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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sick merman

Ben Drowned

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(this is a Wakasa x Tasumi sickfic from the Circumstances of my bathtub I do not sadly own this anime. I'm not that good at sneeze spelling so please relax and yes I am a boy doing boy love fiction deal with it) https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/a2/8f/49/a28f49fa12b5502bdf14505b4aa23c3c.jpg&imgrefurl=https://it.pinterest.com/pin/445223113145222848/&h=809&w=440&tbnid=Kldr_NTaC9GfoM:&tbnh=305&tbnw=165&usg=__CRjGTYhmJdOZZMEERSlO97uUffg%3D&vet=1&docid=nM0XX-T8vXDSHM (picture of cosplay wakasa)

"Wakasa, I'm home!" Tatsumi said, as he walked in I laid in the bathtub, feeling awful. "hey Wakasa" He said I shivered harder as the door opened, Tatsumi gave me a concerned look he must've notice my change in attitude. "hey Wakasa are you okay?" I shook my head as he sat next to big tub, my nose began to itch. "he..hut-Chu!" I sniffled and continued to shiver, Tatsumi put his hand on my forehead and frowned. "You'e got a small fever Wakasa, I think it's just a cold. How long have you been feeling like this?" I looked down feeling stupid, I curled up and muttered. "all day *cough x6" "why didn't you say anything earlier?" " I didn't want you to miss work because of me, I know that your job is very important to you."  I could feel my tears welling up in my turquoise eyes, Tasumi gave me a small kiss on my forehead. "Wakasa just because, I have a job doesn't mean your not important to me. It's because of you that I'm a hard worker, you encourage me to do my best in life. " He then picked my up, and put me in the shower. Draining the water, he put some nice warm water in. Putting me back, he went through a cabinet and found something. He'd also changed into his swimming trunks, he had a basket load of things. He got in the tub and sat behind me. The raven haired teen pulled me too his chest, he got out some type of plastic  tool. "Open your mouth, I need to take your temperature."  I furrowed my browes but, did as he said. My nose began to tickle, my nostrils flared. Tatsumi placed his index finger under my nose "Don't sneeze Wakasa" My nose being stuborn kept tickling till, Tatsumi took out the thing. "go ahead" "hetChu!..hu...Heshu!....Hepchiew!" My nose felt all stuffed up, Tatsumi chuckled and said "bless you Wakasa, your temperature is 101 it's a small fever." 

"i-if I have a fever thed why ab I code?"  i was freezing "Well it's your fever, using up your body heat and energy." He explained I could barely talk right, Tatsumi pressed a tissue to my nose. "blow for me" I buried my face in and gave a wet honk, it felt strange but I did feel a little less stuffy.

(sorry that was short I'll add more later)


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