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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Allergy (Danganronpa, Byakuya Togami, M)


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  Hi guys! I wanted to share my latest english fanfic, and Byakuya Togami is the sneezer here! :D My english got better since the last Super Danganronpa 2 fanfic, but I can't promise anything, so please write in the comments if I've made some mistakes. Whatever, with everything said, I hope you enjoy! (It doesn't contain spoilers, don't worry).


 Hope’s Peak Academy, the school made just for the best students of all the region, the ones who have their futures written down. In this place, all the persons had a talent, “The Super High School Level Singer” or “The Super High School Level Swimmer”, they were just the definition of prodigious, but there was an exception.

 Makoto Naegi was the most normal guy you could ever imagine; Polite, discreet, somehow smart, positive and someone not so known, such a simple guy. He won a lottery that the big academy did every year, and he was accepted like the “Super High School Level Lucky Student”, he always thought that this was a lame title, even for someone as normal as him.

 He always wanted to attend that school, because everyone says that when you enter this academy, your future will be full of success, but this time it was different. He was trapped with other 14 students, all the doors and windows closed without a way to get out, or well, there was one… You had to kill someone without being discovered.

 Yep, it was that or living in that big academy for the rest of your life, said by the headmaster, also known as “Monokuma”.

 But leaving that aside, there was a person that always caught Makoto’s attention. Byakuya Togami, he was the SHSL Affluent Progeny, an arrogant young guy who always believed that he was superior to others, and treats every person he meets as “ignorant” or “inferior”, to put it in a way.

 But who would’ve thought that Makoto would end up sitting on a library, reading books with Byakuya Togami? That was almost ridiculous to think, but there he was. Makoto likes to approach people and become friends with everyone, but Byakuya was different. Maybe he was there because of his luck, or he’s becoming more intimate with him, Makoto couldn’t tell.

- “Hehh…” - Suddenly, he heard a silent breath; Normally, Makoto wouldn’t have heard it if the library were full of people talking, but this time there were just he and Byakuya, so it was easy to realize.

 Makoto looked up at Byakuya, who was still reading his book, it seems like nothing happened, was he imagining things?

 He just ignored the sound and continued with his reading, still a bit curious about that. The whole place was silent like 5 minutes until Makoto heard another breath.

- “Hehh… Hhh…” – This time it was more audible, and the guy looked discreetly at Byakuya’s face, his nose was a bit pink and twitching, and he saw how the blonde guy closed his eyes taking a handkerchief from his pocket and putting it upon his nose, ready for the release. – “Heeh… H’Ksschh!” – It was a soft sneeze, and Makoto got a bit surprised by this. “Togami just sneezed” he thought while the blonde guy quickly retired the handkerchief from his face.

- “Bless you…” – Makoto said doubtfully, with his head down, without knowing how Byakuya would react.

- “Hmph, why are you blessing me? I don’t need a bless from someone like you” – Yep, same as ever. Makoto raised his head, trying to smile a bit.

- “Well, when someone sneezes, you have to bless it, right?” – Makoto smiled clumsily, looking at Byakuya right in the eye, noticing that they have some tiny tears.

- “Do I have to repeat myself? You and I are from different worlds, don’t go acting like we- Hhh… - He stopped in the middle of his statement, his breath hitching again; He brought the handkerchief again upon his nose, with tears forming on his eyes, and gave his last breath. – “Hhh-He’ksschh! Hh’kschiew!! Hh… H’hmpht!” – The force of his sneezes made his shoulders shudder, especially the last stifled one. Makoto blinked, still processing the fact that he saw Byakuya sneezing not one or two, but four times in less than an hour.

- “Bless y-“

- “Don’t. Talk.” – Byakuya’s face was red, maybe because of the sneezes. He silently blew his nose and Makoto kept reading his book, not wanting to embarrass Byakuya more than he probably was already.

 They just remained silent, not making a comment about that last moment, but Makoto wasn’t calmed. He had never seen Byakuya sneeze before, and he was asking himself why did he did it so suddenly, especially considering that they were meeting in the library almost every day and the blonde guy never sneezed that much.

