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Four Founders of Hogwarts (Salazar, +3)


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Sooo, I've been reading and thinking about the founders at Hogwarts, and this is how I personally see them. I hope to make more parts to this, and I hope you read this with an open mind. I tried not to be too stereotypical and will probably expand more in future parts. 

Part 1/?

Godric walked into the mansion, beaming, and looked to see Rowena in a chair reading a book, helga in the kitchen and, as he looked to the desk, where he expected to see Salazar, it was empty. His face fell, "and where is our gracious host." he said sarcastically with a smirk.

"He's avoiding us." Rowena said nonchalantly without looking up from her book. 

Godric saw Salazar and beamed, "You know, if you're through with our company, just say the word and we'll move out." Godric feigned hurt, "We know you only let us stay because....-" he stopped, "I actually have no idea why you let us stay." 

"I am not avoiding you." Salazar said as he walked down the steps, "And I let you stay because I care for all of you and want to keep you safe." 

"stop teasing him Godric! Can't you tell the poor dear is unwell!" Helga came out of the kitchen, "oh Salazar, poor thing, I have soup cooking." Helga's big doey eyes looked sympathetically at Salazar.

"I appreciate that Helga, you didn't have to go to the trouble." Salazar gave her a small smile, keeping his distance as to not infect the others. 

Godric did not get the message, "you're sick?" He walked up to him and grabbed his waist. Salazar tried to shield himself, he really didn't want to spread it. "You don't look sick." he put a paw of a hand on his forehead, "ah, you're warm, my friend." 

"Yes, I am ill, now stop touching me before you catch it." He slipped from Godric's grasp. "I was staying away to keep you all healthy." 

"so, by definition, you were avoiding us." Rowena smirked from her chair. 

"Fine, yes." Salazar hid his lower half of his face in his coat, "Godric, please, distance yourself." 

Godric threw his hands up, "alright," He smirked.

Slytherin had a moment to realize and his eyes widened, before Godric lifted him up, bridal style. "What are you doing?!" Salazar shrieked. 

"You said to distance myself, so I did" Godric smiled and held him closer.

"I meant farther away, not closer." Slytherin muffled coughs behind a closed mouth and coat. 

"Too late now." Godric winked and started to walk him to his desk. Sitting him down he moved to stand behind him. 

"I am going to get you sick." Salazar sighed into the chair. 

"I never get sick." Godric began to massage his shoulders. 

"ooh..dear.." Salazar leaned into his hands and closed his eyes. 

Godric leaned down and kissed the top of his head, "Don't avoid us when you're sick, you know we want to help you." 

"I would feel horrible if you all caught something from me." 

"Well, you did catch this from Godric, so, It's only fair." Rowena piped up as she brought two books over, the one she was reading, and the book Salazar was reading. "No work, no writing, relax, get better." She placed the book in front of him and went to light some candles. 

Helga came in with a steaming bowl, "Oh honey, you know we don't mind." she placed it in front of him, "you've been taking care of us, let us take care of you." she rubbed his cheek, "Now eat." she raised an eyebrow.

"yes ma'am." Salazar took a spoonful. Helga smiled and kissed his temple. 

"I did most of your billing and work earlier today," Rowena lit the last candle, "so don't try to make excuses not to rest." 

Salazar wanted to question, but took out his handkerchief instead. With everyone so near, he felt self conscious about his sneezes. He always stifled his fits, must to Helga's dismay, and Godric's pleasure. He felt Godric's hand at the base of his neck and turned away from Helga. He noticed Helga's brow furrow and Godric move a little closer. During his fits, he felt like Godric was the only thing holding him up, sometimes. 

Godric knew what was coming and placed a steady hand on his shoulder, "try not to hit your head." 

Salazar's nose twitched, and he playfully smacked Godric's arm. Turning to his right he pinched his nose through the handkerchief, "hih'nnxxxk..nxxk..nxxkt..hih'nnxt..heeh'nxt...Heeh'nxxt-" Godric slipped his left hand over Salazar's chest, not letting him curl in on himself, or hit the desk, "Heagh'nxxt...eigh'nxgxt'ahh." he slumped back into the chair, "ohh." 

