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Loki Fever (Ragnarok Spoilers! Thor & Loki brotherly love )


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After Asgard fell Thor and the rest of the survivors built a home in a remote area of Norway. They were starting to get the hang of things and people were comfortable, well, everyone but Loki. People were in the streets, making a market, and kids were running around laughing. Thor was walking through it, trying to look calm as he walked swiftly to his shared home with Loki. The Royal family had a larger house up by the water front. 

As Thor walked into the house, he yelled for his brother, "Loki!" 

Loki sat in a chair closing his book, "must you yell? i am right here." 

"stop this illusion, where are you?" Thor moved past the illusion in the chair and stomped down the hall to Loki's room. The illusions flickered away and Thor opened the door without knocking, "Loki.." he sighed as he saw the real Loki standing by the window in his black suit. Thor was also in his civies and walked towards him. 

"Yes, Thor." He turned towards, "Enjoy your walk?"

Thor reached him and put a hand on his shoulder turning Loki around, "how do you fair? I admit it is hot even for me?" He started put his hands on Loki's face and Loki tried to push him away. 

"Thor, I'm fine." He batted his hands away and stepped back, "I feel...fine." He started shimmering.

"More tricks? Loki, please! cease this trickery." Thor pleaded with him. 

Loki shimmered and the facade dropped. It was still the black suit, the only thing different was that he looked flushed, "Fine. Please try to contain yourself." 

"You're fevered." Thor came closer and put a hand on Loki's forehead, "you're on fire." 

"don't be so dramatic." Loki leaned into Thor's hand then cleared his throat, backing away. 

"You need rest, get out of this witch outfit and put on something less warm." Thor tried to pull of Loki's jacket. 

"Thor!" he stepped away again, "I am quite content in my attire." 

"You're ill-"

Loki interrupted, "I am not denying that." Loki's nose twitched, not leaving Thor's notice. "Please don't make a fuss..." 

Thor watched Loki's losing battle with his nose and raised an eyebrow, "so you don't need to sneeze?" He teased him and stepped closer. 

"st..sto'hih'p...hih.." He brought a wrist to his nose and stifled, "hingt...eh'nxt." 

Thor smiled and chuckled, "That's adorable." 

"shut...hingt!...uhhp.." He sighed and sniffed.

"Why don't you just sneeze unsuppressed?" Thor teased

"You know.. why.." He sniffed and rubbed his nose. 

Thor got him into a corner and snaked an arm around his waist, "Come here" Thor pulling him into a hug, "I am sorry you feel so poorly, I thought it would be colder here." 

Loki let him hug him, "Thor, you're body temperature, is stifling."

Thor let go quickly, hands on loki's shoulders, "Forgive me." 

"Already forgot." Loki gave a smile and moved out from the corner. 

"will you lay down? You will faint with your fever." 

"If I were to lay down, every time i felt overheated, I would never get up." he turned around to face him.

"you always feel this poorly?" Thor looked worried and furrowed his brow. 

"no, that's not the point.." Loki's breath hitched and he wiggled his nose, "oh.." Thor watched with anticipation. He hated seeing Loki stifle. Thor stepped forward and pinned Loki's hands behind his back, "thor..hih..st'hiih'op...hiih.hiiiiih."  Loki tried to stifle into his chest, but it was no good, "hingt'chieew...hiih.. hiigh'nxt'tieew..'tiew!" His sneezes were soft and high pitched. Thor chuckled and rubbed Loki's sides. The reason Loki always stifled, was because his magic was unstable when he sneezed. As he opened his eyes and groaned as he noticed the pillows had flown off his bed, a book fell from his shelf, and there was now a snake several feet infront of them.

"see, that was not so bad." Thor let go and walked to the snake, "you made a new friend." He picked it up and let it curl around his arm. 

"It could have been worse." He sniffed, "I hate sneezing." He didn't mind sneezing, as much as he hated letting them out. He could stifle all day and be content, but he hated how it felt when the magic escaped. Letting his sneezes out made his whole body tingle, like every pressure point was being pushed and he magic twitched. 

"If you lay down, I will bring you ice form the mortal world that they cream?" Thor smiled from ear to ear, "it will cool you down." 

"ice cream, Thor. It is just called ice cream." Loki gave the smallest hint of a smile. 

"Yes, good." Thor smiled and padded back over to him, "get into bed!" 

Loki snapped his fingers and he was in more comfortable clothing, a green top and trousers that he wore to sleep, "happy?" 

"Very happy." Thor walked over and kissed Loki's temple. 

Loki huffed and sat on the bed. It really was horrible hot in here. He had been feeling dizzy and fatigued all day. He tried to charm his room to cool him down, but it wasn't working. Thor came back quickly with two bowls and spoons. Loki took the bowl and leaned against his brother. 

"I've missed this," the admitted. He took a bite of ice cream. 

"You miss me coming down ill and letting you mother hen me?" Loki teased

"I miss you letting me in, and taking care of you." Thor looked over at him, "You are never quite this affectionate." 

Loki cleared his throat and took a bite, "I am quite feverish, and the metal on your jacket is cool." He was quite the skilled liar.

"Eat your ice-cream, I will retrieve a cloth for your head." Thor got up.

Loki missed the contact but finished his ice cream. He felt slightly cooler, but he could still feel the sweat dripping down his back. He moaned as his head filled with a dizzy spell, dropping the bowl. It clattered to the ground and Thor sprinted out of the bathroom.

"loki? What happened." Thor put his hands on Loki's face, making him look at him.

Loki tried to wave him off, "i'm alright...just dizzy." Thor sat back down and held Loki close. Loki let his brother hold and rock him slightly, it was a nice feeling. His breathe hitched and Loki tapped Thor's chest to try to tell Thor to let him go. Thor only tightened his hold, knowing exactly what Loki was about to do. Loki put a hand up to his face, trying not to sneeze on his borther, "hegnt'--...ah...hiih..hiih..hingt!--." he let out a breathe and sniffed. 

"blessings." Thor kissed his head, "how is it, that heat makes you so sneezy?" Thor was genuinely curious.

"It makes my sinuses inflamed." loki Buried his face in Thor's chest, "Like a permanent vibration in my nose." He sniffed again, rubbing his nose furiously. 

"ah." Thor looked down at him, "You should try to sleep." 

Loki shook his head, "I have studies.." He stifled a silent sneeze between his fingers. 

"Brother.. You will only weaken yourself." 

"I will be weakened until this heat goes away. I will not waste the time." Loki got up from Thor's embrace, "You have kingly duties to uphold." 

"I can do those without your help until you are well." Thor stood up and placed a hand on his neck. 

"Then I will be in the library.." he begun to walk out of the room. 

Thor thought for a moment, "wait!" Loki turned around eyebrow raised, "If you refuse to rest, you might as well work with me." Thor wanted to keep an eye on him, incase the heat hurt him further.

