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Attention (SPN, Sam, Dean)


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Oh gosh I'm back again...but I won't talk, I'll just get right to the story...




Takes place soon after Bobby's death


Dean opens his tired eyes for the fifth time tonight. First Sam had woken him up with his coughing, and the second time sneezing. The third time, he wasn't entirely sure why he was awake, but his eyes were open anyway. The fourth time he woke up to Sam over him, holding a destroyed tissue to his pink nose and giving Dean pleading eyes. He was cold and wanted an extra blanket. Dean wasn't feeling too hot himself and wanted his blanket, so he invited Sam to sleep with him in his bed instead.


This time, he knows he is awake because of a loud noise, but all he sees is Sam resting beside him and the red numbers on the alarm clock. His head is stuffy and his throat burns when he tries to swallow. He knew he would most likely wake up sick when he went to bed the previous night, but surprise, surprise, didn't tell Sam. Sam who's snoring really loudly and talking a bit in his sleep. 


"Ndo, Dean, n-no," Sam's speech is muffled by his pillow.


Now Dean realizes what he woke up too. Sam's shouts. Another nightmare. And Dean's sure of it when he sees a tear slip from his brother's closed eyes. 


"Dean!" Sam's voice is louder this time, so Dean shakes his brother. 


"Sammy, it's only a dream. Open your eyes for me, Sam."


After a few more words from Dean, Sam opens his eyes and sits up. His face is in front of Dean's, holding a vacant look. 


"Sammy what's wrong," Dean asks and puts a hand on his shoulder.




Right in Dean's face.


Dean grimaces and grabs a handful of tissues for himself and Sam. "Gesundheit," Dean says, but the tone of his voice says something else.


"Oh God, I'mb sorry," Sam says when he begins to realize what had just occurred. "Ugh, hheh...hhh..."


"Use your tissue, Sammy." Dean pushes the hand that's holding the tissue towards Sam's face.




"Bless you," Dean says with a sigh. "How 'bout we get you in the shower, huh?" He suggests.


"Yeah, okay..." Sam nods slowly.


Dean helps him up and brings him to the bathroom. Sam doesn't feel too warm, so Dean hopes he's able to shower himself. 


"You gonna be okay in there, buddy?" Dean gives Sam a small smile.


"Mhm, I'mb okay."


Okay, good.


Dean shuts the door and sits down on his bed with a sigh. Things had been pretty difficult lately after Bobby and the boys thought taking a case would be good for them. Sam had been sick for days before Dean noticed, and when Dean did notice was when Sam passed out from a high fever. Dean had been so wrapped up in his own grief with Bobby that he hadn't payed a bit of attention to Sam.


Dean can hear Sam coughing through the door. He puts his head in his hands. If he'd missed this, what else doesn't he know?


"hitNGKTsheww!" Dean painfully stifles the sneeze into his fist. He just wants to be sick, but he has Sam to take care of. It would have to wait.



To be continued(?)

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On my goodness yes you have to continue! Loved every sentence of it and I can't wait for another part! This is probably one of my favorite SPN stories that I've read.

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9 hours ago, iluvemojis said:

I said I wasn't going to resort to begging, but preeeeeeetty please continue this? I love denial!Dean. 

Mm, I love him too, I just hope I’m writing him well. :D

7 hours ago, Wolfwings22 said:

On my goodness yes you have to continue! Loved every sentence of it and I can't wait for another part! This is probably one of my favorite SPN stories that I've read.

Thank you! :heart: 


Well, that being said, off I go...


By the time the sun comes out, Dean is officially feeling lousy and Sam is knocked out in his bed.


Dean stares at the ceiling for a while, doing his best to ignore the roughness in his throat and more difficultly the tickling sensation in the back of his sinuses. 


All he can do is think about everything going on right now. Sam only seems to be getting worse which shows where Dean is probably headed, but more importantly, Dean cannot be hopped up on meds or delusional with a fever and still take care of Sam. Even a cold is a life and death situation with the Winchesters.


Dean sits up and rubs his nose roughly with his palm. The itch continues to work it’s way throughout his nose. He grabs a tissue from the nightstand between their beds and softly blows. It has no effect, other than making him sniffle continuously. 




He knows how loud his sneezes could potentially be, and Sam’s sleeping, so ignoring the fact that it’s the middle of the winter, Dean jogs outside into the frosty morning air.