"Bless you, Salazar." Hegla moved a strand of hair behind his ear.

"thank you." Salazar said breathlessly. He sniffed and rubbed his nose. His hand laid on top of Godric's which lie on his chest. 

Godric's thumb moved up and down in a soothing manner. "Eat some soup, then you're going to go lay down in bed." He picked up the forgotten book, "You are not a well man." 

"I was not denying that." Salazar said as he took the book from Godric. "planning to read to me?"

"Rowena has been teaching me."

Salazar raised an eyebrow, "really?" He looked over at Rowena, "and has he been a good student?"

"I have had better." she smiled and Godric growled jokingly, "but he is doing well. You would be surprised."  

Godric beamed at Salazar, "I'd like to hear for myself." 

"if you go lay in bed." Godric rubbed his chest. 

"You have made quite the bargain, how can I refuse?" 

"you can't." Godric helped Salazar up.

Salazared hummed and straightened his coat, "alright, try not to destroy my home while I'm incapacitated." 

"no promises." Rowena shot back.

He huffed in amusement. he slowly went up the stairs, death grip on the railing. Godric was close behind, worried that he would collapse or fall. "Relax Godric, I am not that ill, yet." 

"yet?" Godric furrowed his brow. 

"It was a joke, my dear." Salazar walked into his room and removed his coat and slippers. He took hold of the metal pole around his bed to cough harshly into his hand. Godric was there in seconds, rubbing his back and keeping him upright. 

"Not a very good joke." Godric turned him around and hugged him. 

"such a sentimental brute." Salazar hugged back, "I am going nowhere, you know. It is just a silly little cold." 

Godric was quiet as he ran his fingers through his hair, "I hate it when you're sick." 

"you hate it when any of us are sick." Salazar put a hand on Godric's chest, "it will pass, like they always do. You will have all of us for many a years. Don't fret on something so miniscule as a cold in the head." 

Godric put a hand on his cheek, "I just want all of you to be happy and alright." 

"I am happy and...ohh." he moved Godric's hand and pressed the back of his hand to his nose, "oooh I need to sneeze again.." he sniffed. 

Godric pulled him in for a hug, rubbing his back. Salazar put his handkerchief to his nose and curled into Godric's chest, "hih'nnxt...nxxk..nxxtxxt..hih'ngt..heh'nxt..heh'nxxt..heeh'nxxt..heagh'nnxxt'ah." he slumped against him. 

"Bless." he kissed the top of his head.

Salazar sighed and exited the hug, "you are going to catch this again."

"Rowena said I can't catch it again." 

"oh." Salazar slipped into bed, "Then I feel less guilty about sneezing into your chest." 

"You didn't have much of a choice." Godric sat on the edge, opening the book. 

"I guess I did not." He looked up at Godric, "Is it too much?" 

"no, I can do it." 

"I have no doubt." Salazar closed his eyes as he listened to Godric read. It was slow and choppy, but he enjoyed hearing his friend's voice. He was rather proud of him. He fell asleep not long after, possibly before Godric got to page three, but he had a smile on his face, and that's all Godric wanted to see. 


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what is this masterpiece! Oh my God remedy you freaking genius I never knew I needed this until now! More please! I beg you :-)

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Salazar woke up later that day to a crash downstairs. He blinked a few times before recognizing what it was. He closed his eyes and sighed. Making a decision, he slowly sat up, wincing at the impending headache. He moved his legs off the bed and coughed as he stood up. he threw on his robe, slipped on slippers, and walked out. 

"hush!" Helga chastised Godric, "you'll wake him." She whispered. 

"Too late." Salazar slowly descended the staircase, "what's broken?" 

"nothing, I bumped the bookcase." Godric huffed and picked up the fallen books. 

Salazar sighed in relief, "Can't leave you all alone for a minute?" He raised an eyebrow, small smirk on his lips. 

Godric shyly smiled, "Can't help being big." 

"The house was built for lean men, of course you're bound to bump into things." Rowena tilted her head.   