"you want to watch my condition." Loki leaned against the doorway.

"is it wrong of me to worry." Thor folded his arms in front. 

Loki did feel horrible and wanted his brother's steady hand, "no." he rubbed his nose, "hieghngt'--.." He stifled a larger sneeze that bent him at the waist. He straightened back up to see a very worried looking Thor, "You're duties can be done within our walls, calm yourself." he sniffed. his head felt fuzzy. 

"then we do it in your precious library." 

"agreed." Loki nodded. Thor beamed and snaked an arm around his waist, "Thor, whatever happened to that snake?" 

"it vanished when you had your dizzy spell." Thor helped Loki stand upright as the walked to the library. 

"ah." As they entered, a cool breeze welcomed them. Loki moaned and Thor chuckled. 

"sit, brother." Thor helped him sprawl on the couch and made sure his head was on a pillow, "you lay here, or we do no work." 

"fine." Loki laid down, glaring at his brother, "get on with it." 

Thor half smiled and pulled up a chair, "we wait for Heimdall." 

They waited patiently. Thor knowing Heimdall could see Loki's condition and would not come. Loki was slowly losing the battle against sleep, and finally let his eyes droop shut.



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Part 2: 

Thor watched Loki sleep for an hour or two when Heimdall came in to usher him away, "we have business to attend to." he watched Thor look over at his brother, "I will be watching and will alert you if his condition changes." Thor patted his on the back and walked out of the room, followed by heimdall.

A few hours later, Loki woke up feeling worse than when he fell asleep. He looked up to see his brother gone and groaned, he had been tricked by them and his illness. He sat up on the couch and assessed himself: slight headache forming, heavy feeling in his limbs, and he felt warm, "Damn." He stood up, fetched a book off the shelf he had been meaning to read, and walked out of the library. 

Heimdall pulled Thor aside and told him of Loki's movements, "he is awake." Thor moved towards the door but Heimdall stopped him, "this must end first." Thor looked back at him pleading, "He is in no danger, only reading. He will be fine." Thor reluctantly turned back to the meeting. 

Loki walked to the living area and sat down in his favorite chair. He took a pen and began scrawling down notes in his journal for later use. An alarm went off and Loki groaned. His brother had started setting alarms for Loki in order to make sure Loki ate. When he was focused on a new book or working, a lot of times Loki would forgo eating until he'd finished; all of which might take days. With a snap of his fingers he turned off the alarm and went back to his studies. He got a few peaceful moments before his brother came back home. 

"Loki! You wake," Thor smiled and padded over to him. 

"Yes," Loki raised an eyebrow, "did you hope I was trapped in a sleeping curse?" 

Thor noticed the timer had gone off and didn't see sign of food being eaten, "loki, if in anytime you needed sustenance, it would be now." 

"Am an not hungry," Loki sighed, "Would you please get rid of those alarms, i am no child." 

"The alarms will go when you eat regularly." Thor patted his arms to his sides, "You are far too thin." 

"no, I am quite healthy," He glared, "I am no Asgardian, I do not eat like you all." 

"You may not be by blood, but you are an asgardian." Thor walked over and leaned against the chair, "You are ill, brother. Please." 

"if it will stop this insufferable hovering, then yes, I will eat." Loki sighed and closed his book.

"good." Thor put a hand on his shoulder and rubbed with his thumb, "I know you are not like us when it comes to food. I remember how much pain you were in when father tried to force you to eat like we did." 

Loki winced and touched his stomach at the memory, "it is beyond me how you eat an entire turkey and still have room for thirds." He side-eyed Thor.

Thor grinned and barked a laugh, "at least eat an apple." He watched Loki stand up, glad to see that he still had strength to maneuver on his own.

Loki stopped and nodded slowly, He had not expected such a small request from Thor. He walked over to the kitchen and took a red apple from a bowl. He watched as Thor watched him and he raised an eyebrow, "going to check my mouth to see if i've swallowed?" he took another bite, swallowed and opened his mouth.

"I trust that you will not trick me in this." Thor walked over, towering over him, "Forgive me for leaving you. It was not my intention." 

"You have duties to uphold." Loki set the unfinished apple down, "I do not expect to be doded on." 

"Ah, it is far too late for that." Thor chuckled, "It has already begun." 

"You're smothering me." Loki teased.

"not yet." Thor retorted. 

Heimdall walked into the room with the soul Sword, "My king, I suggest closing the windows and blinds." He looked out as if seeing something, "It is growing warmer outside." 

Thor quickly closed the kitchen Window, "Loki, Do you have a spell?" 

"Calm yourself." He put a hand on Thor's chest and snapped his fingers. All windows and blinds were shut, "now it is far too dark for your liking." 

"I do know to work the switch light." he turned the lights on.

"the light switched." 

"What does it matter?" Thor looked bemused

Loki rolled his eyes and leaned against the counter, "It doesn't." He finished the apple and threw it away, "Now can I get back to my studies? or will you pull out a feast next?" 

"For once, I agree." Thor wrapped an arm around him, "Reading is restful." 

"You're agreeing with me?" Loki looked skeptical. 

"Why would I not? Reading needs no physical activity. It would be restful." 

Loki was about to reply when all of the lights went out, then flickered back on, "oh no.." Loki put a hand to his face and sighed, "the heat wave is making the power surge.

"what does that mean?" 

"It means we have lost power to some." He looked around , "Something is no longer working, I just can't see what it is." He gave a mental check, "Everything is still on, what blew?" 

"I shall call Stark, he shall know what is wrong." He left the room to make a call. 

Loki sighed and took his book and went to his room. 


"what do you mean the A and C?" Thor looked confused at the hologram of Tony Stark. 

"look, can you give the phone to Loki or someone?" He sounded exasperated. Tony had been trying to explain to Thor what was going on in the houses they rented for two hours now. Builders had flew back to Asgard to try to rebuild the City to what it once was, or at least make it habitable again. 

"Loki needs to rest, How do I fix this.." Thor was cut off by the door opening. Loki was standing their looking flushed and sick, "brother...?" Thor walked quickly over to him.

"Thor... Did you fix it?" Loki put a clammy hand on Thor's arm.

"I am speaking with Stark now." 

"Loki! thank god, someone with even the smallest amount of understanding." Tony waved around, "It's the air conditioning unit, that's burst." 

"I know.." Loki wiped his brow, "It is like an inferno here." Thor hadn't noticed the changing heat, having been used to hotter summers in Asgard. Loki usually stayed inside those days.

"Woah.. ya you don't look so hot." Tony furrowed his brow.

"that is the opposite of the problem, Stark." Thor interjected, "he is far too hot." 

"I'm saying.. nevermind. I'm going to send a drone over to fix it." Tony sighed, "Ill have it stay around to fix anything else that breaks, I don't need it anyway."

"We owe a great debt to you." Thor nodded.

"don't mention it." Tony hung up. 

