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And a Kiss Goodnight (SPN, Dean)


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I felt like writing something and I ended up with this...I hope it's okay...

But first:

I wrote in an original character for this, a girl, (The story doesn't state it directly, but you're welcome to see her and Dean as a pair or not) her name's Alex, and she pretty much is just taking care of a poor, sick Dean while Sam is on a case (takes place in the bunker), and if anyone wants to picture someone for the role, she looks like Nina Dobrev  in my mind.

So, there you have it. 

So for those who skipped through the last part (It's okay if you did), final disclaimer:

Sick Dean

Original Character

Bunker Fic

Language Warning

Sam is not really in the story as of now, sorry everyone.

oh and I don't own Supernatural or the Winchesters. :( 

For the Sam fans, there's some sick Sammy coming in the next couple days, probably on my Sneezy Winchester thread, so stay with me:razz:


And a Kiss Goodnight


ALEX SITS DOWN on the brand-new couch in the bunker. They'd purchased it only a day ago, although, Alex had been the one to pick it out, since Sam and Dean couldn't chose without fighting. After finding the right couch, the boys insisted on driving the couch home in the Impala instead of having it delivered. Alex was not about to start another argument, so she reluctantly agreed. Either way, she wasn't sure if it was the fight between the boys, or maybe the tiring trip back to the bunker, but by the time they got back, Dean was visibly drained. His blood shot eyes had dark circles underneath, and although the circles had always been there, they seemed much more noticeable. Alex had noticed a quiet rasp in Dean's voice when he spoke as well, but of course Dean denied it. 


"I'm fine. Leave me alone, Sam." Dean had snapped when Sam asked him if he was okay.


Alex had asked once or twice as well, only to get the same reaction from Dean. By eleven o'clock that night, Dean was passed out on the new couch and Sam had informed Alex that he found a case. He left before Dean could wake up and insist on tagging along, and Alex stayed home to watch Dean, who slept like a baby the rest of the night.


Alex looks over at Dean snoring next to her and sighs. She's only seen him sick once before, and she remembers it all too well. She and Sam spent a week getting Dean better, only to be taken down by the same virus and having Dean care for them.


She stares at the wooded floor for a while pondering the situation. Not two minutes later, Dean wakes up coughing. 


"Morning," Alex says simply when the coughing dies down.


"What timbe is it?" Dean's voice is noticeably deeper. 


"Around ten."


"What? Why th' hell d'you let mbe sleep ind?" Dean still looks tired and pale, not to mention the congestion in his voice.


"Dean, we both know you needed the rest. What's the big deal anyway? You missing a date or something?" Alex antagonizes. 


"HetTSDCHShh! Where's Samb?"


"What, I'm not good enough for you?"


"Seriously, Al. Where's Samb?"


"Don't get your panties in a twist. He's on a hunt."


"Alonde?" Dean sits up, definitely awake now, if he wasn't before. 


"Calm down, he's with Garth."


Okay, so he wasn't with Garth. So what? Sam's an adult. He can hunt alone, perfectly fine.


Dean calms down a little, but still looks anxious. "Where are they? We cand probably catch up with themb."


"Dean, you're sick and Sam and Garth can hunt without you."


Dean looks insulted, jealous, and confused all at once. "I amb ndot sick." Is all he says.


"Yeah, and I have forty heads. Dean, just admit it now, instead of waiting until you have a high fever and your brain is poaching like an egg."




"Bless you."


Dean ignores the blessing and gives Alex a pouting, bitch face.


"You're not going. I'm sorry. But, lucky you, you get to spend time with little old me." Alex grins.



To be continued...

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1 hour ago, iluvemojis said:

I love this OC

Thanks! I was worried that having an OC was the wring choice. I'm glad you like her! :blush:


Okay, so here's part two.

For anyone who  cares, I switched to past tense in this part (the rest of the story will be past tense as well) but the last part was present tense. I hope it doesn't bother anyone too much, I just found myself writing in past tense and liked it better that way instead.




After their exchange in the morning, Dean and Alex agreed on watching a movie, which somehow ended up being "Ice Age 2." Not long into the movie, Dean fell back to sleep, so Alex watched more of the movie before going out to pick up some medicine for Dean.


Alex slowly made her way down the medicine isle of the supermarket, her eyes drifting over each box and brand name. NyQuil, DayQuil, Mucinex, Tylenol, and so on. The excessive amounts made Alex curious about how they could fit it all in one isle. After skimming through a few of the labels, she ended up getting one box of decongestants and a box of Tylenol, before moving over to the various cough syrup flavors. Dean likes cherry pie, Alex thought to herself, but maybe he'd like grape flavored better...oh, who am I kidding, no one likes grape flavor. Orange? Nah...yeah, cherry it is. She picked up a bottle and tossed it into her slowly growing pile of drugs. Now for the tissues. On her way to the store, Alex decided she would get Dean Kleenex and not a store brand pack, but man oh man, are there were a lot of choices. Kleenex came in soft and regular, large and small. That was new to Alex. She decided to get Dean two large packs. He would need them. He was a frequent sneezer when sick. A very frequent sneezer.


