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Oh Baby (SPN, Sam)


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So I’ve been writing and writing and it may be getting excessive, but I’m really just enjoying it, so if ya don’t mind, I think I’ll share another little story with you.:sweatdrop:



“You’re ndot serious, Dean,” Sam says with a serious frown on his face.


“Oh I’m serious, Sammy.” Dean has a smug look on his face. “You cannot come hunting with me, so just watch the freakin’ baby. He doesn’t have anyone else lookin’ our for him.”


“I’mb sick. I shouldn’t be around a baby,” Sam says and sniffles for emphasis.


“Oh, it’ll be fine.” Dean tosses a bag of diapers in Sam’s direction. “I’ll be back before you know it.”


“Yeah, s-sure...hhh’HESSSHCHHyeww!”


“Great. Bye now,” Dean says and slams the door behind him.


The baby looks up at Sam.


This is just great.


Well, he might as well take some medicine. He wouldn’t want to be coughing all over the baby or anything, so he takes a few pills.




After an hour, Sam’s still alone with this baby, and a little jacked up on drugs. That, and the fever, is making him...a little crazy...?


huhKSSHCHXCHuh! IKKSHHXXCHS! Ugh. God.” A snuffles and rubs a balled up tissue under his nose.


The baby coos and stares at Sam.


”Whatcha lookid’ at, Dean,” Sam says and points at the infant. “You're just a baby, Dean. Ndot mby big brother, just a little baby.” Sam giggles.


The baby’s green eyes follow him around the room and his freckled nose sticks up in the air. His light brown hair flops about with every movement.


But why would Sam even think this baby was his brother?


”huhKSSHSHSHCHXHSHH! Wow, s’cuse mbe.” Sam blows his reddening nose into a fresh tissue. 


He staggers over to the trashcan to discard the tissue when the baby starts crying. 


“Ugh. Combing.” Sam makes a pouty face and stomps over like a child.


The baby whales and Sam picks him up.


”Whahhh...what’s wrong? Huhh...” Sam tilts his head to the side, apparently aware enough that he should sneeze away from the baby. “HuhISSSHSHOO! hehITSHCCHDSSH! TSSHCHyew! TCHSHSHuhh!” He mists the air around him, hopefully missing the child. 


But the baby’s quiet now. Sam sits down with the baby in his arms. Pretty soon he’s asleep.




When Sam reopens his eyes, the baby’s gone.


”Deand! Deand!” He shouts, his voice hoarse. “HitTSSHSHCH!”


”Sam, I’m right here, okay,” Dean says and sits on the bed next to Sam.


”Ndo, I mbean the baby.”


Dean almost looks offended. “The baby’s fine. How do you feel?”


”Okay...I thigk the mbedicine is begidding to ware off.”


”Shouldn’t be...I’ve only been gone an hour and a half, assuming you took it after I left, it should be making you feel better. When I got back the baby was asleep on top of you, but I didn’t think it was so safe, so I moved him to the crib.”


”How is he?”


”Fine, Sam. Everyone’s fine.”


”I thigk he has a thing for sdeezing.” 


Dean raises his eyebrows. “Sam, he’s a baby.”


”He stopped crying after I sdeezed.”


”Yeah...maybe you need more sleep, Sammy.”




”Uh, gesundheit. Let’s get you to bed.”


”Wait.” Sam gets up and pears into the crib. “If this is you,” Sam points in the direction of the baby, “How’re you...here?”


”Sam, that baby is not me. How much medicine did you take?” Dean inspects the noticeably lighter bottle of pills.


”That Baby is you. He looks just like you.” Sam furrows his eyebrows.


”Sam that baby has blond hair and blue eyes.” 


“What? Ndo way...” Sam’s jaw is dropped in awe.


”Yes way. I think you should go back to bed now...”



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I DEFINITELY DON'T MIND PLEASE WRITE MORE! Sick Sam is my favorite thing eveeeer and this was so cute and funny and I loved it!!! 

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1 hour ago, sneezy_frnk said:

I DEFINITELY DON'T MIND PLEASE WRITE MORE! Sick Sam is my favorite thing eveeeer

Hmm, I don’t know if I can continue this story without ruining the plot...but sick Sam will definitely stick around! :yes:

1 hour ago, sneezy_frnk said:

and this was so cute and funny and I loved it!!! 

Thank you! :heart::D


Any sick Sam (or Dean) requests are welcome! 

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