Loki couldn't stand anymore and his knees buckled, "ugh."

Thor caught him and held him tight, "I have you, brother." He picked him up bridal style and carried him to his own room. He placed him on top of the covers and ripped off Loki's shirt. Grabbing a cloth and dipping it in cold water, he placed it over his brother's feverish forehead. 

They heard a whooshing sound outside and Thor went to open the blinds. An iron drone had come and began working on their electricity. They heard the A/C rev-up and blow out cool air. Hologram Tony came back online, "I had one nearby, How's ice pop?" Loki coughed in response, eyes closed, brows furrowed and sweating. "Yeesh. Need me to send Banner?" 

"NO!" Loki sprang up in a sitting position, feeling woozy he put his arms down to support him. 

"Lay still, brother." Thor was at his side, "that will not be necessary, We have capable healers." he gave a small smile to tony and smoothed his brother's hair back.

"fine, but if he get's worse, You know how to reach Pepper." He signed off. 

Loki sagged against him, and Thor noticed that he had passed out. He laid him down and ran another wash cloth along his bare chest. His eyebrows furrowed at his brother's small frame. It was an eternity later, at least it seemed that way for Thor, until his brother awoke. 

"You live." 

"regrettably." He winced and put a hand on his head, "I feel as if your hammer is beating against my skull." 

"I assure you, it is not." He took the cloth off and dipped it again in the cold water, this time putting it on loki's neck. "better?"

"slightly." He moved so he was against the headboard. "The temperature has dropped?" 

"ay." Thor smiled and patted his leg, "you should rest." 

"I am to uncomfortable to sleep." He sniffed and rubbed his hair back, "would you.." He thought for a moment, thinking it was a ridiculous request.

"What is it? what do you need?" Thor took his hand.

"Would you draw cold bath, This heat is making me itch." He closed his eyes and moved as if he wanted to crawl out of his skin. 

"Wait here." Thor went to start it.

"where else would I go?" Loki leaned and let himself fall across the bed onto his back. His fever dazed had him seeing movement on the wall. 

Thor started filling the bath and looked back, "loki? what are you doing?" 

Loki looked over at Thor, "What are you refering to? Me laying on your bed, or dying of fever." He drooled sarcasm.

"With the ceiling, you are using magic." 

"Oh..I thought i was hallucinating." He moved his hand and the movement stopped. 

Thor started, this was bad. He checked the water temperature and shivered, "It is ready." 

Loki weakly rolled over so the he was on his stomach, "give me a moment." 

Thor huffed and walked over, "Let me help you."

"I will not have you undress me." Loki protested.

"Then go in with you trousers." thor shrugged, "we grew up together Loki, it is not as if I have never seen you naked before." 

Loki groaned and let Thor take off his pants. Loki blushed and let Thor help him stand. They walked to the tub and Loki sighed as his body met with the cold water. He dunked completely under and resurfaced feeling better. 

"Is it working?" Thor asked eagerly.

"Yes. Thank you." Loki whispered  and sighed, closing his eyes. 


"ah, Stark has come through once again." Thor bellowed as he walked down the hall to were Loki was seated.

"yes, we owe him a great deal." Loki smiled and turned the page of his book.

"you are in better spirits." Thor grinned from ear to ear and went to make himself some food, "how is your health, brother?"

"I no longer feel as if my skin is on fire," Loki sighed, "So that is an improvement." He cleared his throat and returned to his reading.

"I am glad of it." Thor made himself a sandwich or three, and sat across from Loki. 

Loki looked away from the food, feeling sick to his stomach, "must you eat all the time." 

"I have not eaten in hours." Thor took a huge bite of his first sandwich. 

"It has barely been two." Loki moved the book up so he couldn't see Thor anymore, and Thor couldn't see his face. 

"Two too long." Thor Leaned to his left in hopes of seeing Loki from around the book, "Why hide, brother?"

"Hempt!--... hignxt!" He sniffed, "I think i've made more than a spectacle of myself for today."

"Blessings." begun his second sandwich, "i remember no spectacle." Thor lied in hopes that Loki would come out.

"You are a...a horrible..li...liar." Loki pinched his nose in hopes of staving off the sneeze, "hih...hiah.."

Thor watched as his brother's chest moved up and down, and begun to get lost in the motion. His eyes started to droop and he felt something stir within him. He wasn't sure what but he was intrigued.  

"hih.." Loki finally put the book down and used his now free hand to rub his chest slightly, as if curling in on himself would stop the flow of magic, "hiih..Hitsch'ieew!" he caught it in his hands and shivered when he felt his magic splurge. He looked up to see the wall color changed from a baige, gold to a light blue. 

"It is an interesting improvement." Thor tried to make sure Loki didn't feel bad about his accidental magic. "You did say you haed the color." 

Loki was too busy to respond as he was holding back another sneeze. He never sneezed just once and Thor knew that. Thor watched Loki's nostrils flare and body shake; He had that feeling again. He watched the intake of Loki's breathe and fall forward, "Hitsch'ieew!"

 He was pushed out of his stupor when a tabby jumped onto his lap, "Aw, Loki look. I've always wanted a pet." 

Loki sat up feeling wasted, "Don't get too attached." Loki sniffed, "I don't know if it is permanent or if it will waste away like the snake." 

Thor smiled and scratched behind the cat's ears, ignoring what Loki said. 

Loki rolled his eyes, then suddenly snapped forward again, "Hitschiew!" He barely had time to get up his hand.

Thor's eyes widened as he took a moment to understand what just happened, "The cat is now red?" 

"Tabbies are always.." Loki looked up, "hmm.. Not that shade." 

"She reminds me of little Romanoff!" Thor laughed and continued to play with his new companion. 

"I don't see..i'hih't.. itsch!ieew!" His book flew out of his hand and onto the floor several feet away. "ugh." He put his head in his hands.

Thor let the cat jump off him and walked toward his brother, kneeling down, "Perhaps it is best if you lay down?" 

Loki felt miserable, "lay with me?" 

Thor was taken aback but smiled, "Of course." He put a hand on Loki's cheek and stroked it, "Your bed or mine?"

Loki looked up with huge puppy dog eyes, "Can we just stay here?" 

Thor looked at the couch and wondered how they would possible fit, "well.." Loki made a motion with his hand and the couch stretched. It was now like a bed, "Loki!" Thor looked worriedly at his little brother, "you know it weakens you in this state." 

" ' don't care." He muffled into his brother's chest, exhausted even from such little effort. 

"alright.." Thor draped him over the couch and laid beside him. Loki moved and squished himself up against him, "better?"

"shut up." Loki laid his head against Thor's arm and Thor traced Lazy circled across his back. Loki felt far too tired to think clearly and sneezed into his brothers chest, "itschiew". It began to snow in the room and Thor only chuckled and held him closer. He really didn't mind, "hitschiew!" The snow stopped. 

"bless." Thor kissed the top of his head, "sleep. I will be here when you wake." 


