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Surprise, Surprise (SPN, Dean)


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16 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

When will dis end," he asked pathetically.

Aww poor Dean is so miserable. Thank you for continuing this story, l like it a lot!!

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Thank you to everyone who read my story and commented on it with all of your kind words. This will be the last part, but I had a lot of fun working on this. I hope you guys like more of the stories that I get around to writing, hopefully. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this final part in the story and just let me know if there's anything else Supernatural related that you want me to write.


    Sam awoke to a pillow being thrown in his face. He screwed his eyes a bit before he turned over to face his brother. He was very pleased at what he saw.


    Dean was sitting up with a bright look on his face. His eyes were no longer bloodshot, his nose wasn't nearly as red as before, and he just appeared that he had much more energy than he heard before. 


    "Hey," Sam exclaimed as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.


    "Hey," Dean offered back as he stood up and started to fold his clothing back into his duffle. "Ready to move on to the next case?"


    "Well, someone looks a lot better than yesterday," Sam chuckled as he threw the covers off of him. He grabbed his own duffle before he saw the cloth that he had placed over Dean's sinuses the night before on the side of the table by the bed.


    Dean turned and nodded his head vigorously. "Fit as a fiddle!"


    "And I can actually understand you without a translation. Thank God," Sam joked as he came up behind his brother and punched his shoulder.


    Dean huffed before he turned and pushed his brother back. Sam laughed, pleased beyond belief that Dean was doing much better. He hadn't been overly worried since it was just allergies, but he had felt terrible for him. He could only imagine the discomfort, but at least now he looked a lot better.


    "I'm okay, Sam. I was never dying," Dean pointed out as he walked over to the counter and grabbed his allergy medication. He popped two in his mouth before he grabbed the eyedrops and actually applied them to himself. 


    Sam was more than surprised. He never expected Dean to actually take it as seriously as possible. He couldn't help but smile. "I know that you weren't. So, where are we off to now?"


    "A city right outside Detroit," answered Dean as he handed Sam a map. Sam opened it and saw a city that he had never heard it before and tilted his head in surprise.


    "And what is in there," asked Sam.


    "No fields, flowers, or weeds," answered Dean. Sam gave him a look so he continued. "And, of course, three decapitations with their eyes hollowed out."


    Sam nodded slowly. "You probably should've led with that," he joked as he grabbed his duffle and everything else that they would possibly need. "Are you ready?"


    "As ready as I'm gonna be," replied Dean as he grabbed his duffle, but not before double checking to make sure that he had his allergy meds.


    Sam couldn't help but smile as he headed out. He opened the motel door and started out with Dean right behind. Sam started to throw his things into the Impala and looked over to his brother.




    Sam flinched before he realized that Dean had only sneezed once. He picked out a tissue from his pocket and blew his nose. Once he was finished he set it aside before he threw his duffle into the car. Sam was looking at him sideways and Dean rolled his eyes.


    "You don't have to freak out on me, Sam. It was one sneeze," Dean pointed out as he climbed into the Impala.


    Sam copied him as he looked over to him. "Are you sure that you're okay?"


    "Sam, if you ask me that one more time I'll-"


    "I got it. I got it. I'm just glad that you're alright and we figured out exactly what was bothering you," Sam told him as he started to the car.


    Suddenly, Dean opened the passenger door and walked over to the diver's side. He opened Sam's door and Sam stared at him with a raised eyebrow. "What," Sam asked.


    "I'm driving," Dean announced as he rubbed a bit at his nose.


    Now that was the Dean that Sam was expecting to see. He didn't argue as he climbed out of the driver's side and walked over to the passenger side. Once the two of them switched Dean relaxed a bit with his hands loosely leaning on the steering wheel.


    "I missed this," he breathed as he looked up. He was about to open the windows when Sam stretched his hand forward to stop him. "What?"


    "Maybe that's not such a good idea," Sam pointed out as he motioned to the fields that surrounded the motel that they were at.


    Dean set his jaw reluctantly. He knew better than to argue as he nodded slowly. "Yeah, you're right," he agreed as he pulled out of the motel and headed toward the road, hoping to find a highway soon out of the state of Indiana.


    Sam smiled as he looked outside the window while Dean turned up the volume on the radio. It appeared that everything was back to normal.


    The End

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