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Liaisons Étrangères (HP, Fleur/Hermione)


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Hogwarts/Triwizard-Tournament era Fleurmione bc why not

Hermione is 15 and Fleur is 17, which may or may not assuage concerns about age difference

(Fleur's accent is mostly implied, but will probably increase later on, circumstantially ;) )

This is established relationship bc writing pre-relationship is difficult for me and this is just meant to be a fluffy little piece

ALSO-for me, this was sort of an experiment in writing in the present tense? I plan on continuing, so do you think I should keep the present tense, or edit this piece and switch to past? Please comment and let me know which sounds better




They've got to sneak around for a number of reasons.


The whole Rita skeeter incident is part of it; Hermione has no desire to draw any of the flack that comes from actually being involved with a triwizard champion-heaven knows it was enough drama when it was merely implied. 


Hermione's social circle doesn't help matters much either: Ginny despises Fleur as much as Ron adores her, and both are inappropriate levels of extreme. 


The reasons above effectively rule out the gryffindor dormitories as a viable meeting place-and while the two both spend a lot of their time together in the library, it's not an ideal location for more...private interactions. 


Fortunately, the seventh year Beauxbatons students are being housed in the spare ravenclaw prefect rooms, that few people had known existed. They'd been created when fierce competition between prefect candidates meant there was one year of ravenclaws with 12 prefects, who had all taken to conjuring their own 'study'-aka private rooms. All of this was in Hogwarts; a History, of course, meaning it came as little surprise to Hermione. But nonetheless, it is infinitely more convenient to sneak to the ravenclaw tower than across the grounds to the Beauxbatons carriages. 


All of these reasons ultimately contribute to Fleur laying in bed, watching fondly as Hermione rummages through her chamber's bookshelves.


"Do you plan on returning any time soon, ma chérie?"


Fleur asks, only half teasingly. Her eyelids have started to droop, and she barely finishes the question before yawning.


Hermione tries not to laugh. 


"Out of energy so quickly, love?"


Fleur sighs. 


"Or, perhaps I just wish that you were more interested in your girlfriend that one of those useless books."


Hermione rolls her eyes. She knows without looking that the blonde is pouting, and has probably petulantly turned her back to Hermione. After shelving the book she was examining, Hermione passes the bed and drops a kiss to Fleur's forehead, evaporating her façade of frustration.


"Just a moment, honestly. It's only just past 11, you know."


Hermione hears only mumbles as she glides past the bed into the prefect room's bathroom. Brushing her teeth, she hears muffled coughing from the bedroom. When she returns, she finds Fleur sitting up, hands held to her face in expectation.


"Ehhh-eShIew! Hetschiew!" 


Fleur pitches forward with two breathy yet forceful sneezes.


"Donnes-moi le m-"


Hermione is already handing her a handkerchief before Fleur finishes her sentence.


"Merci," she sighs, and wipes her nose. Hermione looks on, eyebrows furrowed. She started to say something- 


"I am not sick", Fleur protests. Her hard stare and determined tone have little effect on Hermione, who raises her eyebrows in suspicion.


Wordlessly, Hermione sits down, as Fleur continues -


"I am not! It is just...euh," Fleur paused, eyes narrowing in concentration. 


Next to her, Hermione strains to suppress a snort-with her slightly parted lips and narrowed eyes, Fleur's thinking face looked almost just like her pre-sneeze expression.


"-dusted? There is a lot of dust," she concludes uncertainly.




Hermione corrects gently. Fleur colors gently and nods. Despite her general confidence in public, and around the majority of hogwarts students, Fleur hated making English mistakes around Hermione. She doesn't  mind corrections, as it helps improve her English-she just hates how clumsy and foolish she feels around someone as eloquent as Hermione. 


This insecurity is forgotten, however, when Hermione leans over and gave her a chaste kiss, only to pull away when Fleur tries to deepen it.


"Sorry, but we probably shouldn't snog if you're falling ill."