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@JQLovesSneezes Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! It's gonna get worse hehe

@ALilSneezy I love Loki too! makes us all melt ;) Get ready 


Part 3: 

Loki whined in his sleep. He was sweating and breathing heavy. Thor did not stir, who had fallen asleep not long after Loki did. 

Loki was sitting in Asgard, A memory he had hoped to forget. It was one of the hottest days in Asgard and Odin had forced Loki to play with his brother and his friends outside. 

"It is a wonderful day! I will not have my sons sitting inside all day like some silly maidens!" That had been the last word and Odin ushered Loki outside.

immediately Loki felt sick. the heat was making him uncomfortable and he kept pawing at his collar. Thor had laughed and brought the warriors three with him to spar outside and toss around a ball. Thor had just tackled Fandral with a laugh he had caught the ball. Lady Sif had come shortly after and began to play keep away with Volstagg. Loki had watched with slight amusement as he fingered through his new book. Frigga had given it to him when Odin had forced him to come outside. She knew the heat would bother him and sat with him in the shade. 

"Brother!" Thor shouted and Loki looked up quickly too see the ball come at them. He quickly let out a hand and caught it, a foot away from the queen's face. 

"mother, are you alright?" Loki asked with slight concern.

Frigga had laughed and put a hand on Loki's shoulder, "I should be paying more attention." She smiled at Loki, "My hero" and laughed again. 

Loki smiled back at his mother and stood to throw the ball towards Lady Siff, who caught it and raised an eyebrow, "That was almost a good throw." 

"Bah!" Thor stood up, Fandral in a slight headlock, "Loki can't throw? What witchcraft is this." Loki rolled his eyes and sat back down. 

Frigga sympathetically rubbed his back, "how do you fare, my sweet?" 

"I.." he thought about lying to her, make himself look healthy like his brother, incase Odin was watching. He thought better of it, "I feel sick." He wiped his wet brow, "Why am I always so sick, mother?" 

"It is not your fault." Frigga glared at the closed doors, possibly to where he husband was, "You, like I, were not born for such harsh weather." 

"You feel ill?" Loki put a concerned hand on her shoulder, ready to carry her inside should she need it. 

"I am well." She smiled and moved up to kiss his forehead, "I will call to bring you water. You look pale." She stood up and left the area. 

Thor looked up to see his mother leave and raised an eyebrow. Thor looked at his brother and watched him slump against the pillar. Volstagg had the ball now and threw it at Loki. Thor wanted to yell at Loki to watch out, but when he heard his friends snicker, he let it go. It his Loki and he toppled over. Loki sat back up and looked around for the ball. 

"what's the matter? Too busy to play?" Fandral asked, smirking.

"He is planning some trick to pull at the grand feast in a fortnight." Sif yelled back, picking up the ball that had rolled back down. Thor laughed with them and watched as Loki re-opened his book. 

"Do not be so sensitive Loki!" Thor clapped his hands together, "You are acting like a maiden! Come play a man's sport!" Thor opened his arms, hoping for a retort or trick.

Loki just stood up and turned, "I would rather not." He clutched the book to his chest.

Hogun went behind Sif and stole the ball from him, "Loki! Catch!" Hogun threw it at him and Loki caught it, but took a step back from the force. 

"What did you do that for?" Sif pushed him slightly.

"You wanted him to play," Hogun shrugged. 

"He can't play! He looked like he is about to pass out." Fandral shouted taking a step closer. "You look ill." 

Loki tossed the ball to Fandral who he hoped would stop talking, "I am well, I assure you." 

"He is fine." Thor bellowed, "Let him play with his studies, He is to frail for such actions." They all laughed and begun to play their game again. 

Loki sighed with relief and sat back down. He couldn't help but notice the side-eyes he was getting from Thor. Not long after, Thor walked over, "something troubles you?" Loki questioned.

"Where has mother gone?" Thor looked at the door.

"I believe she went to fetch food," Loki lied, "She was peckish." 

"You probably bored her with all your reading." Thor shrugged and stocked off again. Loki, slightly annoyed with his statement, snapped his fingers and the ball all of a sudden turned heavy. When Siff threw it to Thor, it crash into him. Once it had done it's damage, it had turned into the ball again. 

"Well! I would say Siff has gotten stronger." Hogun smiled and got others to laugh, "well done my lady." 

Thor brushed himself off and continued as if it was a funny joke. 

Loki had watched and put a soft smile on his face. The metal from one of the statues shone a light right into Loki's eyes. He ducked into his shirt to sneeze, 'Hitsch! itschiew!" At first, no one noticed anything, but by the second sneeze it was impossible not to. The tree next to them had bloomed apples and now had dropped them all on Thor.  

Frigga had just come back and saw the display. She chuckled and gave a glass of water to Loki, as servants put a fresh pitcher down on the stairs. Loki greatfully drank some and watched thor get back up. 

The warriors three and Sif looked at the apples and looked impressed, "Who knew Loki could do that." only Frigga knew that it had been caused by accidental magic from sneezing. Hogun smiled and bit into an apple, "It is probably the best apple I have ever had."

Thor looked slightly angry but faked a smile to appease his friends. Thor didn't like that attention Loki was getting from his friends. Hogun was always giving Loki the benefit of the doubt, but the others were always picking on Loki. He liked it that way; They were his friends, not Loki's. 

Once their game was over and the warriors left to do other duties, Frigga, Thor, and Loki went back inside. Loki was beyond grateful, he was feeling nauseous and dizzy. He hid it very well. Frigga walked away from the two brothers to go speak to her husband in the throne room. Once they were alone, Thor grabbed Loki by the back and pushed him into a different room.

"Thor?" Loki said weakly, "what is the matter?" 

"What are you planning with the warriors three?" Thor demanded as he pushed Loki up against the wall. 

"I do not understand." Loki looked confused and looked into Thor's eyes.

"The magic, the apples. What trickery was that?" In truth, Thor liked it when Loki used his magic at him. It was nice having Loki's attention solely on him. What he didn't like, was that it might not have been for Thor. 

"That was an accident." Loki moved to push Thor slightly away, "Odin forced me..." 

"Do not bring father into this. Know your place." Thor hissed at him. 

Loki winced, "That was not my intention.." Loki closed his eyes, feeling a dizzy spell.

"Look at me." Thor put a hand on his face.

"Brother... I feel sick." Loki furrowed his brow, trying to keep his stomach in check. 

"Stop this trickery." Thor moved Loki's face to look at him, "You are hot.." He took a step back.

"I told you..." Loki put a hand over his mouth and pushed down a gag. 

"What is wrong with you?" Thor raised an eyebrow.

"It is too hot outside." Loki walked to sit in a chair. 

"You need to see father." Thor looked concerned and stepped forward. 

"no... not father.." 

"why do you not like father!" Thor raised his voice, "He has given us everything! it is not his fault you are weak and pathetic." Thor didn't mean to say that. 

