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Oh Brother (SPN, Sam)


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This is a prompt that I found a while ago and I finally got around to writing it. Hope you enjoy!


Prompt- Teenage Sam has allergies. John Winchester has no clue how to help him. Good thing Sammy has his big brother Dean.


    Sam dragged his feet through the woods, sniffling pathetically. He rubbed at his itchy and watery eyes with the back of his hand. 


    "Sam, don't lag!"


    Sam stifled a groan as he continued to walk forward. He meant to step over a dead log, but instead he stepped right through. It crumpled around him and he fell directly on top of it. Pollen, spores, and dust wafted up. Sam groaned before his nose started to itch madly and tickle. He groaned to himself as he lifted his hand to his face, pinching his nose between his thumb and forefingers.


    "Itcshxx! Itcshxx! Itchsxx! Itchxx! Itcshxx! Itcshxx!"


    Sam sucked in a wheezy breath as he felt his chest almost tightening. He looked around through tear filled eyes for his brother.


    "Dean? Dean!"


    There was the sound of footsteps before Dean came into view. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw his brother sitting almost in the dead, decaying fallen tree. He sighed heavily as he shook his head, rushing over to his brother.


    "Sammy? What are you doing," Dean asked in surprise. 


    Sam looked up and tried to sniff, but his nose was too clogged. "I dodn't dknow," he asked stuffily.


    Dean rolled his eyes before he grabbed Sam by the shoulders and hauled him back up. Sam staggered against him and Dean draped an arm around his little brother. "Okay, let's go. Let's get you out of this allergy inducing forest before you turn into one big snot rag."


    "Deadn," complained Sam.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "Sorry, I know that you're 'sensitive' about this," Dean taunted.


    Sam sucked in a wheezy breath before he snorted back some more congestion. "You're the one who's allergic to cads," pointed out Sam, still stuffy.


    "Yeah, just cats. You're the one who's allergic to pollen, mold, dust, spores, and basically anything else besides cats," Dean pointed out as he helped Sam through the rest of the forest. 


    "Dean, Sam, let's go!"


    Sam pulled away from Dean roughly. Dean released his grip on him before he turned around and sighed as he looked at his brother. "I cadn't! I cadn't, Deadn! ItcsSHsh! ItcSHsh! ItcSHsh! ItcSHsh! ItcSHsh!"


    Dean pulled Sam against him as he continued to unleash sneeze after sneeze after sneeze. His allergy sneezes were so much different from his cold sneezes. It would be rapid and without a breath in between. Dean always joked with Sam that he would pass out, but now Dean was really getting concerned.


    "Okay, come on, Sammy. I'm going to tell dad that we have to go home, okay," Dean chided as he led Sam forward once more.


    They eventually caught up with John and John appeared less than thrilled that they had wasted time. "What was the holdup? We have to follow these tracks before it starts raining."


    "Rainding," Sam snuffled. "Greadt."


    John raised an eyebrow at Sam's talk and couldn't understand him. He looked around to Dean to translate and Dean shook his head.


    "We have to go back to the motel," Dean told him.


    "And why would we do that," seethed John in agitation, his eyes narrowed.


    Dean waved a hand as he looked at Sam. "Look at him! He can barely breathe without sneezing, let alone track anything."


    Just to prove his point, Sam scrubbed at his stuffy nose before he raised his hands over his nose and mouth, his breathing quickening as he the allergens teased and taunted his agitated nose.


    "ItcSHsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! Itcsh!


    "Um, when does this stop," John asked in alarm as he looked to Dean. Dean had all the answers when it came to Sam. After all, Dean spent the most time with Sam. John mostly spent time with him in the car and sometimes the motel, but other than that he didn't see Sam much at all. Taking care of Sam had always been Dean's job.


    "ItcSHsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh!"


    Dean saw the panic in John's eyes, but he knew that Sam didn't respond well to that. He rested a hand on Sam's shoulder to steady him before he passed out from lack of oxygen. He laughed as he kneeled in front of Sam and rubbed his hands up and down Sam's shoulders.


