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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Photos(SPN, RPF, Jensen)


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Okay...I’m sort of unsure of this...I don’t normally write rpf and I don’t know if anyone enjoys it, but...Jensen Ackles posted this today:

and it sort of...inspired me??

Anyway, I thought it was funny that they chose a cat for him to hold, since Dean’s allergic, so I made this little thing...




“Nice, Jensen! Keep ‘em coming.”


Camera clicks and flashes take over the room. Jensen can’t help but blink the first few times, but he adjusts relatively quickly. After all, he’s done this several times before.


“Alright, now for some props,” one of the men says from behind at large camera.


After taking some photos with a prop gun, the crew decides to switch up the prop, but this next item isn’t a prop.


It’s a cat. A live cat.


A purring, dander infested, evil, yet adorable, black cat.


“I don’t know guys. We got anything else?” 


Several ‘no’s’ are called out and others shake their heads, as a woman presses the small kitten into Jensen’s hands.


Doing his best to ignore the creature squirming between his hands, he poseds the way the camera crew ask him to.


It doesn’t take long for his nose to begin to twitch.


“Guys, you wanna take the c-cat plehh-please,” Jensen says, apparently not loud enough. “HuhKNgGt!”






“Don’t be. Show us whatcha got.”


Jensen laughs awkwardly at the phrase and sniffs.


He isn’t normally a sneezy guy, besides the occasional head cold, which sucked during filming.


hutTSSHCHXCHHshewhh!” Jensen sneezes as close to his elbow as physically possible.


“You okay?” Someone asks, followed by blessings and more concerned questions.




Jensen’s mouth and nose are pressed into his shoulder as he tries not to harm the cat during each sneeze.


“I’mb ahh...ATCSSHHCHEW! allergic to the c-cahht. ITSTSHCHXHHhh!”


“Oh, crap! You can work through it right?”


This would be a looong shoot.

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4 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

When I saw that picture I thought of sneezy Jensen right away hehe

I very much enjoy the thought myself :drool:

4 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

This was super cute! Loved it :3

I’m glad! Thank you!

2 hours ago, iluvemojis said:

Aww so cute! Dean/Jensen with cat allergies is my absolute favorite,

Definitely agree with you there. :wub:

2 hours ago, iluvemojis said:

and you write it so well!

Thank youuuu!

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I usually don't like, read or comment RPF fics, but.... but this... :blushing: Thank for sharing!

On 11/10/2017 at 11:16 PM, jensdw said:

“Guys, you wanna take the c-cat plehh-please,” Jensen says, apparently not loud enough. “HuhKNgGt!”

Gah. I think I just lost some neurones right here.

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6 minutes ago, Aliena H. said:

I usually don't like, read or comment RPF fics, but.... but this... :blushing: Thank for sharing!

Thank you for commenting! 

6 minutes ago, Aliena H. said:

Gah. I think I just lost some neurones right here.

 I'm happy you liked it:razz:

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