"I do like father." Loki spit back before Thor could backtrack, "If you will excuse me.." Loki walked past him.

"brother!" Thor grabbed his arm. 

"Let go of me." Loki glared, "It is bad enough you attack me in front of your friends," his voice was like acid, "I do not wish to hear of my failure in your eyes." He walked out of the room before Thor could apologize.


Loki woke up slowly, feeling his face wet. he quickly wiped them away. He felt Thor begin to stir and remembered that he was in his arms. Feeling disgusted with himself he pushed him away and sat up. 

"Brother?" Thor blinked away sleep, "What is wrong?"

Loki took a moment to compose himself, "I feel sick... I wish to lay in my own bed." Thor made to get up, "Alone." he looked away and realized he said it rather harshly, "Please.." 

Thor felt his stomach drop, what did he do wrong? He stood and put a hand on his brother's shoulder, "Anything you wish." he gave a little squeeze, "Is there anything I can do for you?" He wanted to give his brother a hug and love away whatever was plaguing his mind. 

"no, I just need to be alone." Loki sighed, "I will rest.. No need to worry." He reassured Thor and walked down the hall to his room.

Thor watched him go into his room and sighed; At least he is resting. Loki sat on his bed and let out some sobs. He knew it was ridiculous to cry about something in the past, he blamed it on the fever, but he couldn't hold it back. He took a few minutes to compose himself before looking back up. He felt like the walls were closing in and he lashed out. Books flew from the shelves and pillows flew, curtains fell, and he was gone. 

Thor heard something and ran to his room. He opened the door and looked at the mess. "loki!" He saw that he was gone and sprinted out the front door. 

Loki transported to a nearby field, over looking the people of Asgard. Loki had turned into his civvies and stood their in a black suit. He watched the people move about and he walked along the cliff side until he was among them. He kept himself hidden. He was having flashbacks to his dream. The shade he was currently under, kept switching in his mind to the stairs. The children playing a little ways down, turned to the warriors three, Sif, and Thor. He winced and held his head. 

Thor was sprinting around looking for Loki, or at Heimdall. SOmeone who might be able to tell him where Loki went. He ran into Heimdall, "Thank Odin." 

"Loki has left the house?" Heimdall guessed seeing Thor's face. Heimdall looked out, "ah.. My prince." he said with sympathy. 

"Where is he?!" Thor was worried.

"He is not far." Heimdall pointed, "He is through the crowd." he put a hand on THor's shoulder, "Tread lightly, You have passed sins to make up for."

Confused Thor looked at him then the street. Thinking that Loki was more important that whatever Heimdall was talking about he sprinted. About halfway through the crowd he slowed down to try to see any hint of Loki. He saw the kids playing and smiled a little to himself. 

Loki was watching the kids from the tree line a little farther away and up. Loki remembered the flash of light that triggered his sneezing last time and the memory triggered it this time. Maybe because of the memory, or maybe he was too tired, he let them out, "Hitsch! ITschiew!" he sneezed into his wrist.

Thor looked over the children and saw the apples begin to fall from the tree. The kids screamed with joy and went to collect them. Thor had a flashback to when that happened to him. He stood there, face solemn and he looked down, ashamed of himself. "Father, What have I done?" he looked up into the sky, hoping he would answer.

Loki felt dizzy and fell to the ground by the trees.

Thor noticed the movement and sprinted. He got there quickly and wrapped his brother into a hug, "Forgive me." Thor whispered into his hair, "I was a fool. You are the strongest man I have ever met."  

Loki felt his brother's strong arms wrapping around him and he melted into him. He heard what his brother was whispering, and years of anger and resentment changed to tears. He let them flow, silently.

Thor kept repeating, "Forgive me, please, forgive me." He couldn't help the break in his voice as he let tears of his own fall into Loki's black hair. "I do not deserve you." He kissed his head, "I love you, brother. I love you. I am so sorry." Thor couldn't help remembering all the terrible things he had said to Loki. 

"How can you say that.." Loki sniffed and whispered into his chest.

"Because it is true." Thor held him tighter.

"I am not asgardian..." Loki switched to his blue form, ready for Thor to reject him. "I am what mother's warn their children about at night, I am a monster."

"no!" Thor pulled him away and put his forehead to his brother's. "You are Loki of Asgard, You are my brother." He put his hands on either side of his face, "Blue or not, you were raised in Asgard, alongside me. This changes nothing."  Loki let fresh tears fall from his face and he changed back to his Asgardian form. Thor wrapped him in a hug, holding back tears of his own. "You are ill, brother." Thor rubbed his back, "You need to rest." 

Loki sniffed and rubbed his eyes, "alright." He brought up his arm and coughed lightly into it. 

Thor noticed how his skin glistened with sweat and his hair matted down to his scalp. Dark circles formed on his brother's eyes and a pink tinge to his cheeks and nose. 

"Why must you stare." Loki blushed, or was it overheating, and looked away.

"I worry." Thor began to stand, "Please come back with me?"

Loki took Thor's outstretched hand and lifted himself up. Swaying slightly, Thor caught him, "Let's go home." 

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I never cared about Loki until I saw this movie yesterday and now here we are. Thank you for this, it is everything. 

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So I was just thinking, "Wow, after Ragnarok, I love Loki even more and I'd die if I could find any fetish fics with him."

Well you're one step ahead of me lol

This is exactlyyyyy what I needed.

Also, characters losing control of their magic when they sneeze is one of my favorite things in the world so yeah I'm officially dead after reading this oh my god.

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@Arc Reactor I know.. im sorry...

@queenie agh! thank you!! i'm really glad you are now in the Loki fandom lol :) <3 xoxoxo

@CeruleanBlue I love you, i really do. I gotchu! Loki is my favorite and the whole frost giant... i couldn't resist... I love when magic goes haywire, it's too fun to pass up. Please don't die! i need you

(you're killing me with your compliments guys!! :blushsmiley: lol keep 'em comin $) I'm having too much fun here :teehee:)


Part 4: 

Thor and Loki got back to the house and once Loki got through the door, Thor picked him up Bridal style, "Thor... put me down.." He weakly glared at him.

"Nah," he smirked, "be glad I waited until we were out of sight." Thor brought him to his room.

"Why are you like this?" Loki buried his face in Thor's neck. 

"Why am I like what?" Thor chuckled and looked at him through the corner of his eye.

Loki just moaned and hid his face in Thor's shirt. "Please put me down.. I feel nauseous." 

Thor dropped Loki onto the bed and Loki groaned. Thor went to grab a bin as Loki put a hand to his mouth and curling in on himself. The impact brought up some and he held it in his mouth, trying not to throw up on the bed. Thor came back and Loki used magic to take it from him. He hugged it to his chest and threw up. He heaved a few more times before more bile came up. Thor brushed his hair back.

