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Rick Sick Fic 2? (Rick and Morty, Rick/Bird Person)


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The green portal swirled to life, sending a soaked Rick and equally drenched Morty tumbling to the living room floor. Rick coughed, spitting out what looked to be a leaf. 
    Morty gasped for air. “Oh my god- we- we nearly died.”
    “Yep.” Rick spluttered. “The brochure wasn't lying when it said the planet is subject to sudden and violent flash floods.”
    “I’m never going swimming again.” Morty shivered and stood up. “I’ll go get some towels before mom notices that we tracked mud everywhere.” He hurried up the stairs. 
    Rick let out a few congested coughs. He thought nothing of it, assuming that there was still water, and probably mud, in his lungs. He peeled off his dripping lab coat, letting it drop to the floor. 
    Damn, its cold in here. He thought. 
    He felt a sharp tickle in his nose. He sniffled. Nostrils flaring, he tilted his head back slightly, letting his mouth drop open. “AAAKKKSHHHUH!” He sneezed openly, pitching forward. 
    “Bless you.” Morty stood at the bottom of the stairs, two towels in hand. 
    Rick felt his cheeks grow warm. He didn't say anything as Morty tossed him a towel. Before he could think of something to talk about, he felt the same tickle growing in his nose. S**t.
    He turned away, hoping that Morty wouldn't see his expression begin to get desperate. He rubbed at his nose with his knuckles, hoping that it would help. It didn’t. This sneeze was coming whether he liked it or not. He shut his eyes, feeling his face go slack, and hoping that Morty wasn't staring. Maybe he’d try to stifle this one? 
    Hell no. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. He told himself. 
    But as his breath hitched, Rick found himself quickly clamping his fingers over his nose. “HPTCHHhh!” He sighed and rubbed his nose, wiping a bit of moisture on his pants. 
    “Bless you.” 
    Rick tried to swallow the uncomfortable feeling in his throat. Why should he be embarrassed? Even in his present state Rick was certain that he was far less pathetic than Morty was on a daily basis. 
    “Are you getting sick?” Morty asked. 
    “Huh? No. I’m fine.” He winced at the raspy sound of his voice and tried to clear his throat as quietly as possible. 
    Morty looked concerned. “You look kinda… pink- uh, feverish? Maybe you should go lie down.”
    “I don’t need to lie down. I’m fine.” The words came out more defensively than he would have liked. 
    Morty didn't respond, leaving Rick to glare at him. He tried to look firm but his expression quickly broke as he pitched into a violent coughing fit. 
    “Woah,” Morty took a step forward and grabbed his grandfather’s arm to steady him. 
    Rick pulled away, “What the hell are you doing?”
    “I- I was just trying to help.”
    “I don’t need your help.” 
    Morty looked hurt. His expression turned into one of anger. “Would you stop being so stubborn? You're sick! Just grow up and admit it! Why won’t you let people help you once in a while?”
    Rick tried not to let his surprise show. 
    “You know what Rick? You- you're really good at driving people away. But one day you're going to turn around and be all alone and you’re going to wish that you had been a less of a d**k to the people who actually cared about you.” His voice wavered. “You don’t need anyone but yourself, huh? Then go- go- go fly off in your spaceship and go drink and pat yourself on the back for achieving your goal of pushing everyone else away.”
    Blinking, Rick watched Morty stomp up the stairs. He hadn’t expected that. Where the hell did that come from? Whatever. The little s**t doesn't know what he’s talking about. He wants me gone? Can do. 
    Rick went into the garage, hopped in his ship, and within minutes was a galaxy away. He parked at a sleazy extraterrestrial motel and got himself a room. He settled down on the bed, alone. Being alone was what Rick did best. 

____________________________________________________________________________Two Days Later________________________________________________________________________________________

        “AAKKKSHHHUHH!” Rick barely had time to catch his breath from the sneeze before he plummeted into a fit of coughing that left him gasping for air. He wiped snot off his lip with the back of his hand. The world tipped slightly before Rick was able to breathe again. He squinted his eyes shut, feeling like he was freezing and on fire at the same time.  
    He was really sick. Rick had spent the last 36 hours trying to convince himself that he didn't need help. But now, convinced that he’d drown in his own mucus, he decided that help was necessary. He slowly ambled to his ship. Every move ached and left him shivering. He turned the key and pulled out of the motel parking lot. 