"We should move things around, I always bump into things" Helga stared down at her wider frame.

Salazar piped up, "Helga you are absolutely perfect the way you are." He made it down the stairs and furrowed his brow at Helga, "I will never understand why you feel the need to change." 

Helga blushed and Rowena started to move her fingers into a square like design, "I have some ideas of where to move what?"

Salazar groaned as the headache worsened. Just what he needed, the noise of moving furniture. He can already feel the anxiety building in his chest. His chest burned and felt tighter than normal and rubbed his chest. 

Godric looked up, "We're just having a laugh, don't panic." He smiled cheesily, hoping to get a rise out of him. 

"Not..Panicking.." He took out his handkerchief and coughed wetly into its folds. 

"Oh that sounds dreadful." Helga walked over and took his arm, "Sit.. sit." 

Rowena stood up, vacating the chair and put her book down. Salazar gratefully took the seat, coughs letting up. Godric furrowed his big brows and knelt in front of him. 

"I'm alright, Godric." Salazar leaned back into the chair, exhausted. 

"Sorry I disturbed you." He genuinely looked sorry. 

"it was a restless sleep, no need to apologize." He lied, but they didn't need to know that. 

Rowena came back with a cup of tea, "It should help that cough." 

"are you chilled, sweetie?" Helga put a hand on his forehead and frowned, "no temperature, that's good. You don't feel well do you?" He pouted a little. 

"I feel fine, Helga." He took her hand and kissed it. She blushed and went to go boil some more water. 

"she's worried about you." Godric leaned against the chair and sat on the floor, looking away from him. 

"Just her?" He leaned forward slightly to run his fingers through Godric's hair. 

"...no..." Godric turned slightly, showing him his profile. 

Salazar looked sympathetic and smiled slightly, "Godric.." Godric loved the feeling of his fingers, and leaned into them. Salazar began to stand, Godric following carefully placing his hand on his back. "I am rather tired, would you lay with me?" Salazar knew Godric was like a dog, loyal to a fault and terribly cuddly. He may look scary, bear of a man, but deep down he's a big softie. 

"Whatever you want." Godric hugged him from behind and kissed his hair.

Salazar smiled, content with Godric's tokens of affection. Godric moved past him and sat down on the couch, slowly pulled Salazar on top of him. He sat between Godric's legs, both taking up the entire couch, as he laid against Godric's chest. Godric wrapped a protective arm around Salazar's chest and placed his head on top of Salazar's. The headache was getting worse, and the new altitude made him dizzy. He groaned and placed a hand on his forehead. Godric put his fingers up to Salazar's temples and started to massage. 

"ooh..." Salazar moaned. Godric knew exactly what he needed. 

Helga was peeking at them from around the corner, smiling and giggling with Rowena. Rowena heard the water bubble and went to take it off the fire. 

Salazar put his hands up, telling him to stop. His breath began to hitch and he grabbed his handkerchief, "hih'nnxt... gah.." His headache only got worse with the stifle and he decided to continue the fit, unstifled, "hurr'itch'iew..hurr'itsch'uue..hurr'ittt'iew.." Godric was startled by the unstifled sneezes and took a second for him to start rubbing his back, not moving his arms, "hurr'Itsch'ah..HuRR'itch'ieew..hiih'rish'iew..shiew!.. 'm I done...?" He sniffed then shook his head, "Huur'iTschiew!" his shoulder's sagged and he blew his nose into the cloth.

"woah." Godric had never heard Salazar let loose before. "I thought you only had fits because you held them in..." he half whispered. 

"unfortunately, not.." He sniffed, "I'm sorry, I couldn't.." He held his head.

"I going to pretend you didn't just apologize for sneezing." He wrapped both arms around Salazar this time and pulled him close, "try to sleep, you sound horrible." 

All Salazar could do now was cough into the soiled handkerchief and closed his eyes. the candle light was killing his already aching head. Rowena seemed to get this and blew out all the candles. He was immensely grateful for her intuition and for Godric's warmth. Helga came and tucked a blanket around him. She took the handkerchief and replaced it with a clean one. He was too tired and sick to protest. He felt Godric hum something and could feel the vibrations of his chest. He assumed it would hurt his head, but it was oddly soothing. He sighed and focused on Godric's breathing and soon fell asleep again. 