"you're cruel." Loki whined, "I take back..I hate you." Loki wanted to sound venomous, but he ended up sounded pitiful and sad. 

"You should not have gone outside." Thor rubbed his back.

"Another prison." Loki pulled his legs up against chest, closing his eyes to try to calm his stomach down.

"no, I sanctuary." Thor took a hair tie that Darcy had given him all those years ago. He took Loki's hair in his hand and wrapped it in a pony tail. 

Loki opened his eyes at the contact and looked sideways, "Where did you learn to do this?" 

"my Midgardian friend Darcy taught me." he smiled at the memory, "She wished to 'braid' my hair." 

"don't you dare 'braid'-" he said the word with disdain, "my hair."

"I am not brother." He kissed Loki's neck, "I am simply putting it, in what they call, a 'horse tail.'" Thor finished and admired his work. No bumps. score.

"it is called a 'pony tail' Thor." Loki rolled his eyes softly but fondly.

"you know about this hair style?" Thor grinned and wrapped his arms around his brother.

"Yes.." He sniffed, "I know plenty of midgardian customs.." he put the back of his hand against his nose. 

"In your books." Thor leaned his forehead against the side of Loki's head.

"yes..." he rubbed and pushed Thor back slightly with his left hand and buried his face in his right elbow, "Hatsch!iiew" The door slammed shut and both boys jumped. 

"Blessings." Thor said softly, still staring at the door. the whole room seemed to have rattled with it. 

"urgh.." Loki slumped against his brother, "Make it stop." 

"how? you are the one with magic." Thor countered.

"you're the god of thunder.. make it rain!" Loki groaned, "on second thought, do nothing." 

"you are confusing me, brother."  Thor raised an eyebrow.

"I know.." Loki patted his brother's leg.

"what do you need." Thor looked intently at his brother.

"hmm." Loki closed his eyes and let Thor hold him close, "rest." 

Thor looked lovingly at his brother and kissed the top of his head, "as you wish." 

Loki put a hand up to his nose, "Hatsch!ue." Thor was taken aback by the harsh sneeze. A roar emmited from the foot of the bed.

"AH!" They both screamed and jumped out of bed. A lion was climbing on the bed looking angry

"Loki, magic it away." Thor bellowed as he reached for his hammer to come to him.

Loki moved his hands and held onto the bedpost, "I cant.." Loki looked scared and afraid. His magic wasn't working.

Mjolnir was flying through the house, trying to get to him, "Calm yourself brother, I will deal with this." Thor stepped in front of his brother, reading to tackle the beast, should it make a move.

Loki was looking at his hands and trying to summon his magic. He felt his magic surge through him and a green light emitted through the room, just as Mjolnir came through the door. The green energy disappeared and the lion was gone. Thor turned just as Loki lost consciousness. Thor swooped down and caught his brother's limp body. He held his head and brought him close. He picked him up and laid him in bed.

"brother, please wake up." Thor put a hand on his face and shook his shoulders slightly. Thor put a hand on his forehead and winced at the heat. He ran out of the room and got ice packs out of the fridge. He came back quickly and put one on his brother's forehead. He stripped Loki of all clothes and draped a blanket over his naked form. Loki was too hot for his liking. He put two more packets on Loki's feet and another on the base of Loki's neck. He didn't know what else to do, so he sat there and waited. He debated calling Bruce, but they would have no idea how to deal with Jotun physiology. 

His brother stirred slightly, a gasp emitting from his lips. Afraid of what might happen, he whispered, "Loki?"

His brother moved his head towards the noise and fell back asleep. Thor felt his chest tighten and he took his brother's hand. He kissed it and raised it to his forehead. He muttered an ancient healing prayer and bit his lip. He felt useless and walked out of the room to blow off some steam. Captain America had given him a punching bag and he hit it with such force that his hand went straight through it. Sand and beads littered the floor and he closed his eyes. He did feel a bit better, he'll have to thank Steve later. He took his hand out of the bag and went to get some water for when Loki wakes. He took a beer and drained it. Walking back, he noticed that his brother was awake and staring at a spot on the wall. 

"That for me?" a barely audible whisper escaped Loki's lips. 

"yes." Thor walked over quickly and bent down, "I'm sorry for not being here." 

"You had to leave the room to get the water." Loki looked wearily at him, and raised an eyebrow.

"Even in sickness, you never cease." He gave a soft smile. This is the brother he knew and loved. 

"What else am i to do?" Loki eyes started to droop, "sorry.." 

"for what?" Thor kissed his forehead, "drink." He had gotten a straw and brought it to loki's mouth. Loki took a few sips before turning his head away. "you need fluids." Thor adjusted the ice packets, "please.. Man of Iron says it is the best way.." 

"I know.." Loki cut him off, "I just need a moment." He took a moment before drinking more. Thor tried not to show Loki how worried he was, but Loki knew. "I'm alright.. This is nothing." 

"it is far from nothing." Thor looked down, no longer able to look his brother in the eye, "I had no idea how w..horrible heat was to you." He tried to find the right words.

"You are surprised by my weakness?" Loki looked at him, "There was a time you would not know the difference between sickness and health." 

"I'm sorry.." Thor looked on the verge of tears.

"I do not hold you on it." Loki took his hand lightly, "Frigga.."

"mother." Thor squeezed his hand.

"Mother.. and I, took great lengths to hide this from all of you." Loki looked away, "I could not appear weak, especially when.." Loki cleared his throat.

"What is it?" Thor moved his head to face him, "What happened?"

"It is nothing, silly." Loki tried to brush it off. His silver tongue was still intact. 

"Do not lie to me, not now.." Thor rubbed his cheek, "Not when I want...need to make things right." 

Loki searched his eyes for sincerity, "it is in the past.." Loki closed his eyes halfway, "It is just... They all never treated me as a prince, they have no faith in me. I could not appear weak and have them mock me more.." Loki saw Thor's face fall, "It would embarrass the family.." 

"No." Thor moved to sit on the bed and got closer, "you are not an embarrassment." 

Loki could see the tears in THor's eyes, "They think me weak and strange. I do not have their Loyalty. You do." Loki put a hand on Thor's chest, "This would only cement it. A weak prince." His hand fell.

"You are far from weak." Thor bent down and pressed his forehead to Loki's, nose to nose, "Do you feel this." 

Loki put a hand on his chest, confused, "I don't understand." 

Thor pressed Loki's hand harder against his chest, then put his own hand to Loki's heart. "Do you feel it beat." Loki focused for a moment and felt it beat, "It beats the same as yours." Loki and Thor both closed their eyes and listened to their hearts, "They beat together." Thor and Loki both let out a breath. "We rule together, two minds, one heart." 


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3 hours ago, WolfsBane said:

CeruleanBlue I love you, i really do. I gotchu! Loki is my favorite and the whole frost giant... i couldn't resist... I love when magic goes haywire, it's too fun to pass up. Please don't die! i need you

Aw, I love you too!