*Knock knock knock*
    The faint knocking at the door would've been inaudible to a human, but, fortunately bird people had more acute hearing. 
    Bird person flipped off the T.V. and went to answer the door. As it swung open, he lunged forward to catch the unconscious body of his friend, Rick Sanchez. He stood there for a moment, propping Rick up, eyes wide, unsure of what to do. 

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Here is part two :)

Rick felt himself slowly drift back into consciousness. Rick didn't open his eyes, afraid that it would only make his pounding headache worse. He could feel himself lying down in some sort of straw bed, tucked in all the way to his shoulders. There was something cold on his forehead- a cool towel maybe? Whatever it was it felt nice. As Rick began to fully come to he noticed that there was also some sort of instrument sticking out of his mouth. What the h**l?
    Rick turned his head and spit out the foreign object. He opened his eyes to see Birdperson reaching down from his chair to pick up the fallen thermometer. He examined its reading. 
    “Rick, this is Bird Person, your companion. Are you conscious?”
    Rick squinted at him. “What? Yes, of course I’m conscious.” His voice was barely audible as he launched into a sudden coughing fit. 
    Bird Person raised his eyebrows, “My apologies. The past three times I had believed you to be awake, you were delusional and murmured feverishly for a few minutes before falling back asleep.”         
    Rick hoped that his fever hid the fact that his cheeks had grown warm. He cleared his throat painfully. “W-what did I say?”
    “From what I gathered, your delusions surrounded the topics of Mulan Szechuan sauce, the concept of multi-dimensional travel, and your grandson, Morty.” Bird Person leaned forward to take the now-warm towel from Rick’s forehead and dip it in the bowl of cold water sitting on the nest-side table.  
    Rick remembered now; the fight with Morty, the crappy motel, arriving at Bird Person’s doorstep. He couldn't help feeling a little guilty about his conversation with Morty earlier that week. 
    Rick snuffled thickly and rubbed his nose with his knuckles. “Hey Bird Pers, uh- thanks for taking ca- uh- thanks, but I should get going.” He moved to sit up, but before he could kick the covers off, he felt Bird Person’s firm hand press him back into bed. 
    “Rick, I cannot allow you to leave. You are far too ill. Even if you could pilot your ship home, aren’t you concerned about spreading this virus to your family?”
    Rick suddenly had a sense of deja vu. Had they been through this before? He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could get any words out a sudden sneeze overtook him. “AACKKKSHHHhhuh!” 
    Bird Person’s serious expression didn't falter as he used a wing to wipe the moisture from his chest. 
    Rick winced, “S**t. I- uh-.”
    “Rabadootar- I mean, Gesundheit.” Bird Person quickly handed him tissue from a box sitting on the nest-side table. 
    Rick used it to wipe his irritated nose. Despite his congestion, he refused to blow. For some reason, unknown to him, the thought of blowing his nose in front of anyone made him uncomfortable. He sniffled harshly but the sneezy sensation wouldn't go away. Squinting his eyes shut, Rick quickly pressed the tissue over his nose and mouth. His breath hitched suddenly and- 
    He kept his watering eyes shut for a moment. He was suddenly glad that he had the tissue as he blew his nose with a loud gurgle. That would’ve been messy. He brought his gaze back to Bird Person who was still sitting in exactly the same position. 
    “Gesundheit. Should I continue to explain you are not fit to return home?”
    Rick swallowed and shook his head, averting his eyes from Bird Person’s stare.
    “Good. Get some rest. I shall wake you when dinner is ready.”
    Rick waited for Bird Person to leave before settling back into the covers. Within moments, he was asleep. 

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Yes! Yes! I'm so glad there's a part 2! 

I hope this doesn't sound strange, but I really like how you spell out Rick's sneezes. I can hear them perfectly in my head, in his voice. 😳

You write them both very well. I hope there is more, but if this is the end, great job!

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