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This is so good! :D I just started reading the books for the first time, so I'm not too familiar with these characters, but I can't wait to read more of this. :) 

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  • 4 weeks later...

@Alabaster thank you so much :)

@ALilSneezy Im so happy you love it! You shall wait no longer!

@helyzelle yay!! hope you like this :)

@sickprincessyay! I love cute :) you're waiting is over, my lady ;)

@JQLovesSneezes AH! Welcome to the book fandom of the founders! woohoo! I promise I have no spoilers :) this is purely headcannon :) 


Godric watched Salazar sleep and his worry only grew. His best friend looked pale, flushed, and frail. He would never say it outloud, but he believed Salazar was the strongest of all of them. Always kept a calm head, great with words and people, no matter how much something hurt him, he always stayed calm and collective. Salazar was his rock, and now it was crumbled against him. He ran his fingers through Salazar's silky hair. It calmed him down a bit, and he felt better when Salazar's lips turned up a bit in a smile. Salazar was starting to get dark circles under his eyes and his nose was pink and chapped. Godric could always tell when Salazar was getting sick and knew the difference between something in the air and illness. He took great care in noticing everything about Salazar. He didn't like the way Salazar had started keeping his arms close to his chest. No one else had noticed, but to Godric, it looked like he was cold or trying to shrink into himself. He knew it was a self-conscious gesture, but Godric knew he would catch fever soon enough. Now he was looking down at his feverish host, wishing with all his heart that he was in no pain.

"you are staring again.." Salazar said without opening his eyes, "I can feel your gaze." Salazar sniffed and put a hand on Godric's chest, "what is bothering you? Am I causing you discomfort?" 

"never." Godric continued to card his fingers through Salazar's hair, "I was simply admiring your elegance."

"ha-ha...you slay me." Salazar said sarcastically but turned his face further into Godric's chest, "I am anything but elegant, today." 

"I disagree." Godric could see the blush on his cheeks, and knew it wasn't just fever, "The others went to bed, it is well past sunset."

"Forgive me... I have made you.." 

"hush.." Godric interrupted him, "You needed the rest."

"You are not my personal pillow.." Salazar opened his eyes and winced. He groaned and closed them again. 

"Are you dizzy?" Godric put his hand on Salazar's forehead, "You are overheated." 

"My head feels full of water." He coughed into Godric's chest and shivered violently. 

Godric's brows furrowed and his throat closed. He hated to watch him suffer, "Is it alright if i carry you to bed? you will get not better on a sofa." Godric stopped carding through his hair, if only to push hair out of Salazar's face.

"Bed sounds wonderful, but I am tentative about moving." he put a hand on his stomach, "I do not think it wise." 

Godric bent down and kissed his forehead, "keep your eyes shut." Godric got out from under him and choked back a sob when he saw Salazar whimper and curl into himself. Godric put one arm behind Salazar, then another under his legs, "Trust me.. please." 

"with my life." Salazar whispered and held onto Godric. Godric picked him up and held him close to his chest and Salazar gripped his onto his shirt.

"Breathe, we will be up there before you know it." Godric rested his head against Salazar's, "Try to sleep." 

Salazar could hear they worry in his voice, "oh Godric..." He forced himself to remove his arm from his stomach to Godric's heart, "I will be alright, it is merely the flu."

"You said it was a cold, earlier." Godric slowly started to move towards the stairs, careful not to jostle Salazar.

"I did.. and I am sorry." He gripped the shirt there, "I was wrong, but I am correct, now." 

"You will be better after sleep." Godric made it up the stairs and was walking towards Salazar's room. "I will stay with you, if you like." Godric blushed, "you look cold." 

Salazar stifled a smile, "I would like that very much." He could feel Godric lay him down on his bed.

The sheets were cold and he shivered, but soon Godric climbed in after him. Godric pulled him into his chest and wrapped his arms around him, "warmer?"