    "Geez, Sammy, bless you! What is that, a record," he joked as he moved Sam's long hair from his face so that it couldn't tickle his nose and start another attack.


    Sam moved his hands from his face and wiped them on his pants. He rubbed his wrist against his nose before more mucus trickled down his face. He closed his itchy eyes.


    "I wandt to go hobe," Sam croaked.


    Dean smiled as he patted Sam's shoulder. "I know, kiddo. I think that that's a good idea," Dean told him before he dug into his jacket pocket and pulled out a travel pack of tissues.


    Sam's eyes glowed before he ripped them from Dean's hands and blew his nose on the tissues. He pulled out some more and wiped it against his eyes to try and stop the tears from running down his face. "Thandks, Deadn."


    "No problem," Dean told him as he clapped him on the back. "Ready to get ya feeling better?"


    John looked to Dean before Dean flicked his head. "Let's go."


    Ordinarily John wouldn't have let his son speak to him like that, but he really had no choice at the moment. He had no idea how to help Sam and Dean did. He had to let Dean take the lead now to help Sam.


    They made their way through the forest and the meadow with Sam still sneezing and leaning against Dean with the tissues pressed against his face.


    "ItcSHsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! Itcsh!"


    "We're almost there, Sam," chided Dean as he started to take off his jacket. He stopped at the trunk of the Impala and threw it inside. He looked to his father as he pointed to his jacket. "Take it off and as soon as we get to the motel you can have first shower."


    John knew better than to argue with his son. "What are you going to do?"


    "What I always do," answered Dean shortly. He opened the passenger door and helped Sam inside. Sam collapsed, still shaking with wheezy breaths and his runny nose still streaming. He sneezed once more, moaning.


    Dean climbed into the seat beside his brother and reached under the seat. He pulled out a backup box of tissues and set them in the middle between them. Sam looked at them in surprise before he grabbed a handful of them and pressed them against his still twitching nose.


    "I think that we should count them next time," Dean joked as he rubbed his hands against his jeans. "Maybe we should go for a world record or something."


    Sam looked up with watery eyes from the tissue. "Shudup!"


    Dean laughed as John climbed into the driver's seat and started the Impala. The engine turned over and Sam leaned against the window the Impala, trying to cool his itchy eyes. He longed to just take his allergy meds and go to sleep. He knew that Dean would make sure that he was taken care of, but he was a little embarrassed with his father being there.


    Sam gritted his teeth as he felt another sneeze attack coming on. He grunted as he lifted his hand to his nose and pinched it so tightly that it looked like he wanted to rip it off.


    "Itcshxx! Itcshshxx! Itshsxxx! Itshxxx! Itchxx!"


    "Hey, hey, quit that," Dean snapped as he reached over and yanked Sam's hand from pinching his nose. "Cut that out!"


    Sam looked up, his jaws parted and nose twitching madly. He tried to hold it back, but he was failing miserably. "D-Dah-Dad."


    "Don't you worry about dad. He's not going to say anything. I'll make sure of it. But, this isn't healthy. You need to get anything and everything out," Dean told him. He remembered telling Sam that when he was seven or eight and now he told him it every time. He got embarrassed so easily and unless they were alone in the motel he would try and stifle.


    Sam looked into the driver's seat before he couldn't hold them back anymore. Dean reached out and pulled Sam against his chest since he knew that Sam would relax as long as he was with him.


    "Itschsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh!"


    "Again, I'm going to count them," Dean joked when Sam finally seemed to relax. He breathed loudly from his open mouth before he  looked up to Dean. 


    Dean sighed heavily as he pushed his long hair from his face again. "It's okay. It's going to be fine. We're going to get you pumped full of allergy medication, with a cool washcloth on your eyes, and as many tissues as you want. How does that sound?"


    Sam sniffled pathetically before he rubbed his head against Dean's chest. "Good," he mumbled longingly.


