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Sneeze Fetish Forum

What You Do To Yourself (SPN, Sam)


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Okay so usually I like to alternate between my Sam and Dean stories, but I had this idea so I couldn't help but torture poor Sam. I hope you enjoy it!


Prompt= Sam stops taking his allergy meds, because they're expensive and he feels guilty, and he tries not to make a big deal of it, but Dean can see how miserable he's making himself.




    Dean peered over from Sam from across the motel room. He raised an eyebrow as he saw Sam sniffle and lower his hands from his face. He shook his head ever so slightly with his hair slightly shifting around his face and the back of his neck. He sniffled almost as an afterthought before we went back to his research. 


    "Hey, you find anything over there," Dean called.


    Sam looked up and shook his head. "No, not yet," answered Sam as he pulled a tissue out of a small box and brought it to his nose. He blew his nose as quietly as possible before he threw it in the small wastebasket that was at his feet.


    "You okay, Sammy," asked Dean as he stood up from the bed and walked over to the small table that Sam was sitting at. "You've been awfully sneezy this morning. You take your medicine?"


    "Yeah, of course, Dean," Sam reassured as he looked up to his brother. His nostrils slightly flared and it appeared that he was doing his best not to sneeze or sniffle.


    Dean kept the eye contact before he turned around and headed to the cabinet. He grabbed the keys and tossed them to Sam. "How about you go and get us some food if you're not doing anything useful on that thing?"


    "And what are you going to do," Sam asked as he finally sniffled. 


    Dean looked over to Sam's laptop and raised his eyebrows. "What do you think?" He licked his lips and smiled.


    Sam grimaced. "Gross dude. Just, Huh'Itshshs! Huh'ITShh!"


    "And don't you dare sneeze all over baby or I'll smash the one thing that you care about, your laptop," threatened Dean with narrowed eyes. 


    Sam grunted as he dragged his feet forward. He grabbed the keys and headed out. As soon as he was gone, Dean did what he usually did, be a good big brother. He had a feeling that Sam couldn't have been taking his allergy medication. If he had been then he shouldn't have been sneezing like this. 


    The night prior Sam had been snoring so loud that it had actually woken up Dean. He hadn't said anything to Sam since sometimes he had bad days or nights even with his allergy medication, but things were getting a little excessive. He had a feeling that Sam wasn't taking his meds, but he didn't have any proof. 


    He would have to find some.


    Dean picked up Sam's duffle and looked around. He knew exactly where Sam kept his medicine, but he dumped everything out and nothing was there. He swore under his breath before he threw it aside in frustration. He pushed his hair back with his hand before he looked at the wastebasket that Sam had been using steadily for the past four days that they had been there.


    Dean grabbed it and set it on the table before he looked at it and felt his stomach clench. All he saw was tissues and he could only image how much Sammy snot was on them. He grimaced as he shook his head. "Oh no," he whimpered as he gagged heavily and swallowed. "This is like one of the most disgusting things that I've ever done."


    He started to rummage around the used tissues until he felt at the bottom of the trash. He finally felt a bottle and he brought it up. He shook it and heard nothing. He lifted it up and saw that Sam would've run out about four days ago. He dropped it back before he turned his hand and saw a tissue sticking to it. He gasped before he flicked it back in.


    A full body shudder rushed through him and he he squirmed madly. "Eww! Sammy, it's a good thing I love you. Damnit!"


    Dean rushed to the bathroom and quickly washed his hand. He wasn't usually a germaphobe but he had been up to his elbows in snot, literally. He hated it and he hated that Sam hadn't taken his medicine and he hated that Sam lied to him. But, he wasn't sure exactly what to say about it. He didn't want to yell at Sam since that never, ever worked. 


    Worry and anger stirred inside of Dean as he made his way to the bed and turned on the TV. He wasn't in the mood to think much about this and that was fine. He just needed some mind numbing entertainment and that was the latest Si-Fi movie that was on TV. Dean sighed as he curled his hands on his chest and closed his eyes.




    Dean opened one eye as he saw Sam fumbling in, one hand securely placed over his nose. His breath was hitching and panting with his chest expanding. His eyes streamed with the tears rolling down his cheeks. His nose ran like a waterfall under his hand and Dean didn't want to think how much snot he had managed to collect just in a few moments. 


    "Huh'ItCShshhh! Huh'Itcshsh! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITCshsh! Huh'Itcshsh! Huh'ITSHSh! Shid!"