"Yes.. Thank you." Salazar felt touched and smiled. He put his hand over Godric's.

"I am sorry for getting you sick." He sounded guilty.

"You did not .." Salazar started but his breathe began to hitch, "hiih!" He was tired and worn out. Godric placed his handkerchief in Salazar's hand, who was eternally grateful, "Hur'itsch-itsch! hiih-hurr-itschiew!-ITscheiw! hiih...hah..hi'ristsch'ieew!-ritschiew!" He sighed and sniffed into the handkerchief, "ugh.. excuse me."

"blessings." Godric blushed. He had felt every burst through his hands on his stomach, as well as his groin, as Salazar rocketed back slightly with each sneeze. Godric tried not to think about it and snuggled into his back. He kissed Salazar's neck, "go to sleep. It is late." 

Salazar shivered at the kiss and did as he was told. He could feel Godric's hard member, but just smiled to himself and relished in the warmth of the man. He closed his eyes and let darkness over take him. 


Salazar woke to the sun coming in from the window. It hurt his aching head and he closed the curtains with a flick of his wrists. The effort drained all of his energy, and he dropped his hand to his side. His head felt heavy and he could hardly keep his eyes open. he tried to sniff but his nose was stuffed. He felt cold and hot at the same time. He sighed and closed his eyes again, he would be doing nothing today but sleeping. He smiled slightly as he heard Godric snoring behind him. 

Several hours later Godric woke up and yawned. He had slept on his stomach with his left arm wrapped around Salazar's middle. He looked to his left and smiled at a sleeping Salazar. His eyes followed the curvature of Salazar's shoulders and face. He was wearing grey, silk pajamas. He frowned when he noticed the sheen of sweat forming on his hairline. He put a hand on Salazar's forehead and pushed back his hair. He had a fever. Godric tucked him in more and carefully got out of bed. He opened the door just as Helga was about to knock. He put his finger to his lips..

Helga followed Godric further down the hall, as to not wake Salazar, "He's very ill..." Godric put his arms around Helga, "he needs to sleep." 

"Oh poor dear.." Her bottom lip pouted, "Rowena and I had begun making soup. We had a feeling he would feel dreadful today." 

"He is not allowed out of that bed!" Rowena said from bellow them. She was holding a knife and waved the threateningly at Godric.

"Put the knife down before you hurt yourself, Rowena." Godric huffed.

"Rowena! The Carrots!" Helga quickly went down the steps, "They must go into the pot now or they won't be soft enough." 

"I know." Rowena put he chopped carrots into the pot, "don't worry I remembered." 

"oh good!" Helga smiled, "It is almost done." She went over and put some spices in the pot and stirred. 

"I will stop by the doctor and get some medicine for him." Rowena begun to walk out of the kitchen

"oh posh." Helga waved her hand, "There is nothing good old soup won't fix."

Rowena rolled her eyes and faked a smile, "but it would help." She left the house.

Godric went to look at the pot, "Smells good." he hoped the compliment would raise Helga's spirits.

"oh I hope so!" She smiled again, "Salazar has been so kind to us... The least I can do is feed the poor man. He is so skinny! That is why he is sick!" Helga rose her hands in the air in exasperation. 

Godric laughed, "alright.... alright." He looked back towards Salazar's door, "I think he's perfect exactly the way he is." Godric kissed Helga's head and went to walk back to Salazar, "I don't want him to wake up alone.



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OH MY GOSH, this just keeps getting more and more adorable, I love it. :inlove: I'm loving these characters SO much, this is an incredible headcanon. :heart::heart: The way you write this ship and the dynamics between all the characters is great! Thanks for another wonderful update. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/30/2017 at 8:02 PM, JQLovesSneezes said:

OH MY GOSH, this just keeps getting more and more adorable, I love it. :inlove: I'm loving these characters SO much, this is an incredible headcanon. :heart::heart: The way you write this ship and the dynamics between all the characters is great! Thanks for another wonderful update. :)

AHH!! YAAAYY! I am so glad you love it! You're comment literally made my day :heart: Thank you so much! aH! you are going to spoil me with these compliments! Im blushing! :blush: (but I love it) $)



Rowena came back with some herbs and other bottles for Salazar. She snuck into the kitchen and poured some of the medicine into a bowl of soup for when Salazar wakes up. If Helga saw her, she'd be in big trouble. 