    Dean laughed as he let Sam start to fall asleep. He stroked his brother's hair thoughtfully before he looked up to meet his father's gaze. John immediately turned his gaze back to the road and kept it there. 


    "What are you looking at," Dean asked firmly. 


    John looked back to see the disappointment in his son's gaze. "Is he really that embarrassed around me," he asked hollowly.


    Dean thought about making his father feel worse, but he didn't. Instead, he shook his head. "No," he replied. "It's not just you. He's embarrassed around anyone, sometimes even me. But, we're getting over it. Don't take it personally if he is shy around you."


    "I'm glad that you know all of this stuff. How did you know what to do to help him with his allergies," asked John curiously.


    Dean sighed as Sam shifted against him and rubbed his enflamed nose against his shirt and Dean allowed him to. "Mostly trial and error. It wasn't easy, but it's what Sam and I got used to doing. I haven't seen him have a reaction like this is a long time. I'm not sure exactly why, but I'll get to the bottom of it."


    John said nothing more as he stepped on the gas a bit. Dean silently thanked him before he rested his chin on his brother's head and closed his eyes. He drifted off and prayed that they got to the motel soon.


To Be Continued.....


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Wow. This is awesome. I'm not even a big fan of allergies, but this was incredible and so so so sweet!! I want mooore <3

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On 10/12/2017 at 6:06 AM, jensdw said:

Awwh:wub: Brotherly love.

This was great!

Thanks for sharing.


I'm so glad that you enjoyed it!


On 10/12/2017 at 2:14 PM, sneezy_frnk said:

Wow. This is awesome. I'm not even a big fan of allergies, but this was incredible and so so so sweet!! I want mooore <3

I'm not usually a huge fan of allergies either, but I felt drawn to this prompt and thought I would give it a shot so I'm glad that you liked it!


On 10/12/2017 at 4:14 PM, iluvemojis said:

I'm so glad you wrote this prompt! You wrote the boys so well. More please ? :worshippy:

I hoped that you would like it. I hope that you like this part as well!


And here is Part 2! Hope you all like it!


    "Itshssh! ItcSHsh! Itshshs! ItcSHsh! ItcSHsh! ItcsHsHs!


    Dean quickly dislodged himself from Sam's head and gave him some space. However, Sam continued to press his forehead against Dean's chest while he sneezed loudly. He pulled a few bundles of tissues out and pressed it against his twitching nostrils. He moaned almost pathetically before he snuggled closer to Dean.


    "I don't think that this is a good idea," pointed out Dean as he forced Sam to sit up. "I probably have pollen on my shirt and it's not going to help you any to breathe it in."


    Sam groaned as he rubbed his wrist along the underside of his flaring nostrils. He sat up and rubbed the side of his head to flatten his matted hair. "Are we almost there," he complained as he started to rub at his itchy eyes.


    Dean shot out his hands and grabbed Sam's hands. "Stop that," Dean scolded for the second time in the short drive back to the motel.


    "But, it itches," Sam moaned like a five year old.


    Dean rolled his eyes. "Of corse it does, but you know that rubbing at it does't help. It'll just make it worse. Hold out for five more minutes and then it'll be a lot better."


    "Okay," groaned Sam as he pulled his hands from Dean's. Dean released him and watched Sam lean against the window once more, still rubbing at his much abused nose. Looks like Sam was going to stop blowing his nose and that meant that he was going to start sniffling like no tomorrow and it would be annoying and that would make Dean snappish. But, Dean would do whatever it took for Sam to feel better and if took putting up with his sniffling then that's what he was going to do.


    It only took a few minutes before they pulled up at the motel. Dean nudged Sam and Sam whimpered as he turned and looked at Dean. "Come on, kiddo. Let's get you feeling better."


    Sam seemed to agree with that as he hopped out and followed his brother into the motel room. John lagged behind, giving his sons a few moments of privacy. He didn't want to overstep his bounds and he assumed that disappearing wasn't the best way either. He was going to actually be a good father this time.


