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I’m back for the millionth time, but these ideas are eating at my brain so I’m just gonna share this with everyone:)


warning for language


FYI The italicized speech is Sam’s speech.


Incoming Message from Sam


How’re you doing?


Im fine Sam.


U sure?


Why don’t you fucking come and see.




Don’t ask me to understand. You left us.


Not you, Dad. He and I would’ve only fought more. I had to leave.






What happened?


Nothing I’m fine.




You don’t really want to know.


I do.


Was cleaning myself up.


From what?


It’s gross...


Just tell me.


Sneezed. Mess everywhere. Freakin disgusting.




Bless you?


Yeah, thanks.


Well are you feeling better?


Don’t worry about it.


Dean you were the one who texted me about being sick yesterday.


I’m just coughing and sneezing a bunch. That’s all.


I’m fine.


Did u take anything?


No. No fever, just a cold...one sec.


What? Why?


Sorry. Had to sneeze again.






R u tired at all?


Not really. Besides, I’m sneezing too much to sleep.


Maybe you should take a decongestant.


Nah. Nose just itches. Little stuffy but okay for now.


Maybe I can call Dad to go back and stay with you.




Hes gonna b mad if u do that. Ugh gimme another sec.


More sneezing?


I’ll take your silence as a yes...bless u.


Wow. Still sneezing?


Sorry again. Nose wouldn’t quit.


How many?


How many what?






How many sneezes? 


Umm 8 Y?


We used to play that game when we were sick...whoever sneezed more got to sit in the front seat of the impala the next time we drove somewhere.


Ohhh. I remember. I was great at that.


I don’t think that’s a good thing...


So r u sick too then?


Well, allergic, but I sneezed 13 times at lunch time.




Well bless you 13 times.


Bless you 8 times.


We’re weird...




Anyway...Try to sleep. I have to go, I’ll text u l8tr.


Kay bitch.


Bye jerk.



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29 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Sorry. Had to sneeze again.

Oh. My. God.


29 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Sorry again. Nose wouldn’t quit.

It. Got. Better????


29 minutes ago, jensdw said:

How many sneezes? 


Umm 8 Y?

Oh my God you're killing me XD. 

Interesting way of formatting the story. I like how it's set over Sam's time in Stanford. And please, never stop writing! (as long as you want to)


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10 hours ago, iluvemojis said:
10 hours ago, jensdw said:

Sorry. Had to sneeze again.

Oh. My. God.


10 hours ago, jensdw said:

Sorry again. Nose wouldn’t quit.

It. Got. Better????


10 hours ago, jensdw said:

How many sneezes? 


Umm 8 Y?

Oh my God you're killing me XD. 

Interesting way of formatting the story. I like how it's set over Sam's time in Stanford. And please, never stop writing! (as long as you want to)


:DYou have no idea how happy your comment made me, thank you soooo much!! :) You have convinced me to continue to write more(Not that it took much):sweatdrop:

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9 hours ago, Shikee12.haley said:

It's weirdly cute but in a really adorable way I suppose...that didn't make sense but...yeah anyway continue this please

:DThank you! I have to be honest, I didn’t plan on continuing. With the way I formatted this story, I think I’m going to leave it a one part thing, but maybe I will write a new story similar to this one? 

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13 hours ago, Shikee12.haley said:

Well maybe an actual phone call would be a nice idea it'll also make Sam cringe yet concerned about Dean...mixed feels

Hmm, I’ll think about, the only thing stopping me is that I think it’s been done before, but I will take up the challenge and make mine completely different...(I’ll try, anyway)

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13 hours ago, Shikee12.haley said:

Well maybe an actual phone call would be a nice idea it'll also make Sam cringe yet concerned about Dean...mixed feels

I actually ended up putting one in my on going drabble thread since it’s a little short. I hope you like it. :D

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