    "How ya doin', Sammy," Dean called as he looked over at his brother.


     Sam didn't answer as he headed into the bathroom and slammed the door. Dean sighed as he swung his legs along the side of the bed and went to see what Sam had gotten for dinner. He opened up the bag and frowned when he saw that it was just salad and another box of tissues. 


    "Huh'TSChshs! Huh'Itcshsh! Huh'ITCShsh! Huh'ITCshshs!"


    Dean shook his head as he continued to hear his little brother suffer in the bathroom. He shook his head as he waited patiently for his brother to come out. They were going to have to have a conversation about this.


    It wasn't five minutes later that Sam came in with his nose and eyes streaming and eyes completely bloodshot. His face looked puffier and if Dean didn't know any better than he would've thought that Sam had just gotten over a disagreement with a hive of bees the way that he was swelling. He looked like an absolute wreck and Dean was so stunned that he at first wasn't sure what to say.


    "Um, how are you doing, Sammy," Dean asked as casually as he could muster.


    "Id's Sab," Sam snapped as he walked past his brother.


    Dean nodded his head slowly as he watched his brother. "Right," he breathed slowly, thinking about what he could possibly say next that wouldn't sound absolutely terrible. He wanted to make Sam feel better, not worse, and inside he was seething with anger.


    "Deadn," Sam seethed as he looked over to Dean. "Did you see ady extra tissues," he asked.


    Dean snapped from it as he looked to his brother. "Yeah, um they're somewhere around here." He looked around with the thought of his allergy meds still on his mind before he found the new box and tossed it to his brother. "Here. You might want to blow your nose. You sound like someone stuffed cotton balls up your nose."


    Sam narrowed his eyes before he ripped a few tissues from it and blew his nose a few times before he folded it and blew again. Once he was finished he set it in the trash. He straightened before he looked over to the table where he saw his empty allergy medication. He looked up and spiraled around to glare at Dean. "Deadn."


    "What," asked Dean before his gaze looked down at the bottle.


    "Why are you goind through the trash," Sam asked, but the threat was a loss less extreme with his stuffy talk.


    Dean flinched. "What was I doing? More like what were you were doing? Sam, you need that allergy medication, especially now. It's spring and without it you're sneezing nonstop and your breathing is wheezy and labored most of the time and-"


    "No," Sam interrupted as he grabbed more tissues and blew his nose so that he could be better understood this time.


    "No what? What does that mean," Dean snapped angrily.


    Sam shook his head. "I'm fine. You don't need to worry about me."


    "Sam, it's my job to worry about you. You need the allergy medication. How are you going to be any use during hunts if you're like this. Sam, why didn't you tell me that you were out of your allergy meds," Dean complained.


    Sam lifted his hands and rubbed his eyes. "I don't need a lecture right now, Dean."


    "You really need to take them, Sam. Why aren't you taking them? What's gotten into you," Dean asked as he hit Sam against his chest when he jumped to his feet.


    "Huh'Itshshs! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITCSHsHs! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ISshsh!"


    "See! Does this really seem to be helping anything," Dean snapped as he saw Sam fumble for the tissues to stop the mucus from pooling from his nostrils.


    Dean quieted his voice since he knew by now that yelling did absolutely nothing for Sam. He tried a different approach. "Sam, why are you doing this to yourself? Why when you can have what you need will you not take it?"


    "Because I don't need it," Sam croaked.


    "Really? Because your sneezing and stuffy talk doesn't convince me at all," snapped Dean hotly. "So, what's the real reason?"


    "Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITCshsh! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITSShsh! Huh'ITShshsh! Huh'ITShshs!"


    "Woah, woah, easy, Sam," Dean exclaimed as he walked forward and reached out to Sam.


    "Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'ITSShsh! Huh'Ishsh! Huh'Itshshs! Huh'Itshshs!"


    Sam collapsed and Dean grabbed his shoulders as he continued to sneeze. His breathing began to wheeze as his chest heaved with each frantic breath.


    "Sam, Sam, talk to me. Where's your inhaler. I didn't see it in your bag," Dean asked frantically. 


    Sam gasped for each breath, clutching slightly at his chest. He hung his head before Dean hit his cheek. "Sam, where is it?!"


    "C-Ca-Car," Sam stammered painfully.


    Dean rushed to his feet before he grabbed the keys and darted out. He headed to the Impala so quick that he barely registered what he was doing. He opened the driver's side and saw the inhaler in one of the cup holders. He grabbed it and darted back. He slammed open the door before he darted over to Sam and crumpled down on his knees. 