    "You know the drill, Sammy. Shower first. I'll set a change of clothes for you on the sink so don't lock the door. By the way, we're burning those clothes," Dean told him as he steered his brother to the bathroom.


    "Then we're's burning your jacket," Sam shot back as he rubbed his fist upward against his runny nose.


    Dean lifted his hands and took a step back. "Oh no! I don't think so," he argued firmly.


    "ItcSHsh! ItcsHshsh! Itcsh! ItcSHsh! Itcsh! Itcshshsh! ItcSHsh!"


    "Okay, bathroom, now," Dean told him as he pointed toward the bathroom. "You're going to give yourself an asthma attack at this rate."


    "ItcSHsh! ItcSHsh! Itshshshs! ItcsHshsh!"


    Sam continued to sneeze as he headed into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him, but he didn't lock it. Dean sighed heavily as he threw Sam's duffle on the bed and started to rummage through it. He found some sweats and a t-shirt and set it aside before he fished around some more until he found Sam's allergy medicine. He set it down on the bed before he tossed the duffle aside.


    He brought up his duffle and went through it as well, just as his father opened the door and came in. Dean didn't look up from his sorting. "You take a shower after Sammy and then I will. You either give your clothes to me and I'll wash them special tomorrow or you throw them out. We don't want to risk another reaction from Sam."


    John nodded as he brought his own duffle and set it on the opposite bed. "So, will he be asleep by the time you take your shower?"


    "Probably not. He usually won't go to sleep after an allergy attack unless I'm sleeping beside him," Dean explained as he finally found something comfortable and not too warm. He smiled to himself as he set it down and tossed the duffle over by Sam's. He ran his fingers through his hair and headed to the bathroom.


    He was about to open the door before he saw his father sitting on the bed. "Dad!"


    "What," John asked, jumping a bit in surprise.


    "Don't sit down! Don't touch anything! The pollen could fall from your clothes and onto the bed. Just stay where you are," ordered Dean as he opened the bathroom door.


    "ItcSHsh! Itshshs! Itshshs! Itshsh!"


    "You doing alright in there, Sam," asked Dean as he picked up Sam's discarded clothing and set the sweats and t-shirt on the sink edge.


    Sam sniffled a bit in the shower's spray before he slumped his shoulder. "I'b fide, Deadn," Sam called in the shower.


    "Blow your nose, Sammy. I can hardly understand you," Dean told him as he headed out and closed the door behind him. He gritted his teeth together as he headed to the box on the bed and took out two of pills and set them on the counter.


    John crossed his arms against his chest as he leaned against the wall near the door since he figure that was his best bet besides laying on the bed. "Is he okay?"


    "He'll be fine. You just have to be really worried if he starts wheezing and can't breathe," Dean explained as he headed to one of the cupboards and found a glass. He filled it with water before he set it down and waited patiently for his brother to come out.


    John gulped. "And that won't happen while you're in the shower, will it?"


    "He's not going to just collapse if that's what you're worried about. He may start sneezing again and can't catch his breath, but I'll leave out his inhaler if he needs it. Just shake it and press on the top while it's in his mouth. Have him try to hold his breath for ten seconds. Then he'll be fine and if not have him do it once more." The look of sheer panic spread over John's face. "I won't be more than five minutes. Trust me, you'll be fine."


    John opened his mouth to say something before the bathroom door opened. Sam shuffled forward and rubbed his hand against his forehead and smoothed his long hair backwards. He blinked his puffy eyes at Dean and whimpered.




    "Your voice is shot, Sammy," Dean pointed out as he came up to his brother and pressed a few fingers against Sam's throat just to make sure that he wasn't catching a cold.


    "Itscshsh! ItcsHsHs! Itshshshs! Itcsh! ItcSHsh!"


    Dean immediately drew backwards and sighed heavily. "Okay, I better take a shower before you get any worse. Your medicine is on the counter and then I want you in bed. When I get out we'll do our routine, okay?"


    Sam shrugged, a little disheartened. "Okay," he sniffled.