He shuts the door carefully and stares at the cars that speed by across the street. 




His eyes squint and begin to water. He sniffles and rubs his nose again.




His nostrils flare in aggravation. Of course now he won’t sneeze. 


“Uhhh....hhhuh...Ugh.” He loses it for a second, before the tickle rushes back with vengeance.




Realizing he left the tissues inside, Dean cups a hand over his nose and reaches for the door knob.


He twists it a few times, but it’s locked. And he didn’t bring a key.




Dean takes a seat on the chair in front of the motel room window and snuffles. With no other options, he wipes his nose and hand on his sleeve.


Dean sits in the chair, letting Sam get more sleep before he would wake him up for the day by pounding on the door. Dean coughs lightly into a fist and sniffles. He’s beggining to feel the cold air on his skin and his nose is turning a reddish color. 


His freckles are very visible on his pale complexion and his green eyes are red and blood shot. 




It’s gonna be a long morning.




When Sam wakes up, the first thing he notices is that he’s all alone. Dean’s shoes are still inside, and he’s not in the bathroom, so his couldn’t have gone far.


hupKSSSHCH!” Sam sneezes messily into his sleeve.


He looks out the window and sees the back of Dean’s head.


What’s the idiot doing outside?


Sam bursts through the door and goes to say something to Dean, but his nose is attacked by the cold air.




Dean jumps at the noise. “Oh thagk god you’re awake. ‘Mb freezid’ out here.” He shivers.


”Why the hell are you out here id the first place?” Sam shakes his head.


”I Uh, I wadted to uh...I ndeeded the fresh air, and thend I got locked out.” Dean shrugs, happy with himself for coming up with a cover story.


”Combe idside, would ya,” Sam says and motions towards the door. 


The boys are eluded in warmth once they step inside.


”You sound pretty codgested, you feeligg okay?” Sam coughs.


”Fide, s’ just the cold air. How’re you feelid, Sam?”


”Better...” Is all he says.


”G-good. Hehh...”






”Umb, bless you...” Sam offers, suspiciously.


Dean blows his nose and tosses the tissue.


”Thanks. Now, I’m gonna go get some food. Want anything?”


”Ndo thagks.”


”Kay. See ya.” Dean says.


Great. Dean’s sick too.



I’m thinking one more part?

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Oh! I think it certainly needs at least another part. Love that Dean got locked out in the cold and decided to stay so he wouldn't wake Sam. That can't be very good for poor sick Dean, can it? Please please say that it isn't! :mf_dribble:

I also really like the congested speech in your stories. :inlove:

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1 hour ago, helyzelle said:

Oh! I think it certainly needs at least another part. Love that Dean got locked out in the cold and decided to stay so he wouldn't wake Sam. That can't be very good for poor sick Dean, can it? Please please say that it isn't! :mf_dribble:

Definitely not!! He better watch out or he could get a fever or an itchy nose;) 

1 hour ago, helyzelle said:

I also really like the congested speech in your stories. :inlove:

Thank you! I always worry about whether its legible or not, I'm hoping its okay. 

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1 minute ago, jensdw said:

Definitely not!! He better watch out or he could get a fever or an itchy nose;)

Oh no! We don't want that, do we? Wait...  yes we do!! :yes:

3 minutes ago, jensdw said:

Thank you! I always worry about whether its legible or not, I'm hoping its okay. 

Uhm... I may just like it more the less legible it is. :blush: But, you know, just happy it's there at all! It's certainly not illegible :)

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Just now, helyzelle said:

Oh no! We don't want that, do we? Wait...  yes we do!! :yes:

Poor, poor Dean, lucky, lucky us. :whistle2:

Just now, helyzelle said:

Uhm... I may just like it more the less legible it is. :blush: But, you know, just happy it's there at all! It's certainly not illegible :)

Thank you, that helps, I like to know my audience;)


I don't know, but I have this crazy feeling that Dean is going to be very congested after being in the cold for all of that time. :shifty:

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Really? :sleepy:

Ok, I'll just sit still here and wait patiently. :bounce: 

(But you know not everyone likes it, some people will skip reading if it takes effort to decipher the dialogue)

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58 minutes ago, helyzelle said:

Really? :sleepy:

Ok, I'll just sit still here and wait patiently. :bounce: 

(But you know not everyone likes it, some people will skip reading if it takes effort to decipher the dialogue)

Indeed. I think I'll make it a little in between (for lack of a better word)

And I think I'll start now.


