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Sammy with the flu (SPN, Sam)


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So this is the first thing I ever posted and I'm kinda terrified, but I hope you enjoy!

Please be gentle with feedback :3

*sorry for any mistakes*

It was just a regular day, the boys were in the impala, trying to put some distance between them and their latest hunt, when Sam sneezed. "itchoo!"

They both brushed it off. I mean, it was just one little sneeze.


Later that day, at a random dinner in a random town, the boys were eating their lunch.
Dean had his usual cheeseburger and fries, and Sam surprisingly chose a soup.
"What? It's cold out." He said, indignant, when Dean gave him a confused look when the waitress left after taking their order.

Sam didn’t want to admit he chose soup because his throat was kind of scratchy
Hmm, he thought, maybe my allergies are acting up.


 They were in the car again, and Dean thinks he will go insane soon.
And this was why.
Sam had been sniffling constantly for the past hour.
"Dude!" Dean suddenly exclaimed.
"What?" snff "what's wrong?"
"will you stop with the sniffling already? It's driving me nuts!"

Just then, Sam sneezed for the second time that day. "hih-htcho!"
"Bless" Dean said politely. "What's wrong with you? You feeling ok?"
"Yeah, I feel fine." Sam said on instinct.

But come to think of it, he now noticed the scratch in his throat is becoming more of an ache, and his nose has this persistent buzzing in it he didn't notice before.

Speaking of… "hiatchou!"
This one kind of snuck up on him, and he ended up misting the dash.
"Dude!" Dean exclaimed, "Don't spray your germs all over my baby!"
Sam sniffed once again, and gave Dean a sheepish look.
"Sorry." he shrugged.


It was starting to get dark out, and usually they would just keep going toward the next hunt, but Dean said he's tired, too tired for a back seat nap, so now they were pulling in to a motel parking lot.

Sam, by now, has developed an annoying cough that was adding to Dean's insanity.

After they settled in, Dean went out to grab some dinner.

And now that he was alone, in a quite motel room with nothing to do, Sam suddenly noticed for the first time today how tired he was.
It's like the fatigue fell on him like a wave.

Well, he thought, I got nothing to do anyway.
He slipped out of his clothes, keeping his boxers and t-shirt, and slipped into bed.


Dean came back to find his brother fast asleep, curled up in the comforter like a giant puppy, with only the top part of his face showing his messy hair and pink nose.

Dean was not surprised, which was evident by the extra plastic bag he was holding witch contained tissues, Nyquil, Dayquil, and more tissues.

He sighed, put the bags down, and got ready to eat and go to bed himself.
He also placed a box of tissues in his brother's reach.


Sam woke up slowly and sat up. It was dawn, his throat was on fire, his nose completely stuffed up and forcing him to breath thru his mouth, and he was surrounded by tissues he didn't remember using.

"haTCHOO!" Sam snapped forward into one of the balled up used tissues he grabbed.
Dean woke up from the noise, grunted tiredly and sat up, leaning on his elbow.
"hitchoo! Ha-hatcho! Tchee! He-tch!"
"Morning sicky" Dean said in a sleepy and amused voice.
"urgh…" Sam grunted and fell back on the pillows, coughing pathetically.


Later, Sam was huddled under the covers, hugging his box of tissues to his chest.
He was tired and shivering, with his lips slightly parted so he can breath, and his nose and cheeks pink.
"Deeeaaand…" he called out (or whined out) then coughed and sniffled.
"Yes?" Dean was there in a second.
"…Tea?" Sam croaked, and looked at Dean with those big hopeful puppy eyes, that were only intensified by the fever bright eyes and the pink cheeks and nose.
"Sure thing." Dean sympathized, and went on to make it.

End <3

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43 minutes ago, Wolfwings22 said:

This story was so cute! Especially the end. I really liked it!

aahhh thank you!!

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Awwwh, I love this! I’m so glad you decided to post! ^_^


I especially like this part:

14 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

Speaking of… "hiatchou!"
This one kind of snuck up on him, and he ended up misting the dash.
"Dude!" Dean exclaimed, "Don't spray your germs all over my baby!"
Sam sniffed once again, and gave Dean a sheepish look.
"Sorry." he shrugged.


Cute, sneezy Sam, and Dean is so in character. You write the boys so well! 


Thanks for sharing! :) 

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27 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Awwwh, I love this! I’m so glad you decided to post! ^_^


I especially like this part:

Cute, sneezy Sam, and Dean is so in character. You write the boys so well! 


Thanks for sharing! :) 

!!! Thank you !!!

I was so scared of posting this, so it means a lot to me <3

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