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Grave Problems (SPN, Dean)


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So this was just a little prompt idea that I knew that I had to do. It's not too long, but I hope you enjoy it! Warning for messiness.


Prompt= Sinus pressure headaches suck. Especially when you're trying to dig up a grave. 



    Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks. Sucks.


    That's the only thing that Dean could think of. He had caught himself a whammy of a cold. Sneezing, coughing, congestion, body aches, fever, and of course sinus pressure. He thought that he could deal with everything else, but sinus pressure was something that Dean loathed.


    It was horrible, but it was magnified by ten when he was trying to dig up a grave with Sam. They had done the only mature thing in deciding who was going to dig up a grave in November in Maine; Rock Paper Scissors. Of course, Dean had lost. So, Sam would shine the flashlight while Dean dug the grave.


    That was why he was waist deep in the grave, struggling not to complain as his sinuses throbbed in agony. He squeezed his eyes shut in pain as he continued to jab at the ground. Anger and adrenaline surged through his veins as he dug at the ground like he had a vendetta against it.


    "What did the ground ever do to you," Sam asked from where he was kneeling a few steps from Dean.


    Dean looked up and immediately felt the pressure shift. He swore under his breath as his nostrils flared and he could almost feel the congestion moving.


    "Ah'HutcshsShoo! Hutchsshshoo!"


    Sam grimaced as he saw the spray in the light from the flashlight. It expelled from both his mouth as nose as he pitched forward. Sam turned the flashlight away so that he didn't have to see that. That was disgusting.


    Dean still stood hunched over. He felt liquid running from his nose and onto his upper lip. All he had was an old bandanna in his pocket, but it was probably better than his sleeve. That way he didn't have to hear Sam complain about how 'unsanitary' he was. He knew that Sam hated when he used his sleeve, but sometimes it couldn't be helped.


    Dean took out the bandanna and rubbed at his frozen nose. He coughed wetly before he grasped the shovel again. He hoped that it was tight since he had long since lost feeling in his fingers tips. "This sucks! Can you at least turn the light back?"


    "Are you done sneezing all over the grave," Sam asked hotly. "That's just disrespectful?"


    Dean straightened and set his foot. "Disrespectful? They're dead and probably haunting a town. I think that I have a right to sneeze on their grave."


    Sam said nothing as he forced the light back on Dean. Dean dipped his head sarcastically before he started to dig once more. Every time his shovel hit the ground he wished it could be over. He wanted to be bundled up in the hotel room where he could sneeze and blow his nose as loud as he wanted and get rid of all this sinus pressure. It was starting to turn into a real headache and it was only made worse by his sneezes.


    "If you ask that again you can join Mr. Blake down here," Dean growled, leaning against the shovel as he struggled to catch his breath.


    Sam rolled his eyes. "Dean, you lost. You have to keep going."


    Dean continued to dig at the ground before he turned and felt a dizzy spell come on. He felt his head just pound and he prayed that it would work itself out. He straightened once more and the pressure shifted once more. The familiar itch returned that signaled a sneeze.


    "C'mon," Dean growled before it turned into a pant. His mouth partially opened and his nostrils spread. "Damnit."


    "Dean, what are you-"


    "Ah'Hutchshshoo! Huh'Hutchshhshoo! Hutcshshoo!"


    Again, Sam saw the spray illuminated as it landed on the dirt near the grave. This time he saw a stream running from Dean's nose, almost touching the ground. Dean pulled out the bandanna once more and rubbed it upward against his nose. He felt the tip bend ever to slightly. He collected the snot before he rubbed his nose back and forth. He heard the squelching and prayed that Sam couldn't.


    "Dude, you sound awful," Sam commented.


    Dean spiraled around. "You thindk?"


    "Blow your nose," Sam told him as he pointed to his bandanna. "We have to finish this."


    Dean hated to be this weak. It was as if he was on display for his brother's amusement. He flicked his hand before he rubbed his sinuses with his other hand. "Just go keep a look oudt. I'b albost finished."


    Sam knew an embarrassed, feverish, and angry Dean when he heard one. He grunted before he took the flashlight and swept the area. "Are you sure that you'll be alright here?"


    "Just gedt moving," snapped Dean, embarrassed at how awful his voice sounded. It sounded like he had stuffed cotton in his nose.


    Sam nodded to his brother before he headed away from the grave and to the rest of the graveyard to check for the ghost. Dean highly doubted that he would find anything, but the last thing that he wanted was for Sam to be around him. It was bad enough that he had this sinus headache, but Sam palling around to watch was even worse.


    Once Sam was out of earshot, Dean lifted the bandanna to his nose and blew as powerfully as possible. Once he was finished he realized that he had completely soaked through the bandanna. He sighed as he tossed it aside. It was completely worthless to him now. He was going to have to speed things up if he wanted to get out of here and actually blow his nose with tissues.


     He tried to push it back down as he continued to dig and dig. Eventually he found the actual wooden grave and hit it once with the shovel. It splintered, but didn't break. He raised it over his head, but that caused his sinuses to throb. He staggered under the pain as he sat down for a few seconds, hoping that it would cause them to clear up just a bit. It seemed that no matter how many times he blew his nose, nothing helped.


    Suddenly, Dean felt the beginning of feathery echoes up his nasal passage. He grumbled to himself as he tried to hold his breath. That did absolute nothing as his breath started hitching. Dean longed for it just to pass without incident, but that wasn't going to happen and he knew it.


    He raised his hands over his face before he pitched forward.


    "Huh'Hutchshshoo! Hutchshshoo! Hetcshshoo!"