Here's the last part, thanks everyone for reading!




 When Sam wakes up, Dean is eating at the table across from his bed. He's not looking too good, and Sam's pretty much figured out that his brother is sick. He won't say anything just yet, he'll let Dean stew in his own juices a while.


"Welcombe to the land of the livi'g, sleepi'g beauty," Dean says with a smirk.


"Mb, hey." Sam sniffs. Dean sounds awfully congested already.


How long has he been sick?


"I got you s-sombe of your rahhh...rabbit f-food...EKKSCHSHHeww!"


"Bless you. I'mb still ndot hungry, but thagks." Sam lets out a breath and moves over to where Dean's sitting. "What're you doing over here adyway?"


"Just research. Garth called add asked for sombe help with a case, he just ndeeds to figure out how to gank the bitch. hitKKSHSSHCHEW! Ugh." Dean smothers a cough into his shoulder. 


"Gotcha. I cad help. What exactly is he hudting?"


"Sombethigg called a Baku...?"


"Ndever herd of it." Sam shrugs.


"Does'dt mbatter adyway. You're too sick to help." Dean shakes his head.


"I'mb fide, Deand."


"Really? I cand barely uddersta'd you," Dean says with his eyebrows raised.


"You cad't udderstand mbe? Deand, have you heard your owd voice?" Sam rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.


"What? I'mb ndot eved sick Samb." Dean says. 


Dean knows he sounds like crap, though. Garth had pointed it out to him over the phone. It was just a matter of time until his voice would be gone all together.


"Fide, who ever has the lower temberature cad research and do what they wadt. The other, cad rest." Sam suggests, knowing his own fever had gone down drastically. 


Dean huffs, "fide."


Sam gets out the thermometer while Dean pouts on his bed. He knows he's going to lose.


"I just took mide. Ndienty eight poidt seved." Sam announces.


"Good. Fever free." Dean smiles.


"Your turd." Sam holds the thermometer out to Dean.


"Great." Dean sighs and takes the tool from Sam.




"Dude, dod't talk with it id your mbouth." Sam shuses his brother.


"Buth Ihhh..." Dean's speech is slurred from the item in his mouth. "huhPBSHSchH!" The thermometer goes flying.


"Oh. Gesuddheit." Sam picks it up and wipes the tip on his jeans. "Onde oh onde poidt two," Sam says, not truly happy about Dean having a higher fever.


"Well 'mb ndot sick, you kdow. S' just warmb id here."


"Seriously Dean? Don't you think its a little too late to play that card?"


Dean shrugs.


"Okay, how about this; We both rest for today."


"KISSGCHSHeww! Ugh. Fide. But blow your ndose. I still cad't udersta'd you."


"You first jerk."


"Fide bitch."



LOL that was short and pretty much plotless, so sorry for that, but I guess I'll save the tears and heat break for next time. Maybe its just me, but I can't bring myself to torture the boys more than I already do. But I most likely will. Anyway I hope this was okay, sorry for the short ending, and thanks for reading. :heart:

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Haha, total denial from Dean and then more or less competing about who is the least sick. So funny! :laugh:

And very nice stuffiness from both boys, thanks! ;)

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1 hour ago, helyzelle said:

Haha, total denial from Dean and then more or less competing about who is the least sick. So funny! :laugh:

And very nice stuffiness from both boys, thanks! ;)

No thank you! Your comments mean more to me than you know, so thanks a lot! :)

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12 hours ago, iluvemojis said:

Two parts up already?! You spoil us. I really enjoyed this story! 

Thank you!!!

Also, you might’ve seen it already, but the third part is up Incase you’re interested. 

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You are spoiling me so much with all the spn fics lately! Thank you so much!! They are all so great, and this one is just... AHH Sammy. I can't. ♥ 

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4 hours ago, sneezy_frnk said:


You are spoiling me so much with all the spn fics lately! Thank you so much!! They are all so great, and this one is just... AHH Sammy. I can't. ♥ 


In a way, you’re spoiling me with all your wonderful comments, so thank you :heart:

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