Fleur sputters indignantly


"'Ow dare you?" 


She demands, as Hermione rolls her eyes but grins.


"Such...false accusations!"


Fleur points accusingly, prompting another eye roll.


"Come off it Fleur, we're both tired anyway. Come here."


This wasn't exactly true-Hermione had planned to do a bit more reading before turning in, but that didn't stop her from scooting closer to Fleur.


Noticing the lit candle and book on the dresser, Fleur sighs and curls up beside hermione, placing her head in her lap, while still mumbling something along the lines of "healthy" and "rude". Hermione quitely dims the candle on the nightstand and opens The Decline of Pagan Magic. Fleur snuffles a little, then hums contentedly as Hermione runs one hand through her silky blonde hair.  Airily murmuring "Bonsoir", she falls asleep quickly.












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I really like this first part! :inlove: I've never read this pairing before, but I'm always up for new f/f pairings, and I really like how you write them. :) I think your present tense is working really well, but I'll read whichever way you choose. ^_^

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  • 1 month later...

Still not much sneezing in this one, unfortunately; but there's more to come, I promise!


Hermione's picturesque Sunday morning begins when she slowly wakes to the soothing sound of rain and the sight of Fleur's platinum blonde hair splayed out on soft silver sheets. Their legs already entangled, Hermione, in a sudden burst of affection, inches forward to nuzzle Fleur's neck and snakes her arm across Fleur's torso. sighing contentedly, she drifts back to sleep, not entirely cognizant of the intimate act she's just instigated.


when Hermione wakes up the second time, it's to an equally endearing sight. Fleur sits hunched, silhouette illustrated by the faint, storm dampened light that the window provides. Her blonde hair is stuck up at odd angles that would give Harry's unkempt mane a run for its money. Hermione smirks at the comparison and watches Fleur fondly. 


"Hehhh...hEKSTCH! ehTSH!" 


Fleur pitches forward with two half repressed sneezes. Looking back, she realizes that Hermione is already awake, and exhales heavily. 


"Good morning," she greets sluggishly, falling back to the mattress. Hermione smirks.


"Good morning," 


Fleur groans at Hermione's overly-cheery tone and smirk. 


"I am not sick," 


Fleur protests, to little avail. Hermione merely hums in response, as she ignores Fleur's hard glare to inspect the other girl. 

Other than half lidded eyes, and a slightly pink nose, she doesn't see much that would indicate that Fleur is really sick. 


Her lack of results must be evident, because her furrowed brow is met by a triumphant "I told you so!" And an all too enthusiastic Fleur. Rolling her eyes, Hermione accepts Fleur's quick kiss as the blonde, newly energized by being 'proven' correct, practically leaps out of bed and begins to dress.


"Going somewhere?"


Hermione grins lazily at Fleur as she selects an outfit. Having chosen some sort of knit top and what looked like gray leggings (or pants? Hermione couldn't quite tell), Fleur turns around, eyes sparkling.


"Breakfast, mon amie-if we are there soon enough, we might be alone. Meet me down there in 20 minutes?"




True enough, 20 minutes later, Hermione finds the great hall all but empty, save a few exhausted looking students-who, on closer inspection, seem to be the handful of transfers from America or Hong Kong. 


Fleur is strategically seated in the far corner of the dining hall, poring over a newspaper. 


She looks up as Hermione sits down across from her, raising an eyebrow at the newspaper itself. 


"One of girls from ravenclaw, she gave this to me, as a, eh, special edition? It would be rude to not even look at it, no?"


Fleur holds out the paper, only for Hermione to snort and roll her eyes.


"Luna's nice enough, but the quibbler's rubbish. Look-the words don't even stay still."  she said, pointing at the letters that seemed to float and slide past one another on the page. 


Fleur erupts in surprised laughter, nearly dropping the quibbler into the other girl's porridge. After collecting herself, a solid minute later, Fleur wipes her eyes, and weakly holds back her amusement.