    Dean's sneezes echoed in the small space. He felt his nostrils empty and unfortunately it had been in his hands. There were still threads of mucus connected to his hand and Dean squirmed in uncomfortableness. He had been spewed with plenty of liquid, but for some reason snot really bothered him. But, he knew that things were only going to get worse.


    Just wiping his nose wouldn't be enough. He had to blow his nose, but he had nothing. His only option was to blow it into his hands and then wipe it on his jeans. Sam wasn't around to see it and he had to wash them anyway since they were covered in so much dirt that he almost forgot that they were jeans. Nervousness washed over him as he thought about what he was about to do. He swallowed the disgust and forced himself to go through with it.


    He took in a breath and blew his nose as hard as he could into his hands. He emptied anything that he didn't sneeze out until he had a glob of snot in his hands and almost seeping from his fingers. He stifled a groan before he broke his hands apart and some of the snot dripped out. The rest of it he wiped on his jeans and felt the wetness. He wiggled a bit in disgust before he stood up, feeling his sinuses throb once more.


    "Let's get this over with," Dean grumbled as he lifted the shovel high over his head and slammed it down on the coffin. It broke so that he could see a perfectly preserved skull. 


    He smiled as he climbed out of the grave. The pressure shifted once more, but this time Dean just sneezed openly over his shoulder.


    "Huh'Hutchshshoo! Hutcshshoo! Hchshshoo!"


    Dean felt the congestion building and moisture run from his nostrils. He wiped it away with his sleeve and imagined Sam's voice in his head.


    "That's disgusting and unsanitary!"


    Only, it wasn't in his head. He turned and saw Sam standing behind him, shinning the flashlight on the grave. Dean snuffled back the rest of the congestion and moaned as he pressed both hands against the sides of his nose. "Yeah, I'm aware, but I didn't have much of a choice!"


    "Just torch it so that we can go. It's freezing out here," Sam commented with a shiver.


    Dean wanted to snap at him, but he settled for just lighting the lighter and tossing it into the grave. The grave went up in flames as Dean shoved his still sticky hands into his pockets. "Goodbye Mr. Blake."


    Sam hit his shoulder against Dean's. "Let's get going. It's warmer in the Impala."


    Dean couldn't argue with that. He followed Dean back to there they had parked the Impala and Dean climbed into the driver's seat. He didn't care how sick he was, he was still driving.


    He turned the key in the ignition before he froze. Sam shot him a look when he climbed in at Dean's open mouth expression and far away look in his eyes.


    "Um, Dean?"


    Dean held up one finger to stop him before he twisted completely around and sneezed into his shoulder to avoid sneezing all over his baby and unleashing his snot.


    "Huh'Hutchshoo! Hutcshshoo!"


    "Bless you," Sam commented before he produced some tissues and nudged Dean's shoulder with them. "Here. I picked these up while you were filling up the tank."


    Dean took them gratefully and blew his nose loudly. He was so pleased that the tissues weren't his hand and that he hadn't blown his nose through them. He finished with a quick wipe before he set them down, sighing heavily as he struggled to breathe.


    "You okay," Sam asked.


    Dean spiraled on him. "Since when do you care?"


    "Is this about you digging the grave? Hey, just because I made you do it, doesn't mean I don't care," Sam pointed out as he brought out some cold medicine, sleep medicine, Tylenol, and something just for a sinus congestion and headache. "See?"


    Dean almost cried in appreciation. He didn't like taking anything, but this sinus pressure was threatening to make his head explode. He would take anything right now. "This for me?"


    "I'm certainly not taking it, yet," Sam pointed out as he handed Dean the rest of the box of tissues. "This is for you two so that you don't have to use your hands."


    Dean was mortified. "You saw that?"


    "Uh huh. That was probably one of the grossest things that I've ever seen," Sam replied with a slight recoil.


    Dean laughed, which turned into a hacking fit. He regained his composure and nodded. "I know, but I was all out of options, thanks for noticing."


    "Let's just get back to the motel and relax. Somewhere a bit warmer," he agreed as he rubbed his hands together.


    Dean realized that he had started the Impala, but not turned on the heat. He was out of it. "Agreed," he croaked as he pulled away from the grave yard and made a vow to himself. 


    Never, ever, ever, dig a grave with a cold.


The End.

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10 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

C'mon," Dean growled before it turned into a pant. His mouth partially opened and his nostrils spread. "Damnit."


    "Dean, what are you-"


    "Ah'Hutchshshoo! Huh'Hutchshhshoo! Hutcshshoo!"

Adorable. Love the brotherly caretaking!

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This is cute:wub:

I love their interactions. Sam is disgusted, but sympathetic and Dean’s embarrassed but all sneezy and cute, too!


11 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

It was horrible, but it was magnified by ten when he was trying to dig up a grave with Sam. They had done the only mature thing in deciding who was going to dig up a grave in November in Maine; Rock Paper Scissors. Of course, Dean had lost. So, Sam would shine the flashlight while Dean dug the grave.

Perfect! This would definitely happen.


thanks for sharing!!

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On 10/5/2017 at 6:04 AM, Wolfwings22 said:

Dean straightened and set his foot. "Disrespectful? They're dead and probably haunting a town. I think that I have a right to sneeze on their grave."



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Oh my God, this was... :blushing:

On 05/10/2017 at 1:04 PM, Wolfwings22 said:

He wiped it away with his sleeve and imagined Sam's voice in his head.

    "That's disgusting and unsanitary!"

    Only, it wasn't in his head. He turned and saw Sam standing behind him, shinning the flashlight on the grave.

That was probably my favorite part, but I could quite the whole story!!!

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