, more complicated videos at an entire 21 minutes. Dan had made a big enough deal about it to everyone, especially since they had been complaining about how long they've been waiting for another video, that he was serious about his claim regarding the deadline.

"Dan, they'll understand... It wasn't your fault it was late. You really did try," Phil assured.

"It'll be fine, Phil," Dan dismissed as he put on a jacket. An extremely thin jacket for this kind of weather, Phil noted aloud. "I'm wearing a sweater, stop worrying, you bloody spork," he reminded, playful annoyance dripping from his voice.

"You should bundle up more. It's -4° out! And it's snowing!"

Oh, yeah, and there was that. There was a foot and a half at least of snow blanketing the entire city.

"You'll get sick," Phil predicted with what Dan considered to be a far too grave tone.

"I wooon't. I'll be done in, like, 45 minutes. I won't be out there long," Dan replied. Before Phil could make his case, Dan stepped outside, the briefly open door letting in a freezing gust of air that made Phil shiver. Phil rolled his eyes to himself. Such a silly bear.

Phil, decidedly mother hen-ing his poor housemate, caught glimpses from time to time from the frosty window. What was supposed to take 45 minutes took three hours due to Dan sliding on patches of hidden ice, tripping over snow, and the wind blowing too hard for him to be heard. Phil sighed as an intense breeze left Dan shaking.

Finally, after three hours of filming, Dan came inside. Phil greeted him promptly at the door and frowned. The younger man was shivering uncontrollably, red nose sniffly from the cold, and half-soaked from falling in the snow a few times (he can barely stay seated in a chair for a minute without falling off, of course he can't dash across the snow while running like in Naruto). He awkwardly fumbled with his gloves, which had gotten frozen wet on the inside, taking them off, then set down the camera. "I f-finished-d," he announced with a slight smile.

Phil suppressed a chuckle, setting for a ghost of a smirk. He held out a mug of hot chocolate and a blanket in each hand. The way Dan completely lit up caused Phil to fully grin. He handed the warm objects over. "You should change into some dry clothes if you don't want to get sick. At least dry your hair," he suggested, but Dan was already on the couch, wrapped up cozily in the blanket, slightly unsteady hand raising the cocoa to his lips as he queued up Steins;Gate.

Phil would have repeated himself until Dan gave in, but he was too focused on the way the brown-haired otaku's eyes seemed to be immediately glued to the screen and how he mouthed a few of the lyrics (specifically, the four English words). Phil shook his head fondly. He didn't even comment when Hacking to the Gate was interrupted a few increasingly-wet sniffs and his eyes unfocused a bit due to... tiredness? He's so silly, Phil thought. He's going to get himself --

"Ahhhihh... ihhk'stchuuu!" Dan sniffed and wiped his nose off on his sleeve a little.  "I'mb just cold, shut up."

-- sick.

Phil said nothing for the rest of the evening. He simply sat down and watched anime with him. The next day, however, Dan heard four words over and over again.


"I told you so."

Dan sniffled, blinking his bleary eyes to reorient himself. "Yeah, feel free to shut ubp adnytimbe you wadnt dow." He sniffed again before blowing his nose, which helped clear some of the congestion. He glared at Phil (who was sitting right beside him on the sofa) before his eyes lost focus. "Heh-hih!"

Phil normally made a show out of leaning away from Dan when he sneezed in a video, but it wasn't an act when he did so this time, yelping and holding his hands in front of his face. He slowly relaxed and sat upright again when he realized that the sneeze wasn't coming. Dan's breath wavered.

"Do it. Sneeze," Phil prompted jokingly.

"I w-would if I could," Dan muttered. They waited awkwardly for a few seconds before Dan announced, "Nope, it's gone. Flaky little shit." He rubbed his nose and sniffled, which accidentally triggered -- "ihp-shuhh!" -- the sneeze, which turned out to be rather quiet. However, being sudden, Dan was forced to wipe some spray off the corner of his laptop with his sleeve.

"Bless you," Phil hummed.

"Dod't do that, you'll be saying it the whole bloody day and I've already got a headache," Dan grumbled.

