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Break a vase, it's Halloween! (Be more chill, Jeremy!!)


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guess what!? ITS HALLOWEEN!!! So imma make a halloween fic. With Be more chill!!! Cos I am now a musical dork. Even though I've only listened to Hamilton and BMC so far.

(Posting this on both sneezefetishforum and the amino app, just sayin so you guys dont think i stole.))

Here goess!!


By the way if you guys hadn't made it to my Drabbles yet, I'm going with the amazing "Jeremy has a tiny kitten sneeze" headcanon.


Ding dong-

“Aren’t you two a little too old for trick-or-treating-”

“Nope!!” Michael and Jeremy chimed in unison as they held out their bags. Their grins widened as the man at the door rolled his eyes and dropped candy into their bags. Yeah, sure, they were in highschool, but since when are you ever too old to dress up as zombies from apocalypse of the damned and run around door to door in the freezing cold to beg for candy? Sounds stupid, but to them it was childish fun.

“I’m giving you boys one more just because i pity you,” The man said, dropping more in their bags. “You obviously don’t have a life.” The two boys just accepted the candy and high-fived each other, moving onto the next house.

“That was cool, Jeremy! We got extra!” Michael grinned.

Jeremy nodded, he squinted for a moment before turning away. “k’tsch!” He sniffled, rubbing at his nose with his index finger. He was starting to get a bit cold, but he decided not to spoil the fun for michael just because of that.

“You okay, Jeremy?” A tiny bit of unnecessary worry creeped into his voice. “I hope you’re not getting sick… it’s really cold out here, we could go home, if you-”

“No, im fine.” Jeremy insisted as he pawed at his almost-cherry-pink nose for the last time. Before Michael could come up with another compelling argument to get Jeremy to at the very least take a break, Jeremy continued on the path and Michael had no choice but to follow. Jeremy rung the doorbell, and instantly turned into his shoulder. "k'Ksh!" He sniffled.

Michael gently tapped him on the shoulder, then leaned in, softly whispering: "Next year we're making you a cat." Jeremy rolled his eyes, and once the woman who lived there opened the door, they went through with the whole 'Aren't you too old for this?' routine again, and walked off with four more jumbo Hershey's bars. Michael smiled, and looked around. The nearest house they hadn't been to was like 5 feet away. The boys looked at each other. "We better get a movvveeee onnnn!!" Michael chimed, and ran towards the house. Jeremy, of course, ran after him, starting to feel a little drained.

"Michaelll... I don't have the best... stamina... h'tsch!" Jeremy shivered, he clutched his torso as he shook relentlessly.

"Aww~ Jeremy, you look cold. Maybe we should go home-"

"N-no! I'm fine, I-I'd just... prefer if you didn't run off like that..." Michael just shrugged in reply, ringing the doorbell to yet another house. The guy who opened the door seemed to be wearing a similar costume to the two boys. The man didn't make any comment relating to how old they were, and they managed to walk off with an entire bowl of candy.

"That was pretty cool, huh, Jeremy?" Michael looked down at his best friend, he was pale and looked pretty lightheaded. "Jeremy?" Michael repeated the name worriedly, placing a hand on Jeremy's shoulder before watching him drop to the floor.

What Jeremy saw was the world fading to black.









..."Jeremy!" Jeremy finally woke up to the sound of the voice he heard. He looked up to see Michael looking at him worriedly. He looked down to see that he was on Michael's lap. "Michael, wha- hk... hk'tsh! Kt'ksch!" Jeremy snuffled, then looked up when he felt Michael's cold hand press against his cheek.

"You feel warm." Michael noted.

"I do?" Jeremy queried, placing a hand on his own forehead to be sure.

"You're sick." Michael stated.

"I am?" Jeremy held his head against his palm as if this was news to him.

"You passed out."

"I did?" Oh right. He did. Poor Michael probably had to take time out of his otherwise fun night to care for Jeremy like this. Jeremy felt bad. "Sorry..."

"You should be sorry." Michael joked, "You should've told me you were sick." If Jeremy wasn't such good friends with Michael, he wouldn't've been able to tell Michael wasn't actually upset with him.

"I'm sorry that I'm bothering you with my annoying needs..." Jeremy leaned into Michael's chest, softly closing his eyes as he did so. "I didn't want you to have to miss out on any fun just because I've got some stupid cold... now I've ruined everything- K'tsch!" He sniffled.

"You didn't ruin anything." Michael promised. "You're sick, and the only thing you've ruined was your health. Now c'mon, let's get you to bed, dork." He picked the brown-haired teenager up, a notion Jeremy was first unsure of, but decided to go along with it.

"Michael?" Jeremy beckoned.


"Thank you."

"Anytime, buddy."

----END (maybe)----




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