    "The tissues are on the nightstand. Please, use them. I can't take your damn sniffling," Dean joked with a wink as he headed to the bathroom.


    Sam stuck his tongue out at him before the bathroom door slammed. He turned over to the counter and walked over, still sniffling. He scooped two of the pills into his mouth and swallowed quickly with water. He knew that it would take a while to actually do any good, but he hoped that they worked fast. He was tired of breathing through his mouth and feeling like an elephant was sitting on his chest. 


    "Sam," John asked, keeping his distance as he took one step toward his son. "You okay?"


    Sam wasn't used to his father speaking to him like that. His father just seemed to lost and powerless. Dean always took charge and control of situations like this. He thought that his dad usually did too, but John just seemed almost scared. 


    "Ub, yeah," answered Sam, breathing loudly through his mouth. "Just waiding for Deand."


    John didn't want to overstep his bounds when it came to Dean and Sam, but he was still Sam's father and he wanted to help. "Didn't Dean tell you to get into bed? I don't think that he would appreciate you up and about."


    Sam didn't say anything, but he did steer toward the bed. He almost shuffled over there before he fell into it, face first. He moaned as he rolled onto his back and rubbed his hands to firmly against his eye sockets that he felt like they were going to fall out. 


    "What did Dean tell you about that," John asked.


    Sam looked up and lowered his hands from his face. "Since whedn do you care whadt Deadn tells be," asked Sam hotly. 


    John wanted to snap back at Sam, he really did. He just didn't know how. He hadn't been there for much. Dean had. He couldn't say that he wasn't envious of their relationship, but he knew that he couldn't just butt in now. Sam was fourteen, not four anymore. He had missed his chance. 


    The bathroom door suddenly opened and Dean waltzed out. His spiky hair was damp and he held his pollen and dust covered clothes. He threw them into a pile with Sam's to be washed tomorrow before he turned back to Sam.


    "How you feelin', kiddo," he asked as he jumped on the foot of the bed so that it shook a bit.


    Sam grinned from ear to ear as he looked at his brother. "A little bedder," he replied.


    Dean rolled his eyes as he grabbed the tissues from the bedside table and extended it toward Sam. "Come on, Sammy. Blow your nose. It'll make you feel better and I can't understand you."


    "Hurts," Sam whispered in embarrassment as he looked at his hands.


    Dean rested a hand on his shoulder. "I know, but it'll be over in a few seconds."


    Sam took out a few and sucked in a breath before he turned to look at his father. He shuffled to the side before he tried to melt behind Dean as much as possible. Dean furrowed his eyebrows before he laid backwards and twisted. He caught sight of his father and set his jaw.


    "The bathroom is free. Make sure you get all the pollen off of everything that you can," Dean reminded him as if he was five.


    John snapped his fingers before he walked in and closed the door. The sound of the water running filled the motel room and Dean nudged his brother's arm with his own. "Now, blow."


    Sam complied. He whimpered in the aftermath before he scrubbed upward at his still inflamed and twitching nostrils. He pinched his fingers around his sinuses as he rolled his eyes. "I still feel like I have to sneeze!"


    "I'm sure that you do. That was one hell of a display," Dean pointed out as he patted his brother's foot. "You feeling okay? Not lightheaded or wheezing?"


    Sam shook his head. "I'm fine, Dean. You worry too much."


    "I have to having a brother like you," Dean pointed out as he stretched out beside his brother so that they were shoulder to shoulder.


    Sam suddenly pitched forward with his hands pressed around his nose. "Itshsh! ItcSHsh! Itshsh!"


    "Here we go," Dean grunted as he brought out more tissues and pulled Sam's hands from his face. He shoved the tissues against Sam's face and held them steady since Sam was in no condition to do so himself. 


    "Itshshs! Itshshs! ItcSHsh! Itshshs! Itshsh!" Sam panted heavily as he continued to sneeze. He finally stopped his latest attack before he finished with a blow into the tissues.