"You're back!" Helga smiled and clapped from the doorway, grinning brightly.

Rowena jumped and quickly hid the potions and herbs in a drawer, "yes, just got back actually." She turned around and smiled innocently; no one messed with Helga's famous soup.

"Did you get the medicine for Salazar?" 

"what-" She looked taken a back, then realized she had mentioned it earlier, "- oh yes, I just put it in the drawer for when he wakes up." 

"Oh good..." Helga smiled and walked back into the other room and Rowena sagged against the counter with relief.

Rowena turned back to the bowl of soup and put a heating spell on it, so that it will stay warm.


Godric was sitting in the chair opposite of the bed, twiddling his thumbs, hoping Salazar would wake up and tell him what to do. He felt helpless and antsy just sitting around, doing nothing. Rowena had suggested that he go for a run or hunting, but how couldn't leave Salazar alone like this. Granted, he knew Salazar was never alone, Rowena and Helga were down stairs ready to wait on his hands and feet at a moment's notice, but he still couldn't make himself go. His skin crawled with the need to move and he got up to pace in front of the bed. He was quiet and lost in thought, trying to come up with something to do that would get him out of this boredom and worry. 

Salazar woke up slowly, and the first thing he noticed was the sound of footsteps very close by. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, and strained to understand why they sounded like running. He opened his eyes and it took a moment for the dizziness to let him see clearly. He furrowed his brow as he registered Godric, walking briskly back and forth by his bed. The movement of back and forth was doing no favors for his head or stomach, "Godric... please sit." He closed his eyes and turned his face more into the pillow, "Your pacing is making me nauseous." 

Godric stopped abruptly at Salazar's statement and didn't move. It took a moment for his brain to catch up with his ears and he went to get a basin, in case Salazar was not making light of the situation; he wasn't. 

Salazar coughed weakly into the pillow, face scrunched up, as he tried to take control of his breathing. He could feel his stomach making its way up his throat and he quickly sat up with a hand over his mouth.

Godric ran over and gave the basin to Salazar, and winced when he threw up. Not knowing what to do, he tentatively put his hand on Salazar's back and rubbed slow circles, like he remembered Helga doing after he had drank too much one night. He noticed hair was starting to fall dangerously close to Salazar's mouth, so he gathered up his hair, as best he could, and tie it behind Salazar's head in a messy bun. Salazar was too busy, emptying his stomach contents to utter a thank you, but Godric new it was implied. 

Salazar felt horrible, not only did his throat and stomach feel like he had swallowed acid, but he was vomiting in front of his Godric. It was absolutely revolting. He was ashamed of himself for being so weak and disgusting. He tried to shield Godric from the site by moving his arms up and twisted a way, slightly. 

"come now.. none of that." Godric put a hand on the back of his friend's burning neck, "Do not be concerned about me, just get it out." 

Salazar felt terribly embarrassed and tried to hold back another round of vomit, but only ended up holding it back for a moment. He did feel better after letting it out, physically, but mentally he was screaming. He was taught that illness was something you deal with alone, in solitude. No one needed the burden. He had learned that from his parents, but he knew by now, from his friends, that needed not be the case; but surely this crossed some sort of line. You can not help a cough or sneeze, but expelling the contents of your stomach, must surely be something you do alone. He had never been completely fine with letting his friends near him or even know when he felt even so much as a sniffle, even after all the years of friendship they shared. He felt no burden when one of them was ill, and was more than willing to help them feel better. It was the least he could do to repay them for their unfailing loyalty and friendship. He knew they were all used to being taken care of, but he still wasn't. 

"Zar...Salazar.." Godric had been trying to get his attention, while he was monologuing, "Hello, are you awake?" 

"forgive me.." Salazar whispered, "I did not hear you call." 