 He was thinking about all this situation, not even paying attention to his book, until he heard some tiny sniffles from Byakuya. He looked at him again with his eyes, his cheeks were a bit red and his nose had that pink tint that caused him to look miserable, not mentioning his watery eyes, something was obviously not okay. Makoto has proved his abilities realizing the truth before at the Class Trials, so he couldn’t stay calmed without knowing what was happening to his friend.

- “Hehh…” – Another breath broke Makoto’s concentration and all the silent on the library in general, making him to look again at Byakuya. He was obviously trying not to sneeze, forcing himself to keep his eyes opened and his breath not to hitch; Makoto had to admit that his face looked a bit funny. He finally gave up and raised his handkerchief again to cover his releases. – “Hh… Hh-Heh’Kschh! Hh’Kschh!” – He tried to make his sneezes sound as quiet as possible for the other guy not to notice, but it was impossible thanks to all the attention he was giving to him.

- “Bless you.” – Makoto said firmly, with his brain still working on this case; Byakuya responded with an irritant “Tch” and kept reading, but Makoto wouldn’t let him go so easily. – “Hey Togami, is there something bothering you?”

 The blonde guy raised his head, with a curious look on his eyes, but with still that rough expression on his face. – “Hmph, why should it be?”

- “Well, to be exact… Is there something bothering your nose?” – The blonde guy got a bit surprised by this, and he opened his mouth to answer.

- “And why should it be?” – He pressed, looking roughly at Makoto, somehow challenging him.

- “Well, your face is mostly red, you have tears on your eyes, you’re sniffling.” – Makoto paused for a moment, doubting of what he was going to say. – “And the sneezing, I’ll say that maybe you’re getting sick.” – Makoto had thought of this because he gets sick easily, and his face looks as red as Byakuya’s at that moment, especially when he sneezes, but he never teared up… That could only leave a possibility.

- “Ha, do I look like I am the type who gets sick?” – He closed his book and adjusted his glasses, making clear that he was getting serious.

- “Well, not really, so that’s why I think there’s another possibility.” – Makoto took air, firmly looking at Byakuya. – “You’re allergic to something here.”

 Byakuya remained silent, with his eyes closed and smiled, crossing his arms and leaving the book on the table. – “Hm, pretty funny, but there’s a problem.” – Makoto looked at him with a serious glare, ready to point out any contradictions on Byakuya’s statement. – “There’s nothing here that I could be allergic to.”

 Makoto shook his head determinedly, sure about what he was thinking about. – “No, that’s wrong!” – He said, raising his voice, making Byakuya look at him with a serious look. Sneezing, tearing eyes, pink and irritated nose, no sign of illness, and a library environment, Makoto had all cleared up by now. – “Togami, think about it for a moment: You suddenly started sneezing when we were here, and since we got here I noticed your growing red nose starting to itch, maybe if we look around here we could find the thing you’re allergic to.” – Makoto searched all the room with his eyes, while Byakuya just answered with a “Hmph” and kept on his chair with his arms crossed, eyes closed.  

 Makoto took like 20 seconds to examine the library and find something curious about it. When they got locked up in that academy, the library was clean and shining, but since no one has cleaned it up, a lot of dust has taken its place on the books, shelves and part of the floor. Makoto has never been so allergic to dust, so he didn’t payed much attention to it, but now that he saw Byakuya’s allergic reaction, everything was clear by now.

- “Dust.” – He said, looking at Byakuya right in the eye when he opened them in a curious manner. – “You’re allergic to dust.”

 Byakuya looked at him, but immediately closed his eyes when he felt a tickle forming in his sinuses, and his breath started to hitch. Makoto smiled, somehow relieved for solving this mystery, and calmed down a little.

- “Are you going to sneeze?” – Makoto asked, somehow to irritate Byakuya, knowing the risk of doing it.

