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Hay fever with a touch of torture- Harry Potter


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Harry Potter sat on the grass with his back against the wall of his house of number 4 privet drive. Dozing off under the bright summer sun he felt a small tickle in his nose. Lifting his hand he brushed it absentmindedly and the tickle backed down. It wasn’t to uncommon that Harry Potter’s nose tickled, after all he did have hay fever. Never too bad and his list of allergies was small. However, his Aunt Petunia grew yellow daisies dripping with pollen. Sometimes she would send him out to weed the garden and he would be able to stop sneezing for hours, getting sent to his room without dinner. 

“Disgusting” Uncle Vernon would mutter under his thick mustache “so ungrateful, that boy.”

Harry felt another tickle in his nose, stronger than before. He opened his eyes lazily and gasping at the site of horror, a daisy under his nose. Held by none other than his git of a cousin, Dudley. This was something Dudley liked to do a lot, antagonize Harry. 

Harry could feel the pollen traveling inside his nose his breath began to hitch 

“Huhh huhhhhh-“ he hitched on the verge of a sneeze, knowing all too well what was about to happen he felt the familiar poorly finger of Dudley. This was a game he played, making Harry’s nose itch until he was about to sneeze an deny him of relief. Dudley move his finger and replaced it with the daisy, shoving the pollen filled center up his nostril, his eyes watered and his breath hitched. Dudley watched it awe smirking at Harry’s uncontrollable need to sneeze. 

“Huuuuuuhhh huuuhh hushewwwww! Hushewww! Hishewww!” He sneezed unable to stop for the next five minutes. 

“Git” he murmured when he was done. 

As expected he didn’t receive dinner that night, and wrote to Ron and Hermione to ask for food. If it wasn’t for them he would probably starve. 

Harry needed to get back at Dudley, but how...? He included that in his letters. And signed, Harry.

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