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Don’t Forget the Tissues[SPN, Sam - for sneezy_frnk]


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First off, Sneezy_frnk, I’m sorry this took a while, and second I’m sorry for the quality, I hate to say this, but I feel like this isn’t my best work. I’ve been having trouble writing lately (lack of inspiration blah blah blah) anyway, I’m sorry. I promise that high quality Sam will come in the future.

All the same, I hope you like this story...:worriedsmiley:


Don't Forget the Tissues 



There’s glass shards scattered along the black interior of the Impala. The window is shattered,  and Sam’s shaky hands wipe the glass off with a towel.


Dean comes over from behind the trunk, just in time to watch Sam fumble and lose his balance. 


“Dammit, Sammy!” Dean barely catches his brother and slides him into the passenger seat of the car. “Son of a bitch! My car!” Dean shouts when he finds scratch marks running throughout the reflective coat of paint. 


He jams a fist against the roof of the car. He remembers Sam’s still waiting inside and not doing to hot, so he slides in and starts up the engine.




Dean jumps a little, a hand flies off of the steering wheel and smacks against his chest as he turns to Sam, “Jesus, I forgot you had a cold.”


Huhh...huh’IKXSCHh!” This sneeze is followed by a whimper. 


“Sam? You alright?”


Sam shakes his head and coughs, gripping his side.


“Dammit, is it your ribs?”


Sam nods, lips pursed, face still contorted in pain.


“You think they’re broken?”


Sam nods again and tilts his head back, giving Dean a good view of his bloodied, scratched up neck, before he snaps forward with another stifled sneeze, followed by another pained whimper.


“Bless you, Sammy.”


HuhNGgt! Hup’KKSHCH!”


“Try not to stifle,” Dean starts, earning a frantic head shake from Sam. “Listen, I know you don’t like to sneeze in public or...whatever, but it’s only me, Sammy, and maybe it won’t hurt so bad.”


As if to give him the chance, Sam’s breath hitches rapidly and his red nose turns up to the roof of the car.


Hehh! Hih-hhh’HEIXXCHhhh!”


“Was that any better?”


“Gah! N-ndo.” Sam grimaces.


“Okay, okay, we’re gonna get you back to the motel and I’ll get you up and runnin’ in no time.” In Dean’s head, he’s being reassuring, but Sam hears the doubt and worry.


It’s because it’s all happened before. When Dean was thirteen and Sam around nine, Dean got him self three broken ribs and a cold, which ended in pneumonia, which then almost killed him. Sam hardly remembers it, but he’s heard stories.


“I kdow, Deand, I’ll be okay,” Sam says, only to slip into unconsciousness.


Dean’s foot ‘slips’ and hits the gas pedal harder.






When Sam wakes up, Dean is on  his bed, waiting. Sam coughs lightly and gets Dean’s attention.


“Hey, Sammy, how d’ you feel?”






“‘Mb okay,” Sam croaks.


Dean gets up and hands his brother a glass of water, which Sam finishes in one gulp and a wad of fresh tissues.


“It seems like your ribs are only bruised, but we’re gonna hafta take it easy for a while, maybe go to Bobby’s.”


“Okay.” Is all Sam says.


Dean nods, and sees that Sam’s feeling alright, so he flips on the TV.




“Bless you,” Dean offers, eyes still glued to the television.


“I’mb thirsty, Deand.”


Dean heads for the kitchen and quickly delivers a fresh glass of water, before sitting back down in front of the TV.


“Deannd! I’mb cold ndow.”


Dean closes his eyes for a second, telling himself that he’s happy to help Sam out. 


A blanket is delivered to Sam’s bed.




Dean says nothing. Sam frowns.


“Deeaaand, I ndeed mbore tissues,” Sam whines, hopefully an attention grabber.


“On the night stand next to you.”


“It hurts to get themb.” Sam frowns more.


Dean turns around and gets up with a sigh. He hands Sam some tissues and sighs again.


“Scoot over, ya big baby.”


Sam does as told, trying his best not to smile.




“Gesundheit, Sammy.”


“Thagks, Deand.”





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Aaahhhh I love it!!! I think it's super sweet and awesome! I don't know what you're apologizing for coz this is incredible 😍😍

Thank you SO MUCH for writing this for me! You are too kind! 

Oh, the ending... Sweet mischievous Sammy. LOVED. 

And stifled sneezes. And grumpy Dean. Its everything I wanted ♥ ♥ 


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8 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

Aaahhhh I love it!!! I think it's super sweet and awesome!

You have no idea how happy it makes me that you enjoyed this!! :gora:

8 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

I don't know what you're apologizing for coz this is incredible 😍😍

You are incredible 

8 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

Thank you SO MUCH for writing this for me! You are too kind! 

Thank you!:cryhappy:

8 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:

Oh, the ending... Sweet mischievous Sammy. LOVED. 

And stifled sneezes. And grumpy Dean. Its everything I wanted ♥ ♥ 


I’m so glad! Thanks! :heart:


6 hours ago, iluvemojis said:


Thank you!!! I’m so happy that you enjoyed it! :lol1:

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I think your stories are great, this one too. I'm pretty sure I've read all the stories you've posted so far and I'm always happy to see a new one from you. A dip in creativity can happen, but you should be proud of your work :)

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22 minutes ago, helyzelle said:

I think your stories are great, this one too. I'm pretty sure I've read all the stories you've posted so far and I'm always happy to see a new one from you. A dip in creativity can happen, but you should be proud of your work :)

Thank you! That means a lot. :blushing:

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Oh yes this is gorgeous!!! I love it! Thank you so much for all your stories! I really liked this one (I liked all of them, but this one... :blushing: Sam wounded with a cold? And Dean being protective? Awwww!)

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40 minutes ago, Aliena H. said:

Oh yes this is gorgeous!!! I love it! Thank you so much for all your stories! I really liked this one (I liked all of them, but this one... :blushing: Sam wounded with a cold? And Dean being protective? Awwww!)

Thank you!!! I'm glad you like it! 

You can thank sneezy_frnk for the amazing prompt. :)

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