"It's good manners," Phil insisted. Dan wasn't listening though, as he was too caught up in directing a string of dry coughs into his arm. He sighed.

"I hate this fuckigg cold," Dan murmured as he resumed scrolling through Tumblr.

"I'm sorry you're not feeling well. Maybe next time, you'll listen to--" Phil cut himself off when Dan gave him an irritable look. "You want some more tea?"

"God, yes, please." Dan sniffled and pulled the sleeves of Phil's green hoodie (the one they always wore when one of them was sick) over his hands. Phil walked to the kitchen, ruffling Dan's hair that was curly from having been wet the day before but not straightened again.

The next day, they had to go out. They were nearly out of tissues. Phil would have gone alone, but Dan insisted repeatedly that he needed "the ondes from that onde brand" that were "possibly lotion-y or somethigg, you know what I mean." Dan kept contradicting himself, and finally just settled on "I'll kndow themb if I see themb." Dan might have gone alone, but not with Phil (who could easily win trophies for mother hen-ing if they existed) around. Dan's head was pretty fuzzy -- he could fall into the middle of the street! Okay, probably not, but he might get lost or something.

It seemed like a simple task. A short walk to the store, a short walk back home. Simple. But first, something had to be done.

"Phillllll, really?" Dan sniffed as Phil put a third jacket on him. "This is way too mbuch," he protested.

"Hush. You'll thank me later," Phil assured him as he wrapped a scarf around his best friend's neck.

"I'm goigg to sweat to death ind this," Dan groaned. Phil shushed him and finished the outfit off with Dan's fur hat. Dan said
no, insisting he could put it on himself. However, when Dan snatched it from Phil, he accidentally brushed the side of it against his hyper-sensitive nose. He blinked, but simply snuffled and put the hat on. Only a moment later though...

"Haah-heh... Hehhh-yitschuuu! Ugh." A snatchy inhale and a ticklish sneeze later, and the hat had fallen off from a sudden jerk forward. He was too distracted sniffling in the aftermath to notice Phil placing the fallen object on him. Dan might've glared at him if he'd had the energy.

"Bless you!" Phil chimed, handing him one of the few remaining tissues.

"Thangks," Dan replied, accepting the tissue and blowing his nose with it. Phil, surprisingly, after all his talk about bundling up, decided to only wear an average flannel shirt and his Jake hoodie. Dan pointed this out, but Phil claimed it was plenty warm for 0° temperature.

And it was, surprisingly. Until ten minutes later...

"Hehkschihhh!" A sudden, violent sneeze.

Not from Dan.

Phil sniffed, wiping his hands off on his jeans. Dan smirked.

"What was that about ndeeding to 'budndle up' or 'I'll get sick,' Phillip?" Dan taunted.

"Shut up, it was just one sneeze," Phil reminded, holding a finger up.

But it wasn't just one. Only a few minutes later when they had arrived at the store, Phil suddenly brought his hands up to his face.

"Hhkshehh! Ihkshchuh!" Phil sneezed for the second and third times.

"Bless. You okay?" Dan murmured, genuinely concerned. Phil sniffed.

"Yeah, thanks. I thingk I might be coming down with sombething," Phil replied.

"After alllllll of that--"

"Don't start, Dand--"

"'Better listend to me, Dand, I kndow best. You dond't wadnt to get sick.' Andd then you mandage to get yourself sick. Well donde, Phil."

"I'm probably ondly sick because of you, you knd--" Phil broke off, coughing wetly into his fist.

Dan stopped joking around. His eyes flooded with worry. "Hey, you sure you're okay?"

Once Phil caught his breath, he cleared his throat and nodded. "I'mb probably no worse off than you are," he admitted.

"Yeah, probably." He put two boxes of tissue in the basket. "I thingk we better get sombe of these for you too, though," he said, adding another box. They checked out and left, Phil carrying the bag of tissues. As soon as they stepped outside, though, the difference between the warm shop and the freezing outside decided to --

"Pt'shu! Eh'ptshuu! Nng..." -- aggravate Dan's nose. He sniffled and sighed. Suddenly he perked up a bit. "Oh, that reminds me!"