No need to worry, this fic is good enough to revive me lol.

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Part 5:


Loki looked into Thor's eyes and felt tears form in his. he quickly blinked and looked away, "alright," His voice was barely audible. he cleared his throat, "get off, i'm ill, i can't support your weight."

Thor smirked and moved away, "I was not putting pressure on you." He turned down the blankets and motioned for Loki to get in, "you need your rest."

"Your mother henning again." Loki crawled into bed and leaned back. 

"hmm." Thor smiled and pushed Loki's hair back.

Loki looked up at him, all defenses down, and Thor felt his heart burst, "will you be here when I wake?"

"Yes." Thor sat down on a chair next to the bed and tucked him in, "I will be here." Loki seemed please with his answer, and promptly closed his eyes. 


Thor was beginning to get bored and nodded off after a couple of hours. He refused to leave the chair, not even to grab a book from the bookcase. The last thing he remembers is Loki's peaceful face as he falls asleep. 

Not long after he is jolted awake by coughing. He sees Loki, sitting up in bed, hand on his mouth, coughing. He was bent over, clothes drenched in sweat and hair plastered to his head. Thor leaned forward and rubbed his back while taking the cup that was on the nightstand and trying to get Loki to drink. Loki took a few sips and the coughing died down. Thor frowned at the heat radiating off his brother's back and his chest tightened when he noticed his brother shaking. 

"Loki..." he felt his brother's forehead and kissed his temple, "you need an ice bath, I'll be right back, ok?" He got up but stopped when Loki's hand grabbed his wrist with strength he didn't think Loki had in this state.

Thor thought Loki grabbed him to make him stay, but, "Forget...the water.." Loki's eyes were unfocused and he could barely keep his eyes open.

"as you wish." He kissed Loki's knuckles in comfort and went to get buckets of ice. Thor noticed that he looked much like he did when he tried to take over Earth. -Was he sick then too?-

Loki slowly got up, wobbly and stripped off his clothes. It didn't go too well, and he got stuck for a moment. He practically ripped them off. They were clinging to his skin and driving him mad. He stumbled into the bathroom and sat in the tub. The Porcelain was colder than his bed and he was grateful for that little relief. 

Thor came back with the ice and followed the train of clothes to the bathroom, "Are you ready?" Thor tried not to look at his body much, to give Loki some form of dignity. 

"Just dump it..." he pleaded, "please." He tilted his head to look at Thor. 

Thor dumped the ice, first at his feet, then more as it grew towards his chest. Loki sighed with relief and melted into the ice. Thor watched as Loki's skin turned blue. Not all of him, but little patches. It looked more like a rash than a form. Loki had his eyes closed, and Thor watched as the 'rash' spread to his neck; It was spidery and a lighter blue than Loki's natural form.

"brother.." Thor moved his hand to touch it, but decided against it, lest it hurt Loki. Loki opened his eyes and looked at Thor, waiting for a response for being called. His eyes were still green, but there was something off about the color. Thor bent closer to look him in the eye, and noticed red spots in hsi green. 

"hmm?" Loki looked over at his body and sighed, "I'm fine." He really didn't feel like explaining, "Can't decide... asgard or frost.." he sniffed, "hot or cold.." he rubbed his nose, too tired to do anything about it, "hih..Hit'schh'i.." It began to snow in the bathroom. Thor took a moment to look up at the ceiling to watch the clouds pour out little snowflakes. One landed on Loki's nose, and Thor stifled a smile at how he scrunched it up and wiggled it. "Hhiitsch!" He sniffed and suddenly the bathtub was filled with water, but the top was frozen solid. 

"Loki?" Thor looked worried and touched the ice surface. Loki moved his arm and the ice cracked. Thor watched it all crack, and noticed the blue skin underneath. He looked back at Loki, and he was a lighter blue. Completely blue. Loki was looking away from him and at the wall. Snowflakes fell in his hair and Thor watched as a couple landed on his thick, black eyelashes. Thor shivered and Loki looked a little guilty. Loki moved his hand and a Blanket came through the bathroom door. "you should be saving your strength." 

"I can't have you getting sick from me." Loki flushed, or maybe from the fever. He leaned his head against the porcelain. Thor picked up an old ice pack and refilled it with ice from the top. He placed it on Loki's head. Loki looked grateful. Loki gasped slightly, as his nostrils quivered, and he reached his hands to his face, "Heaghksh!" It was wet sounding and Thor squeezed his shoulder.

"no magic that time." Thor tried for a re-assuring smile.

Loki looked over and sighed, "You're blagked (blanket) used do be blue.." He sniffed. Loki was right, it was now green with gold fringe. 

-How did i miss that?- Thor shook his head, "Do you want to go back to bed, or do you want to stay in here?" 

"Id's hod oud dhere." Loki whined and held the ice pack on his head as he slouched further into the ice. 

"You can stay." Thor gave a half smile and passed a handkerchief to Loki.

Loki took it gratefully and blew his nose. He felt sluggish and tired. Thor put his hand on the his forehead, wanting to check his temperature. "thor, It's not going to go down that fast." 

"I want you to go sleep, but you can't get in bed if you're too hot." Thor frowned. 

"A couple more minutes, then I will sleep in bed." 

Thor nodded and brushed his hair back, "What can I do, now?" 

"Do you remember the old stories? the ones mother used to tell us when we were young?" Thor had his arm on the tub and Loki leaned against it.

"I do." Thor smiled and kissed Loki's forehead, "I am not the best storyteller, but i remember." 

"Tell me one?" Loki's eyes were now back to their usual green, despite his blue skin. They were big and soft, rim full of tears. It was like looking at a kicked puppy.

"I will do my best." Thor softly told him the story that he remembered the most clearly. Loki was hardly paying attention, having trouble focusing. Memories, happy memories, of his mother, THor and himself flashed through his mind. He let tears flow down his cheeks as he listened to Thor. Just the intonation of his voice was enough to make Loki cry. He just felt so bad. Thor continued with the story, trying to keep himself from crying as he tried to calm his brother down with soft pettings. It had been a long time since either one of them had be vulnerable with the other. Thor knew that was his own fault, but seeing Loki like this, made him feel partly guilty, but mostly hopeful. They were getting better, now if only he could make Loki better.

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3 hours ago, WolfsBane said:

"Tell me one?" Loki's eyes were now back to their usual green, despite his blue skin. They were big and soft, rim full of tears. It was like looking at a kicked puppy.

Ahhhh, my poor baby!! >_<

Also, the Frost form was a surprise lol. That was interesting.

3 hours ago, WolfsBane said:

"I can't have you getting sick from me."

And this actually really got to me XD I don't know why. Protective Loki. Aww. Plus, if Thor could catch what Loki has, I'm wondering if that's some foreshadowing there, Wolf... :flirt: are we looking forward to some sick Thor later on too? (Or I might just be totally wrong from lack of sleep. Seriously. Why am I on the forum instead of sleeping.)

