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Two is Better than One (SPN, Sam)


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Just a short thing I felt like writing. Enjoy!

Prompt: Dean is mad at Sam, for whatever reason. Sam already felt like he was coming down with something. Now he’s trying his best to keep quiet about it, hold back/stifle his sneezes, etc. BONUS POINTS for Bobby giving him sagely advise 


Sam glances over at the driver's seat, hurt obvious in his puppy-dog eyes. Dean grips the wheel angrily, his freckles standing out on his increasingly red face. Sam tries to ignore the fire in his brother's eyes, or the thumping sound the broken Impala makes. Instead, Sam focuses on scrubbing persistently at his nose to subdue the tickle forming, and clearing his throat to calm the irritation there. 

"What do you want?" Dean snaps at the sound. Sam didn't even realize he'd heard it over the Metallica Dean was blasting. 

"What the fuck is it Sam?" Dean says again, this time more impatient. Sam looks over with innocence in his eyes, and Dean turns back to the road with an aggravated sigh. 

Unfortunately, Sam's mind is on more important things: his nose. 

"Ehhh-hehh..." Sam clasps his hand over his nose and shuts his eyes as tears begin to form from the unbearable tickle. Unknowingly to him, Dean watches him out of his peripheral. He rolls his eyes at Sam's obvious attempts to stop the sneeze. Even this annoys him for some reason. Dean turns up the radio so he can pretend he doesn't hear Sam stifling sneeze after miserable sneeze into the palm of his hand. 

"Hit'xxshh! Nxst! Heh'xxt!" 

But it's impossible for Dean to pretend he doesn't see the sneezes rocking Sam forward. The desperate sneezes seem to leave him breathless and exhausted. 

"Bless." Dean grits his teeth together. Sam sniffles and wishes he had a tissue.

They drive back to Bobby's in silence. 


"SNIFF!" Sam sniffs for the hundredth time since they've gotten to Bobby's. Dean is out speaking to a witness, and Sam is supposed to be doing research. However, not much can get done between all of the sneezing and the sniffling. 


"Not that I don't love the sound of you sniffling for two hours straight, but is there any chance you'd use a tissue?" Bobby looks up from his book. 

Sam opens his mouth to respond, but a series of sneezes follow instead. 

"Hep'CHISHhhh! ISHHchhh! Heh'KISHHHhh!" 

"You feelin' alright, son?" Bobby asks, though the look on Sam's face says he'll deny it. 

"Fide, Bobby," Sam coughs deeply into his fist and sniffs again. 

"Right." Bobby says disbelievingly. He slides the tissue box closer to Sam. 

"Just in case." 

Sam grabs a few tissues hesitantly, and raises them to his nose. 

"Any particular reason you're keeping this from your brother?"

Sam's nose twitches furiously beneath the mound of tissues. He blows a couple of times before responding weakly. 

"He would kill mehh, KTSchooo! Ugh, sniff! Kill me."  

"He'll come around." Bobby says. "Now get your ass up to bed."

Sam swallows dryly and nods. He coughs a few more times before climbing up the stairs and heading to the bathroom. 

He catches a glance of himself in the mirror, and shudders. His eyes are too bright and watery, and his tall stature is slumped. His face is pale and his cheeks are pink. His nose is turning a nasty red. How did Dean not notice? 

Of course he did, Sam. He just didn't care. 

The torturous tickle has found its way back to his sinuses. His nostrils flare and he snaps forward. 

"HdJSHUhhh! EptSHUhhhh! HiTSChewww! ETkschhhh! Hnn'TSCHHH!" Sam gasps for breath, sniffling pitifully. He climbs into bed and falls fast asleep. 


"Tell me you're not sick." The voice says. Sam realizes it belongs to Dean. 

"I'm sorry, I..." Sam feels like crying, but all he can do is sneeze. 


"Pathetic. Weak." Dean says snarling. "No wonder John was so disappointed in you. You're not like us. You're a freak."

"D-ehhhh..." Sam pinches his nose. 

"Oh no, Sammy. Please, don't hold back on my account." Dean laughs. 

Sam desperately tries to hold the sneeze back, but the odds just seem to be against him. 

"Hp'choo" The sneeze is half-stifled. 

"Come on, Sammy!" Dean booms. "Is that all you have to say for yourself? You couldn't save Jess, you couldn't save Dad. All you want to do is sneeze? No wonder I hate you." 

The sneeze is building. Sam cups his hands to his face. 

"Hehh hehhh HEHHH"

But before the sneeze ever happens, Sam wakes up with a start. 

"Sam...Sammy..." It's Dean, for real. His voice is softer, kinder now. 

"How are you feeling, kiddo?" Dean's eyes are filled with sympathy. 

"I...I...." Unfortunately, Sam is still sick. He turns his head towards his pillow. 


"Bless you." Dean rubs his hand in circles on Sam's back. Sam sighs deeply. 

"That feel good?" 

Sam nods. It doesn't matter what Dean does. Sam's just happy to have his brother love him again. 

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That was such a cute little story!!! Poor Sam, you're not being very kind to him. His fever dream about how Dean considers him... Oh my God.

And I really like your Bobby, especially

15 hours ago, iluvemojis said:

"Not that I don't love the sound of you sniffling for two hours straight, but is there any chance you'd use a tissue?"


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I LOVE THIS! It's so sweet and sad and happy and cuddly! My poor Sammy so sick! And meanie fake Dean! And awesome real Dean! Perfect. I wanna hug my Samm ;w; 

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