"That is intentional, 'ermione. I am, eh, dislexie."


Hermione flushes with embarrassment and finds a sudden interest in her porridge, mumbling semi-defensively. 


"'s not like...unusual...outlandish paper...supposed to know..."


Still chuckling, Fleur looks around before taking Hermione's hand in hers on the table. Hermione's cheeks remain flushed, though due to a different, more fond, type of 'embarrassment'.


"I don't suppose you still want to go to Hogsmeade today, correct?"


Fleur looks almost comically aghast at the suggestion.


"Do we not see the same weather, cherie? It is...épouvantable!"


As if to accentuate her point, another enchanted torrent of rain begins in earnest above them. 


"Would you like to join me in the library, then? I'm afraid my rainy day plans consist of exciting adventures such as "arithmancy homework" and "writing a potions essay.""


Fleur sighs, half jokingly.


"As...fun, as that sounds, if I am on campus today, Madame Maxime will surely find me for another...meeting." 


At this, Fleur sighs earnestly, looking away for a moment. The headmistress was nearly as disappointed in Fleur's performance in the first task as the 'champion' herself, which had manifested in regular instructional 'meetings'. These 'meetings' typically consisted a lengthy history of the glory of Beauxbatons and a lecture on how it was Fleur's duty to uphold the school's reputation.


Hermione winces sympathetically. 


"I guess I'll see you tomorrow in Arithmancy, then?"


Fleur nods and smiles in slight resignation. after getting up, she quickly presses two kisses to each of Hermione's cheeks, leaving her to blush furiously.


"À demain, 'Ermione." 


She calls playfully over her shoulder.


"À demain," 


Hermione eventually murmurs in response as she watches Fleur strut away.

Edited by SexyGodlikeHair
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  • 2 weeks later...


(Introducing a few original characters in this-they'll probably play a pretty minor role in this story, though. Feel free to picture them as you wish, though Arielle is based off of "Beauxbatons girl 2" (yes, really) from the wiki, and Arthur is modeled after a young James Duval. Also a bit of exposition/ "plot" in the first portion. Enjoy!)


Arithmancy , although it is Hermione's personal favorite, is not a particularly popular course. There are generally enough third year students to have their own class periods, but 4th and 5th students share a period of instruction, as do 6th and 7th years. In the cooperative spirit of the triwizard tournament, Beauxbatons and Durmstrang students shared the majority of classes with their 6th and 7th year peers. However, arithmancy was  offered at neither Beauxbatons nor Durmstrang; and the influx of students from both schools had practically doubled the class sizes. With the third year course deemed too rudimentary, and 6th/7th year course too advanced, the 4th/5th year arithmancy classes found themselves joined by visiting students 1-3 years their senior.


It was due to this unusual arrangement that Hermione came to know Fleur; initially, she was disdainful of Fleur's beauty and (apparent) arrogance. She, along with many of her female peers, had sneered and assumed that she was an airhead. This had been reinforced by her presence in a fourth and fifth year course. Hermione's disdain((((FIND SYNONYM)))) had lessened in part after observing Fleur's classroom persona: contrary to her behavior outside of class, in the classroom, she was a quiet, respectful, and focused student. She rarely asked questions, but Hermione saw her diligently taking notes every time she looked her way. Initially, she had feared that the popular girl's presence would be disruptive in the classroom, bringing unwelcome gossip and giggling into the otherwise serious class. Instead, she could probably count on one hand the amount of times she'd heard Fleur speak in class. the only instance Hermione could recall off hand was her asking a fifth year slytherin boy what kind of conditioner he used.


This afternoon, however, Fleur is no where to be found. The first half hour of the class passes without incident.


"Désolée, désolée!"


All heads turn simultaneously as three soaking beauxbatons students burst unceremoniously through the entrance of the classroom. Fleur stands shivering in the middle, flanked by a boy with almost shoulder length black hair and a brunette girl clutching a light gray scarf. The two are both incredibly attractive, and Hermione feels the slightest pang of jealousy before dismissing it.