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Thor protecting his delicate brother is very important to me. Nobody look at me, forget I was ever here. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

part 6:

 Loki was starting to doze off when Thor stopped speaking. He whined and lifted his head, "Bath time over?" Loki's eyes were fogged over and he could barely keep his head up.

"Ya, Time for bed." Thor bit his lip and held out his hands, to help steady his brother out of the bath. He tried to keep his eyes level and looked at Loki's chest, to try to save his some dignity. 

Loki felt dizzy, and tired, and even just trying to get out of the tub was sapping all of his energy. "why can't I just sleep in the tub?" He sat on the edge, feeling weak and physically exhausted. 

"Well, because.." Thor wracked his brain for a sutable reason, "because..um.." -come on...- "Because I said so." -nailed it- he gave a innocent grin.

Loki didn't even look at him, at shakily stood up, "That's not a good reason." he sniffed and wrapped his arms around himself.

"Shut up." Thor wrapped a towel around him and started to dry him off.

"You don't have to be so mean." Loki pouted and coughed into his forearm. 

Thor winced at the wetness to it and stood up, "Hey..I'm sorry." He towered over Loki and tucked a stray hair behind his brother's ear.

"I forgive you." Loki hugged the towel further around himself and put his head on Thor's chest.

Thor's heart melted at how childish Loki was acting. He thanked every ancestor he could think of and the powers of Valhalla that is his brother was so cooperative when sick. "Come on, sickie, try to sleep."

"Why would I try to sleep standing up, that doesn't make any sense.." Loki started walking towars the bed, "Think sometimes." 

Thor suppressed a laugh and snorted instead, "you're right, of course. What was I thinking. "

"I know what you were thinking.." Loki stared at the pillows but didn't make a move to unfold the covers, "You missed your workout sessions, and wanted to carry me instead. You big muscled brute." Loki looked at his arms and made a hand gesture to insinuate the size difference.

"I have great physical strength yes,-" Thor walked over and pulled back the covers, "-but you have mental strengths."

"I sleep on the other side." Loki walked over and crawled into the other side while Thor sighed, "Now that you've uncovered that corner, you might as well get in. No use wasting your strength." Loki said sarcastically. 

Thor gaped at him for a moment, did he just trick him.. even with a high fever, Loki could play him like a fiddle. "If I must." He crawled in and propped his head up on his elbow.

"If you are going to stare at me the whole time.." Loki never finished his sentence when a coughing fit overtook him. He sat up and covered his mouth with his hand, while the other helped keep him up. Thor sprang into action and grabbed a glass of water, handing it to him, while gently patting his back. "ow.." Thor took his hand off quickly, thinking he had hit him too hard; He could have sworn he was being gentle. Loki rubbed his throat then his chest as he leaned back against the pillows. 

"If I could take this from you, I would." Thor picked strands of hair from Loki's face. 

"I know." Loki said quietly as he rolled over to face him, but closed his eyes, "But I wouldn't want you to." Thor stopped his motions, hoping Loki would continue, "you're insufferable when you're sick." Thor's face dropped slightly, but brightened as he noticed Loki was inching closer. Loki lazily put his hand on Thor's chest, and Thor could tell the fever was controlling his thoughts, "i thought you wouldn't care...If I was gone." 

"what?" Thor furrowed his brow, "Why would you..." 

"No one likes me here. I am not even truly Asgardian." He coughed, "When I let go, I thought you'd forget about me...gave up on me." 

"I could never give up on you." Thor put a hand on his cheek then chocked back tears when Loki flinched.

"They hurt me... I didn't want to rule earth...I didn't want to hurt you.." Loki's voice was dead, "I didn't have a choice... I never did... I wasn't me anymore." 

"Loki... Who's they?" thor got closer, as he noticed Loki start to drift off. 

"Who?" loki looked confused, "oh...doesn't matter..." He ducked into his chest, "hihtsxch!..hintsch!" Thor started feeling pain all over his body, memories that weren't his flooded his thoughts, a loss of control.. then all blue.. "I don't matter...you can't stop him." The same words flooded through Thor's mind as his eyes turned green. Memories flashed through from their childhood. Things Thor should have noticed! Name calling, looks, disgraces... then scenes from the war of Newy York... and this horrible purple man, scithari, and other scum.. the pain...it was too much.. Thor let go of his brother and fell out of bed. "who'd miss you?"

Once Thor could get out of the shock that went through his whole body, he jumped up and looked at his baby brother, sleeping. "I'd miss you Loki. Always and Forever." He sat down on the bed and let the tears fall from his face. How had he not known... He had blamed Loki for so much, yet Loki was the victim, not the perpetrator. It was his job to protect his brother, and he failed. "What in Helheim have they done to you?" He went to reach out, but was too afraid of getting more of Loki's memories... He turned his head away and put his elbows on his knees, head down, as he sobbed quietly. He had only a glimpsed of Loki's pain. how much more was left?


( I know it's depressing.. it's 2 am here, and I just re-watched the movie earlier today and had Loki feels. I also have an extensive fan theory about this kid.)

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On 11/19/2017 at 5:11 AM, CeruleanBlue said:

Ahhhh, my poor baby!! >_<

Also, the Frost form was a surprise lol. That was interesting.

And this actually really got to me XD I don't know why. Protective Loki. Aww. Plus, if Thor could catch what Loki has, I'm wondering if that's some foreshadowing there, Wolf... :flirt: are we looking forward to some sick Thor later on too? (Or I might just be totally wrong from lack of sleep. Seriously. Why am I on the forum instead of sleeping.)

I love you! unfortunately, I'm not into sick Thor, soooo no contagion... I"M SORRRYYYYYY. I make no promises, Maybe ill do it? maybe I won't? Who knows how I'll end this... you know as much as I do. 


On 11/21/2017 at 0:55 AM, queenie said:

Thor protecting his delicate brother is very important to me. Nobody look at me, forget I was ever here. 

me toooooooooooooooooooooo! :shuriken: I didn't see anything (finger guns as a dissapear in a vate of glitter and smoke)

On 11/21/2017 at 9:03 PM, Nval95 said:

Aaaaaaaaw~~~~ Loki!!!! Love it so much!! 

thank youuuuuu! I love the aww 

Edited by WolfsBane
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  • 3 weeks later...

Oooh!  Love the concept of Loki being a frost giant making him sensitive/intolerant to heat!  <3


I love the bit where he tried to take the illusion away and couldn't.

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  • 1 year later...

as someone who is still personally pissed marvel threw away the chance of developing their brotherly bond further after IW
im utterly thankful i found this lovely fic. It includes everything i love: fluff,angst,sneezing...and of course,lovely writing.
not sure if its still going or not,but eitherway thank you so much for writing this :]

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  • 5 years later...

It is not FAIR this is so good!!! I love this fic so much!!!

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