    Dean brushed the tissues under Sam's nostrils before Sam pulled away, gasping in surprise and discomfort. Dean chuckled as he set the tissues on the bed table since that's what they always did. They used to thrown them in the bed, but Sam hated the idea of sleeping in his own snot. This was a nice medium.


    "You okay," Dean asked as Sam squirmed beside him.


    Sam continued to pinch his sinuses. "It hurts. Can't you do something?"


    Dean was about to answer when the bathroom door opened. John walked out in new clothing, but it was still jeans and a t-shirt. Dean said nothing as he clasped Sam on the shoulder before he swung his legs around and walked over to the bathroom. He found a few washcloths before he ran one under cold water and the other with hot water. 


    He came back into the bedroom and sat down next to Sam, who was breathing loudly. "Okay, you know the drill. The cool one on your eyes and the hot one on your sinuses. You'll probably need to sneeze a few dozen more times, but it'll be worth it."


    "Thanks," he panted as Dean rested the compresses in both places. He then sat beside Sam and grasped tissues at the ready since Sam's nose was going to start to run sooner rather than later.


    Dean suddenly turned and saw their dad watching with a keen expression. "Come here," he invited.


    John walked over slowly before Dean pointed to each compress in turn and explained what it did and how often they had to do it. "Sam will probably be up most of the night either because he can't breath or because of the rain. It seems to make his allergies worse. Just be prepared for that. If you can't deal, then you need to leave. I'm not going to have you make Sam feel like this is his fault."


    John lifted his hands. "I got it. I'm not going anywhere."


    Dean nodded. "Good."


    "Dean," Sam suddenly moaned. "Up!"


    Dean immediately gripped Sam's shoulders and helped him sit up. The compresses fell from his face before he shoved his face into his brother's clean shirt. "ItcsHsHs! Itshshs! Itshs! ItcsHshsh! Itshshs!"


    "You good," asked Dean.


    "This sucks, Deadn," Sam snorted.


    Dean nodded slowly. "I know. I have allergies too. Just not to everything!" He hugged him tightly. "Just relax. You know what the night of an attack like this does to you."


    "But, dad-" Sam began.


    "Don't you worry about me," John broke in as he sat on the edge of the bed and looked at his two sons. "Just act like I'm not here, okay?"


    Sam smiled before he looked up to Dean. Dean beamed and nodded back. "Okay," Sam announced.


    Dean sighed as he pulled Sam even closer to him. Sam rested his head on Dean's shoulder and hugged him back. John felt his heart melt a bit. 


    "Is this what you two do every night," he taunted.


    "Hell no! This is just for special occasions," Dean replied as he ruffled the hair on top of Sam's head. "Right, Sammy?"


    Sam said nothing and when Dean looked down he saw that his brother had already drifted off. He laughed as he looked to John. "The meds make him really drowsy so he doesn't like taking them. I guess I'll have to watch him take them for a while."


    "You're a good brother, Dean," John told him as he climbed into the bed beside him and turned on the TV on low. "Sam's lucky to have you."


    Dean looked down at his brother and rested his chin on his head. "No, I'm lucky to have him. But, you need to know some of these things in case anything would happen to me, just like you used to tell me about you when I was young. Sam needs you just as much as he needs me."


    "I'll try better, Dean," John vowed.


    Dean turned to look at him and narrowed his eyes. "You better. One day Sam might not be here."


    "Why would you say that," John nearly snapped.


    "He doesn't like this. He doesn't like the lifestyle. I'm not stupid." Dean looked at his little brother with fondness in his gaze. "I just have a feeling is all."


    John turned away from him and sighed heavily. "Don't bring this up again, understand me?"


    "Yes, sir," whispered Dean almost into Sam's hair. They were back to where it had began at the beginning of the day, with their father still being a stranger to them. But, when all else fails Sam and Dean would always have each other. Whether it was allergies, moody teenager tendencies, or just normal brotherly fights they would get through it. Dean didn't doubt that. All he needed was Sam by his side and he would be fine, they would be fine. He just hoped that things never changed.


    The End.

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