    "Okay, come on, Sam," Dean pleaded as he shook the inhaler and placed it in Sam's mouth. "Ready, take this in in one....two....three!"


    Dean squeezed the top and Sam breathed in. Sam looked to Dean before Dean shook his head. "Ten seconds, remember? Count with me in your head. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven...almost there....Eight. Nine. Ten."


    Sam let out a breath before he coughed painfully. "Again," he wheezed.


    Dean shook the inhaler before they repeated the process. He let out a breath of relief before he watched Sam slump almost sideways before he sniffled tiredly.


    Dean pulled out a few tissues and handed them to Sam. "Come on. Blow you nose and then we have to talk, alright?"


    Sam blew his nose softly before he threw the tissues away halfhazardly. Once he was finished Dean grabbed him by one of his shoulders and hauled him to his feet. "Come on, Sam. Let's get you to bed."


    He led Sam over to one of the beds before he set him down. He retrieved the tissues and set it at Sam's hip. "Keep blowing. You're producing snot like it's going out of style."


    Dean was about to leave him before Sam stretched out a hand and grabbed his wrist. Dean turned and tilted his head. "Sam, just rest."


    Sam shook his head. "I need to talk to you," he rasped.


    "Don't talk, Sam. It's not good for you after you had an attack like that," Dean told him, but Sam's hand was still wrapped around his wrist.


    Sam shook his head once more. "Please, Dean. I won't stop talking until you listen to me."


    Sam was beyond stubborn most of the time. He couldn't image how stubborn he could be right now. He sighed as he took off his boots and sat beside him. "Okay, what's so important that you couldn't wait until you're feeling better?"


    "I want you to know why I haven't told you that I was out of my meds," Sam whispered hoarsely. 


    Dean rolled his eyes. "That was stupid, Sam. But, I do need to know why."


    Sam stifled a groan. Dean could be so oblivious sometimes. "Without the meds I won't die or anything and they're expensive. I know how much you have to pay for and the other week we barely had enough money left for a motel room and food before you went out to play pool and I thought that this could shave off some costs."


    "Sam, asthma is nothing to joke with and neither are your allergies and they go hand in hand," Dean chided as he met his brother's gaze. "This was just stupid."


    "I didn't think so," Sam whimpered.


    "Well, I hope that you know better now." He gritted his teeth. "Sam, we will always find a way to get you what you need, you know that, alright? I'll just spend some more time playing pool or figure something else. But, don't ever do this again, okay? Promise me."


    "Huh'Tshsh! Huh'ITShsh! Huh'Itshshs!"


    "That's what I thought," answered Dean as Sam fumbled for more tissues to blow his runny nose into. Once he was finished he held the tissue firmly in his hand and pressed his head against the back of the bed, breathing loudly from his mouth.


    "Dean, I'm sorry," Sam whispered.


    Dean smiled as he patted his shoulder. "Just don't do it again, okay? Or next time I'll just let you suffocate," Dean joked as he nudged him slightly.


    Sam smiled. "Jerk."




The End


So, I hope you enjoyed it! If anyone has any requests I'll do my best to fill them. I also would like to know what you guys want more of. Do you want more Sam, Dean, or Castiel? Do you want cold or allergy? Just let me know and I'll see what I can do. 

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Aww, great idea you had there. Poor Sam. So many sneezy snotty fits to try to save money for meds. 

As answer to your question, I'll absolutely read all of the above with pleasure! The more the better, whoever and and for whatever cause. I cannot get enough of SPN fics atm. But in my dreamworld Dean + sneezy (surprise) allergies = winning combination ;)

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6 hours ago, helyzelle said:

Aww, great idea you had there. Poor Sam. So many sneezy snotty fits to try to save money for meds. 

As answer to your question, I'll absolutely read all of the above with pleasure! The more the better, whoever and and for whatever cause. I cannot get enough of SPN fics atm. But in my dreamworld Dean + sneezy (surprise) allergies = winning combination ;)

I'm so glad that you liked it! I will certainly try to do that. I think that's a great idea. I will most definitely write this!:D 

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19 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

    He led Sam over to one of the beds before he set him down. He retrieved the tissues and set it at Sam's hip. "Keep blowing. You're producing snot like it's going out of style."


I love this line;)


To answer your question, I personally prefer Dean. Probably allergic Dean, but I also love him when he's sick, so... I hope that helps.


thanks for sharing!

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