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Not really feelin' up to it (UnderSwap Napstabot)


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Heyo! This is a little UnderSwap thingy I whipped up. Not everything might be accurate to just read with an open mind alright? 

Sans jumped around as he blasted Napstabot's new solo "death by swagger" for the fifteenth time that morning . Papyrus had not told him to shut up that time, so therefore he could turn it up...

"SANS!" Papyrus yelled, somehow being louder then the music. 

Two minutes later the CD player had been confiscated. 

"I don't get why you hate the music so much!" Sans said, running to keep up with his brother. 

"I don't. I just hate the artist"

"Why though?" Sans asked. "He's so...SWAGALICIOUS" 

Papyrus scowled. "He's narcissistic, an ego maniac, has a terrible vocabulary, and he abandoned his poor cousin"

"Are we dragging your ghost boyfriend into this?"

"No! We are not dragging Happstablook into this! Now, go look for a human or something." Papyrus snapped. 

"HUMAN!" Sans cheered running outside.


"AND WEAR A COAT" Sans cheered, running back in then out. 


"I don't see why I have to go" Napstabot whined. "I mean, I totally have swag enough for the two of us but if you're gonna swing it with your boo, I am so not being the third wheel. Ya dig?"

Undyne let the DJ lingo settle in. "I know, but...you're confident! You could write a book on confident, or a killer mixtape! I need to impress Undyne and..."

"Killer DJ today, Wingman tomorrow" Napstabot sighed. "Fine, but you're giving me that update I want"

"No one needs strobe lights attached to them!"

"I ain't no one babe!" 

Undyne sighed. "But can you tone it down a bit? For my date?"

"Tone it down? I don't know the meaning of the wor-"

"No strobe lights"

"And chill Napstabot is in the house" Napstabot said, pulling his headphones on and dancing over to the car.


Sans stood proudly in front of Muffet's protecting the guests from possible humans.

"Hey Sans" Alphys said. 

"Hi" Sans said, saluting. 

"You haven't seen Undyne have you? I'm waiting for her and..."

"YOU'RE GOING ON A DATE" Sans yelled.

"Shhh!" Alphys hissed. "People are listening" she looked self conscious as she walked into the restaurant. 


Undyne stepped out of the car, and stepped back in. 

"I can't do this"

"Swagalicious, so swagalicious,"

"I'm a failure" 

"Beats like daggers, baby this is death by swagger..." 

"Everyone hates me" 

"Gotta up your swagger babe..."



Undyne yanked off the headphones.


"Did you hear a word I said"

"Sorry. My invitation to the pity party got lost" 

"Ok. Point taken" Undyne said. "Do I look ok?"

"Let's it take it to the next level" Napstabot said, tightening the fabric around her.

"Napstabot! Hey!" 

"Gotta show it all of brah. Gottta show off the bod. It's not as rad as mine but oh well."

"Napstabot stop! This looks wrong!"

"Would you love me if I had a female setting?" Napstabot asked, blinking his eyes.

"You're mean" Undyne said. "You should change the lyrics to death by annoyance.



"Dang! It's freezing!" Napstabot yelped. "Imma freeze out here!" 

"You should have worn decent clothes" Undyne said.

"Undyne" Napstabot whined, shivering. 

Undyne marched towards the restaurant, ignoring him.


Sans held the door for a gang of monsters. Among them he saw Undyne. 

"Hi Undyne!" He said waving. Then he was bowled over by a silver blur yelling "THE GREAT INDOORS OH YES!" 

"Sans are you ok!" Undyne yelled. "I'm so sorry! He has no manners!" 

Sans laid there on the ground trying to figure out why he recognized the voice. 


"NAPSTABOT" Undyne yelled.

"Yo" the DJ said from his place by the fireplace. 

"Go apologize!" 

"Nah babe. I'm good here..."

Undyne glared at him. "Now"

"And people say you aren't intimidating."


Napstabot had gotten "Lost" on his way outside and was standing by what appeared to be the controls for the sound system. Muffet's normal flamenco sounding music was playing softly. 

"Let's take it up a notch" he said, plugging the system into his DJ tables. 

It did not take Undyne long to realize what was happening, but Alphys beat her to it. 


Napstabot did not like Alphys for a number of reasons. For one she never used his name. 

"Yo, names Napstabot, and if you gotta problem..."

He was booted outside before he finished the sentence. 

"Fine! I can party out here! Who needs indoor heating? NOT ME DUDES!"


A little while later Napstabot was ready to retract his statement. He was pretty sure that his gears were freezing together. 

"Screw everyone in there" he muttered. 


Sans was all alone now. It was the perfect time for a human to attack. It may have been his imagination but he thought he saw a humanlike shape over there...IT WAS  A HUMAN


"Freeze human!" Sans yelled, flinging bones. 

"Woah woah woah hey!" the "human yelped. 

It wasn't a human...

Sans managed a scream that was formerly only managed by fangirls. 

"What's your damage little dude!" Napstabot snapped. 

"Oh wow!" was Sans' response. It was seriously his idol. He was as shiny as Sans thought...and he was shivering. 

"Are you ok?" 

"Yeah, great. Wonderful, just really cold...HeKyshh!" the robot pitched forward suddenly  sneezing harshly. 

Sans tried his hardest not to smile. This was amazing

"Yo, you can stop staring now" Napstabot said. Normally he loved talking to fans but now...he almost felt sick. Could robots get sick? 

"So you're the Napstabot?" Sans squealed. 

"Fo' sho' yo'. Who else would I be..h-hang on..hehhh Kyeshhu! Hekyshh! Atchuu!" Napstabot looked at his snot soaked hands. "Ok, gross" 

"Are you ok?" Sans asked again. 

"I don't know any more" Napstabot said. "I don't know if this is a malfunction or what." 

"You might be getting sick" Sans shrugged. "It happens a lot here"

"That can happen?" Napstabot said. Sans shrugged. 

"Well I'm like, totally fine" Napstabot said. "I...ahhhh Keshhu! akyshhu! Hngxt! THAT'S COMPLETELY NORMAL DON'T GIVE ME THAT LOOK"

Sans was giving him a look that only could pass for pure sympathy. 

"I said I was...was...Hehhh....hehhh..."

Sans watched as the robot desperately rubbed at his nose attempting to stop the oncoming sneeze. 

"ehhhhhh HAKYSHH! Ow. Kay that hurt" Napstabot muttered rubbing his chest. He looked up to see Sans staring up at him. "Like, what?"

"Can I please take care of you?" 

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2 hours ago, ihazakitty said:

yay! a new undertale story on this site! I absolutely love it!

Thanks! I'll probably continue this :) 

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5 hours ago, Pheonix_Mandrill said:

Thanks! I'll probably continue this :) 


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