After getting judgmental looks at the register, for the large amount of medicine she was buying, Alex finished checking out and hurried home, realizing Dean would wake up soon if he hadn't already.


"Dean?" Alex called, quietly, in case he was still asleep. 


"hutTSXXCHShh! CHCSHSSHuhh! hurUKSSHCHewh!" Dean appeared at the end of the hallway, nose buried in a paper towel.


""Wow. Bless you. Here," Alex said, handing Dean a fresh box of tissues. "Do we not have tissues in this place?"


"Samb had sombe...I kind of used themb all." Dean shrugged sheepishly.


"He'll understand. Ready to get all drugged up?" 


"Guess so." Dean sniffled, ripping the plastic off of the tissue box. Not opening the box fast enough, he pulled his shirt collar up past his nose and let loose, "hihKKSHSCHuh!"




"Thagks." Dean sighed, very obviously pouting.


"Okay, so here's what we've got. Tylenol, for a fever, if you get one, decongestants, which you should probably take now, and cough syrup. You been coughing a lot?"


"A little."


"Alright, lets just give you the decongestants for now."


After feeding Dean the proper dosages of medicine, they sat down for another movie. This time they watched "Porky's II," Dean's favorite.


"You thigk Samby's O.K.?" Dean asked, looking up at Alex, head resting comfortably on her lap.


"Sam is just fine, Dean. We can call him later to check in if you really want."


"Yeah..hihh" He turned away and buried his reddened nose in multiple tissues. "Huhh...HutCHXHSHHehh! HetSHSHCHSuh! USSHCHEHh! HutCHXXXHSHue! NXXCHhuhh! HitSSHCHSHhh!"


"Impressive. Bless you."


"Ndo-ndot dohh-donde...hehhh!"


"Aw, you poor baby." Alex teased.


Dean glared through hitching breaths. His glistening, freckled nose twitched in dismay, as his breath continued to falter. His lips were spread apart, and his eyes watered.


"huhh...hhh...hehh! hhh..."


Alex leaned down and pressed a kiss to his warm, tickly nose, and pulled back before he could sneeze all over her.




"Nice one." Alex joked with a smile.


Dean smiled too, before returning to his pouting, sickly look. His darkened eyes looked up at Alex, "HutSSHGShh! Ugh. Sorry 'bout all this." Dean blew his continuously ticklish nose into a wad of tissues.


Alex's fingers ran through Dean's short, soft hair. "Nothing to apologize for, sneezy. Just enjoy your movie."





To be continued...



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31 minutes ago, jensdw said:

He was a frequent sneezer when sick. A very frequent sneezer.


31 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Not opening the box fast enough, he pulled his shirt collar up past his nose and let loose, "hihKKSHSCHuh!"

I like how you describe it as “letting loose”. Very good image 

32 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Ndo-ndot dohh-donde...hehhh!"


"Aw, you poor baby." Alex teased.


Dean glared through hitching breaths. His glistening, freckled nose twitched in dismay, as his breath continued to falter. His lips were spread apart, and his eyes watered.


"huhh...hhh...hehh! hhh..."


Alex leaned down and pressed a kiss to his warm, tickly nose, and pulled back before he could sneeze all over her.

Excellent! I like the interactions between him an Alex

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39 minutes ago, iluvemojis said:


I like how you describe it as “letting loose”. Very good image 

Excellent! I like the interactions between him an Alex

Thank you! I don’t know how people would feel bout Dean and the OC, but I don’t know, think Dean could use a little love. I’m glad you’re liking it.

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7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

Another story that I absolutely adore. Keep up the great work!

Thank you! 

5 hours ago, helyzelle said:

Oh yes, I like this very sneezy Dean very much! :D

Thanks, I’m glad you do:thumbs_up:

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On 10/17/2017 at 5:25 PM, sneezelover32 said:

So good!!!!

Thank you!

20 hours ago, sneezelover32 said:

I'm begging you to continue this! There just aren't enough OC's on here for Supernatural and you portray Alex so well!

I won’t make any promises, but I’ll try to continue. (I began this since there are very few OC’s on here) I’ve come to face a bit of writers block, but I’ll do my best.

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  • 2 months later...

Just sitting here melting. OC's seem to be a bit of a hit or miss area, and I love yours! Your writing is so easy to picture :D

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Just saw this! I'm usually one to ignore original characters but I really likeAlex! And this story! I love how Dean keeps asking about Sam :wub:

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On 1/4/2018 at 11:26 AM, InsertNameHere said:

Just sitting here melting. OC's seem to be a bit of a hit or miss area, and I love yours! Your writing is so easy to picture :D

Aw thank you. It’s possible that I’ll continue...honestly I hadn’t thought about this until now. :unsure:

On 1/4/2018 at 2:10 PM, ReidSeeker said:

Just saw this! I'm usually one to ignore original characters but I really likeAlex! And this story! I love how Dean keeps asking about Sam :wub:

Oh thank you. I’m glad you liked it! It means a lot. ;) 

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