- “Shut u-hh…! Heeh… Hh… - Byakuya was trying to release the sneezes, but his nose just wouldn’t do it. He always hated entering that pre-sneeze state, because it always makes his nose tickle a lot and have that ridiculous face. After almost a minute of torture, his nose finally decided to erupt. – “He’Kschh! Hah-Hh’kSchieew!! Hh’Kshch! Heh’Kschhh! Ha’Kshchieew!! Hhh… Heh… Ha’gshchiew!” – Byakuya’s body shudder by all the violent releases, he didn’t care anymore about Makoto seeing him, although he couldn’t help but feel really embarrassed.

- “Wow, bless you!” – Makoto chuckled a bit. The blonde guy didn’t argue with the guy’s manners this time, he just kept his face buried on his handkerchief with his cheeks red in embarrassment. – “So, are you feeling better?”

- “Stop talking… Hhh… Heh…!” – The tickle in his sinuses wasn’t leaving, and he turned around again, with allergic tears rolling down on his red cheeks. – “Heh’Kshchh! Hhh… Heh… Hah’kshchieew! Kshchh! Ha’gshchiew! I-I… Kshchiew! N-Need to… Get out of-Hhh… Heh’Kschiew! Hh’KschiEW!” – Byakuya tried to talk, but his sneezes just won’t stop, he just wished Makoto had understood him.

- “Oh! Right! We need to get out of here.” – Makoto grabbed Byakuya’s book and helped him to stood up, leading him to the exit, because he couldn’t see anything thanks to the tears that blurred his vision.

 They finally exit that place, but Byakuya still had that damn itch in his sinuses, so he decided to release all the dust in his nose without thinking about anything or caring about Makoto’s worried look.

- “Ha’Kschh! Heh’gschh!! Heh… Ha’Kschiew! H’kschiew! Heh’GSCHH! – The power of each sneeze was making Byakuya shiver a bit, and his glasses were already full of tears; Makoto noticed this and took them off when Byakuya was waiting for the next fit to take place as fast as it could, to finish with this embarrassment once and for all. – Heh’KSCHH! Hhh… Hhh’gshchh!! Heh’Kschh! Hh’Kschh! Hah… Hahh…! Hakschieew! … - The itch finally was weak enough and couldn’t make another sneeze, so he blew his nose quietly and cleaned his cheeks full of tears. He saw Makoto handing the glasses at him.

- “Here, and bless you, that’s what I call an allergy attack.” – The guy laughed a bit, trying to make Byakuya feel better, but the blonde guy just wanted him to forget all of what he saw.

- “I swear Naegi, if you dare telling anyone about this…” – Byakuya said with his cheeks red of embarrassment, putting his glasses on and crossing his arms again, recovering himself of that messy moment.

- “D-Don’t worry Togami, I won’t.” – Makoto looked at the tip of his shoes, not knowing what more to do. But suddenly, Byakuya grabbed his book and started leaving. – “Wait! Are you leaving now?”

- “What do you think? I don’t have anything left to do here.”

- “But I thought…” – Makoto started, but his voice became weaker and he regretted what he was going to say. – “N-Never mind, bye.”

- “Hmph” – Byakuya answered before leaving to his room, but he murmured something before doing so. – “Thanks, Naegi” – Then he left.

 Makoto thought he heard something, but decided to ignore it and go to his room. “Hmm, sneezing is such an interesting reflex, it’s like seeing the most rude and strong person on his most vulnerable side… Or something like that” He thought while opening his room’s door to take a nap.

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Totally agree with Naegi's observation at the end. I really liked this! Dangan ronpa is not that popular on here so I am happy to see another fanfiction about it :D Good work!

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On 4/10/2017 at 4:23 AM, jano said:

Totally agree with Naegi's observation at the end. I really liked this! Dangan ronpa is not that popular on here so I am happy to see another fanfiction about it :D Good work!

 Thank you! Yeah, I got inspired because no one posts any Danganronpa-related fanfics :( But I'm glad you liked it! <3

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