"Zar..." Godric squeezed his neck very lightly and put his other hand on his forehead, "you are far too hot to be alright.." 

"hmm." He leaned into Godric's hand before catching himself, "Forgive me again.." He shivered, "You need not be here, this is...Repulsing.." 

Godric's heart broke as he heard the break in Salazar's voice in the last word. He knew Salazar was only saying he could leave because of his upbringing. "I am going nowhere." 

Salazar looked at him through his peripherals, afraid to move from the basin, "I could not ask that of you.." He was overtaken by another coughing fit, which lead to some gagging.

Godric patted his back, "there you go.." He said as Salazar finally threw up again, "See.. you are almost done.. not much left." 

"I do not...understand.." Salazar said weakly.

"You spit up liquid only, can't be much.." 

"no..." Salazar waved him off, "I do not understand why you wait with me.." Godric could see Salazar's fever-bright eyes, tear up a bit. Salazar tried to calm himself with a few short breathes, not wanting to break down any further, "I do not know how you stand me like this." 

Godric raised his eyebrows and wrapped his arms, lightly, around Salazar's waste, "When will you learn, I do not care in what state you are in, I will stand by you until the very end." He heard Salazar give a little noise, almost like a sob escaped, but chose to keep his mouth shut, knowing how much Salazar needed it. 

Salazar had been shocked, to say the least, and let one sob escape before he could cut himself off. he put the back of his hand to his mouth and looked away, hoping to play it off as a hiccup or hitch. They both stayed in silence for a while as Salazar tried to keep himself together and get his stomach under control.

After a couple of minutes or so, Godric rubbed Salazar's side, "Are you finished?" He moved a hand to take the bucket, "or are you still..." 

"I believe I have finished.." Salazar bowed his head, blush forming on his cheeks.

"glad of it." Godric took the basin and used a spell to clean it out. He set it on the ground near the bed, incase Salazar need use of it later. "Can you lay down again?" 

"I ...Yes." He looked up slowly, "probably for the best." With the help of Godric, Salazar leaned back against the pillows, wincing as his stomach stretched. Salazar shivered and curled in on himself, unconsciously scooting towards Godric. He could feel the sweat roll down his back, only making the shivers worse and his skin colder. 

Godric pulled a fur blanket out from the dresser and draped it over Salazar, "Are you warmer?" Salazar nodded slowly and rubbed his nose. Godric's mouth twitched upwards a bit, fur always tickled his nose; he had forgotten. "Will you be alright if I go see if Rowena has brought medicine for you?" 

"I will fair.." Slytherin looked up at him, "thank you"

"try to rest, I will be back." Godric slowly crept out of the room, then almost ran down stairs to the girls.

"What is the matter?" Helga looked shocked at his speed, "has he fallen? fainted?" She had a hand on her mouth.

"no no...he is alright," Godric tried to quell her worry, "I came to ask Rowena for the medicine." 

"I have it." Rowena came in with a spoon and several vials, "get him a spoonful of each.. if he does not keep it down, wait until sundown to try again." 

"Has he..." Helga stood up, wringing her hands.

"yes..but he has finished and lays, resting." he turned to Rowena, "Thank you..will this work on his fever." 

"his fever, chills, cough, and cramps." She gave a nod.

"cramps?" Godric raised an eyebrow, confused. Rowena pointed to her stomach with a finger, then moved it up alone her throat, to her mouth, then out. "oh." 

"oh! you two, just say the word!" Helga was exasperated, "Saying it will not make things worse... vomiting.. it will help with his vomiting." 

They both stopped and listened, checking to see if her saying the word actually caused some misfortune; it did not. they both sighed in relief and Rowena finally gave the items to Godric; who ran back up the stairs and into Salazar's room.

"What is it with you two and your superstitions." Helga put her hands on her hips and rolled her eyes, "oh, the illness that must not be named!" She waved her hands in the air in a mock gesture before walking back to her seat.

"you never know..." Rowena shrugged, "Words are powerful things." 

"Fear of a word, only increases the fear of itself." Helga sighed, "do no be so dramatic, Rowena." With that she went back to writing her recipes. 



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