"We are so sorr-"

"-left something in the carriage-"

"-trouble with a staircase-"




Professor Vector interrupts the three, all of whom are verbally tripping over one another in an attempt to explain their tardiness. Though considered one of the more "easy-going" professors, her patience seems to be thoroughly tried.


"15 points each from," the professor pauses,  before continuing.


"Well, no, I suppose that won't work here. Mr. Tran, Ms. Delacour, Ms. Aumont; you will all see me after class. Take your seats. Caldero ventus."


She casts a warm air spell in their direction, drying their robes. The three murmur their appreciation as they quickly find their seats. Hermione notes that Fleur's shivering has subsided, but not fully stopped.


"As I was saying- how many of you in here are at least partially muggle-born or raised?" 


A smattering of hands are raised. Hermione looks around as she raises her own, noting with surprise that the fifth year slytherin boy has as well. None of the durmstrang students raise their hand, and a few shift uncomfortably. 


Professor Vector scans the classrooms, seemingly making a quick assessment before clapping and announcing,


"Alright; this lesson we will cover what are known to muggles as logarithms, and apply this knowledge to the principle and practice of inverse exponentiation. As you may have already determined-"


A few students groan in anticipation,


"-much of your homework will be conducted in groups. Every group of six will have one to two students with knowledge of muggle technology. For example--Mr. Ndour, Ms. Granger, you will be working with Mr. Tran, Ms. Delacour, Ms. Aumont, and..." her eyes linger on a cluster of Durmstrang students.


"...Mr. Duchovny." 


Having selected a tall, tense looking durmstrang boy, professor Vector turns back to the class. "Does everyone understand?"


Hesitant nodding follows.


"Excellent. The remaining groups will be found-"

She waves her wand, and four more clusters of names appear on the board. "-here. Please meet with your group, and utilize the remainder of the period to arrange a meeting schedule and begin to research, using your textbooks."


Hermione sighs, as the classroom is filled with the sounds of students dragging their supplies out of their normal seats. Professor Vector, although an undoubtedly talented and knowledgeable woman, was fond of rather...unconventional teaching methods. Apparently motivated by the triwizard tournament (and increasing polarization amongst students) this was the second group project she had assigned that semester. Hermione would probably be a lot more put-off about this, she notes, if she were not paired yet again with Fleur. However, this preference is more for practical reasons than anything else. The fact that she was hardworking and diligent made projects more manageable for Hermione. 


She's joined by the slytherin and durmstrang boys as she sits down at the side of the table facing Fleur and her friends. There's an awkward silence, until one of the boys sighs and begins speaking.


"I'm Joshua Ndour; I'm a fifth year student at Hogwarts. I grew up in the US; my dad's a wizard from Senegal, and my mom's a muggle from America. My little sister is non-magical."


Hermione reluctantly follows.


"Um, hello, I'm Hermione Granger, and both my parents are muggle dentists in England."


The group looks expectantly at the uncomfortable boy to Hermione's left. He clears his throat, and introduces himself with a thick accent.


"I am Volya Duchovny, 6th year, Russian. Both parents are wizards."


The brunette girl beside Fleur begins without hesitation.


"Bonjour, my name is Arielle Aumont, I am in my seventh year; I am French and both my parents are magical."


Next up is Fleur, who hesitates- eyes narrowing curiously. She pitches forward with two rapid sneezes into her elbow. 


"hishhew! Hitchuh!"


Sniffing slightly, she continues.


"Désolée, sorry--My name is Fleur Delacour-"


The long haired boy snorts, as if to say "Really?", but she continues on.


"-I am in my seventh year at Beauxbatons, and my parents are both magical: my mother is half veela, and my grandmother is full-blooded veela."


The boy looks sideways at her questioningly, before following.


