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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Let It Out (Haikyuu, iwaoi)


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A/N: Not gonna lie this fic has been sitting in my drafts for a couple months or a year, but I’m finally finding the inspiration to at least write enough of it to be worth posting. I guess this would be considered an AU of sorts where Oikawa and Hajime are attending the same college and living with each other, yanno just guys being dudes ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Uh..lemme know if you want more I guess? Here we go




Hajime's eyes flitted to the side as Oikawa's sharp breath drew his attention. The brunette's eyes were squeezed tightly shut, his face pinched in a way that would’ve made most people unattractive. But Oikawa had never been most people. His long nimble fingers came to wave in front of his face and Hajime was captivated for a second as a final breath was drew and his friend rocked forward with a sneeze. A muscle in his jaw twitched as he mulled over the fact that no matter what Oikawa was doing he always seemed to look perfect.




After a short silence, Oikawa broke it as he always does, interjecting Hajime's attempt to read their assigned chapter for language class. “Aren’t you going to bless me, Iwa-chan?” He stuck his bottom lip out in a pout and Hajime had to resist the urge to smack it off his face.


“No,” he quipped, flipping the page though he couldn’t remember anything from the last paragraph he'd read.


Iwa-chaaan~” Oikawa whined, laying across the couch so his head was directly in Hajime's lap, covering the text he was failing to read. “Be nice to me.”


“When you deserve it maybe I will,” his eyes narrowed down at Oikawa's big brown ones. “Now get off, I have to study. You should be studying too, Crappykawa.”


Oikawa sent him another pout before sitting up so he wasn’t directly in Hajime's lap anymore. Though he was trying to focus on his work, he couldn’t help but watch Oikawa out of the corner of his eye. The taller boy plucked a tissue from the box on the table and began fiddling with it. Oikawa always made sure to buy the extra soft lotioned ones for his “sensitive skin”, or rather he made Hajime buy them since Oikawa couldn’t be bothered on to go shopping for things that he couldn’t eat or wear, the bastard. By now the tissue had been rolled into a fine point at one end, and Oikawa sat on the far end of the couch.


He brought the tip of the tissue to his nose, his other hand coming up to hover over the bottom half of his face, blocking Hajime's view. The brunette was watching him intently as he wiggled the tissue around in his nose, searching for that special spot, obviously trying to gauge Hajime's reaction. It was kind of strange, Hajime thought, but it wasn’t like Oikawa was ever normal when it was just the two of them together. He was always doing something unexpected or weird because he knew Hajime was used to his quirky behavior outside of the public eye.


Again, Hajime heard his sharp intake of breath and his eyes were pulled completely away from his reading just in time to see Oikawa jerk forward with another sneeze, this one a little more desperate than the first from earlier. “Hih-!!-aksh’oo! Whew, that felt good,” he hummed, with a little sniffle. His eyes met Hajime's for a long second before Hajime rolled his.


“Weirdo,” he muttered, turning back to his book. Oikawa let out an offended huff.


“What? It does!” He defended, moving closer and discarding the tissue he must’ve used to coax out the sneeze on the table. “Don’t you enjoy it?”


With Oikawa so close he could see his eyes shimmering, watery from having to sneeze and Hajime couldn’t deny that Oikawa looked appealing like that, his nose a bit pink, and eyelashes fluttering. “N-no,” he stuttered and goddamnit why did Oikawa have to sit so close? It was hard to concentrate with him right there.


“Then you’re not doing it right!” Oikawa insisted. “I’ll prove it.”


He was grinning now, in a slightly mischievous way and Hajime knew from experience that was a very bad sign. Before Hajime knew what was happening, Oikawa had plucked another tissue from the box, rolling up one end and reaching towards Hajime's face enthusiastically. His hand shot out, catching Oikawa's wrist before he could get any closer.


"What are you doing?" Hajime demanded, eyebrows furrowed. He knew better than to trust Oikawa and his schemes, but he also knew Oikawa tended to do as he pleased.


"If you would let go then I could show you," Oikawa pulled a face, and Hajime's grip weakened enough for him to slip his wrist free.


"Fine..." Hajime relented.


Oikawa had an absolutely wicked grin on his face as he reached closer, sliding the tip of the tissue into Hajime's nose. His eyes began watering as the tissue brushed against the sensitive lining of his nose, and Oikawa was unnervingly focused on his task. Hajime drew in an urgent breath as the tissue struck a particularly sensitive spot, and he jerked out of reach just in time to stifle one of his harsh sneezes into his fist.




Iwa-chaaan~” Oikawa pouted as Hajime scrubbed roughly at his nose with a knuckle. “You ruined it!”


Hajime's face flushed in what was either embarrassment or anger, Oikawa was never sure but either way he would get punched.


“Ruined what, Shittykawa?” Iwazumi grumbled out, lowering his fist with a harsh sniffle. “How do you ruin a sneeze?”


“You were supposed to let it out and enjoy it, not bottle it up,” Oikawa said like it should’ve been obvious.


“That’s just how I sneeze, idiot,” Hajime said, glancing warily at the tissue Oikawa still had with an indignant sniff.


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My dude I absolutely want more!!  I'm so down for some sneezy Iwa-chan, and Oikawa inducing him is hot as fuck.  I hope you continue this, I really want to see Iwaizumi's strong man sneeze lol

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2 hours ago, Akahana said:

My dude I absolutely want more!!  I'm so down for some sneezy Iwa-chan, and Oikawa inducing him is hot as fuck.  I hope you continue this, I really want to see Iwaizumi's strong man sneeze lol

I absolutely agree with @Akahana! (By the way, I am IN LOVE with your stories as well. HAIKYUU FANS UNITE!)

Anyways, I really hope you continue this storyyyyy!! I love how Oikawa is so mischievous and Iwa-channn~ stifles! 


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