"Of... What?" Phil asked skeptically. Dan took off his outmost jacket (since he still had another plus the green hoodie) and handed it to Phil.

"After mbakigg such a big deal... You better." Phil resigned and happily put on the extra layer of warmth, sighing contently.

"That's mbuch better..."

"Sambe here, that thigg was suffocating mbe." A minute of silence passed before Dan spoke up again. "I'mb sorry I got you sick," he murmured softly.

"It's finde. Just, maybe next timbe, don't filmb out in the sndow for three hours?"

"I thingk I can live with that," Dan replied, chuckling. Phil smiled. Such a silly bear.

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36 minutes ago, famouslastmemories said:

It's been a while since I've seen some Dan and Phil on here. I hope you write another part!

Yeah, I kind of missed the Golden Age of Dan and Phil lol. I'm late. I only started watching in August. I was originally going to end it here, but I might write more if people want me to! :) 

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1 hour ago, sneezy_frnk said:

I like Dan and Phil, but I never read any fics of em. Maybe I should start, cause this was awesome! 

Thanks, glad you liked it! :) Yeah, I like Dan and Phil fanfiction. It's mostly really fluffy and cute. It's the only RPF I like. There are some really good ones on here. There's one on here about ice skating that's one of my favorite fics in general on here.

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7 hours ago, JQLovesSneezes said:

My boys! :heart: This was so cute!! Thanks for sharing. :)

Thanks!! I had fun writing it. :) 

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Eep! This is so cute!! I haven't read any Dan and Phil for aaaaages, aww man! And this is so cute and fluffy and I just adored it :heart: The nicknames!! And Phil's green hoodie, which is totally their "sick hoodie" for definite! :rofl: And I just really love how you write them. Such a great dynamic <3

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8 hours ago, MaiMai said:

Eep! This is so cute!! I haven't read any Dan and Phil for aaaaages, aww man! And this is so cute and fluffy and I just adored it :heart: The nicknames!! And Phil's green hoodie, which is totally their "sick hoodie" for definite! :rofl: And I just really love how you write them. Such a great dynamic <3

Aww, thanks!! I'm actually a fan of your Dan and Phil fanfics so that means a lot to me lol. I love their "sick hoodie" so I have to use it.


... I actually didn't think anyone was still a part of the fandom. I didn't expect anyone to actually read this lol. I might post another section if I can get it to work. I've been writing early in the morning or late at night so I need to edit badly lol.

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13 hours ago, CeruleanBlue said:

Aww, thanks!! I'm actually a fan of your Dan and Phil fanfics so that means a lot to me lol. I love their "sick hoodie" so I have to use it.


... I actually didn't think anyone was still a part of the fandom. I didn't expect anyone to actually read this lol. I might post another section if I can get it to work. I've been writing early in the morning or late at night so I need to edit badly lol.

Aww, thank you so much!! :blush: The sick hoodie is possibly one of my favourite headcanons for them :rofl:

If you feel moved to write another section, then by all means do it! And I'm not as into the DnP fandom as I used to be, but if you ever want to flail about them or have a request or anything, feel free to hmu <3

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13 hours ago, MaiMai said:

Aww, thank you so much!! :blush: The sick hoodie is possibly one of my favourite headcanons for them :rofl:

If you feel moved to write another section, then by all means do it! And I'm not as into the DnP fandom as I used to be, but if you ever want to flail about them or have a request or anything, feel free to hmu <3

Same here!


Yeah, I've noticed that most people aren't in the fandom as much lol. Thanks! <3

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12 hours ago, Ellathenerd said:

Please write another part! I love Dan and Phil and would love to read more.

Glad you liked it!

Bad news: I really don't think I'm continuing this fic because the way I was going to just doesn't connect well enough.

Good news: I'll probably write more Dan and Phil soon, and I'll probably do some drabbles in between fics. (I am very busy right now, though, so keep that in mind. I'll try my best to keep writing!)

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