"I'm Arthur Tran-don't worry about the french pronunciation, I know you'll all just say Ar-thur anyway, that's fine. I'm in my seventh year at beauxbatons. My father's an American wizard, teaches at Ilvermorny in the states, and my mom's a French-Vietnamese witch." 


There's a brief period of silence where none of them move to do anything. Joshua is the first to open his book, and everyone else follows. 


"Page 124, right?" 


Arielle leans closer to Fleur and asks. Hermione tries to stay focused on the page in front of her. 

Fleur nods absentmindedly. She is engrossed in her own reading. A few minutes later, she breaks the silence.


"'Ermione, Joshua--'ave you ever used a....calculator?" 


Fleur asks, trying to keep her curiosity in check. 


Hermione bites her lip and looks sideways at Joshua--he too is trying to hold back laughter. The question was asked so earnestly, she might as well have just asked if they'd ever ridden a dragon. She clears her throat, in an attempt to seem ess amused, but can't help but smile as she answers.


"Uh, yeah-yeah, I have. Joshua?"


Joshua tries and fails to open his mouth without laughing, which only starts Hermione on an embarrassing fit of giggling. She sees Fleur flush and huff, clearly embarrassed and annoyed.


"Yeah-no, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-it's just-"


"-they're pretty common. It was just funny; we're not laughing at, you, I promise." 


Hermione nods, but still looks apologetic. 


"Wait, really?"


Arthur and Arielle looks up from their. textbooks, intrigued. Volya watches them hesitantly.


"And they can do all it says in the books? Sums, and figures, and statistics? Just like that?"


Arielle asks, clearly in awe.


"And more, actually, yeah. They're quite useful."


Hermione responds, amused yet willing to explain. 


Volya leans in-


"And they are not magic?"


Hermione and Joshua both shake their heads in the negative. They spend the better part of the remaining class time explaining and describing calculators to their group mates. They spend the last few minutes arranging their meeting schedule. Hermione trails behind Joshua and Volya, who are making halting conversation on their way to what she assumes are the slytherin dorms. Lingering by the door, she waits for Fleur to emerge from the closed door. 


When she does emerge, she barely spares a glance at Hermione, and continues forward. 


"Hey, wait up!"


Fleur and her friends halt in their tracks, and look back at Hermione, who's walking quickly towards them. Arthur and Arielle look curious, and perhaps surprised, but Fleur's eyes challenge Hermione to say anymore. 


Seemingly unperturbed, Hermione continues on. Her feet carry her ahead of her mind, and as she catches up, she realizes she has no idea what she is going to say. "I was...uh, wondering if you could help me with my History of Magic homework? We're going over the french resistance, and..."


"You are a smart girl, I'm sure you can figure it out."


Fleur replies dismissively. Hermione's jaw clenches--as does Arthur's, whose eyes narrow into a glare at Fleur. Arielle gasps, and smacks Fleur's arm, to both Fleur and Hermione's surprise.


"Arrêtes, tu chienne!"


She hisses forcefully in french. Fleur turns so that her back is no longer facing Hermione, but does not look her in the eye. 


"She'd love to help." Arthur says, his reassuring smile not quite reaching his eyes. He and Arielle quickly walk off, leaving Fleur, who is caught somewhere in between irritation and embarrassment. She avoids eye contact, but follows as Hermione stomps into an abandoned corridor. 


"You know, you really don't have to be such a...a brat!" 


Hermione angrily half-whispers. Fleur shifts uncomfortably. She wipes her nose quickly before speaking. 


"I'm...sorry. I was-embarrassed and uncombfortable and I amb sorry for taking it out at you."


Fleur looks up and meets Hermione's eyes for the first time since Arithmancy. Her pleading blue eyes contrast noticeably with her pink, sore looking nose. Hermione pauses a moment before sighing and stepping forward. She looks around quickly before pulling Fleur into a hug, which the other girl all but sinks into. Hermione rubs her back gently, before pulling back and offering her hand. 


"Come on, let's go to the common room to warm up; it's cleared up considerably outside, I doubt anyone will be inside. I can even explain more about calculators, if you'd like."


Fleur sighs exaggeratedly but smiles. She brushes off Hermione's proffered hand apologetically.


"You with your muggle joking. How am I the brat, when you are mocking me?"




The common room is empty, as predicted. Hermione sits down on a plush crimson couch close to the fireplace. Fleur, instead of sitting beside her as predicted, dramatically slumps down onto the couch, laying her head in the other girl's lap and shifting to make herself comfortable. Hermione watches fondly as the other girl curls up, looking almost feline. She runs her fingers through Fleur's hair. 


"You're still a brat, you know. I'm just letting you off easy because you're ill."


She teases fondly, looking down at the mess of blonde hair in her lap. Fleur harrumphes indignantly.


"I am ndot-"


She's interrupted by a few weak coughs, counteracting whatever protest she was about to attempt. Hermione winces when she continues in a hoarse voice. "-I am dnot really sick. It is just the cold." Fleur insists. Hermione hmms acquiescently.


"Whatever you say."


Fleur doesn't respond. She seems more content to lounge on the couch than hold any sort of meaningful discussion. Hermione moves to grab a book from her bag, which lies just out of reach, eliciting a few discontented groans from Fleur. Laughing, she quickly moves back into place, book now in hand. 


The relative silence is tempered by the crackling of the common room's fire and the sound of Fleur's congested breathing. Hermione notes this, but makes no attempt to acknowledge it. She's two chapters in to 'A Perambulation of Kent' when Fleur starts to shift. 


"HuTSCHEW! IttshEWW! HnttschIGH!"


Fleur brings her arm up above her face to cover the emphatic, wet sneezes.  She moves to sit up, but is interrupted by a fourth. "Hehhh...HEH-HETCHXIH!" Half sitting, half laying, Fleur sneezes uncovered, facing away from Hermione. It sounds significantly rougher than the others, Hermione notes with a sympathetic grimace. The blonde falls back before moving to sit up again.  


"Imb so sorry-" she apologizes, voice thick with congestion. The blonde witch pulls out her handkerchief while her companion watches with concern. She blows her nose quickly before standing up reluctantly.


"I think...I should probably go back to my room in the Ravenclaw tower."


Hermione stands as well, moving closer so that she's face to face with Fleur; her crystal blue eyes are watery, and her nose is visibly inflamed and sore. The concerned gryffindor brushes a lock of blonde hair from the other girl's face.


"I agree - you should get to bed and get some sleep. I'll bring you some soup and a pepper-up potion after dinner."


Hermione says decisively. Fleur rolls her eyes, but starts to gather her things nonetheless.


"Oui, maman; maybe I should also put my feet in a bucket of warm water? And drink only orange juice, non?"


Her reply is caustic-at the moment, she feels more patronized than playful. In the back of her mind, Fleur realizes that Hermione is being caring. Yet her pride is wounded. She glides past the frowning brunette, who calls after her frustratedly as the blonde is passing the portrait of the fat lady. 


"There's no need to be such an arrogant-"


Hermione falters as she realizes that someone else stands inside the entranceway. Someone that likely just observed a fraction, if not more, of their lover's quarrel. 



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On 11/14/2017 at 11:53 PM, PropertyofCora said:

Oh yay!!!  This is actually one of my favorite HP pairings.  I love what you've done so far.

Thank you so much!!! It's definitely become one of my favorite HP pairings as well.

On 9/26/2017 at 9:58 PM, JQLovesSneezes said:

I really like this first part! :inlove: I've never read this pairing before, but I'm always up for new f/f pairings, and I really like how you write them. :) I think your present tense is working really well, but I'll read whichever way you choose. ^_^

Thank you! I really appreciate the feedback, and I'm definitely the same with f/f pairings - honestly sign me up for just about any. Always glad to create more fleurmione shippers!

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  • 2 weeks later...

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